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infinitypitti: *poke*00:37
pittiinfinity: hey00:37
infinitypitti: trusty-adt-libproxy-ppc64 <-- Why is that not using the dpkg arch (ppc64el)?00:38
infinitypitti: ppc64 is very much not the same thing. :)00:38
infinitypitti: (And don't go away, I have more important things to discuss)00:39
pittiinfinity: ah, thanks for pointing out; the view name etc. is right, just not the suffix; I asked jibel to rename them00:39
infinitypitti: Alright, cool.  Simple annoyance, that one.00:41
infinitypitti: So, the more important thing... We need to completely flush all the ppc64el ddebs/indices from germanium and re-import fresh from the buildds.00:42
infinitypitti: My cron job that cleans old ddebs is intentionally off for now, so there should be a full set avaiable to scrape.00:42
pittiinfinity: ah, good; setting that off now00:42
infinitypitti: Just make sure it's actually flushed sanely first, since I know ddebs operated on a naive first-come-first-published basis, and we've, of course, rebuilt the whole world with identical versions/filenames.00:43
pittiinfinity: I can make sure that the latest build wins, that ok?00:44
infinitypitti: Still not quite ideal, as you may have ddebs that matchs things that don't exist anymore, as we had new FTBFSes.00:44
infinitypitti: Is flushing really hard?00:44
pitti*meh* need more interweb tubes here00:44
pittiinfinity: no, it's not; I meant the order of re-pulling them from the buildds00:45
infinitypitti: If so, then yeah, latest-build-wins would probably work for now, and we can not care about those few.00:45
infinitypitti: '*_ppc64el*deb' please.  Your will catch a few packages with ppc64el in the name on other arches. :P00:52
infinitypitti: And if you go back a week, you should be fine.  Might want to limit it to just the 10 ppc64el buildds, so you're not reimporting EVERYTHING.00:52
pittiinfinity: hm, lp.builders objects have no .arch property or something like that? meh00:54
pittiso, 'ppc64el' in .title00:54
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infinitypitti: Title should do.  Or just limiting to fisher*, denneed* and postal*00:56
cyphermoxdoko: I can, but it's been that way forever, this isn't something I added recently00:56
cyphermoxthat said, it's not a reason to keep this old thing around00:56
pittiinfinity: purged, slurping ddebs from the ppc64el builders (the title hack works)00:58
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infinitypitti: Huzzah.  Let me know when the slurping appears to have been successful, so I can un-hack my cronjobs and let them purge again.01:00
pittiinfinity: ah, it's now at feb 18; I guess that's the day of the Mass Rebuild Of Death, given how much time it spends on that one :)01:01
pittiI started with Feb 1401:01
infinitypitti: Started on Feb17, but definitely more packages in Feb18, yeah.01:04
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pittiinfinity: all slurped; rebuilding indexes now01:26
infinitypitti: \o/01:30
infinitypitti: Thanks.01:30
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ScottKslangasek: Kubuntu wants Qt5 5.2 in.02:25
slangasekScottK: ok.  Is any further testing coordination needed wrt Kubuntu, or should we just get it in ASAP?02:52
ScottKslangasek: Get it in ASAP.02:52
ScottKWe mostly want it in 14.04 so we can backport KDE Frameworks 5 after it's released.02:53
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ESphynxhey guys :) still hope to have packages brought in? ;)04:51
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dholbachgood morning06:31
ESphynxhey nisstyre :)06:33
ESphynxgood morning dholbach06:33
dholbachhi ESphynx06:33
ESphynxdholbach: archive is still open eh?06:34
dholbachESphynx, I guess - I haven't heard otherwise06:36
ESphynxI'm praying my release makes it in somehow :P06:37
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fishorhello devs. http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/daily/current/ usually provide lates vanilla build. but last build there is 3.13.008:25
fishorshould it be this way?08:25
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=== Laney changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Tahr Alpha 2 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
jhenkehi guys09:38
jhenkecjwatson do you have some time to look at bug #1272664 that had been assinged to you?09:41
ubottubug 1272664 in efibootmgr (Ubuntu) "Installing UEFI boot entry on Hyper-V gen 2 corrupts VM configuration, making the VM unuseable" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127266409:41
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tkamppeterOdyX, hi11:09
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infinityslangasek: Argh.  The new libcap-dev includes <linux/xattr.h> which conflicts with <sys/xattr.h>, which is the cause of your qemu FTBFS across the board.11:16
infinityslangasek: I was about to blame my new glibc until I looked closer.11:17
