
brainwashali1234: what's broken in xfdesktop?00:12
ali1234what *isn't* broken? :)00:12
ali1234the whole multiple desktop and workspace thing... doesn't work00:12
ali1234and when you relog it resets the wallpaper to default00:12
brainwashonly tested it once, set a different wallpaper for every workspace and it worked and was consistent00:14
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ali1234yes, that's the *only* case where it works properly :)00:14
ali1234where you set a unique wallpaper for every monitor and workspace, without any spanning00:14
ali1234if you have two monitors and you set a wallpaper to spanning it doesn't work properly, and if you set "same on all workspaces" it doesn't work properly00:15
ali1234when you start it up it tries to get the wallpaper for each workspace and monitor00:16
ali1234if that fails it looks for legacy settings00:16
ali1234the new version uses the monitor plug name, legacy uses the number00:17
ali1234that means that defaults have to be set using legacy, because we can't know the plug name in advance, it's something like "DVI-I-0"00:17
ali1234but that means that there is always a legacy setting00:17
brainwashis the monitor naming consistent or does it change?00:17
ali1234it's consistent on a single machine if you don't even unplug anything00:17
ali1234so anyway, there are legacy settings in the defaults.xml, which means they can't be deleted00:18
ali1234that means when you log in and you didn't specify a wallpaper for some monitor or workspace, it tries to load the legacy setting and that resets your whole system to defaults00:19
ali1234also sometimes it loads up the default wallpaper and then quickly changes to what you asked for00:19
brainwashwow, so much fun with a multi monitor setup00:19
brainwash+ xfdesktop :)00:19
ali1234and further more i can't even set the wallpaper on all my monitors because some of them overlap00:20
ali1234setting a wallpaper on those monitors wouldn't even make sense00:20
brainwashso xfdesktop and lightdm-gtk-greeter really need some multi monitor rework00:20
ali1234looks like it00:20
ali1234i guess you've seen what gtk-greeter does when monitors overlap?00:20
brainwashno, only running single monitor setups here00:21
ali1234oh... well it draws the wallpaper multiple times00:21
ali1234it's not pretty00:21
brainwashdid you also test unity-greeter?00:22
brainwashmaybe we can do some copy&paste00:22
ali1234probably not though00:22
ali1234hang on let me try it...00:23
brainwashat least to get an idea on how to improve it (in case unity-greeter handles it better)00:24
brainwashxfce4-session-4.11.0 has been released00:28
NoskcajHow much of the new 4.11 stuff do we want for 14.04?00:32
NoskcajEverything but session is now packaged for debian00:33
brainwashshould we go full 4.11? :)00:34
NoskcajIf the release team allows it, i want to00:37
Noskcajminimum is settings bugfix release, ui bugfix release, garcon00:37
brainwashI see lots of bugfixes in the various changelogs00:38
brainwashmaybe it's worth to ship the full 4.11 setup00:40
ali1234how do i change the lightdm greeter?00:45
ali1234ochosi: accounts service background works in test mode but not in the real login window00:49
ali1234ok so unity-greeter is even more hilariously broken01:19
ali1234it doesn't honour the monitor layout at all01:19
ali1234so by default all the monitors do not overlap (it just uses whatever the xorg default is)01:19
ali1234that means you have to reconfigure your monitor layout after every login01:19
ali1234i suspect if it wasn't horribly broken it would show the same thing as gtk-greeter does, which is this: http://imagebin.org/29510701:27
brainwashali1234: this would drive me nuts01:31
ali1234well it's better than what unity-greeter does01:31
ali1234which is this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-greeter/+bug/1283615/+attachment/3992319/+files/IMG_20140223_005551.jpg01:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283615 in unity-greeter (Ubuntu) "unity-greeter ignores user monitor configuration" [Undecided,New]01:31
ali1234at least it is *functional*01:32
brainwashmmh, makes me wonder.. was multi monitor support always that bad?01:33
brainwashor do we see some sort of regression here01:33
brainwashmaybe hardware/driver related?01:34
