
=== AlanBell_ is now known as AlanBell
=== k1l is now known as Guest29058
geniiubottu: yadda yadda08:48
bazhang3.14RC kernel and 13.10?09:05
bazhangis that even supported?09:05
geniiProbably not :) Maybe mainline09:06
bazhangis aristoteles the one wiht the rc kernel?09:56
bazhanghard to remember as he's just complaining/threatening to g o back to debain09:57
bazhang<Guest61902> Can Ubuntu make a KFreeBSD10:11
=== jtrucksclone is now known as Guest81105
ubottutheadmin called the ops in #ubuntu ()11:46
=== popey_ is now known as popey
TJ-Is anyone active in #ubuntu? Got abusive message from "L0UDmouth":  16:23 <L0UDmouth> faggot nigger. Trying to avoid giving any reaction satisfaction to that user. Second time in a week I've had this kind of random abuse whilst helping someone in the channel.16:39
LjLnot bad16:40
LjLwell, they aren't connected anymore, i don't see any user from a similar IP now in #ubuntu, and i'm not an #ubuntu op myself16:41
LjLbut i'll leave a note to the other ops about this person (in case they don't see it here)16:41
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops L0UDmouth Harrassing at least one user (TJ-) in #ubuntu by means of random insults in PM, keep an eye in case they come back16:42
ubottuThe operation succeeded.16:42
TJ-Thanks. I had a server disconnect just as I was looking them up, so not surprised they're gone. The pattern is strange, the 'user' sends a couple of almost random missives directed at me in the channel (I don't respond) and then they send random abuse phrases in private.  Feels like a 'bot16:43
LjLcould be16:43
LjLwas the nickname similar the other times?16:43
TJ-No, but the IP is. Last time: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6982592/16:45
TJ-This time: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6982597/16:46
TJ-Last time ikonia dealt with them16:47
LjLuh, yes i'm seeing that now16:48
LjLbut the ban should still be active actually16:48
LjLmaybe the recent split-fest took it away16:48
TJ-I just did a grep in my logs for that user's /24 subnet: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6982622/16:51
LjLoh i'm dumb, i failed to notice the IP isn't *identical*16:51
LjLheh, i doubt it's bluefoxicity16:52
LjLwhich does make it more annoying to ban the subnet :\16:52
TJ-whois shows it's a large T-Mobile USA net:  NetRange: -
TJ-I doubt you'd be popular if you banned a /11 :)16:53
LjLTJ-: the "popular" train has left the station long ago16:54
LjLi've seen bans... which you humans couldn't fathom... country bans... bans on short idents...16:55
LjLbut seriously, i guess it'll be going to be a matter of chasing this guy ;(16:55
DJonesIt sounds like somebody I kept banning that was using something like a myvz.com host16:56
TJ-It's not frequent enough to waste time on, but I thought it needs to be noted since the user could be sending similar messages to other who aren't as familiar with IRC16:56
DJonesLjL: Similar to 5499116:59
DJonesThat troll was most from a 174.sub-174*.myvzw.com host17:00
=== Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (roadrunner needs a spanking)17:37
Seveashey lazy buggers, we need someone in #ubuntu17:39
ubottuSeveas called the ops in #ubuntu (get rid of roadrunner  please)17:40
LjL-Calvinopsh, ops on a Sunday18:05
xmetalwell my appologizes for "being rude" but i am not backing down from my opinion... I will just keep my ideas to myself next time .. again sorry19:15
xmetalnothing i can do about that ban I suppose19:57
xmetalstill not sure why though (other than the posted message)20:03
xmetalbbl to try to sort this out20:12
xmetalalight then20:18
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey
xmetalseriously, i am sorry if i sounded rude, i wasn't being serious about it .. i just was putting in my two sense ... I will leave it at that ... no hard feelings as I didn't mean to sound rude20:20
xmetaljusted wanted to help20:20
ikoniaplesae, that's just not true20:20
ikoniayou where trying to make it sound like false things where being said, call me a troll because my view differed to yours and try to belittle information - for whatever reason20:21
ikoniaso please don't say "I didn't mean to be rude, I just want to help" when that's clearly not the intention20:21
xmetalit really is but i will not continue with it.  I didn't mean to come across like that20:21
xmetali will let it go20:21
xmetalhave a nice day20:21
LjL-Calvinonice catalysing20:41
k1l_@mark #ubuntu LeeMerriman insulting helpers22:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.22:32
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:41
phunyguy@mark JellaB #ubuntu-offtopic using custom afk nicks (a1|away), instead of /away - sent PM to notify user.23:41
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:41
phunyguy@mark til4k #ubuntu-offtopic using foul language after being warned about it last night23:54
ubottuThe operation succeeded.23:54

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