
vthompsonahayzen, a lot will need to be changed when grilo is removed. I'm sure this won't be missed while testing.00:00
ahayzenvthompson, yep :)00:01
popeyahayzen: approved https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/fix-1276170/+merge/20781000:01
ahayzenpopey, thanks vthompson ^^00:02
vthompsonpopey, ahayzen top approved. Thx00:02
ahayzenpopey, will dpm be updating his device throughout MWC?00:04
popeyI don't know. I'll ask him when I see him.00:05
vthompsonpopey, could you triage this bug and possibly review the MP I have for it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-terminal-app/+bug/128384800:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1283848 in Ubuntu Terminal App "New Terminal app on phone (r0.5.38) does not show Panels and Settings icons" [Undecided,New]00:09
popeyvthompson: confirmed00:10
vthompsonpopey, sergiusens, looks like the MP has merged. Sergio you can fire again :)00:14
sergiusensvthompson, already building :-)00:15
sergiusensvthompson, btw, if you don't mind merging line 11 into your change?00:15
sergiusensfor the terminal00:15
sergiusensboth have the same destination00:16
vthompsonWill do00:16
popeysergiusens: i just tried to use "click-buddy --dir fix-1283848-add-icons-cmake/"00:17
popeyand pushed the click to the device (and then copied the plugins folder from an older release in) but the app just white screens00:17
popeyam I missing a step?00:17
sergiusenspopey, I didn't fix the hack if this is terminal, music or files00:18
popeyah, its terminal00:18
popeyof course, i forgot00:18
sergiusenspopey, we agreed to move the plugin compilation in tree00:18
sergiusenslike reminders00:18
ahayzenpopey, i forgot did we have an eta for the new mediascanner? or is there a blueprint i can track?00:19
popeyahayzen: that's a jhodapp question00:19
popeywill find out and let you know00:19
ahayzenpopey, is he doing the media-hub and mediascanner?00:19
sergiusenshe's doing the hub00:20
sergiusensnot sure about scanner00:20
ahayzenpopey, awesome :)00:20
popeyadded to to-do00:21
vthompsonJames Henstridge  was doing the scanner QML bindings originally00:21
sergiusenspopey, https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/143/00:21
ahayzenvthompson, ah yes tht name seems familiar00:22
sergiusensdidn't you guys talk about this same thing on Friday :-P00:22
vthompsonI don't recall being part of that discussion, but my memory has failed me before00:23
ahayzenvthompson, think it was just between me popey and sergiusens00:24
sergiusenson #ubuntu-app-devel00:25
* popey runs ap00:27
ahayzenvthompson, has ur Songs tab been renamed to 'Music'?00:33
vthompsonahayzen, I'll check. That sounds like part of the change Michael Spencer made00:35
ahayzenvthompson, yep thts wht i'm thinking00:35
ahayzenvthompson, i see the issue00:35
ahayzenvthompson, i'll put up a patch00:35
popeyI do so enjoy our sunday evenings together ☻00:36
ahayzenvthompson, https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/fix-songs-tab-name/+merge/20785000:39
vthompsonahayzen, approved and top approved. good catch00:41
sergiusensone more build then00:41
vthompsonsergiusens, yes please :)00:41
popeyhmm, autopilot fail00:41
* sergiusens waits for merge00:41
* popey reboots and runs again.00:41
popeyanyone seen that before?00:42
ahayzenpopey, nope00:43
* popey re-runs00:43
ahayzenpopey, is tht even coming from us?00:43
popeyok, same error00:51
* popey files bug to track it00:52
ahayzenpopey, how are we running tests with the new click buddy etc?00:52
popeythis was with the image made by sergiusens00:53
popeyi downloaded from the store, so would be the image landing on end user phones00:53
sergiusenspopey, that's autopilot00:53
popeyap broken?00:53
popeywhy haven't i seen this before?00:53
sergiusenspopey, sort of, yes00:53
sergiusenspopey, should be fixed if tests are python300:54
ahayzenah yes00:54
popeyfiled https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/1283868 anyway00:54
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1283868 in Ubuntu Music App "music-app rev 356 fails AP test on image 205 on mako" [Undecided,New]00:54
popeyfeel free to re-assign00:54
popeysergiusens: my problem is if I push this we'll get AP failure on QA overnight, right?00:55
sergiusenspopey, I'd file that against autopilot00:56
sergiusenspopey, and yes00:56
sergiusenspopey, I'd disable the test for now00:56
popeyno, I'd rather not do that00:56
sergiusensdid it work before?00:56
popeyI haven't seen this error before00:57
ahayzensergiusens, popey Jenkins is passing?00:57
popeyand I do not fancy the wrath of QA from the ill-recommended disabling of tests00:57
popeyahayzen: i suspect it may fail if I let 356 through00:57
sergiusensahayzen, yeah; but it's a different code path00:57
ahayzenah i see00:57
