
slickymasterknome, Unit193, https://code.launchpad.net/~ted-m-cox/xubuntu-docs/command-line-edits/+merge/206854/comments/48640000:00
Unit193knome: Someone else is fixing our mistakes, see?00:06
Unit193In case you didn't see, +1 to those.00:06
slickymasterwhy are you mumbling knome?00:07
knomei'm wondering how we should proceed00:07
knomea merge proposal with the old text would be easiest for me, but otoh, i can take care of reverting myself.00:07
knomeif you propose other stuff, you could propose to change it back with them00:07
knomeplease note i also updated the changelog (attributing the author), so you might want to drop that with your proposal00:08
slickymasterI lost you knome :P00:09
knomei'm here, nobody's lost, no panic00:10
slickymasteror at least lost your train of thoughtd00:10
knomeif you want it fixed, either:00:10
knome1) do a new merge proposal00:10
knome2) wait until you propose other things to do fix, and propose with those00:10
knome3) leave it to me00:10
slickymasterI'll go with door number two00:11
knomeif 1) or 2), please note that you need to edit the changelog as well (and drop the attribution)00:11
slickymasternow that's something you have to enlight me on, editing the changelog00:12
slickymasterhow do I go about doing it?00:12
knomeconsidering you have all the tools installed,00:12
knomein the branch root: dch -e00:12
knomethen edit the file, save and quit.00:13
knomethe format is pretty simple, and plenty of examples in the file below00:13
slickymasterI'll test it in Unit193's branch I pulled a while ago00:13
knometyping (LP: #BUGNUM) automatically marks bug released once a version with those strings is uploaded00:14
slickymasterhow, we've discussed this a few days back, haven't we knome?00:14
slickymasterI'm remembering it now00:15
knomepossible :)00:15
slickymasterok, let's opt then for door number two00:15
knomehehe, good00:15
knomeand whenever you do changes, feel free to edit the changelog accordingly00:15
knomethat's how you get attributed on the package-level00:16
slickymasterthe link in xubuntu.ent to xfdesktop has to be corrected, now that ochosi is porting the documentation to docs.xfce.org00:16
slickymasterso when that correction gets done, I'll also rollback that paragraph 00:17
knomenice, thanks00:17
knomeok, i'm off to sleep00:38
knomesee you tomorrow00:38
slickymastercy knome 00:39
slickymasterget better 00:39
ToZshould I create a bug report to suggest a cosmetic change to the xscreensaver unlock dialog (change is actually to /etc/skel/.Xdefaults from xubuntu-default-settings) to remove the white border?01:53
Unit193ToZ: Nope, because we won't be seeding it.01:53
ToZUnit193, what does that mean?01:53
Unit193Though, perhaps we should make it as nice for people that choose to?01:53
Unit193ToZ: We'll be using light-locker.01:54
Unit193Anywho, bluesabre can help, I've got to go.01:54
ToZUnit193, oh, okay. Thanks.01:54
bluesabrehey ToZ01:55
ToZhi bluesabre 01:55
ToZI forgot about the change to light-locker. sorry about that.01:55
bluesabrethat's cool01:55
bluesabrebut yeah, as of 14.04 we won't provide xscreensaver, so we also won't have any custom settings for it.01:56
bluesabrethough I am curious, what would the change be?01:56
ToZset "xscreensaver.Dialog.borderWidth:        0" - gets rid of the thick white border01:57
bluesabreah, that's a simple tidy fix :)02:02
ToZbluesabre, looks cleaner (though I know its subjective)02:04
bluesabreoh, I think most would agree02:04
NoskcajUnit193, I did xfdesktop yesterday, just updated my merge to be off the debian upload06:07
Noskcajclipman-plugin and xfdesktop are now updated07:03
ochosigreat Noskcaj 07:08
ochosimorning everyone07:11
elfyhi ochosi 07:12
ochosihey elfy 07:13
Noskcajevening ochosi 07:13
ochosiNoskcaj: thanks for taking care of so many uploads!07:13
pleia2at 17:00 is the CC catch up over in #ubuntu-meeting if anyone can make it07:13
pleia2(~10 hours from now)07:13
elfypleia2: if I'm back from work I will be there twice :)07:13
pleia2elfy: hehe07:14
ochosipleia2: sry, i'm kinda out of the loop wrt that, what's happening there exactly? or: why should i be there?07:14
elfyCC catch up ochosi 07:14
pleia2ochosi: mostly the CC just wants to check in with various teams each cycle to make sure everything is going ok07:14
ochosiah ok07:14
