
=== xnox_ is now known as xnox
daftykinsnn all \o00:17
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penguin42http://anandtech.com/show/7739/arm-cortex-a17 has a couple of fun ARM slides on01:17
penguin421B smartphones shipped in 201301:17
ali1234who was complaining that nvidia settings monitor layout gets forgotten after reboot?01:21
ali1234i just hit this bug01:21
ali1234it's a bug in unity-greeter01:21
ali1234it does not affect any of the other lightdm-greeters01:21
lubotu3Launchpad bug 1283615 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter ignores user monitor configuration" [Undecided,New]01:27
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shaunomornin map07:40
mapmorning mate07:42
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brobostigonmorning boys and girls.10:39
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penguin42it is15:46
diddledanspeaking of which, morning :-)15:56
diddledananyone heard of pipelight? it's a new one on me - looks similar to the proprietary crossover linux feature which allows windows plugins via wine to run on linux-based browsers16:12
diddledanfound here: https://launchpad.net/pipelight16:14
shaunosounds terrifying16:14
penguin42diddledan: Yeh sounds similar - I know 2 or 3 people who've implemented something like that16:15
diddledanthere's a blog post about it here: http://fds-team.de/cms/articles/2013-08/pipelight-using-silverlight-in-linux-browsers.html16:15
diddledanI don't like that they've patched the wine source but don't state that they've upstreamed their changes so I'm assuming they haven't16:20
penguin42diddledan: Well if they've got the source there then perhaps they're just figuring it out first16:20
popeyyes, i have tried pipelight here16:24
popeywas a bit picky about browser agents when I tried16:24
diddledanyeah they've got an FAQ about useragents16:25
MamPowerMto b here16:27
jussididdledan: I use it regularly for silverlight. its fantastic to have that, prior, there was no workaround.16:28
diddledanjussi: yeah, I'm thinking it may finally be a way of getting netflix working16:32
diddledanI wonder if anyone's working on getting xbmc to cooperate for a way to get netflix into the tv with a beige-box16:32
jussididdledan: I think they have it already, have a google16:32
=== Dave2_ is now known as Dave2
* SuperEngineer has finished (semi-)buiding new pooter & is on it now!17:32
SuperEngineerbut has a question re installing onto a new disk17:32
penguin42ask it17:33
SuperEngineer...I have created a primary partion for root, extendeds for home & swap but not sure if the stuff from home on old disk should go under a folder [if it comes for home/xxx do I copy to a folder xxx in home partition or copy direct to "top" of home partiton17:35
SuperEngineer& hi penguin4217:35
penguin42SuperEngineer: That's mostly up to you; if you copy the Pictures/Documents/Downloads directories into your new /home/super then they'll just work like before, i.e. a photo program will show them, if you copy them into /home/super/fromoldmachine  then you'll need to navigate into it17:36
penguin42SuperEngineer: With the . directories it also depends, for example I tend to copy the .mozilla to keep the hitory and stuff, but you might want to start all your other configs fresh17:37
penguin42map: !17:37
SuperEngineerit's mainly the .stuff I'm thinking of.  If a install IU tell installer the home partion is home will it create other stuff in a username folder & ignore the stuff I copied direct from "my" home into the partiotion?17:39
SuperEngineer.mozilla & .local/steam in particular17:40
penguin42SuperEngineer: You can always copy those in afterwards17:40
WobboI use 13.10 64 bit. Wine crashes. I only get a few seconds the see the configuration. I have tried several Wine versions. Any tips?17:41
diddledanI love partions17:41
diddledanpartions of chips are awesome17:41
penguin42diddledan: Portions17:41
SuperEngineerpenguin42: methinks you have hit the nail on the head - copy in after!  DOH!!!17:41
SuperEngineerthanks penguin4217:42
diddledanpenguin42: not according to SuperEngineer :-p17:42
SuperEngineerdiddledan: que???17:42
diddledan<SuperEngineer> ...I have created a primary partion for root17:43
