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xubuntu047whats up peoples.02:08
spacemuleHowdy, I've got a weird problem with Xubuntu 13.10. When I stop the networking service (sudo service networking stop), my desktop backgrounds disappear, and I am unable to normally logoff. I'm instead presented with a message stating, "Could not get owner of name 'org.xfce.SessionManager': no such name"03:36
holsteinspacemule: whats going on that you are needing to stop networking that way?03:37
spacemuleI plugged in my blackberry, and it identifies as a wired network, so it muddled things up, but it has occurred before (I don't recall why I restarted networking then).03:38
holsteinsounds like something is crashing the session?.. i would *not* plug the blackberry in, reboot, and see if everything is normal.. put it through tests.. such as restarting the network03:40
holsteinif that seems normal, then see if the blackberry seems to start the issue03:40
spacemuleholstein: I tried that last time, and it rebooted just fine, but restarting or stopping networking messes things up each time, even without the blackberry involved.03:41
spacemulethe only thing interesting about my install is I started from Ubuntu Server and did a minimal install, then I installed Xubuntu Desktop because the Xubuntu installed couldn't partition the way I liked03:42
spacemuleso I wonder if that's a factor03:42
spacemuleany idea what logs to check to see why the session crashed?03:43
holsteini would either just live with it, and not do that anymore.. or i would try as another user, to test the config.. or just try working on the session a bit03:43
spacemuleah, I like the other user idea! right now I've got a huge download going, but once that's done, I'll give that a try03:43
holsteinspacemule: you can try the guest account as well.. or just temporarily move your config file03:44
spacemulealright, thanks for the help, I appreciate it03:45
holsteinwell, we'll see if its helpful.. though, it does seems like a session issue03:45
George__I have what I hope is a relatively simple problem. Just installed Xubuntu, it runs great, but now my CD/DVD drive is trying to read every few seconds even though there's nothing in the drive.03:56
holsteinsounds like a hardware issue03:57
holsteini would just clean the drive, and make sure there is nothing in there... try and test with a live USB or some other way, to be sure its not a hardware problem03:58
George__It's a bit distracting, tending toward annoying. Hmmm....the drive itself is less than two months old, and worked fine until right after installation.03:59
holsteinGeorge__: ok.. well, consider testing it, as descibed about.. nothing about the OS should be causing that.. could be something you set in the bios to facilitate the instalation03:59
holsteinas descibed above*04:00
George__Should it be visible in the file manager even when there'04:00
George__s nothing in it?04:00
holsteinGeorge__: no04:01
holsteinGeorge__: mine is not04:01
George__Alright....off to see if I can diagnose what's happening. If the problem continues, you may see me again. Thanks.04:03
xubuntu387can I like install Xubuntu on the same hard drive as windows 8 on my laptop?06:21
xubuntu387how do I install Xubuntu on the same hard drive as windows 8 on my laptop and still have have windows 8 install? dual boot06:23
xubuntu290Hi folks, i have a question about phonetic keyboard layout07:14
xubuntu290I didnt find it in default layouts, tried everything07:15
xubuntu290And i realy need it ;(07:15
bazhangusing ibus?07:47
ubottuIBus is used to allow multilingual input such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean (CJK), Devanagari and Dravidian characters in !GUI applications - see also: !SCIM. For more info on Ibus see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ibus07:47
bazhangwhats up09:18
xubuntu290i should install language packs to iBus, right?09:18
bazhangyou choose them, it will prompt you to install any missing from the ones you want to be available09:18
xubuntu290it offers only chinese09:19
xubuntu290maybe i have not full pack09:19
bazhangwhat others did you want09:19
xubuntu290english phonetic09:20
xubuntu290and, sad to say, russian phonetic09:20
xubuntu290«» — ≈ and others :)09:20
bazhangenglish phonetic for what?09:20
xubuntu290for special symbols09:20
xubuntu290its dificult to use while typing large text09:21
Sysixubuntu290: press alt and maybe shift and then smash you're head to keyboard09:21
bazhang∞ ?09:21
Sysishould have full set09:21
bazhangyou wont need ibus just for unicode09:21
xubuntu290Sysi, thats what i tried :) What i found - triple altgr- = —09:21
bazhangRussian perhaps yes09:22
xubuntu290on windows its mane layout, that works easy by installing like .exe09:22
xubuntu290maybe we have the same .deb?09:22
xubuntu290im looking on default preferances, there are many layouts, for mac, without dead keys, extend winkeys09:24
xubuntu290but no phonetic ;(09:25
xubuntu290it seems i have to work in console09:26
treehousetest, can anyone see this?12:22
ubottutreehouse,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )12:22