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infinityslangasek: Though, it might be that I need to work around this in glibc headers with some undefs, like I did for P_* :/11:37
infinityI really need to find the time to do some broader comparison of kernel/glibc type mismatches here.11:38
infinityslangasek: Something like this might minimize the damage for now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6970443/11:52
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ScottKpitti: Are you dealing with things like https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/trusty-adt-postfix-armhf/ or should lamont and I care?  It looks like something test environment related rather than a package issue.14:01
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rbasakScottK: did you see the announcement?14:06
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cjwatsonjhenke: probably not for a while, sorry, am buried in libclick14:21
kenvandine@pilot in14:21
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Tahr Alpha 2 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: kenvandine
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jhenkecjwatson okay, do you know anybody else who can help with that issue? If not, I can wait, just want to avoid that the bug get's completely forgotten14:56
ScottKrbasak: I did (after I wrote that).15:00
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stokachuanyone willing to sponsor/upload bug 1282837 for me?15:50
ubottubug 1282837 in Ubuntu Trusty "FFe: new package cloud-install" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128283715:50
kenvandine@pilot out16:02
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Trusty Tahr Alpha 2 released! | Archive: feature freeze | Devel of Ubuntu (not support or app devel) | build failures -> http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/ftbfs/ | #ubuntu for support and discussion of lucid -> saucy | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
didrocksstgraber: hey, once you have a second, I used a new fakeupdate parameter to test animation changes and so on, is it fine with you? https://code-review.phablet.ubuntu.com/#/c/183/16:09
mterrypitti, what is the state of the art for faking a text message?  Is is still manually sending javascript to the phonesim daemon?16:11
pittiGood morning16:11
mterry(on the phone)16:11
mterrypitti, good morning  :)16:11
pittimterry: by and large yes, but have a look at the messaging-app AP tests; they have a helper function which is by and large just receive(sender, text)16:12
mterrypitti, OK will steal  :)  thanks!16:12
stgraberdidrocks: I already gave my +1 to sergiusens16:14
pittiScottK: the "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'quit'16:15
pittiScottK: how is that an infrastructure problem?16:15
pittiScottK: it could be yet another fallout from switching default python3 to 3.416:15
pittiI haven't yet waded through all the failures16:15
didrocksstgraber: ah, thanks :)16:15
smbpitti, Just since you mention that, I saw those relatively often in update output16:16
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pittianother fallout is that a lot of packages' postinst now have some AttributeError in __del__()16:17
smbOh so that one actually16:17
rsalvetixnox_: hey, would need gcc-i686-linux-androideabi or similar to be able to build the x86 emulator :-)16:19
ScottKpitti: No idea.  I just know it worked last week on i386/amd64 and there's nothing armhf specific in the failure.16:25
pittiScottK: yeah, last week we still had py 3.316:27
brendandbarry, i have a python itch to scratch and google isn't helping me - maybe you know the answer. it seems python memoizes recursive functions, but i was wondering how/when it does this - surely it's not as simple as when the function is called with the same inputs?16:27
ScottKRight, so by "infrastructure", I meant not the package.16:27
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pittiScottK: at least it worked on x86 yesterday16:28
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pittiScottK: it might also be possible that it's due to qemu vs. LXC; the LXC runner is quite a bit stricter (it has less dependencies pre-installed, so a lot of failures are due to insufficient binary and/or test dependencies)16:29
pittis/less deps/less packages/16:29
pittiand s/less/fewer/, but meh @ grammar :)16:29
pittiScottK: anyway, as I wrote on the annoucement this is pretty much a "throw everything against the wall and see what sticks" run, we don't gate on it for now16:30
barrybrendand: "memoizes recursive functions"?   not really sure what that means.  it does keep a recursion count and  will throw a RuntimeError if the recursion depth is exceeded.  sys.getrecursionlimit() and sys.setrecursionlimit() control that16:33
brendandbarry, memoization is where you store the result of a call in a table and don't bother to call the function if the result for the same inputs is already there16:34
brendandbarry, but i just realized the function i was working on wouldn't trigger this anyway16:34
