
TaoSk8rGreets all.. Im trying to setup the ARM repo if possible on my chrubuntu installation, is this possible? Im using the 12.04 kubuntu00:13
TaoSk8r_wow i guess this is a lurk mode channel02:01
TaoSk8r_nobody talks here, oh well02:01
TaoSk8r_have a good one, nobody who is listening.02:02
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hvn2hi, I have a question about the boot process...does the u-boot.bin play an active role in the boot or not ?09:41
infinityhvn2: It's effectively your firmware and bootloader all rolled into one, so yes.09:45
hvn2infinity: so only having a new uImage, uInitrd and boot.scr doesn't boot the system09:49
infinityhvn2: That depends on the system.  But one like a Panda, for instance, has no PROM with u-boot written to it, so the only one it has is the one you give it on the SD card.09:49
infinitySome other boards do have a burned-in u-boot, and don't need you to provide a spare.09:50
hvn2infinity: I'm trying to boot a custom patched kernel. dpkg does create the file I mentioned, but not the u-boot.bin. After reboot, the process hangs on the boot of the new kernel. Hence the question.09:52
hvn2typo: ..files I mentioned..09:52
infinityhvn2: Well, the u-boot you already had should work.  You don't need a new one for each kernel.09:52
infinityIf you deleted your old u-boot, that wouldn't work so well. :P09:53
hvn2infinity: should it work if the u-boot.bin is for a different kernel than uImage, uInitrd  and the /boot contents ?09:54
infinityhvn2: u-boot isn't "for a kernel".09:54
infinityhvn2: Like I said, it's effectively your firmware and bootloader.09:54
infinityhvn2: You don't replace your BIOS and GRUB on every kernel update on x86.  Same general idea.09:55
hvn2infinity: ok. I understand. Then I have to look further into why it won't boot.09:55
hvn2infinity: you compare it to GRUB....after installing a new kernel on x86, the new kernel is usually added to GRUB. Does that go for u-boot as well ?10:00
infinityhvn2: Grub updates its config file, that's all.  Usually not needed with a u-boot setup if it just follows the symlinks.  But look at your boot.scr to see what it's doing.10:02
* infinity needs to get some sleep.10:03
hvn2infinity: ok, ty10:03
suihkulokkiI guess A53 is quite rare breed.. in-order 64bit cpu :)10:08
suihkulokkihmm echan10:10
hvn2Question: I'm about to cross-compile a custom kernel, but not sure which method to use. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ARMKernelCrossCompile at 6 says to build uImage only, while other sources say to create a deb package containing uImage, uInitrd and vmlinuz. Which is best ?11:00
hvn2Running Ubuntu Precise11:01
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hvn2Hi, question: trying to build a custom kernel for beagleboard following https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ARMKernelCrossCompile FAQ 6, I end up with a hanging system with last message "Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel. ". The boot info shows it boots the correct uImage. But why could it hang?12:49
ogradid you set the right console= option ?12:50
hvn2ogra: I'm using a 3.5.7 vanilla kernel, so low-level debug uart is no option. I tried console= earlier but without any result.13:03
hrwwhy so old?13:15
hvn2hrw: because of a patch I intend to use which is adapter for 3.5.7 and 3.8.13. So I could use the later one as well, but my main question is why it doesn't boot. It boots with 3.2.0, so why not 3.5.7 ?13:21
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hvn2ok, I have tried https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ARMKernelCrossCompile FAQ 6 with 2 different kernels: 3.5.7 and 2.6.33 (because of UART) and the board won't boot. So I'm rather clueless by now.14:13
ograhow do you know it desnt boot if you dont even get the kernel messages14:16
ografix that first14:16
ogra"Uncompressing Linux... done, booting the kernel." is only the kernel starting ... if it oopses or doesnt find iits initrd or doesnt find its rootfs it prints stuff after that to the default console14:17
ogra(whatever console is defined in your config)14:17
hvn2ogra: yes, I'm going to compare working stuff with custom....see what that gives14:50
hvn2already did, but will get it working....14:50
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davidkrauserHello everybody18:14
davidkrauserDoes anyone in here have any experience building for armv5 with the gcc-arm-linux-gnueabi package in Ubuntu 12.04? I can get it to work with the package in 13.10, but not with the package in 12.04.18:14
davidkrauserSeems that all of the files in /usr/arm-linux-gnueabi/ are targeting armv7-a in 12.04, and armv5t in 13.1018:15
davidkrauserAlso seems that in 12.04, everything is built with -mfloat-abi=softfp, and everything in 13.10 is built with -mfloat-abi=soft18:18
davidkrauserI used `readelf -A FILE` to inspect those files. Not sure if there's a better way.18:25
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