sergiusensahayzen, the jenkins tests are useles IMO, they run on desktop00:57
popeywhich is one reason why I'm always keen on running them on-device before publishing00:58
popeyI'll chase the ap problem up with balloons tomorrow00:59
popeyuh, later today00:59
ahayzenheh perspective00:59
popeylemme play with the app00:59
popeytell you what (unrelated) - we should have /home/phablet/Pictures exposed as DCIM or whatever it is photo apps look for01:00
sergiusenspopey, I have to run for a bit; jenkins is building latest music if you want to give it a spin01:01
popeysergiusens: I'm going to publish 35601:02
sergiusenspopey, if you decide to run ap against it and it's ok; I'll post/publish01:02
popeyI will leave next rev till tomorrow01:02
sergiusensI'll put it up on the store later tonight01:03
popeythanks vthompson ahayzen sergiusens01:03
ahayzenthanks popey01:03
popeypublished 35601:03
basketballdo yo have to pay to develop apps for ubuntu01:39
vthompsonbasketball, Nope! Have a look at http://developer.ubuntu.com/apps/01:41
vthompsonYou can write apps and push them to the app store for free and fairly quickly--they do need to be reviewed01:41
basketballi dont have ubuntu touch but i am thinking about flashing it does it void warrenty01:42
vthompsonbasketball, I'm not sure if flashing voids the warranty. You should be able to reflash with your provider's ROM and it shouldn't have an impact on your warranty.01:45
basketballbut if the device breaks before i can reflash01:45
vthompsonbasketball, also there's an emulator you can use if you run 14.04. That's all you probably need to test out your app.01:46
basketballwhat language is the app written in01:46
vthompsonIf you have a Nexus 4 it's incredibly easy to flash to Ubuntu Touch01:46
basketballnexus 701:46
vthompsonQML (Qt5 and Javascript) and HTML5,01:47
basketballi only know c++01:47
vthompsonCurrently the 2013 N7 is not supported: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Install01:48
basketballit will be for 14.04 though right01:48
vthompsonI'm not sure01:48
vthompsonI'm just a developer, I'm not really in the know about such things01:49
RAOFNative Qt5 (ie: C++) is also supported.01:51
basketballi only know c++01:52
basketballcan i still develop01:52
vthompsonQt5 is a C++ platform. You'd have to learn some of the Qt specific features that are used. But, I'd recommend considering QML as your target language. It's not too hard to learn and the API docs are pretty good.01:54
basketballdo you guys have ubuntu touch installed01:55
vthompsonon an Nexus 4, yes01:55
basketballhow stable is it01:56
vthompsonI haven't had any stability issues.01:56
basketballare there good apps01:57
vthompsonYou have a few options and can either install a stable version or a developer version. I run the developer version and upgrade every few days. Some times there are glitches, but overall I rarely have issues01:57
basketballare there good apps01:57
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Guest92028ubnutu touch system requiremnets02:56
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dholbachgood morning07:01
shuduodholbach: morning :)07:07
chetanwhere to download ubuntu for android?07:10
chetanubuntu set up for android. . .07:11
shuduodholbach: hasn't forthcoming app showdown contest 2014 officially announce?07:12
dholbachhi shuduo07:15
dholbachshuduo, no, it'll be announce on the 26th07:15
dholbachso we still need to figure some small bits out07:16
shuduodholbach: got it.07:16
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arabzoltan1, ping08:36
shuduoi reported a but for ubuntu-keyboard https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-keyboard/+bug/1283975, actually dev branch with some manual tunning works good.09:02
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1283975 in ubuntu-keyboard "ubuntu-keyboard shows white blank after set Chinese" [Undecided,New]09:02
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy World Bartender Day! :-D09:26
ograom26er, is that a normal 4.4 install ? not anything like dualboot installed ?09:30
om26erogra, yeah, normal. I flash it clean with image from developers.android.com09:30
om26errather .google.com09:30
om26erogra, i am now downloading image 206 to be sure09:31
WebVisitor-0I have a question regarding ubuntu's compatibility with multitouch overlays09:32
ograworst case you can flash recovery and boot images manually (from cdimage via fastboot) that wuill definitelyl force the device to upgrade09:32
WebVisitor-0I'm planning on using ubuntu as the interface for a multitouch table09:32
WebVisitor-0Any idea if I should expect any errors or bugs?09:32
WebVisitor-0The drivers for the overlay support linux, but would it work on ubuntu?09:33