Noskcajochosi, I've been doing very little recently, and since my desktop(s) are brpken, i've not got many other things to do07:14
pleia2it's amazing how much mess is festering in some teams and we don't learn about it until we sit down and ask :)07:15
ochosipleia2: so what does the CC do in case there is trouble in a team?07:15
pleia2help in any way we can07:15
pleia2either by helping to fix what's wrong, or sitting down with disagreeable folks07:15
pleia2we have more connections and people listen to us when we ask for attention, so we can sometimes grease the wheels a bit07:16
* elfy can attest to it working with IS :p07:16
pleia2anyway, not sure I'll be able to make it, lost my grandmother this morning and I'm flying to LA tomorrow afternoon, am kind of out of sorts :(07:17
Noskcajpanel 4.11 uploaded07:18
ochosipleia2: i'm very sorry to hear07:19
ochosiNoskcaj: great, so what else is in the queue? gmusicbrowser, xfdesktop, indicator-plugin?07:21
Noskcajochosi, indicator and gmusicbrowser are the only ones un-uploaded now07:22
Noskcaj(both in queue)07:22
ochosiright, but xfdesktop4.11.3 also hasn't been done yet, has it?07:22
elfyochosi: seem to be missing icons for vbox and liferea since yesterday07:38
ochosielfy: virtualbox ships/installs their own icon in /usr/share/icons/hicolor07:38
ochosidon't know about liferea, never used that07:38
Noskcajochosi, been there, done that07:40
ochosiNoskcaj: woot? but it has only been released a few hrs ago07:41
NoskcajAbout a day ago. I work fast07:41
ochosiNoskcaj: where can i see what's in the queue again?07:41
elfyochosi: d'oh - I've not reinstalled them yet lol - I've been fighting back from this situation I got into yesterday ... http://imagebin.org/29448607:42
elfysorry for bothering you07:42
ochosielfy: no worries07:44
ochosiNoskcaj: it's currently shorter than i would've imagined07:45
Noskcajochosi, sync bugs get cleared within a day or two of being filed, a call for sponsoring was just made by dholbach to try and prep for FF too07:46
NoskcajThe highest i've seen was 90 packages, back in the christmas holidays07:47
ochosilet's hope the default-settings also get updated/done07:49
ochosiNoskcaj: since you said you're not overly busy, wanna get xubuntu-artwork ready?07:51
Noskcajochosi, Sure. Link(s) plz.07:51
ochosiNoskcaj: https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/trusty07:52
ochosithis was usually handled by pouit, so if there's something you need me to push, let me know07:52
Noskcajmight be worth setting up the bug tracker soonish07:54
elfyNoskcaj: thanks for what you're doing :)07:54
ochosihm, we should also add a kb-shortcut for whisker-menu as soon as the new default panel-config has landed07:59
NoskcajWhat do you want me to do for xubuntu-artwork? Check packaging and upload to sponsor queue?08:00
elfyochosi: any need now for me to bother with the gtk3 indicators from a qa perspective that you can think of?08:13
elfyif not I'll just wait for them to land08:14
ochosii think the latter should be ok08:15
elfyok thanks 08:15
ochosiNoskcaj: is there anything left we need to resolve now for gmusicbrowser, or was my comment in #u-devel enough?08:15
NoskcajSo you want to work on the patch/upstream before i merge?08:16
ochosinot really, i can take that as a workitem for T+1 though08:17
ochosioh, one more thing08:17
ochosiin case you think there's a chance we can sneak a resolution for this bug in as well... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gmusicbrowser/+bug/122380808:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1223808 in gmusicbrowser (Ubuntu) "gmbrc misses line to activate albuminfo-plugin" [Undecided,Expired]08:17
ochosisince in the merging you're touching the plugin-config in gmbrc as well08:18
ochosi(i've obviously tested the plugin in trusty and it works as expected, it's even in our default layout, it just doesn't display anything if we don't activate it in the gmbrc file)08:19
Noskcajok. so: re-merge, add extra patch, submit to sponsoring queue08:21
Noskcajochosi, The usr/share/icons/elementary-xfce/mimes/96/gnome-mime-application-x-java-archive symlink is broken08:27
Noskcajplus i'll have to fix d/copyright, extend the descriptions, and fix the maintainerscripts08:28
ochosii can fix that broken symlink in a few minutes08:28