diddledanI like mocking typos17:43
diddledanit makes me feel superiour17:43
SuperEngineeri meant to put portion!!17:43
SuperEngineerwas eating wjen I created it :)17:43
diddledannope, you meant to put partition17:43
SuperEngineerwas eating wjen I created it :)17:44
diddledanyeah, so I usually feel inadequate and poking holes in things others say and do gives me a sense that I'm better than them and alleviates my self-hatred for a moment ;-)17:45
diddledaneither that or I'm just an asshat17:45
diddledanI'm not sure which TBH17:45
diddledanI either have an inferiority complex or I really am inferior.17:46
diddledanjust because you're paranoid doesn't mean they aren't out to get you!17:46
MartijnVdSand just because you're not paranoid, doesn't mean they are out to get you!17:47
diddledanreally, with the NSA about, I think it pays to be paranoid17:48
diddledanin other news, why is my netboot moaning about squashfs being wonky?!17:49
MartijnVdSdid you make your own squashfs?17:49
diddledanstraight off the DVD17:49
MartijnVdSpacket loss17:49
diddledanit seems to always be the same block though17:50
penguin42what are you serving it from?17:50
diddledanpenguin42: freenas+zfs17:50
penguin42diddledan: I'd try fetching the squashfs and see if it md5's the same as the dvd17:50
diddledanI'm thinking the deduplication of zfs is borking it up17:51
diddledanI was trying to avoid having to redownload the iso and burn another disc17:52
diddledanI swear the faeries steal my ubuntu cd/dvds and hide them from me17:53
SuperEngineerdiddledan: been checking your last few posts - damn, no errors!!!17:55
SuperEngineer[hate it when the rest of the world can keyboard more accuratey than I can] ;)17:56
diddledanSuperEngineer: I should really be more forgiving. Especially as I'm not as perfect as I think I am18:00
SuperEngineerhmmm... in my case - my modesty is only surpassed by my honestly18:02
* SuperEngineer notices his nose just grew longer!18:02
SuperEngineer[opened the doorway for a correction there....18:03
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SuperEngineerdarn -just closed nvidia by mistake - now stuck in expo mode - time for a restart - silly me18:15
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diddledandon't you hate when companies insist on you registering your details with them to view a document that is supposedly impartial informational material18:49
diddledanthe latest one to get my goat is vmware's "true cost of free"18:49
penguin42oh that's so that they can then nag you to hell later18:50
diddledanyeah, hence my dislike for it :-p18:50
diddledanI'm sure I'd get riled if I actually read the document anyway so I guess it's an advantage that I refuse to give them my details18:52
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diddledanMartijnVdS: my gps unit arrived20:18
diddledanMartijnVdS: just need to work out how to connect it to the pi20:18
* penguin42 can't help wonder if you tracked the GPS unit as it was being shipped20:19
mapdiddledan,  what is it youre trying to make20:22
diddledanmap: an accurate ntp server20:24
mapaha why?:D20:25
shaunowhy not?20:25
ali1234why using GPS for that? why not MSF?20:26
penguin42GPS is a fairly common way20:27
penguin42ali1234: A lot of the GPS units output a time stream/sync pulse20:27
ali1234GPS time is really rubbish though20:28
ali1234i have a clock that does it, it's always wrong by at least half an hour20:28
penguin42you have a broken clock that is failing to do it20:28
ali1234then why does it always adjust itself to the wrong time when the power goes off?20:29
diddledanthe real question is where's my spare pi?!20:29
penguin42ali1234: Because it's broken20:29
shaunohow ate all the pi?  you really have to ask?20:29
shauno(gsp is liable to be much better documented too)20:30
penguin42don't know, MSF has been going for decades, lots of stuff on how to do it20:30
shaunoI apparently can't type today20:30
shaunotranspositions all 'round20:31
penguin42you just did20:31
shaunothis seems interesting; http://www.maths.tcd.ie/~dwmalone/time/rugby.html20:31
shaunohe's added a skew because it's slow relative to gps?20:31
ali1234how to even tell which one is wrong?20:32