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popeyJamesTait: is it possible to go back multiple versions with the "back to previous published" button?10:49
popeyJamesTait: music-app 356 is published, I want to go to 329 via 35010:50
JamesTaitpopey, I don't know, but let me see if Ican figure it out from the code.10:51
davmor2Morning all11:03
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JamesTai1popey, we think it should be possible, so long as both the versions you want to revert to were previously published. :)11:22
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popeyJamesTait: yes, rolling back twice worked, thanks11:37
JamesTaitpopey, thanks, I'll feed that back for future reference. :)11:38
didrocksthanks popey, JamesTait!11:43
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xpltDo I need to create a new emulator instance every day [i.e. how often is it being updated]?12:29
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bzoltan1ping ara13:37
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om26ertsdgeos, it this the right time to start reporting bug for new-scopes branch? or shall i wait for that to first land in ubuntu ?13:52
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tsdgeosom26er: you can report them sure13:58
tsdgeosom26er: but make sure you specify it's on the new-scopes branch that is happening please13:59
om26ertsdgeos, sure will do.13:59
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arabzoltan1, pong14:02
bzoltan1ara: shoot14:04
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arabzoltan1, just about the email I sent you on Friday and that I followed up with kalikiana earlier before14:04
arabzoltan1, that's why I pinged you14:04
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OttOmanTRWhere can I see currently available apps for Ubuntu Touch? Any market like web site?14:33
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popeyOttOmanTR: not yet, but there's a nice app for it... https://gist.github.com/rschroll/895201514:35
OttOmanTRumm so apps.ubuntu.com will be used but filtered for ubuntu touch, right?14:36
popeyi dont know if that is the plan14:36
kenvandinerenato, https://developer.gnome.org/libecal/stable/libecal-e-cal-util.html#e-cal-util-generate-alarms-for-comp14:37
pmcgowanOttOmanTR, there will be a nice website sometime soon14:37
kenvandinerenato, that lets you specify a start and end14:37
OttOmanTRpmcgowan: ok14:38
kenvandinerenato, and when you create the alarm, you can set_repeat on it with duration and interval14:38
aquariuskalikiana, ping.14:38
aquariuskalikiana, new complaint: indexes in u1db-qt don't work if you have more than one field in your index expression :(14:38
kenvandinerenato, ^^14:38
aquariuskalikiana, I wish you hadn't implemented all the index stuff yourself and had done it the way the reference impl does it instead :(14:39
renatokenvandine, ok thanks, I will check this14:39
pmcgowanrenato, kenvandine who works on qtorganizer-eds14:39
pmcgowanor is that what you are talking about14:39
renatopmcgowan, me14:40
pmcgowanrenato, did you see the alarm bug I entered fir?14:40
pmcgowanbug #128323614:40
ubot5bug 1283236 in Ubuntu Clock App "Alarms are triggered in UTC tz despite saving in local tz" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128323614:40
kenvandinepmcgowan, i noticed that too :)14:41
renatopmcgowan, I will work on that14:42
pmcgowanrenato, thanks not sure where the issue resides14:42
renatopmcgowan, this alarm support on indicator was released last week?14:43
pmcgowanrenato, yes in proposed builds14:44
pmcgowanrenato, charles released a bunch of code to make it work14:44
renatopmcgowan, nice I will test this14:44
kalikianaaquarius: I think you do know python is totally different to qml and there's no obvious approach short of copying the C code and getting a horrible API14:44
kalikianaaquarius: is this tested with latest trunk fixes in place? and, examples code?14:45
aquariuskalikiana, I'm just putting together an example. I'm testing it with whatever's currently *packaged*, rather than compiling my own u1db because real users don't do that :)14:45
kalikiana(and it did not help that kevin knew as much python as you know C++…)14:45
kalikianaaquarius: fair enough, I can do a test run for you, I just need to see that it wasn't already fixed :-)14:46
kalikianaif you haven't seen, we have a second C++ dev finally14:47
aquariuskalikiana, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6987355/14:54
aquariuskalikiana, switch between the two U1DB.Querys with the toolbar14:54
aquariusnote that the one-item query works fine14:54
aquariusbut the two-item query returns docs that it shouldn't match14:54
aquarius(also, that a query only returns fields that you indexed, not a whole document, but you already know about that bug and have a branch on hold to fix it :))14:55