Noskcajochosi, Do you know anything about fixing maintainer-script-should-not-use-update-alternatives-remove ?08:39
ochosisorry, not really08:40
NoskcajThen i guess i'll leave that issue there till someone else can fix it. I'l propose my small fix to a few things, then it should be upload-able08:42
ochosialready fixed that symlink upstream, will push it to trunk in a few secs08:42
Noskcajyep, i didn't fix that one. just d/copyright and d/control stuff08:43
ochosiok, just pushed rev256 which fixes the symlink08:44
NoskcajIf you can do my merge, i'll add this to the sponsoring queue tomorrow. I've got to make a bug for transmission then get off the computer08:45
NoskcajAnd indicator is now uploaded08:47
ochosigreat, will quickly merge08:51
ochosiNoskcaj: done (rev257)08:52
NoskcajI've sent an email to the debian maintainer for gmusicbrowser, hopefully he can look into it soon08:53
ochosiok, sounds good08:54
Noskcajoops, my d/copyright wasn't quite finished. I'm pushing the branch, but really have to go now09:12
ochosielfy: you around?09:49
ochosiany ppl around who can test stuff on trusty?09:49
ochosiif any of you testers can, please install the xubuntu-default-settings pkg from here in a clean vbox: http://people.canonical.com/~dholbach/tmp/xubuntu/10:38
ochosithen try to verify the patches from here worked: https://code.launchpad.net/~ochosi/xubuntu-default-settings/trusty-updates/+merge/20737610:38
slickymaster-jobmorning all10:55
knomehey slickymaster-job 10:58
slickymaster-jobhi knome, good morning10:58
knomegood day10:58
slickymaster-jobbluesabre2, ochosi, brainwash, here's my gift for you today -> bug 128250910:59
ubottubug 1282509 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_desktop_refresh()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128250910:59
ochosiyup, seems to be a bug in xfdesktop4.11.311:01
slickymaster-jobochosi: on a different subject11:01
slickymaster-jobso, is it your intention to replace all the screenshots (except the one regarding the background tab) in xfdesktop usage page?11:02
ochosino, why that?11:03
ochosithey're all up-to-date, what isnt are the screeners on the prefs page11:03
slickymaster-jobfollowing aour conversation last night, I got that impression11:03
slickymaster-jobah, those are the ones jjfrv8 did11:03
ochosiyup, they're all fine11:04
slickymaster-jobbut I can replace the ones in the prefs page11:04
slickymaster-jobthat's not a problem11:04
ochosiok, great11:04
ochosithanks a lot11:04
slickymaster-jobso, all of them but the one regarding the background tab, right?11:04
slickymaster-jobochosi: ^11:05
ochosiactually the one regarding the background tab is fuzzy11:06
ochosiso if you're  taking new screenshots, also replace that one if you can11:07
slickymaster-jobokie dokie, you'll have everything ready this afternoon ochosi 11:08
ochosigreat, thanks a lot!11:10
bluesabre2ochosi: so, that dholbach package is all the merge requests being push straight to the archive?11:11
ochosibluesabre2: yes11:13
ochosibut since he doesn't have a xubuntu testbox he wanted some of us to test it11:14
ochosi>1 person11:14
bluesabre2ok, I'll test it in a few11:14
bluesabre2on a fresh vm11:14
ochosii already successfully tested most of it11:15
ochosiapart from the live-package11:15
ochosigreat, thanks!11:15
ochosifeel free to reply directly to dholbach in #ubuntu-devel once you're done11:15
ochosihe's basically waiting for our ok to upload (well waiting as in: doing other stuff meanwhile)11:15
ochosiok, gotta go11:23
bluesabre2seeya ochosi11:23
bluesabre2ochosi, knome: so I think we should also update xubuntu-desktop with depends for the new packages we've added to the seed, right?11:49
knomebluesabre2, sounds fair12:03
bluesabre2ok, looks like its a script thats run by any person with upload rights12:15
bluesabre2micahg: if you get  a chance after the seed MRs and x-d-s MRs, could you also refresh xubuntu-meta?12:16
codfather A quick question about 14.04 - are there any plans to have a proxy settings tool with the network system settings app? It would save a whole pile of post install configuration if it was.12:45
codfather BTW - loving the new settings manager in 14.04 a real improvement over previous LTS version12:50
slickymaster-jobochosi: http://smdavis.us/doku/doku.php?id=xfdesktop-docs:preferences all the screenshots have been updated to xfdesktop 4.11 and also removed the new to not read "... new feature..."12:59
