
TanteSanti Novianti Add FB me (sardewiayu@yahoo.com) / twitter (@santinovianti22) Butuh Teman cuhat :(05:22
TanteSanti Novianti Add FB me (sardewiayu@yahoo.com) / twitter (@santinovianti22) Butuh Teman cuhat :(05:24
=== Tante is now known as 23LAA7KCO
=== OutOfControl is now known as benonsoftware
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== mwhudson is now known as zz_mwhudson
=== zz_mwhudson is now known as mwhudson
=== thumper is now known as thumper-afk
hazmatthumper-afk, welcome back22:18
=== thumper-afk is now known as thumper
thumperhazmat: hey, how's tricks?22:54
thumperhazmat: any magic news from ODS?22:54
hazmatthumper, ods.. isn't for a few bit.. scale is going on now..22:54
hazmatand mwc22:54
hazmatre scale .. jcastro and marcoceppi are out there.. https://www.socallinuxexpo.org/scale12x/presentations22:55
* thumper thinks22:55
thumperwasn't there something last week?22:55
thumperI'm a sprint ahead of myself22:55
thumperODS is after the *next* sprint22:55
hazmatthumper, yup22:55
hazmatthumper, how was the vacation?22:56
thumperhazmat: great, spent the whole time doing python and javascript :)22:56
thumperwas not really a do nothing holiday :)22:56
thumpergot a whole heap done22:57
hazmatthumper,  right on.. still beats.. working crazy hrs on customer stuff...  what kind of js?22:57
thumperwebapp, backbone, jquery22:57
thumpercommitted a fix to bootstrap-datetimepicker22:57
thumperfound the bug and actually fixed it and submitted github pull request22:58
hazmatthe new sexy on js seems to be facebook react.js and .. angular has a lot of steam.22:58
thumpermade it into trunk in less than 24 hours22:58
thumperI'm less into sexy and more into functional that I can get my head around22:58
hazmatbut backbone.. is simple and functional22:58
thumperif this idea pays off22:58
thumperthe company can hire someone to fix my shitty javascript22:58
hazmatiterate.. early and often22:59
thumperI figure that any sufficiently successful SaaS / webapp system will be rewritten at least two or three times22:59
thumperI'm still trawling through my emails from the week not looking at them23:04
thumperwallyworld: hi23:21
thumperwallyworld: got a few minutes to chat?23:21
wallyworldgood break?23:21
thumpergimmie a few minutes, then hangout23:21

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