xnox_rsalveti: ok. I'll try to cook that.16:35
rsalvetixnox_: thanks16:35
barry(there are actually multiple meanings of "memoize"; in the python context i's mostly closely associated with pickling)16:35
barrybrendand: python doesn't memoize in the sense that you're describing, however it's pretty trivial to write a descriptor that does that for you.  that's used some times for expensive operations, but you have to be careful about the semantic differences it can imply16:36
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xnox_barry: doko: what's up with subprocess NoneType stuff? it seems to be triggered by py3compile.16:52
barryxnox_: i've seen that too.  haven't had time yet to investigate16:53
xnox_barry: it appears that __del__ of subprocess does "if not getaatr(self, '_child_created', False)16:53
dokoxnox_, didn't look at it yet16:54
xnox_but.... self is NoneType?!16:54
dholbachhey... can somebody check if ubuntu-html5-platform-3.4-dev (from the cordova-ubuntu-3.4 source package) is downloadable/installable in trusty proper?16:55
barryxnox_: i wonder if this is happening at interpreter shutdown time.  maybe during cycle breaking by the gc?  when python shuts down it first sets all module attributes to None, but doesn't clear out its namespace.16:55
dholbachaccording to https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cordova-ubuntu-3.4/3.4~pre3.r19 it should be there for amd64/i386/armhf - and not in binNEW16:55
dholbach^ maybe an archive admin can shed some light on this?16:56
dholbachseb128, are you still around and know what might be the problem?16:56
dholbachseb128, alex-abreu: false alarm16:59
dholbachGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ trusty-proposed/universe ubuntu-html5-platform-3.4-dev amd64 3.4~pre3.r19 [2157 kB]16:59
dholbachFetched 2157 kB in 2s (965 kB/s)16:59
dholbachalex-abreu, ^ we're fine16:59
Laneyit's not migrating to release though16:59
dholbachah, you're right16:59
Laneyhttp://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#cordova-ubuntu-3.4 is telling you that there's a leftover cordova-ubuntu-3.4-dev package in trusty-proposed16:59
alex-abreudholbach, ah its in proposed!16:59
dholbachpbuilders have proposed enabled16:59
dholbachLaney, what can we do?17:00
Laneyan archive admin will need to remove it17:00
dholbachalex-abreu, can you maybe try talking to anyone of these folks about it? https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-archive/+members#active17:00
alex-abreujdstrand, might be around17:01
dholbachalex-abreu, got to go - drop me a mail if you need anything from me later on!17:03
alex-abreudholbach, sure17:03
alex-abreudholbach, I'll ry to unblock it17:03
dholbachthanks a bunch!17:03
* dholbach hugs alex-abreu and Laney17:03
dholbachhave a great weekend evryone17:03
Laneyyou too17:04
xnox_infinity: why do you hate venezuela? =)17:22
xnox_# localedef -c -f UTF-8 -i es_VE es_VE.UTF-817:22
xnox_LC_MONETARY: value of field `int_curr_symbol' does not correspond to a valid name in ISO 421717:22
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xnox_infinity: filed bug 128315217:30
ubottubug 1283152 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "es_VE localedef is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128315217:30
jtayloris there some summary page of the difference between to adt runs in jenkins?17:33
jtaylorartifacting dpkg -l or so would be useful17:35
jtaylorthen one could diff it17:35
cjwatsonlooks like jdstrand has cleaned up the cordova-ubuntu-3.4-dev binary17:37
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slangasekinfinity: ah, it's libcap-dev's doing?  ok - I think we should make hallyn fix it then, since he's the one who said we needed libcap updated :)17:50
dbarthhiya, i'm looking for an archive admin to help unblock a package that is stuck in proposed17:52
alex-abreudbarth, done already :)17:52
dbarthoops, scratch that,17:52
hallynslangasek: I'm not seeing anything obvious;  are you saying ppc64el is broken by the new libcap?17:54
slangasekhallyn: qemu FTBFS because of the new libcap17:54
slangasekso I thought you might like to have a look ;)17:54
hallyn"I don't see how that relates to me"17:54
hallyni'll take a look, thanks17:54
jdstrandcjwatson: I did18:04
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jdstrandand now cordova-ubuntu-3.4 has migrated18:04
Laneyhappy daze18:04
hallynslangasek: well holy cheeseballs, /usr/include/linux/capability.h has mis-matched parens in the last define18:20
hallynoh no18:20
hallyni need new glasses18:20
jtaylorhm libc 2.19 broke scipy :(18:20
jtaylorany other known fallout by the upload?18:24
jtaylorinfinity: ^18:25
jtaylorhm it might actually be that it fixed its math functions but scipy tests used wrong ulps18:27
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infinityhallyn: Check backscroll for my explanation to Steve.18:30