nik90renato, pmcgowan: I talked to zsombi this morning who mentioned that the alarms API takes the time given by clock app and passed it to EDS without any modifications.14:57
nik90renato: so can you check on the EDS end what timezone it requires as the input14:57
nik90renato: I suspect that's where the issue lies.14:57
pmcgowannik90, which is a full date object, renato is looking14:57
nik90pmcgowan: yes14:58
pmcgowancould still be in i-dt I suppose, there is logic to check if an alarm is outstanding14:58
nik90pmcgowan, renato: Btw I am tracking alarm daily usage blocker bugs at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-clock-app/+bugs?field.tag=dogfooding-blocker14:58
pmcgowannik90, excellent14:58
pmcgowanalmost there, finally14:59
nik90pmcgowan: yes14:59
kalikianaaquarius: how to approach the behavior of the returned fields is still under discussion, we have two new ideas including explicitly indicating it in the query and using a version bump for the change - the later might be a way to change abi without breaking anything that's not modified and without adding any "clutches"14:59
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aquariuskalikiana, I don't mind how it happens, I just mind *that* it happens. I should not have to index every field in my document just to get them back from a query :)15:00
kalikianathough it sort of kicked lose a huge api discussion in the whole sdk and thus I took a break from that15:00
aquariuskalikiana, but I'm more worried today about the error exhibited by the pastebin above -- if I have a two-item query expression, the query doesn't actually do any filtering and just returns every document.15:01
kalikianaaquarius: sure. just keep in mind we actually have people using it who would jump to your throat if they knew you want to break their stuff15:01
aquariuskalikiana, definitely, and I understand that completely -- a version bump seems like the way forward here, because the existing broken way is indeed incompatible with the actual proper way. This is what version bumps are for.15:02
kalikiana(I'll try your paste in a jiffy I'm waiting for a fresh bzr clone to test with)15:03
kalikianaaquarius: yeah the version seems like the cleanest way. just we don't really facilitate versions at all otherwise so I'd better not stumble into a booby trap15:04
sergiusenscjwatson, tedg hey, mzanetti just pointed me to bug 125163515:04
ubot5bug 1251635 in upstart-app-launch (Ubuntu) "drop version numbers from users' .desktop file names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/125163515:04
sergiusenswhere the idea of a short id is discussed15:04
sergiusensI don't thing changing the APP_ID is what was wanted;15:04
sergiusensinstead, the desktop file that was generated15:05
sergiusensas in if app_id=com.ubuntu.camera_camera_1.0 -> desktop == com.ubuntu.camera_camera.desktop (or something of the sort)15:05
tedgsergiusens, Yes15:07
tedgsergiusens, Not sure what you're asking for :-)15:07
tedgsergiusens, We've discussed this with the Unity folks and the long term solution is that they need a click hook for getting the data they need.15:09
tedgsergiusens, Using the fallback desktop files that we've put there for other desktops isn't really a good solution.15:09
sergiusensif you've discussed it already fine15:09
tedgThat all being said, I think it might be useful for other desktops to have the shortened desktop files.  But it's not a priority to get done :-)15:10
mzanettitedg: but, those fallback desktop files for other desktops will suffer the same issues15:10
mzanettithey are just useless for anything else except listing the *current* state of the directory and launching them. you can't cache them, you can't link them or anything15:11
mzanettias an upgrade of the app will break it15:11
tedgWell, you can list all the apps to run.15:11
mzanettiyeah... so the same as we have in unity8 right now15:12
mzanettiyou can launch those click app from the apps scope, but they won't work in the launcher or a "favorties" or most used "scope" or the like15:12
tedgBut anyway, it's a bit of a change as we have to put more information in the desktop with X- properties to ensure we can sync properly and all that.15:12
tedgI started a branch for it, but it's not trivial.15:12
tedgEveryone in the entire world is suddenly going to agree that Unity 8 is the best, and use it, right?  ;-)15:14
mzanettiok... solves the problem to an extend where we only have to implement all the workarounds in unity815:14
kalikianaaquarius: to clarify, what in the example are you (not) seeing15:15
kalikianaI see two rows in the first, three in the second15:15
cjwatsonsergiusens: I don't know what you're asking for either; I already added the short-app-id facility to click15:16