slickymaster-jobping me later on your feedback. I'm going to brag something to lunch ->13:00
knomecodfather, not that i know of13:06
elfyochosi: if I can get a vm to install and work properly I'll look later 13:29
elfyknome: no meeting tonight I assume 13:45
knomeno, didn't schedule one and most probably can't make it myself13:47
knomefeel free to have an impromptu one if enough people are around and there are things to discuss13:47
lderanelfy, I updated the list of autopilot apps on the wiki page, will be going through the ones that failed to see if i can get them to work to be sure.14:00
codfatherknome: Ok thanks for the info14:14
ochosicodfather: i don't even know of a good/easy dependency-less lightweight proxy-settings tool14:34
ochosii'm still hoping it'll be implemented in network-manager14:34
ochosislickymaster-job: thanks, i'll take a look14:34
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ochosislickymaster-job: hummm, lots of information in the background section is outdated... (no more imagelists, no more auto-mode, no more brightness/saturation sliders...)14:41
slickymaster-jobochosi: hmm, jjfrv8 must have written it with 4.10 in mind14:49
cyphermoxochosi: it5 will be in NM eventually, just needs someone to take the time to write it14:51
slickymaster-jobI haven't went through the text jjfrv8 wrote, but I'd imagine that it would be preferable for him to rewrite it for 4.12, unless you really need it done now14:52
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ochosicyphermox: well, good to know!15:27
ochosislickymaster-job: sure, no problem. i'll either wait for his reply or take a look at it myself15:28
slickymaster-jobalright let's wait for his two cents :)15:28
brainwashwow, everything has landed in trusty before FF15:30
brainwashgood job15:30
schproodle_ubiquity crashed on Xubuntu i386 and amd64.  Does the automatic bug report that appeared to be sent  enough?  Should I do something else?15:32
schproodle_Daily Xubuntu trusty that is.15:33
schproodle_Just wait for tomorrow's daily then.15:34
ochosibrainwash: the seed hasnt been updated yet15:42
codfatherochosi: Here is one I came across http://code.google.com/p/ubproxy while searching for xubuntu proxy settings16:29
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cmarshi, i'm running latest trusty and occasionally the desktop goes all "zoomed in". anyone seen this? how/where should I open a bug?17:37
cmarsit almost seems like an accessibility zoom feature. the resolution doesn't show a change in the control-panel when it changes, either.17:38
brainwashcmars: see http://git.xfce.org/xfce/xfwm4/commit/?id=e7da725aab39018f54383dc6e8a64eccd879303517:48
cmarsbrainwash, thanks, that might be it. my touchpad is really sensitive, and it might be picking up a scroll when i'm alt-tabbing or something17:49
brainwashit's a hidden feature as of now I think17:50
cmarsbrainwash, is there a way to turn it off?17:50
brainwashali1234 might know17:50
brainwashdisabling the builtin compositor (settings manager > window manager tweaks > last tab) is one way to get rid of it17:52
brainwashcmars: so you can discuss this with the actual coder ali1234 or file a bug report on the Xfce bug tracker against xfwm17:56
cmarsbrainwash, thanks!17:56
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* elfy seems to have the gtk3 indicators now \o/18:57
slickymaster-jobhey Noskcaj 18:57
Unit193Purge -gtk2 ones then.18:58
Noskcajhey slickymaster-job 18:58
slickymaster-jobNoskcaj: do you think you can Triaged bug 1282509?18:58
ubottubug 1282509 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_desktop_refresh()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128250918:58
slickymaster-jobhi ubottu 18:58
* slickymaster-job meant to say hi Unit193 18:58
Unit193Mhmm, suuure you did.18:59
* slickymaster-job wasn't implying that Unit193 is a bot18:59
NoskcajUnit193, ubottu, pretty much the same thing18:59
jjfrv8-workochosi, I can take a crack at fixing xfdesktop Preferences. I might not be able to finish it, though, before the wee hours UTC of Saturday.19:01
slickymaster-jobhey jjfrv8-work. Thanks for that.19:01
jjfrv8-workslickymaster-job, sure19:02
Noskcajslickymaster-job, You should apply for triage rights soon19:02