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infinityhallyn: Long story short, something like this would work around the mismatched macros between linux headers and userspace headers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6970443/18:30
infinityjtaylor: Nothing that I know of yet.18:31
hallyninfinity: so you can't define something in enum that is #defined?18:31
hallyni wonder if there is a reason for those to be an enum18:31
infinityhallyn: The reason for them being an enum is actually to guard against the inverse.18:32
infinityhallyn: Which, I suppose, means one could also just include sys/foo.h before linux/foo.h to sort the issue.18:33
hallynoh i see now.  i simply could not reproduce the issue in a standalone c program, finally did18:33
hallynso yeah i think #include sys/foo.h is the way to go...18:34
infinityjtaylor: And yes, jsm has been working hard upstream on making libm be less math challenged, so it's possible that some things that rely on its bugs may be a bit out of whack.18:37
jtaylorwell scipy tests against a infinite precision library18:37
jtaylorso I chances are its worse now18:37
infinityjtaylor: (I'd content that anything that relies on exact values from libm was always buggy to start with, since libm makes approximation commitments, not precision... If you need precision, you need something slow and correct, like GPM)18:38
jtaylorbut I'm still trying to extract the inputs :/18:38
jtaylorwell C99 appendix gives bounds on what libc should provide18:38
jtaylormost don't follow it though18:38
jtaylorglibc is actually one of the better ones18:38
infinityYeah, we're working on being more compliant than we were. :)18:38
jtaylorI still ahve a huge stack of complex trigonometry bugs to fowrard to glibc :/18:39
hallyninfinity: (I don't have upload rights) do you  mind pushing the new libcap with that change?  I've emailed amorgan (the upstream maintainer) to let him know, in the meantime18:39
infinityhallyn: Sure.  Might be worth a quick qemu test build against such a mangled header to make sure it doesn't blow up in new and exciting ways.18:40
infinityhallyn: But that should do the trick.18:41
hallynyeah, and my first attempt failed,18:41
hallynbut i may have left some garbage,18:41
infinityhallyn: And by "that change", I assume you mean http://paste.ubuntu.com/6972335/ ?18:42
hallyni did.  if it turns out that didn't jsut break my qemu build even more18:42
hallynwell hey, btrfs really *has* sped up on fsync in trusty18:43
infinityIt shouldn't, but I'll spin up a test here for paranoia's sake.18:43
dokoTrying easy from adconrad: ruby-defaults/1: ruby2.0/ ruby1.9.1/
dokoleading: ruby-defaults,ruby2.0,ruby1.9.118:49
dokofailed: ruby-defaults18:49
dokobut doesn't show anything anymore ...18:49
hallynall right.  it's noticably faster, but still eatmydata-worthy18:49
pittithomi: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/core-1311-python3-roadmap18:57
hallyninfinity: looks like i'd left something in a bad state :) in a new environment it builds fine with that change19:02
infinityhallyn: Yeah, getting to that conclusion here too.   Slowly.19:04
hakermaniaHello there! I am looking for a sponsor for my package, Wallch. If you want to sponsor it or you know someone interested, please let me know! https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/wallch/+bug/128283019:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1282830 in wallch (Ubuntu) "FFE: Wallch 4.0" [Wishlist,Confirmed]19:09
rcjhallyn, if you get a qemu-util package for ppc64el built while you're working on this, could you put it up for me to grab?  I'm blocked at the moment waiting for qemu-img19:11
infinityrcj: That will fall out from my libcap upload.19:12
infinity(As in, the change you want is uploaded but FTBFS)19:12
rcjinfinity; thanks.  just trying to determine the fastest route to get back up and running with qemu-img.19:13
infinityhallyn: Uploaded, I'll retry qemu when it's published.19:18
jtaylormh ok glibc 2.19 produces worse results19:18
infinityjtaylor: :(19:18
infinityjtaylor: In which function(s)?19:18
jtaylorstill checking where exactly, but mpmath is correct and the error is significant19:19
infinityjtaylor: Could it, perhaps, be a need for -ffp-contract=off somewhere?19:20
jtaylorI don't have fma19:20
jtayloralso thats off by default in gcc4.919:20
jtayloroh we are still 4.819:20
infinity4.8 defaults to fast.19:20
jtaylor4.9 not, at least in c99 mode19:20
jtaylorbut its not out yet, got confused as I'm running with that since a while :/19:21
infinityhallyn: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/167203424/libcap2_1%3A2.24-0ubuntu1_1%3A2.24-0ubuntu2.diff.gz has a slightly more upstream friendly explanation than just "Argh" in the patch header.19:21
jtayloroh no it goes into fortran code :(19:23
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hallynrcj: I'm afraid I don't have any, sorry.  But should be building in archive soon iiuc19:37
hallyninfinity: but to prevent more failures later, should the libc6 version put the enum inside a #ifndef XATTR_CREATE?19:40
infinityhallyn: Possibly, yes.  I did this for another set of defines earlier for similar fallout.19:41