ali1234unity greeter used to work properly with xorg.conf01:34
ali1234it isn't driver related01:34
ali1234with unity-greeter you get the default layout as if you had no xorg.conf01:34
ali1234they've obviously decided to ignore it01:34
ali1234which is pants-on-head retarded, so about right for unity01:34
ali1234but yeah, multimonitor support has always been terrible. nvidia is the only way to make it work ina reasonable way01:35
ali1234and they did it by rewriting half the xorg stack01:35
ali1234that bug does not affect unity-webkit-greeter btw01:36
ali1234and probably not lightdm-kde-greeter either01:36
brainwashnot at all?01:36
ali1234the webkit one does something very similar to what the gtk one does with multiple backgrounds01:37
ali1234but it honours the monitor layout like it should01:37
brainwashmaybe I should extend my laptop screen with another monitor and do some testing01:42
ali1234that would be cool01:45
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Unit193Oh right, how did the CC catch up go?06:44
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forestpiskieit didn't07:58
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elfylderan: you managed to get anywhere writing testcase for your app?09:12
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lderanelfy, is this on the right tracks http://paste.ubuntu.com/6981366/ ?12:10
elfylderan: yep that looks fine to me - get it in to bzr push lp:~YOURUSERID/ubuntu-manual-tests/YOURBRANCHNAME12:14
elfythen I'll check/approve and sync it12:14
lderan\o/ will do so now12:15
elfyok :)12:15
lderanand i think i've just found a bug with thunar12:17
elfyI bet it's a known issue :p12:19
lderanbet so12:20
lderanif you have 2 rename dialog boxes open the first stops working fully :P12:21
elfyI can't even open 2 rename dialogues from the same instance of thunar - works fine with another thunar opened12:23
lderanit partially works for me, the apply button on the first one opens doesn't close the box, but the apply button on the 2nd closes both12:24
elfycan't confirm that as I can't even get that far :)12:24
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elfylderan: when you've done that testcase and I've synced the tracker - I'll do a call for testing - but I don't remember the PPA 12:26
lderanshall try to find it for you12:26
lderanelfy: https://launchpad.net/~light-locker-settings-team/+archive/stable , trust at the moment12:29
elfylderan: in future when you do a mr for testcases - don't number them :)12:41
elfysomeone might be syncing one and the number will be wrong ;)12:41
lderanoh sorry12:41
elfylderan: you sure you've finished it? the first 2 tests look decidedly odd and the <dd><dd> won't work :)12:44
elfyoff for a few hours now 12:45
lderanshall check it :)12:45
elfycan you check spelling too please :)12:46
elfycya later12:46
elfyminuter - must have then copy pasted the same word elsewhere lol12:46
lderangah apologies12:47
elfyochosi: will get this testcase synced and then called for later today12:48
ochosielfy: which one?12:48
ochosioh great12:49
lderanelfy, have redone it :P hopefully all okay now 13:03
ochosielfy: shouldn't it be "sudo apt-get update" instead of "upgrade"?13:31
ochosi(re: ML test-case announcement)13:34
jjfrv8ochosi, you still here?14:39
elfylderan: thanks - all done15:02
elfyochosi: yep ... 15:02
jjfrv8ochosi, I can't stick around but wanted to ask something about light-locker...15:08
jjfrv8after testing the light-locker-settings ppa, I tried the light-locker testcase...15:08
jjfrv8when I click Suspend and go to resume, it brings up the old, flaming xScreensaver dialog. That's not right, is it?15:09
elfyjjfrv8: purge xscreensaver 15:09
jjfrv8alright, let me try that.15:10
jjfrv8elfy, that's better. Thanks. Can't keep all the stuff I read in the logs in my head :(15:11
elfyI did have a note in the testcase to make sure that was done - was sure that the seed had been fixed to not include xscreensaver15:12
jjfrv8apparently not, this was on a fresh install from today's daily15:13
elfymmm 15:13
Unit193Fix Committed, not Fix Released.15:16
elfythanks Unit193 15:16
jjfrv8ochosi, also wanted to make sure you had seen that xfesktop Prefs is ready for review.15:17
ochosithanks jjfrv8 18:51
ochosiwill review tomorrow18:51
knomeochosi, you feeling better today?18:59
