
=== tsimpson_ is now known as tsimpson
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
hyperairhi. does anyone know about the bans for zack123/zsw?02:37
chuI thought Pici removed them yesterday?02:37
hyperairhe's in #lubuntu requesting help for getting himself unbanned.02:37
hyperairlooks like he's got the same IPv6 address as IdleOne02:39
IdleOnehyperair: yes we unbanned him but apparently we forgot to remove some02:41
IdleOnebut I see no bans that would affect him right now02:42
hyperairokay cool02:42
hyperairhello there.02:43
hyperairthank IdleOne. he did the unbanning02:43
IdleOnehello zack123 can you try joining #ubuntu now please02:43
hyperairlooks like some bans were left behind by mistake.02:43
zack123still baned02:43
IdleOnetry again please02:44
IdleOnethere ya go.02:44
zack123thank you verry much02:44
IdleOnesure thing02:44
IdleOnethanks hyperair02:44
IdleOnehave a good night zack12302:44
zack123yea thanks to both of you02:44
zack123im still kinda baned from #xubuntu02:49
IdleOnegimme a minute02:49
IdleOnetry now02:50
zack123i all good :)02:50
=== chu_ is now known as chu
=== jussi01 is now known as jussi
=== Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
DJones@mark xeon  xeon> I use BackTrack5 r3. Is  possible  hack the  web site with BackTrack?09:05
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:05
JoeSomebodypage not found ... http://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/leadership-conduct, can someone help with that?10:51
knomeJoeSomebody, this is not exactly the channel to discuss that, but where do you see the link?10:54
JoeSomebodyoff ubuntu.com of course , i was trhink of it as irc, but as i just realized (unfortunately) you got nothing to do with ubuntu.com support, do you?10:59
JoeSomebodyi understand volunteers on irc may not be able to help me, or may be unwilling, but i expected more of the actual site , who we actually pay11:00
JoeSomebodycan you direct me to these dudes?11:00
JoeSomebodyi asked them for help yesterday via ubuntu.com no reply11:00
JoeSomebodyit seems i have to buy support to evaluate ubuntu properly, i already tried on my own, and that is kinda sad, not linux-like to me11:03
knomeJoeSomebody, point me to the exact page where you see the link and i might be able to help you with it.11:08
JoeSomebodyi suspect why i get no help is due to an incident a couple years ago, unfortunately ikonia is not here to ask BUT BEFORE YOU RAISE BANHAMMER, i may be wrong, i'm an ass sometimes :)11:09
JoeSomebodyi do not wish to piss anyone off, ever, not then , not now11:09
JoeSomebodybottom of page11:10
JoeSomebodynow you know i am prepared for next ban LOL11:10
knomethe page is fixed11:11
JoeSomebodywow, nice :)11:11
knomeyou can leave the channel now if you don't have other issues since this channel has a no idling policy11:11
JoeSomebodyyes, please apologize to ikonia for the past as i am not able to keep waiting on channels people any more, rather pay than be ignored , laughed at etc.11:13
JoeSomebodyand stop telling people to go back to windows, expecially pissed off ex-microsoft partners11:13
knomeyour message is in the logs. you can leave now.11:14
knomeIRCC: commented out the leadership CoC link from that page, feel free to uncomment when you have a working link11:15
knomeapparently it's merged in the main CoC 2.011:16
Priceyhttps://launchpad.net/codeofconduct seems broken to me.11:30
knomethat's a bit weird, ack11:31
PriceyI'll just trundle on abiding by v1 and not v2!11:31
knomewell it does say "current version"11:31
knomeand links to 2.011:31
knomethough it says released 2005-04-1211:32
knomethat can't be right11:32
PriceyI imagine it probably shouldn't say "Yes" for having signed the CoC on your profile if it's an out of date version too.11:42
PriceyOr at least clarify which.11:42
PriceyIn related news, wow it's been 8 years.11:42
tsimpsonthough it seems like it's obsoleted11:43
ubottuIn ubottu, geirha said: abs is Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a comprehensive for bash scripting in linux. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/. Not recommended for beginners.12:56