infinityhallyn: But I think I need to bring this up upstream to see if we need to be doing a full userspace/kernel macro clash audit.19:42
hallynupstream glibc?19:42
infinityhallyn: Yeah.19:45
infinityhallyn: I still blame the kernel for its defines not being enum-guarded, but even if we get that fixed, glibc needs to work with some subset of old kernels, so we might need to sprinkle some idef guards around too.  Fun, fnu.19:46
apwinfinity, enum guarded19:46
infinityapw: Remember the P_ALL, etc issue we discussed a while back?19:49
apwyeah i remember that issue, painfully19:50
infinityapw: Right.  Basically ran into a redux of the same thing when one includes linux/xattr.h and sys/xattr.h out of order (ie: kernel before userspace).19:51
infinityNot sure if this is spelled out somewhere as a big no-no (I mean, other than including kernel headers at all being a no-no), but there are clearly some larger issues at play here that I think warrant discussion.19:51
apwits all a twisty maze with glass on the floor19:52
hallynarges: were you going to verify bug 1277157 ?19:56
ubottubug 1277157 in netcf (Ubuntu Quantal) "libvirtd restart due to assertion failure in libnl" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/127715719:56
hallynthe test case can't quite work for precise - bc libvirt isn't built against netcf there.  but even after rebuilding libvirt i coudln't reproduce it.  sadly.19:56
argeshallyn: hi19:57
slangasekinfinity: qemu given back19:58
argeshallyn: so the libvirt in the bug comes from the cloud-archive20:00
infinityslangasek: Ta.20:00
argeshallyn: i'm having the reporter verify this on his machine, is this blocking something for you?20:01
hallynarges: hm, as i said though a manually rebuilt libvirt with netcf support didn't reproduce it.  i can try cloud-archive in a bit...20:01
hallynno, i just don't like to let things slip through the cracks20:01
hallynand then months down the road we have an unverified sru20:01
hallynthanks - i'll wait for results from teh reporter!  that's perfect20:01
argeshallyn: i don't like unverified srus either : )20:01
argesyea i'm also setting up my big machine to see if I can do some local testing too, let me know if you get anywhere with this one20:02
slangasekhallyn: any reason not to push the qemu arm64 patches to Debian?20:02
hallynslangasek: now that they're upstream, probably not.20:02
hallynslangasek: mjt may want to just wait for 1.820:02
slangasekhmm; I suppose it is rather a large patchset, would be rude to foist that on Debian if the maintainers weren't prepared to absorb them :)20:03
hallynlet's ask20:03
slangasekI was just planning to push back the debian/control changes, and found a much bigger delta than I expected20:04
hallynstgraber: ok lemme address the missing --dir20:05
hallynslangasek: yeah the number of patches is impressive20:06
slangasekhallyn: have you by chance been rebasing these branches, rather than merging them?  because 6c93231780ecc89ac9e64686dd3247437d4b0696 doesn't look like a merge :)20:06
slangasek(guess I won't be cherry-picking ;p)20:07
hallynslangasek: they have to be rebased bc we also have the omap3 patchset20:07
hallynoh that20:07
hallynslangasek: yes i *intended* with the latest merge to make it a complete sync.  However mjt calmed down from that...20:08
slangasekah, well20:08
hallyni worked toward it partially which is how i bricked some machines20:08
slangasekit's still not a merge topologically :)20:08
hallynwith the *next* merge i may make it completely syncable20:09
hallynwhat do you mean?20:09
slangasekhallyn: do you know why /usr/share/qemu/OVMF.fd is in qemu-system-common, when all the other firmware bits are in qemu-system-x86?20:09
slangasekhallyn: I mean that 'git log debian/qemu-system-common.links' shows that the history of this file starts and ends with the latest merge20:09
hallynnot sure, i don't recall making a change there20:10
slangasekseems to have happened with the binary package reorg, post-quantal20:12
hallynis OVMF useful on any other arches?20:12
slangasekhallyn: *this* build of OVMF certainly isn't :)20:12
slangasekthere are open bug reports in both Ubuntu and Debian asking to build it for other archs beside x86_64, but then each of those would need its own symlink20:12
slangasekso I think I'll just arrange to move that into qemu-system-x8620:12
hallynsounds good20:13
hallynslangasek: so how would the OVMF.fd filenames look if different arches were supported?  /usr/share/ovmf/ovmf-$arch.fd ?20:20
slangasekhallyn: undecided :-)20:20
hallynguess i need to be looking at that pkg.  i've been negligent there20:20
slangasekI suppose I would leave /usr/share/ovmf/ovmf.fd in place for backwards-compatibility, and then use ovmf-$efiarchname.fd20:21
jtaylorinfinity: that doesn't look right: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6972824/20:21
jtaylorthough maybe its the debugger20:21
infinityjtaylor: I'm pretty wildly unfamiliar with libm.  If you do find issues, an upstream bug report would probably work out better than trying to educate me. :)20:23