NoskcajJust make sure you follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Bug%20triage for a few bugs19:03
slickymaster-jobjjfrv8-work: I've already updated the screenshots but figured that since you were the one who wrote, you would be the one to rewrite it19:03
slickymaster-jobyes Noskcaj, I do have to see that19:03
jjfrv8-workslickymaster, but you're assuming I did it right to begin with :)19:04
slickymaster-jobjjfrv8-work: yes, and I'm convinced you were right when you done it since I assume that you were writing for 4.10 version19:05
jjfrv8-workelfy, is it correct to assume that we can dispense with all PPAs when testing anything from here forward?19:05
Noskcajweather plugin sru is now complete19:07
slickymaster-jobhey did the meeting got scheduled? 19:08
jjfrv8-workslickymaster-job, knome said there wasn't a meeting scheduled today.19:09
slickymaster-joboh, ok19:10
slickymaster-jobthanks jjfrv8-work 19:10
slickymaster-jobthat being I'll be going home :)19:10
slickymaster-jobcatch you in a moment guys ->19:11
jjfrv8-workgotta go too. back tomorrow.19:11
elfyI did indeed purge them Unit193 :)19:21
micahgbluesabre: it's only my list, I was going to upload, but was hoping to fix the ppc64el issues in the seed first19:24
micahgbut I guess I"ll just upload19:25
brainwashelfy: we should update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Trusty/Gtk3Indicators19:26
elfylderan: thanks - just seen that a/pilot ping 19:27
lderanno problem19:27
elfybrainwash: in what respect19:27
elfylderan: quick question - Mail Reader says it fails, but Thunderbird says it works :)19:28
brainwashelfy: installing PPA isn't needed anymore, a small hint to inform the reader19:28
lderanelfy, oops19:29
elfybrainwash - I guess, on the other hand why would anyone be going to that wiki page anymore - I doubt if many have19:30
elfybut if you want to edit it ;)19:30
DumperZhello all19:33
DumperZi have some problem on Xubuntu trusty, kicad has a tool PCBnew to produce eletronic boards, normally it should find the modules, but looks like theyr are missing for the footprints19:36
knomeDumperZ, umm... i would ask the app developers for that, it's not included in xubuntu by default so we don't track (or fix) stuff related to that20:06
DumperZkicad is available in the apt anyway ...20:07
knomeDumperZ, yes. but the xubuntu team is not the maintainer for that package, so we will know nothing of it's state20:08
Unit193First I heard of it.20:08
knome(and since it's not included in the default seed, we aren't tracking it either)20:08
knomeDumperZ, the best bet is to contact the application developers20:08
DumperZok thanks , i am currently on their chan but nothing repluing20:09
knomepatience is a good virtue when you try to poke people on IRC :)20:09
DumperZyes i know well about it :) i am an early user of IRC , may be 15 y ago now20:10
DumperZi have some stuffs in my trusty i should talk about,20:13
* Unit193 hides.20:14
DumperZeach time i start trusty i get the same annoyance, it is loading the last sessions, anyway the session manager's case is unchecked about "restore session on startup"20:14
* knome drags Unit193 from below the table20:14
knomeDumperZ, have you reported test results to ISO tracker?20:14
* elfy puts Unit193 on the table on show20:14
Unit193Hey, I was taking a nap.20:14
knomeDumperZ, have you filed bugs?20:14
Unit193DumperZ: rm -r .cache/sessions/20:15
DumperZnot yet, i would like to be sure to experience a real bug before to bother launchpad with jung reports20:15
DumperZin your side is it working fine ?20:29
brainwashDumperZ: did you delete the cache files? I think xfce4-session will try to restore the previously saved session until you delete it20:32
DumperZi did20:32
brainwashso everything's fine now?20:33
DumperZbut i will know if it is working on next boot20:33
DumperZor login20:33
ochosijjfrv8: that sounds fine21:24
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Unit193https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xfdesktop4/+bug/1282734 xfdesktop4?23:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1282734 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "Please update xubuntu-artwork" [Wishlist,In progress]23:31
bluesabre2well duh23:37
bluesabre2micahg: ping :)23:48

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