
* ianorlin is enjoying scale so far03:16
nhainesianorlin: what's your favorite thing so far, and why is it the Ubuntu booth?03:19
ianorlinthe ubuntu booth was loud though03:20
ianorlinI liked the talks03:20
nhainesThere are some pretty fantastic talks out there.  I'm just sad I don't get to see any of them so far.  :)03:21
nhainesUbucon was super though.03:21
* ianorlin knows03:21
=== toddc1 is now known as toddc
MichaelPaoliBerkeley Linux Users Group (BerkeleyLUG) ... yes, meeting officially starts at noon, run's 'till 3pm http://www.berkeleylug.com/?page_id=67  have books, etc. too: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/berkeleylug/eyCKK6St3_A  even Ubuntu in print and electronic forms19:47
darthrobot`Title: [Berkeley Linux Users Group ยป Meetings]19:47
darthrobot`Title: [Google Groups]19:47
=== Corey_ is now known as Corey

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