infinityjtaylor: I know the testsuite passes within whatever acceptable ULPs upstream has defined, but that's about as far as my libm usage goes.20:24
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jtaylork filed a bug20:41
ubottusourceware.org bug 16623 in libc "cos change of behavior in 2.19 causes scipy testfailures" [Normal,New]20:41
jtaylorfwiw I think its a bug, that number should just still be in the range where glibc can give a right result20:48
jtaylorat least +- 0.120:48
ogra_stgraber, wow, you got a special edition of the german ix magazine (professional it magazine) about LXC ! congrats !!20:53
ogra_(and you are mentioned in the announcement, i bet they just translated your blog ;) )20:54
stgraberogra_: hehe, yeah, I saw a lot of hits coming from heise.de and referring to that magazine20:54
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pittislangasek: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest%20ppc64el/ :)21:31
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slangasekpitti: whoo! thanks :)21:33
slangasekpitti: the ppc64 junk jobs still need removing, I guess?21:33
pittislangasek: correct, that RT is still pending21:34
pittislangasek: wolfe-05 ran out of disk space, I'll clean up (bah jenkins leaking all its files) and retry jobs21:34
pitti*phew*, we've worked on hardly anything else than ppc/armhf tests this week, but finally getting there :)21:35
slangasekpitti: infinity and I are looking at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Trusty/view/AutoPkgTest%20ppc64el/job/trusty-adt-coreutils-ppc64el/ ... coreutils passes its test suite at build time, so we're wondering if this is a problem with the test env21:37
hallynhow weird - i install linux-image-3.2 in precise, and it grabs...   all of the old 3.2 kernels (-24, -25, -26, -26, ... -41, ...)21:37
slangasekpitti: how can we reproduce the adt environment?21:37
slangasekhallyn: linux-image-3.2 isn't a real package, so you're getting the benefit of a little-known misfeature that apt supports regexps for installation21:38
pittislangasek: debcheckout autopkgtest; sudo tools adt-build-lxc ubuntu trusty21:38
hallynslangasek: neat! :)21:38
pittislangasek: that's mostly equivalent to sudo lxc-create with the ubuntu template (debootstreap)21:39
pittislangasek: then for the actual test: ./run-from-checkout coreutils --- lxc -es adt-trusty21:39
slangasekpitti: ok.  what does that give us as the backing filesystem? ext4, tmpfs, or some aufs madness? :)21:39
pittislangasek: I think --ephemeral defaults to tpmfs and overlayfs21:39
slangasekpitti: and you're using --ephemeral?21:40
pittislangasek: let me run the test on amd64 in LXC21:40
pittislangasek: right21:40
pittiah, need to create a trusty container; argh slow network21:40
slangasekpitti: do you have more than one test running /in parallel/ using overlayfs against the same base chroot?21:40
pittislangasek: on the ppc nodes we have two parallel runs, on armhf just one21:41
pittislangasek: if I were to bet, I'd bet it was due to lxc/overlayfs, not ppc21:41
* pitti lets the container build and firefights the wolfes in the meantime21:41
slangasekpitti: right, please do *not* use multiple overlayfs instances against a single directory on ppc64el; we've seen instabilities with this before21:42
slangasek(instabilities == filesystem corruption)21:42
pittislangasek: ok, good to know; that'll halve our running slots, but I guess they shuld still be able to keep up21:42
slangasekpitti: couldn't you run two chroots side-by-side?21:42
pittislangasek: with some extra hackery and lock files or so, yes21:43
slangasekpitti: anyway, you do what you need to :) but yeah, parallel overlayfs is unreliable, so if you can fix that and retry the coreutil adt, that'd be keen21:43
slangasekinfinity: ^^21:44
pittislangasek: reconfiguring jenkins on our side is a bit tricky, as d-jenkins is broken; jibel will try21:45
infinitypitti: Oh, if the lxc adt stuff is using overlayfs, we're going to see failures even without the parallel madness.21:46
infinitypitti: Could I talk you into switching to aufs?21:46
pittiinfinity: it's just using lxc --ephemeral, so whatever it supports21:47
pittiah, --union-type21:47
xnox_pitti: btrfs-snapshots are quite good with that.21:47
infinitypitti: So, if you really want more parallelism, your better option is to spin up twice as many VMs and overcommit CPU.21:48
infinity(This is what I've done for the buildds)21:48
pittiinfinity: sounds good; if smoser can give me four more VMs and we'll use only one run slot in each that'd simplify things indeed21:49
pitti$ sudo lxc-start-ephemeral --union-type=aufs -o adt-trusty21:55
pittilxc_container: command get_cgroup failed to receive response21:55
pittihmmm; stgraber ^ ?21:55
pittiinfinity, slangasek: I get the same errors on trusty amd64 with a single container (but with overlayfs); trying with clone now21:56
pittistill 2 test failures, although the output looks cleaner21:58