ubottuIn ubottu, geirha said: abs is Advanced Bash-Scripting Guide, obtainable with ${package-manager} install abs-guide, is a comprehensive resource for bash scripting in linux. It is also viewable via web at http://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/. Not recommended for beginners.12:57
ubottuIn ubottu, geirha said: bashguide is http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide is a beginner friendly guide to bash that emphasizes good practices. Recommended by #bash12:59
ubottuIn ubottu, trijntje said: dd is The Unix 'dd' command can manipulate files on a bit by bit basis. It is an extremely powerful tool, and has the ability to severely damage your system. Do not run any 'dd' commands you see online unless you fully understand them. When in doubt, please ask people in the channel to verify if a command containing 'dd' is safe to use.13:00
popeymootbot seems missing from #ubuntu-touch-meeting13:01
trijntjeHi all, we just had a user in #ubuntu that had broken his system by using dd to write a bunch of zeros to the first sectors of his disk. So, I created a factoid for dd13:02
DJonespopey: Looks like thats run by the ScribesTeam, might be worth asking in #ubuntu-scribes13:05
popeyhaha, me and emma in there13:05
popeyso no, probably not13:05
DJonesAh well, I guess they need to update their wiki page13:06
DJonesIs mootbot still maintained by seeker13:06
jussiDJones: I thought AlanBell was handling mootbot now13:24
DJonesjussi: Could be, I know he does meetingology, I was just going off the mootbot project page that had seeker listed13:25
jussiyeah, I may be wrong...13:25
knomejussi, of course you are always wrong :)13:35
* jussi shoots knome in the foot13:35
knomeshoots and leaves?13:35
* knome farts in jussi's nose13:35
knomeyour daughter's sweater is still here. not that it likely still fits her...13:36
jussiknome: yeah, im aware of the fact...13:36
jussiand unlikely it fits her still...13:36
knomecome have some coffee some day13:37
knomei have lots of it in stock now, they had a super sale on löfbergs coffee in k-citymarket :)13:38
knome(three for 10€! usually ~5-6€ per one!)13:38
knometoo alluring13:38
=== Pici` is now known as Pici
genii@comment 59741 Reviewed, not lifted.19:48
ubottuComment added.19:48
miseria"nunca trates de abarcar el mundo con las dos manos, al final de tus dias, te quedaras sin manos y sin mundo" *bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*20:23
popeycame here to report miseria as a spammer...20:25
geniipopey: I banned that one from a few channels now and saw it in 8-9 others doing the same spam. Reported it in #freenode but still hasn't been k-lined20:40
genii( this is like 3-4 days now20:40
genii@comment  Spanish spam and run. See also 59767 and 5985920:46
ubottuComment added.20:46
genii@comment 59867 Spanish spam. Same user (or bot) as 59866, 59859, 59767, 5976820:51
ubottuComment added. 59867 will be removed after 16 hours and 36 minutes.20:51
genii@comment 59866 Spanish spam. Same user (or bot) as  59859, 59767, 5976820:52
ubottuComment added. 59866 will be removed after 16 hours and 36 minutes.20:52
geniiphunyguy: miseria again20:52
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (rogue bot named jje)22:48
knomeis zsw now okay, eg. not the kid we saw earlier?23:26
knomeapparently asking about cracking some passwords23:30
knome"i just got cain&able [sic]"23:30
PiciI remember that tool...23:36
Picialso, he was supposed to be okay.23:37
knomei guess.23:37
knomelet's have a look23:37
knomewhat is this file doing on my computer?!23:38
knomemust be something to do with jussi23:39
Jordan_Uknome: Smiling.23:39
knomeJordan_U, got it. thanks. now i can sleep the night.23:40
knomesomebody's smiling on MY. COMPUTER!23:40
Jordan_UAs far as I can tell it's just there for those following the examples in /usr/share/doc/python-launchpadlib/docs/hosted-files.txt . Though I'm not sure.23:49
knomeyeah... but amagad that "artwork"23:52

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