
rick_h__cjohnston: natefinch veriried that 1.17.3 allows me to deploy. Had to update the juju/devel ppa to get it00:26
lazyPowerrick_h__: enjoy your weekend when it gets here. o/  thanks again for the help00:48
rick_h__lazyPower: will do, you have fun as well00:48
cjohnstonthanks rick_h__02:09
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designateddoes anyone have a minute to help me with a juju issue?03:05
designatedI've installed maas and it seems to be working fine, have comissioned one node but when i do a juju status --debug it hangs at opening state; mongo addresses:03:05
designatedand the node has moved from ready to allocated to user, even though I haven't installed any juju charms on it03:07
designatedanyone know how to resolve https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/117831203:50
_mup_Bug #1178312: ERROR state: TLS handshake failed: x509: certificate signed by unknown authority <config> <cts-cloud-review> <ui> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1178312>03:50
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cjohnstonhazmat: ping21:18
cjohnstonhazmat: when you come around, I just started seeing bug #1269519 again21:21
_mup_Bug #1269519: Error on allwatcher api <juju-core:Fix Released by rogpeppe> <juju-deployer:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1269519>21:21
hazmatcjohnston, what of?22:19
hazmatcjohnston, nutshell.. was in comment at end22:20
hazmatcjohnston, namely juju 1.17+ fixes.. otherwise not resolved in deployer (fix would be series of short conns there instead of one conn per deploy).22:20
hazmatbut given core already resolved, upgrades are the best fix.. cjohnston curious though what kind of deploy config  is apt to trigger.22:21
hazmatcjohnston, if you can attach logs from machine 0 that would be helpful22:33
hazmatcjohnston, and your deployer logs as well22:33
hazmati can do the nesc. workaround in deployer.. haven't seen it though.. otoh.. i only really do manual provider atm22:34
hazmatafaics rog's fix should resolve it22:34
hazmatso curious to see the logs22:34
cjohnstonack.. I'll see if I cant get it again22:35
cjohnstonhazmat: also.. deployer seems broken from the last release22:35
cjohnstonhttps://code.launchpad.net/~ev/ubuntu-ci-services-itself/pin-juju-deployer-revno/+merge/207805  has the error22:35
hazmatcjohnston, hmm... traceback log?22:35
cjohnstonI'm not sure why ev went back to 88 instead of just 100 (IIRC)22:35
cjohnstonbut we were using trunk and that started popping up22:36
hazmatcjohnston, that's not trunk or last release22:36
hazmatcjohnston, the using runtime now also says the name of the env22:37
cjohnstonhazmat: L27 is where he removed trunk to replace it with 8822:37
hazmatcjohnston, which version of juju-core?22:39
hazmatcjohnston, the last release has some fixes for juju 1.17+ .. ie. admin-secret auto gen and only in jenv as well as support for juju switch files instead of explicit JUJU_ENV22:40
cjohnstonhazmat: I don't remember if I got it when I was still on 1.17.x or after I downgraded to 1.16.622:40
hazmator default in juju env22:40
hazmatcjohnston, so if you can reproduce with latest deployer on a 1.17.1+ i can take a look... but at the moment your saying unknown version of juju and old version of deployer.22:41
cjohnstonhazmat: are you going to be around for a bit? if so, I can destroy what I have and do some deployments and debugging.. if not, we can look at it on Monday22:42
hazmatcjohnston, i'll be around for an hr or 2.22:42
cjohnstondestroying, then I'll check things out22:42
hazmatcjohnston, feel free to ping whenever.. i keep an irc proxy up that generally works :-) if not i'll ping back on monday.22:43
cjohnstonI just don't want to destroy stuff and then findout you need something I missed :-)22:43
hazmatcjohnston, mostly i just  need confirmation of issue with latest versions.. if its the watcher closed thing i'd like logs from machine 0 / state-server and the deployer log.22:44
cjohnstonbootstrapping now22:45
hazmatcjohnston, specifically.. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-deployer/+bug/1269519 should not happen with juju core 1.17.1+ and the other issue/merge you linked is resolved in latest release (and afaics applies primarily to 1.17+ releases of juju-core (no admin-secret in environments.yaml)22:46
_mup_Bug #1269519: Error on allwatcher api <juju-core:Fix Released by rogpeppe> <juju-deployer:Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1269519>22:46
cjohnstonhazmat: ok.. first bit of data22:49
cjohnstonPackage: juju-core22:49
cjohnstonNew: yes22:49
cjohnstonState: installed22:50
cjohnstonAutomatically installed: no22:50
cjohnstonVersion: 1.17.3-0ubuntu122:50
cjohnstonWhat other info do you need for that one?22:50