pittiFile name too long at -e line 2.21:58
slangasek"file name too long" - err?22:02
pittislangasek: coreutils' adt test is a subset of the upstream tests; if these two don't work in LXC, we can just drop them as well, in the worst case22:03
pittislangasek: we already run them during package build, the autopkgtest sohuld mostly be a smoke test22:03
pittislangasek, infinity: wolfes reconfigured to only use one running slot22:04
stgraberpitti: that error is what you get for "generic startup failure" when not attached to the container's console (which is the case with start-ephemeral) so that's not terribly useful. Maybe you're lucky and you get the actual error in /var/log/lxc/ ?22:09
pittistgraber: hm, it doesn't create a log file in the first place22:11
pittistgraber: /var/log/lxc/ has gazillions of logs, just not for the --union-type=aufs one22:12
pitti(are these ever cleaned up?)22:12
pittiuh, apparenlty not, I've got logs from half a year ago22:12
stgraberhmm, we probably should ship a logrotate config then :)22:12
stgraberpitti: so one trick you could do is set those two options in your orig container (adt-trusty):22:13
stgraberlxc.logfile = /dev/stderr22:13
stgraberlxc.loglevel = debug22:13
stgraberstart-ephemeral will copy that to the aufs clone and you'll get the log output at startup on stderr22:13
pittidone, but no output at all (except for the cgroup response and the failure notice)22:14
stgraberthat's slightly annoying... how about if you set it to some fs path?22:14
pittistgraber: if I run with --union-type=overlayfs the container starts, but still no debugging output22:15
pittibut I did get /var/log/lxc/adt-virt-lxc-ewfdkd.log22:15
pitti(zero bytes)22:15
* pitti logs to /tmp/log22:16
pittistgraber: got created, but empty22:16
pittistgraber: also empty with (working) overlayfs22:16
stgraberpitti: what version of lxc is that?22:17
pittistgraber: I didn't dist-upgrade today, might that help?22:17
pitti(last upgrade yesterday)22:17
stgraberprobably not22:17
stgraberunless you're using btfs or xfs as your /var/lib/lxc22:17
pittino, good ol' ext422:18
stgraberpitti: ok, well, easiest way to figure this out will be to patch lxc-start-ephemeral, commenting the "if dest.defined: dest.destroy()" after the "The container '%s' failed to start"22:19
stgraberpitti: that way the container will fail but will still exist on the system, you can then use good old lxc-start on it22:20
stgraberwhich should be a bit more useful at telling you what's wrong22:20
pittihm, I did that, it still doesn't exist22:22
* pitti adds good old subprocess.call(['bash', '-i']) right after the error message22:23
stgraberpitti: hmm, maybe that container is actually getting past that point, pass -k then22:23
pittistill doesn't exist22:23
pittiperhaps it fails on creation already?22:23
stgraberpitti: well, let's try something simpler then :)22:24
stgraberpitti: lxc-clone -o adt-test -n test -B aufs -s22:24
pitti--keep-data also doesn't work22:24
pittilxc_container: No such device - aufs: error mounting /srv/lxc/adt-trusty/rootfs onto /usr/lib/powerpc64le-linux-gnu/lxc options br=/srv/lxc/test/delta0=rw:/srv/lxc/adt-trusty/rootfs=ro22:24
pittistgraber: ah, now we are talking22:24
stgraberpitti: so let's look for the obvious problems: grep aufs /proc/modules22:25
pittino hit22:25
stgraberpitti: modprobe aufs22:25
pitti$ modinfo aufs22:25
pittimodinfo: ERROR: Module aufs not found.22:25
stgraberthat'd explain it ;)22:25
pittithat'd do it22:25
pitti$ grep AUFS /boot/config-3.13.0-8-generic22:26
stgraberwell, that or you didn't reboot the box in a while22:26
stgraberit could be that the kernel you're running has been uninstalled22:27
stgraberso the .ko no longer exist on disk22:27
pittino, still installed22:27
pitti-11 is current, -8 is running, -7 to -11 are installed22:27
pittimeh, and if I reboot I still get -822:28
stgraberdo you have linux-image-extra-... installed too?22:28
stgraberbecause apparently aufs is in that one, not in the main linux-image22:28
pittino, I don't; good point22:28
pittiinfinity: vmlinux -> boot/vmlinux-3.13.0-11-generic22:28
pittiinfinity: any idea why after rebooting I still get 3.13.0-8?22:29
stgraberwell, at least that's the case on x86 but since -extra also exists on ppc64el, that may be the case there too22:29
pittiinfinity: oh, nevermind; smoser` needs to reboot the VMs with an explicit -kernel qemu option22:29
pittihm, no metapackage for -extra22:30
bdmurraybdrung: How would you feel about adding enabled architectures information to distro-info?22:30
infinitypitti: Because smoser's VM setup doesn't have a bootloader.22:30
pittiah, linux-image-generic isn't installed22:30
pittiinfinity: right, so I'll need to ask him to reboot with -1122:30
infinitypitti: Which host is it?  I *might* be able to figure out his setup.  Maybe.22:31
pittiinfinity: wolfe-03 to 0622:31
infinityNo promises that I can decipher his VM setup, it's more complex and abstracted than mine.  But let me have a poke.22:32
