
Noskcajdarkxst, Would it be worth me trying to get clutter 1.16.4 into ubuntu this late in the cycle? we're at 1.16.0 now00:33
darkxstNoskcaj, yes, that won't be affected by the freeze01:20
darkxstNoskcaj, although obviously too late to enable the wayland backend in clutter02:14
darkxstmitya57, you still going to switch flashback to XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity?04:22
mitya57darkxst: Yes, I am.05:06
mitya57I don't understand why nautilus xdg autostart file doesn't work in Flashback when XDG_C_D is Unity05:08
mitya57Anyway, upstream approved my patch so I can just find someone who commits it for me.05:09
darkxstmitya57, it may need --forcedesktop?05:10
mitya57In gnome-session args?05:16
darkxstalso I am not seeing a 'show-desktop-icons' key anymore, however I don't quite have vanilla installation05:16
mitya57Ah, no, that has Unity in OnlyShowIn05:16
darkxstmitya57, anything listed in a required component of gnome-session session will get launched based on *ShowIn values05:18
darkxstupstart user launching only works for things in /etc/xdg/autostart (I think)05:18
mitya57Ok, let's use my patch then05:19
darkxstI am hoping to push through gnome-desktop 3.10 as a FFe, however right now it breaks on flashback due to the whole GNOME not Unity thing..05:22
darkxstmitya57, wierd, seems to me like dbus activation is not working under flashback sessions ;(05:49
Noskcajdarkxst, done, plus the bugfix releases of vinagre and libdmapsharing05:58
Noskcajcrap, i didn't test build clutter, and just deleted the files06:00
NoskcajCould someone branch lp:~noskcaj/ubuntu/trusty/clutter-1.0/1.16.4 and test build it? My internet will take too long to get it, plus my brother's won't let me download stuff right now06:00
Noskcajtoo long ~= 1 hour06:01
darkxstoh Noskcaj !!!!06:01
mitya57darkxst: So many things are broken there :(06:17
mitya57I expect to switch identifying to Unity once I fix the indicators, and then look if other bugs still persist.06:19
darkxstmitya57, yeh, I predicted this mess over a year ago, before edubuntu picked up flashback06:24
darkxstNoskcaj, well it builds06:24
Noskcajdarkxst, thank you06:25
NoskcajI'll try and get the bugfix release of aisleriot done, but it's taking it's time to download06:25
darkxstI couldn't care less about games ;)06:26
darkxstbut go ahead, someone has to look after them ;)06:27
Noskcajneither do i, but as stable a release a possible helps06:31
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GuSecHi! Having trouble nvidia drivers and this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/software-properties/+bug/126813421:30
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1268134 in software-properties (Ubuntu) "additional drivers tab crashes" [Undecided,Confirmed]21:30
GuSecWhat's a safe solution to install them? Tried installing jockey-kde, but that doesn't seem to work.21:30
darkxstGuSec, you can install them directly with apt-get21:35
GuSecI now checked the jockey log, and something has been done. Albeit not completely. How to clean this mess first?21:35
GuSecHello again. Jockey seemed to be able to fix it, rebooted after a green light when trying the nvidia-304. Works like a charm. Anything else I should think about? As far as I knew, using jockey is strongly discouraged...21:49

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