NoskcajAnyone know where micahg went? He's usually online in some form19:01
* knome wonders how the liquid micah types19:03
knomeor the gas-form micah19:03
elfyvery very carefully in both cases19:06
knomecompressed air then i guess19:08
brainwash_Noskcaj: bug 1282509 has been fixed upstream, what is the next step now? normal merge request in ubuntu, debdiff or fix it in debian and sync?19:09
ubottubug 1282509 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_desktop_refresh()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128250919:09
NoskcajI'll ask corsac. The sponsor queue is pretty big currently19:10
brainwash_ok, I'm a bit lost, not sure what the best move would be19:11
ali1234why did thunar get SRU'd in 13.10?19:13
Noskcajit did?19:13
ali1234the update is crashing all over the place19:14
ali1234Noskcaj: can you see error reports on errors.ubuntu.com?19:15
Noskcajali1234, No i can't19:16
Noskcajalthough it doesn't look SRUed19:16
ali1234hmm... maybe i'm reading it wrong19:16
ali1234ah, uploaded two months before release19:17
ali1234anyway, there's 17000 reports of that problem ^19:17
ali1234it's the old magazing_chain_pop_head nonsense again, crashing deep inside glib19:18
NoskcajI thought  that was fixed in saucy19:23
ali1234still crashing in trusty19:24
ali1234it's on the top 100 most common bugs19:24
Noskcajwow. Is there an upstream bugfix?19:24
brainwash_I did not notice any thunar crashes in trusty so far19:25
ali1234there is a bug report on launchpad but i can't see that19:25
ali1234bug 120329619:25
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1203296 could not be found19:25
ali123465th most common bug in ubuntu in the past day19:26
ali1234the xfdesktop bug was 48th19:27
brainwash_all marked as private?19:28
Noskcajpublic now19:30
Noskcajbug 120329619:30
ubottubug 1203296 in thunar (Ubuntu) "thunar crashed with SIGSEGV in magazine_chain_pop_head()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/120329619:30
Noskcajthe xfdesktop fix is done in debian.19:32
brainwash_that's great, so it will be ready for ubuntu B1, right :)19:39
ali1234hmm... so of the top 10 most frequent crashers in xubuntu, thunar is number 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 1019:40
Noskcajbrainwash_, Provided corsac uploads it19:40
ali1234and it looks like most of that is magazine_chain_pop_head - which means memory corruption19:40
Noskcajali1234, wow19:41
brainwash_in trusty?19:41
ali1234in all versions, past 24 hours19:41
brainwash_how is that even possible?! =S19:42
brainwash_ah, I recall reading about this19:45
brainwash_something related to "Pane Side -> Tree is enabled."19:45
brainwash_the tree view19:45
ali1234it does look like the bug was introduced between 1.6.2. and 1.6.319:49
ali1234or maybe not19:50
ali1234there are like 3 reports of it with 1.6.2 and 20000 with 1.6.319:51
ali1234hmm i see some changes to g_list code... that's the same thing that crashed xfce-terminal19:55
ali1234argh... yeah, this is it19:55
ali1234bad commit...19:56
Noskcajit was terminal that we patched to stop magazine_pop_chain, maybe the patch can be modified to thunar19:56
ali1234magazine_chain_pop_head crashes are very generic19:57
ali1234it just means the program did a double free or something19:57
ali1234that commit is suspicious but it might not be it19:57
ali1234any g_list code would be a place to look though19:57
ali1234especially when using prepend19:57
ali1234basically it means memory was corrupted... it could have happened anywhere in the program, backtraces are not useful :(19:58
ali1234some more g_list stuff here: http://git.xfce.org/xfce/thunar/commit/?id=58fa477fb20aa2ac8eaea8d81d7e4d8c0018060020:01
ali1234of course it could even be in a plugin...20:03
brainwash_how do you trigger the memory corruption? with the tree view?20:03
NoskcajDo we want dev-tool or libxfce4util 4.11? both just got uploaded20:04
Noskcajutil is probably too big a package to do this late, but dev-tools is probably safe to sync20:05
ali1234brainwash_: i don't know20:05
ali1234brainwash_: opening the tree view takes a suspiciously long time20:06
brainwash_ali1234: not here, 2sec20:09
ali12342 sec is too long20:09
brainwash_not for a very slow HDD20:09
brainwash_but still.. nothing crashes20:09