shaunoI guess that's what I found interesting20:32
shaunonot so much which is wrong, but which is perceived to be canonical20:33
ali1234in the end you have to just pick one20:33
diddledansplit your difference?20:33
penguin42shauno: Is that something to do with latency through the receivers he's using or time of flight from rugby?20:33
diddledangps should be more accurate than rugby because you can use multiple points to correlate a canonical time based on each satellite's time and time-of-flight calculations20:34
ali1234could be linux buffering the tty20:34
penguin42I'd expect a good GPS unit to specify/subtaract the latency through itself20:34
shaunothinking about it, that would be a downside of rugby; it has no idea how far you are from cumbria, so it can't possibly adjust20:35
diddledanshauno: exactly20:36
shaunonot that it's a particularly significant distance.  the earth is 0.05? light-seconds wide20:36
diddledanshauno: multipoint-to-point is better than point-to-point20:37
shauno(altough from living in cumbria myself, I do believe there are spatial anomalies that result in some parts of the county still being in the mid-80s)20:37
diddledanhmm, can't find that pi anyplace20:39
diddledanwonder wtf I did with it?!20:39
diddledanI'll have to use one of my other ones (not that it's doing anything right now, either)20:39
diddledanwho was messing with the build farm for raspibuntu?20:48
diddledanI haven't been contacted for my name-a-pi yet is all - just wondering how things are progressing20:49
popeywonder if they'll reach their target20:49
foobarrythe e35k target?21:07
foobarrythats doable, 350 people who think pitivi is worth 100E to them.?21:08
foobarrywould be nice to have a flagship video editor that is the "go to" one21:09
diddledanho hum21:10
diddledanI guess I need some short wires to jury-rig this together21:12
* diddledan goes to maplin.co.uk21:12
daubersdiddledan: Time to get the wallet out if you're off to maplin21:20
diddledandaubers: yeah, maplin is a moneypit21:29
shaunowell if you head there just because you're out of solidcore project wire, then .. bigtime21:31
ali1234maplin is really expensive21:32
diddledanis there "another way"?21:32
ali1234even if you don't hit the minimum order amount on those sites, they're still usually cheaper than maplin21:33
diddledanooh, intel galileo21:34
diddledansee you shouldn't give me more to drool over!21:34
ali1234i only go to maplin if i need it today and they have it in the shop21:34
diddledanhmm, my computer seems to be not doing internet things21:36
diddledanchrome is just "loading"21:37
diddledanergh, and firefox won't start21:37
diddledanmethinks this mac is dieing21:37
diddledanit seems to be hanging on IO21:40
daftykinsdiddledan: best put it down ;)21:40
daubersdiddledan: Even http://www.ebay.co.uk is better sometimes!22:19
neuronew HDD time? :)22:19
neuroor SSD \o/22:19
shaunoor even worse .. reboot?22:22
MrGrymReaperHas anyone considered doing a LUG out Norwich way?22:23
shaunohttp://www.alug.org.uk  seem to have their meetings in norwich22:29
ali1234anyone got any strategies for finding memory corruption bugs? valgrind doesn't seem to be very good at it22:51
diddledaninteresting: http://nodered.org/23:06
shaunoI see a lot of buzzwords & a flat/bootstrap hybrid, so it must be good.  care to translate it into english?23:07
diddledanthis may help more: http://learn.adafruit.com/raspberry-pi-hosting-node-red23:08
shaunoit kinda doesn't.  they seem to keep throwing "internet of things" in there for kicks and giggles23:09
diddledansecond sentence :-)23:10
diddledankeep reading! :-p23:10
shaunothe "internet of things" is every single device using a completely different markup/language, and each vendor breaking upnp in their own special way to even if you try to generalize it, you can't23:11
ali1234so it's like https://ifttt.com/23:11
ali1234except running on a raspberry pi?23:11
ali1234(ifttt is a website that lets normal people do the type of things that you could do with a bash script in a about 5 minutes)23:12
diddledanali ifttt seems to be actions based on internet things. node-red is actions based on things. (note the lack of internet - they _can_ be internet but they needn't be)23:13