treehousecfhowlett: do you want me to cum in your face and shit a dick down your throat for you to choke on?12:23
treehousedo you want that honey? <3 *kisses*12:23
* treehouse sucks cfhowlett's cock12:23
ubottutreehouse,: Help! Channel emergeny! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - gnomefreak, cody-somerville, TheSheep, Myrtti, Pricey, knome, charlie-tca, bazhang, ikonia, Flannel, elky, mneptok, Pici, pleia2, Unit193 or astraljava!12:24
treehousecfhowlett: poor little cunt, are you going to cry for the ops :( ... naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw12:25
treehousecome here, so I can fuck you in the ass little boy :/.. perhaps that'll stop you from crying.12:25
treehouseif the ops wonder why I'm doing this is because cfhowlett is spamming me with his shitty forum link:12:26
treehouse<cfhowlett> Please join my forum: *censored*12:26
xubuntu290Guys  vimeos error meens that i didnt install video drivers?13:16
cfhowlettxubuntu290, depends.  what's the error? and do other video sites work?13:19
xubuntu290youtube works, but i think its videodriver of chrome13:19
xubuntu290"cannot play on your setup"13:19
cfhowlettxubuntu290, huh.  you have the xubuntu-restricted-extras?13:20
xubuntu290honestly im newbie and i dont know even what is it :(13:20
xubuntu290i should install it by apt-get?13:20
cfhowlettxubuntu290, open a terminal     sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras13:21
cfhowlettthis will get you all kinds of codes and multimedia capabilities13:22
xubuntu290im thinking about drivers as well as my touchpad sometimes becomes crazy13:22
xubuntu290thx ill try right now13:22
irgendwer4711I have 13.10 and bash told me cron is an unrecognized service. I lost my init scripts?13:24
xubuntu290cfhowlett, 'invalid operation'13:24
xubuntu290sudo apt-get xubuntu-restricted-extras13:25
cfhowlettsudo apt-get *install* xubuntu-restricted-extras13:26
cfhowlettdetails matter13:26
xubuntu290E: Invalid operation xubuntu-restricted-extras13:28
cfhowlettsudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras13:28
xubuntu290god why am i so dumb13:30
xubuntu290thx bro, im rebooting now13:30
irgendwer4711any ideas about cron?13:33
cfhowlett!info cron13:33
ubottucron (source: cron): process scheduling daemon. In component main, is important. Version 3.0pl1-124ubuntu2 (saucy), package size 79 kB, installed size 294 kB13:33
irgendwer4711package is installed13:34
xubuntu290cfhowlett, now it works in firefox and do not in chromium, great :)13:36
cfhowlettso --- you're happy?13:36
cfhowlettxubuntu290, also good practice for system maintenance = run these in order13:37
cfhowlettsudo apt-get update13:37
cfhowlettsudo apt-get upgrade13:37
cfhowlettsudo apt-get dist-upgrade13:37
xubuntu290yeah, im doing this periodically, now i gona know about extras, thank you13:38
xubuntu290to be happy i have 1 question more, but looks like it has no answer :)13:38
cfhowlettask it13:38
xubuntu290i need phonetic layout of non-english language13:39
cfhowlettwhat, you mean on the keyboard or something?13:39
xubuntu290i googled a couple of hours13:39
cfhowlettxubuntu290, I got nothin13:40
xubuntu290and I find 2 scripts that that did not work for me, coz were on ubuntu13:40
xubuntu290not a truble, i think i can find by googling more :)13:41
cfhowlettbest of luck13:42
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ArceyeHas anyone set up xubuntu as a mediacenter then connected to it via xbox to play movies over network?17:39
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xubuntu165Hey folks, does anybody knows how to type phonetic symbols in xubuntu?18:53
xubuntu165I trieid to install phyton script, but its now working :(18:54
xubuntu166muy buenas19:25
CodingFreehi Xubunters, where is located the wifi information set by the wifi manager?19:38
Unit193CodingFree: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/19:43
CodingFreeoh man, why it doesn't use wpa_config? :\19:44
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Evil_Ericis anyone alive here20:41
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cubed_rooti'd like to use an old laptop running lubuntu and an old printer to get 'wireless printing'  is vnc the best i can hope for?20:59
cubed_root*i have an old laptop running lubuntu21:00
cubed_root(well, it's running xubuntu, but i'm going to use a lighter desktop)21:01
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rucacchello im hv troubbles during the instalation of xubunto 13.10 it stops during the confguration of bcmwl-kernel-source, i need help22:56
knome!patience | rucacc23:00
ubotturucacc: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/23:00
knomexubuntu915, hello.23:00
xubuntu915how are you?23:00
knomerucacc, we're all volunteers here, and answers are not always available (right away)23:00
knomexubuntu915, fine. do you have a support question?23:00
rucaccthank you knome23:01
xubuntu915how i do for answer as you?23:01
narcotizedI have a rig running xubuntu and 3 x amd 280x. how can i get the fan speed for each can in percentage ?23:40
narcotizedi am trying with aticonfig but i am having no luck23:40
narcotizednevermind, got it working23:57

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