tedgPerhaps we could put it in a different package so that it only ends up on desktop builds, save some CPU time/space on the smaller devices.15:16
tedg(the click hook to build those files)15:16
popeypmcgowan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click-update-manager/+bug/125679715:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1256797 in click-update-manager (Ubuntu) "Update manager shows multiple copies of same app, different version" [Undecided,New]15:16
popeycan you confirm that?15:17
sergiusenscjwatson, it's ok; tedg and mzanetti took it from here...15:17
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mzanettisergiusens: cjwatson: actually... /me still thinks the version number doesn't belong in the appid15:17
aquariuskalikiana, if you look at the definition of the queries, you'll see that one of them is ["show"] and the other is ["show", "*"] -- that is, they should both return just the 2 "show" documents and not the one "hide" document15:17
pmcgowanpopey, need to load latest15:17
cjwatsonmzanetti: I'm not changing the app-id.  End of story15:18
cjwatsonmzanetti: Use the short-app-id if you don't need the version15:18
popeypmcgowan: running 206 here fwiw15:18
aquariuskalikiana, but the two-item query is ignoring that it says ["show", "*"] and is acting as though it says ["*","*"] -- that is, it doesn't actually act as a query at all!15:18
cjwatsonmzanetti: I am absolutely not risking breaking existing code15:18
tedgmzanetti, I think that it belongs very solidly in the lower levels of the plumbing to make them tight and predictable.  In the higher levels (click scope, unity, etc.) that should be hidden from the user.15:18
kalikianaaquarius: d'oh. you're right.15:20
mzanetticjwatson: sure, I get that you don't want to change it, I probably wouldn't want to that either in your situation, just saying, the short-app-id doesn't solve the problem.15:20
cjwatsonmzanetti: Why not?15:21
cjwatsonmzanetti: I mean, obviously any hooks where it matters need to change as well15:21
mzanetticjwatson: because we need to get to the information of the .desktop file15:21
kalikianaaquarius: I'm pondering what other than the number of fields affects it. it would seem ridiculous if that's the only factor15:21
cjwatsonmzanetti: But removing the version number from the app-id is exactly what the short-app-id is; if removing the version number from the app-id directly solved your problem, then using the short-app-id would also solve your problem15:22
cjwatsonmzanetti: So I don't even slightly understand why you're continuing to push on the question of the app-id definition15:22
aquariuskalikiana, I do not know.15:23
cjwatsonmzanetti: The hook that generates the desktop file symlinks should just change to use the short-app-id15:23
cjwatson(if it hasn't already)15:23
mzanetticjwatson: oh... that's a different story then...15:23
mzanettiI didn't know that would be possible15:24
cjwatsonmzanetti: That was the whole point of introducing the short-app-id!15:24
cjwatsonIt was just a two-part fix, that's all, and the second part isn't mine15:24
mzanettiah. ok... understood now15:24
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kalikianaaquarius: I'm incorporating it into the unit tests, if I know what the pattern is I'll file a bug15:31
aquariuskalikiana, ok15:33
aquariusfor now I shall have to just not use indexes and do it by hand :(15:33
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aquariuskalikiana, no, I can't even do it by hand, because U1db.Query doesn't have an onItemsInserted signal handler even though it's a ListModel :(15:39
kalikianaaquarius: you sure that's part of the interface? it's a QAbstractListModel and not necessarily whatever ListModel in QML is15:42
kalikianaaquarius: how about onDocumentsChanged or onResultsChanged?15:42
aquariuskalikiana, aha! that sounds useful. I'll look into those!15:42
kalikianait may give you all items, not only the new ones, but should work for you15:43
kalikiana(I think I'm close to finding the bug in the unit test, but still unsure what exactly causes it)15:44
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charles_nik90: ping15:54
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frazzHey Everyone, is there a release date for Ubuntu Touch? If I had to guess it'd be when 14.04 comes out. But you know what they say when you assume things... ;)16:16
tedgThe Canonical post says that the industrial design of the Meizu and BQ phones can be seen at MWC.  Anyone got pix?16:16
nik90charles: pong16:21
frazz@tedg http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2014/02/bq-meizu-ubuntu-smartphones-confirmed-for-2014-release16:23
frazz@tedg I just came across that. It's got some links to the phone manufacturer's site.16:23
tedgfrazz, Yeah, I think that's still a photoshopped image.  Want to see the actual thing, that's real :-)16:26