ali1234ifttt doesn't have to be internet things23:13
diddledantabcomplete fail23:13
ali1234there are modules to connect it to various hardware devices23:13
ali1234you can make it turn your lights on and off when someone mentions you in a tweet and other stupid things like that23:14
diddledanso, erm. how do they operate it as a service _and_ allow you to connect offline devices?23:14
ali1234it doesn't work with offline devices23:14
shaunoifttt is what lets anyone in the world turn my coffee machine on because belkin's security was cooked up by a preschooler ;)23:14
ali1234they all have to be connected, obviously23:14
ali1234nodered is basically your own private version of ifttt, that's what i mean23:14
diddledanmaybe. ifttt has a serious lack of information on what it can connect to23:15
diddledanwith nodered it can connect to _anything_ that you can code a connector for23:15
ali1234well the same applies to ifttt23:16
ali1234it works with this: http://www.belkin.com/uk/Products/home-automation/c/wemo-home-automation/23:16
ali1234and many other things23:16
ali1234like arduino: https://ifttt.com/recipes/135057-triggering-ifttt-from-arduino23:16
shaunoI'm curious to see if any fun hacks come for the wemo23:17
diddledanthat's more like it23:17
diddledanor not23:17
diddledanthat's just smtp23:17
shaunosince they quite kindly decided to ship the private key & the passphrase for signing their firmware updates, it's kinda up to motivation/boredom now23:17
shaunonot intentionally, but yup23:18
shaunofor some insane reason the firmware contains the private key instead of the public key23:18
ali1234the one i saw had literally nothing in the box except for the hardware unit. even the instructions were printed on the inside of the lid23:18
ali1234oh, it's in the device?23:18
ali1234did they use a symmetric encryption to sign it?23:19
diddledanthey really should issue a new update that autoapplies which sets a new key23:19
shaunoit's all setup pki.  but they provided the wrong key23:19
ali1234lol, belkin23:19
diddledanshauno: maybe "the bad people" should do random ghost houses23:20
shaunoThe Belkin WeMo firmware images that are used to update the devices are signed with public key encryption to protect against unauthorised modifications. However, the signing key and password are leaked on the firmware that is already installed on the devices.23:21
ali1234a ghost house?23:21
diddledanali1234: flickery lights and such23:21
diddledanali1234: maybe some ghostly wails if they have enough access23:21
shaunowhat I find scarier are less visible attacks23:22
ali1234but i just got a fixed rate mortgage!23:22
diddledani.e. someone installs a belkin thing that does audio should such a device exist23:22
shaunothe device can operate as a WAP; that's the state it ships in.  you connect to the AP it advertises and run the setup23:22
diddledanshauno: oh god23:22
shaunoso with some firmware mutilation, it could quite easily run a wap+service to advertise your network credentials23:23
shaunoie, that's a service that already exists on the device, and settings the device requires for its normal operation.  someone just needs to include one into the other, and turn the default service back on23:23
ali1234you could totally do that whole ghost house thing to my brother (he's the wemo owner, he has all upnp devices too, and uses WEP even though i keep telling him to change it)23:24
shaunoI have a wemo on my coffee machine, because it takes so long to warm up that it's nice to be able to turn it on when I leave work23:24
ali1234i built my own with el cheapo maplin sockets23:25
ali1234and a AM radio module. i probably told you this before23:25
shaunoso the convential response to this 'attack' is "aha, I could boil your kettle dry"23:25
ali1234my brother uses it for his lights, so you actually could make his lights flicker and play ghostly wails on his stereo23:26
shaunomy lights are json over http, but a bit more annoying if you're not on my lan23:27
shauno(if you are on my lan you can just ask philips for the rest.  they match by source IP, so anything originating from my NAT is allowed)23:27

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