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stgraberpitti: so just wondering, are you using overlayfs because you want the overlay on tmpfs feature or just to save you the lengthy initial clone?22:36
pittistgraber: both really; whatever makes things faster22:41
pittistgraber: well, we haven't actually yet run into a test which is only broken by overlayfs, so it's not that urgent for now22:41
infinitypitti: Okay, I think I might have it figured out.  Want to poweroff all your guests for me?22:43
infinitypitti: As for "tests only broken by overlayfs", you'll find that glibc's testsuite fails. :/22:43
infinity(And it's fine on aufs)22:43
stgraberI'd also expect upstart's testsuite to fail on overlayfs, not sure about aufs22:44
pittiinfinity: ah, good; well, let's find out after the reboot with overlayfs22:44
pittierr, with -1122:44
pittiinfinity: shutdown; that'll kill some tests, I'll retry them later22:45
sarnoldpitti: there's some trusty bugs that are failing the retracing, two at-hand examples: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+bug/1283000 https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/doodle/+bug/128325922:46
ubottuError: malone bug 1283000 not found22:46
ubottuError: malone bug 1283259 not found22:46
infinitypitti: Just grabbing a kernel and scping it around.  Be with you shortly.22:49
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pittisarnold: they can't find glib, gdk-pixbuf and friends, that's a bit odd22:56
pittisarnold: I can't spend much time on that now I'm afraid; could you send me a mail about this for next week?22:56
sarnoldpitti: sure22:56
* infinity wonders what's gone wrong with the pty setup on this machine...22:56
pittisarnold: oh, WTH -- are you using some PPA?22:57
infinity[shared@wolfe ~]$ screen -S wolfe-0322:57
infinityCannot open your terminal '/dev/pts/8' - please check.22:57
* infinity grumps.22:57
pittiWARNING: /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libglib-2.0.so.0.3990.0 is needed, but cannot be mapped to a package22:57
sarnoldpitti: dunno, I'm just trying to move bugs out of the security queue so they stand a chance of being fixed :)22:57
pittisarnold: nevermind, mis-looked22:57
infinitysmoser`: Don't suppose you're around to tell me what's up with your screen setup?22:58
pittisarnold: yeah, that's fine; we have no shortage of failed-to-retrace bugs, if someone wants to investigate all them we have enough work for 20 years :)22:58
infinityOh, might be a non-login shell issue.22:59
sarnoldpitti: ha! :) it just feels like lately there's more 14.04 bugs coming throuh than I would have expected, and I'd hate if some of them just didn't get the attention they deserved because they stayed locked up22:59
infinityRightm, problem solved.23:00
infinitypitti: Can you check wolfe-03 appears to be the kernel you want?23:01
pittiinfinity: LGTM23:01
pittiand look, aufs23:01
pittiand it works with -ephemeral23:02
infinitypitti: 4, 5, and 6 should be up now too.  Those were all the ones you had, right?23:03
pittiinfinity: right, these four; danke!23:03
pittiinfinity, slangasek: wolfes changed to run tests with aufs now; I retried a few packages, but as we now only have 4 executors it has some queue23:10
pittiinfinity, slangasek: do you think with aufs we can move back to two executors?23:20
bdmurraypitti: could you look at an aptdaemon mp from me?23:21
infinitypitti: Not sure.  Can 4 VMs really not keep up right now, or is there just a scary backlog?23:22
pittiinfinity: I think they can keep up, I'm just impatient :)23:22
pittiinfinity: just stop uploading more eglibcs and retriggering $WORLD :-P23:22
pittibdmurray: yes23:22
infinitypitti: What's that?  I can't hear you over the sound of my uploads being AWESOME.  Maybe I'll do another.23:24
pittiinfinity: I have the entire setup of an adt slave scripted now; I could run it on you and make YOU do all the tests in your brain!23:26
infinitypitti: My integer performance is pretty lousy, I don't think we want that.23:27
infinitypitti: And don't even get me started on floating point...23:27
slangaseknot to mention *those* filesystem corruption issues23:27
pittithere, unar fixed23:29
pittiI'm tempted to upload postgresql-9.3 to fix its tests on lxc, but that'll trigger yet another 20 tests23:30
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pittibdmurray: do you know under which conditions get_model() returns None?23:41
pittibdmurray: I'm afraid I don't quite understand the fix with some more context23:41
bdmurraypitti: no, however bug 1024590 was fixed similarly in r96323:49
ubottubug 1024590 in aptdaemon (Ubuntu) "update-manager crashed with AttributeError in _on_download_changed(): 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_value'" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/102459023:49
pittimdeslaur, sarnold: did you see my postgresql security update? anything you still need from me for that?23:54
sarnoldpitti: mdeslaur is on it, thanks for the fixes :)23:55
pittisarnold: great, thanks23:55

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