ali1234Noskcaj: can you see this page? https://errors.ubuntu.com/?user=a-j-buxton&period=day20:24
ali1234(or anyone else for that matter)20:25
Noskcajyep. Turns out i wasn't logged in20:27
ali1234that page should be visible to anyone i think20:27
Unit193It is.20:29
ali1234Noskcaj: watch out when making bug reports public, that thunar one has a torrent download filename in it21:12
NoskcajMy one?21:13
NoskcajOops, must have missed that21:14
ali1234that guy likes his torrents, lots on the dupes too21:14
NoskcajIs it private info though?21:15
ali1234i dunno21:15
brainwash_not the usual linux distro torrents? :D21:15
ali1234it's evidence of illegal activity though21:15
bluesabrequick, append "-parody" to each of them21:16
ali1234lots of the dupes were made public by apport21:16
ali1234this is on ProcCmdLine: field btw21:16
ali1234"This incident occurred when closing Thunar after moving a file from my  PC hard drive to my external drive. The cut/paste operation was  complete, I clicked the "X" to close Thunar and got the "Ubuntu  experienced an error" message."21:18
ali1234"Thunar crashed after pressing the close button"21:18
ali1234"I closed thunar, this error happened"21:19
ali1234well, that's a pattern if i ever saw one21:19
Noskcajthunar has a heap of different errors when it closes. I just made a bug for another one21:19
ali1234"I closed Thunar, and got this error. Pane Side -> Tree is enabled."21:19
ali1234it has all different errors because memory is getting randomly corrupted somewhere21:20
ali1234that can cause many different symptoms, but the root cause is almost certainly the same21:20
ali1234if you can find a way to reliably reproduce it...21:20
ali1234something is overwriting random bits of memory21:21
ali1234probably an uninitialized pointer somewhere21:21
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ali1234it's particularly telling that all the bugs have roughly the same frequency except for the top one or two22:48
ali1234well, most happened only once22:49
brainwash_I'm not affected, because I don't move big torrent downloads from A to B :)23:01
brainwash_but thunar needs some cosmetic fixes, 1) use correct icon for "open with" menu entry 2) sort "open with..." sub menu 3) use theme color for selection rectangle23:04
brainwash_I'll put it on my todo list23:04
ali1234which versions of thunar have shipped in xubuntu releases?23:06
ali1234!info thunar precise23:07
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.3-3ubuntu2 (precise), package size 311 kB, installed size 898 kB23:07
ali1234!info thunar quantal23:07
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.0-1ubuntu2.1 (quantal), package size 315 kB, installed size 909 kB23:07
ali1234!thunar raring23:07
ali1234!info thunar raring23:07
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.2-0ubuntu1 (raring), package size 320 kB, installed size 899 kB23:07
ali1234this bug has never been reported with raring as far as i can tell23:08
ali1234so it may be a bug in some library23:08
ali1234some xfce library that only thunar uses23:08
ali1234!info thunar saucy23:08
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.3-1ubuntu1 (saucy), package size 314 kB, installed size 904 kB23:09
ali12341.6.2 showed the bug in saucy but not raring, and that was during development23:09
ali1234although actually, it *could* be due to glib changes... same thing happened with xfce-terminal23:10
brainwash_shouldn't there be reports outside of the ubuntu universe too?23:10
ali1234yes, but frankly... where?23:33
Noskcajarch, debian, suse, mint?23:33
ali1234the only reason i'm seeing these reports is because of automatic error reporting23:34
ali1234i think people tend not to report one-off unreproducable crashes23:34
ali1234mainly because triagers just close the bugs if they can't be reproduced23:34
ali1234i think the only option here is to go through the code and audit it by hand :(23:35
ali1234cppcheck didn't find anything obvious, valgrind isn't showing any corruption... i don't know what else to try23:36
ali1234i'm actually impressed we even got on the top 100 bugs... must be a lot of users out there23:37
ali1234especially since it seems pretty hard to reproduce23:38
knomehumm, i'm seeing a debian wallpaper on the installer...23:52
Noskcajali1234, yay?23:55

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