* hazmat back22:54
hazmatcjohnston, what version of jujuclient is that?22:54
hazmatcjohnston, is your environment bootstrapped?22:56
hazmatcjohnston,  what version of juju-core?22:57
cjohnstonhazmat: I pasted the juju-core version above.. 1.17.3-0ubuntu122:57
hazmatbasically its saying you have no jenv file, and you have no admin-secret.22:57
hazmatwhich afaics means at min your not bootstrapped.22:57
cjohnstonhazmat: it seems bootstrapped to me23:01
hazmatcjohnston, can.. you run the following23:01
hazmatcjohnston, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6978876/23:01
hazmatcjohnston, you seem to be picking up a different version of deployer.. in rev 101.. the  log line is Using runtime %s on %s23:01
hazmatyou've just got using runtime.. without the env name, which is suspect to an older version23:02
hazmatof deployer23:02
hazmatie you've got a current checkout in /tmp.. but depending on old installations, you might be picking up a different version23:03
hazmatcjohnston, hmm23:03
hazmatthat is odd23:04
cjohnstonhazmat: what's odd tho is if I used the mp from ev which checks out revno 88, it worked23:04
hazmatcjohnston, could you paste bin $ env | grep JUJU23:06
cjohnstonenv | grep JUJU returns nothing23:07
hazmatcjohnston, cool.. can you pastebin ls of ~/.juju23:07
cjohnstonenvironments  environments.yaml  ssh23:08
hazmatcjohnston, so i'm going to commit revno 10223:09
hazmatcjohnston, ic an issue on the traceback which should resolve23:10
cjohnstonok, cool23:10
hazmatcjohnston, still in forensics mode.. the commit was mostly just correct the traceback23:12
hazmatcjohnston, is23:14
cjohnstonhazmat: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6978940/23:14
hazmat lcy01 your default environment in environments.yaml23:14
cjohnstonhazmat: it is23:15
hazmatcjohnston, ok.. i'll make an egg on face release 0.3.4 which fixes.. you can work around via JUJU_ENV="lyc01" or juju switch lyc0123:15
hazmatcjohnston, pushed fix23:17
hazmatrevno 10223:17
hazmater. 10423:17
hazmater. 10323:17
* hazmat gives up and goes back to the bottle23:17
hazmatcjohnston, that should resolve .. i'll wait around for confirmation23:17
cjohnstonnot yet! I'm not done with you!23:17
hazmatcjohnston, so no juju switch or JUJU_ENV needed with revno 103..23:18
cjohnstonhazmat: question for you... I haven't investigated much with this yet... when using core 1.17+ to deploy our stuff, I have an issue... we deploy the python-django charm.. for some reason, django stays on 1.3.1 (the precise version) which causes an error when running the postgres changed hook. If I downgrade to core 1.16.6, python-django is the correct version and works.. have you seen/heard of anything like23:22
cjohnstonwhen deployed with 1.17+ if I juju ssh into the instance, and do apt-cache policy python-django I do see 1.5.x available, but 1.3.1 is what's installed23:23
hazmatcjohnston, on precise.. juju need cloud archive tools pocket for mongodb.. on 1.16 it installed mongodb from cloud archive.. 1.17 it added cloud-archive but only installed mongodb explicitly from it.23:24
hazmatand cloud-archive... happens to hold openstack.. of which horizon/dashboard uses djanog23:24
cjohnston$%^& timeouts23:25
hazmatie. 1.17 tries to be explicit about just mongo from cloud archive.. 1.16 picked up django from there.23:25
cjohnstonis there a good workaround for that?23:26
hazmatcjohnston, you mean you need django 1.5 ?23:26
hazmatcjohnston, i call it virtualenv ... with offline src install from charm cached src... but ignoring that for the moment.. ppa for django?23:27
cjohnstonwe can do that, I just wasn't sure if that's the best way23:27
hazmatcjohnston, for py apps.. i'm a bit biased.. i tend to go venv23:28
hazmatbiased being a py dev23:28
cjohnstonwe are wanting to not do venv's23:28
hazmatcjohnston, re ppa.. requires testing to verify on conflicts23:28
hazmatcjohnston, spotify did a nice debian packaging helper based on venv23:29
hazmatcjohnston, based on your src paths for deployer your already have way down the rd to venv23:30
hazmattrusty pkgs and juju stable ppa  pkgs coming23:30
hazmatfor 0.3.423:30
cjohnstonhazmat: is it possible to get those for saucy and precise as well?23:31
hazmatcjohnston, hence the juju stable ppa23:31
cjohnstonwow.. juju/stable has old stuff23:32
hazmatcjohnston, so things working?23:32
cjohnstonlooks like it23:32
cjohnstonI just got my pgsql-relation-joined error23:32
* hazmat uploads 0.3.423:33
hazmatto pypi23:33
cjohnstonthanks for your help hazmat23:35
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hazmatcjohnston, np. thanks for the feedback. have a good one.23:46
cjohnstonyou too!23:46

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