frazztedg, I hear ya. Me too.16:27
kalikianaaquarius: https://bugs.launchpad.net/u1db-qt/+bug/1284194 please double-check that the unit test queries are correct https://code.launchpad.net/~kalikiana/u1db-qt/wonderiousFields/+merge/20796816:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284194 in U1DB Qt/ QML "Wonderious fields constellation gets ignored" [Critical,Confirmed]16:31
tedgfrazz, https://twitter.com/Device_Atlas/status/43798568932265984016:31
m-b-oballoons: are you around? I have a mp for you to fix flaky tests16:31
tedgMight be an N10 though.16:31
Tassadarthat is N10 :)16:32
balloonsm-b-o, I am16:32
balloonssend it along16:32
frazztedg, yeah, it's hard to tell.16:33
m-b-oballoons: https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring/+merge/20779316:34
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m-b-oballoons: besides the changed ap tests, the anchors stuff should also improve things16:36
balloonsthis is quite a diff16:36
balloonswow.. ok, so I can review from a test perspective :-)16:36
m-b-oballoons: from my side yes!16:37
m-b-oballoons: the anchors stuff replaced bad style16:38
barryLaney: i've pushed an update to my citrain-2.1 branch (2.1-0ubuntu2).  can you rebuild the silo and try again?  (tested here, wfm)16:47
Tassadarstgraber: hi, I've set up my own system-image server with hammerhead images, according to your blog post, at http://system-image.tasemnice.eu/ and I've got some questions about it :)16:47
* barry -> lunch16:48
Laneybarry: okay, but couldn't you have used the same version?16:49
Laneyoh no, you don't get mangled by the train16:49
barryLaney: yep, we use a siding :)16:49
stgraberTassadar: sure16:50
Tassadarfirstly - if I install images from that system-image server, it's gonna try to download updates from it too (and not from ubuntu.com), I guess?16:51
Tassadar(I don't have https, so it won't work now, but theoreticaly)16:55
xnoxwaht the! spinning ubuntu touch logo on upgrade.16:56
xnox(well first flash)16:56
Tassadaralso, when is import-images gonna generate new revisions - every time it sees either new rootfs or new device files, or just for rootfs? (my etc/config looks like this: http://hastebin.com/wuverivuce.ini )16:56
xnox(also progress bar is redundant, especially when it's choppy)16:57
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timppa|a1ayrsalveti: Any news on the bug # 128381817:31
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popeyballoons: music-app rev 359 passes AP and fixes the issues I had, ship it!17:38
* balloons moves on it17:40
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mhall119hey guys, why do I have a discrepency in the amount of data in my /home?17:46
mhall119root@ubuntu-phablet:/# du -sh /home17:46
mhall119root@ubuntu-phablet:/# df -h |grep home17:46
mhall119/dev/mmcblk0p23                 5.7G  5.7G     0 100% /home17:46
mhall119du says 2.2G, df says 5.7G17:46
=== Beldar is now known as Guest30394
mhall119alex-abreu: it seems every app that uses QtWebkit is storing up to 30M of data their .QtWebKit/cache/ folder17:56
sergiusenspopey, what was the issue?17:57
alex-abreumhall119, whats in it?17:57
popeysergiusens: from music app? command line parameters missing for launching with a song name in the cli17:57
popeysergiusens: bug 128402517:58
sergiusenspopey, and that was causing the autopilot decoding error?17:58
ubot5bug 1284025 in Ubuntu Music App "Music app 356 on mako image 206 doesn't play music launched from dash 1st time" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128402517:58
mhall119alex-abreu: looks like web caches, no idea what the content is18:00
Laneycan I change channel without upgrading straight away?18:01
popeysergiusens: no18:01
sergiusensogra, try plugging in a usb hd; do you get two popups?18:03
ograsergiusens, the only one i have handy has photos ... so i get the "what shold i do" dialog18:05
ograonly once though18:05
ograand my flo behaves atm as well18:05
ograusing image 20618:05
sergiusensogra, so whenever I plug anything storage; I get two popups on desktop; want to know if it's only me18:05
ograi only get one here18:06
=== Fyodorovna is now known as Beldar
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nik90ogra: when did you guys get to #226? I thought the latest was #20618:09
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ogranik90, it is ?18:10
ograwho said 226 ?18:11
nik90ogra: I saw didrocks g+ post18:11
nik90nvr mind I think it is a typo18:11
ogranik90, well, at least didrocks didnt write 202618:11
ogranik90, he did that in all meeting today :)18:11
didrockswe should stop with numbers18:12
* didrocks edits his post18:12
didrocks(fixed on G+)18:12
didrockslet's use letters!18:12
ogralets get fancy release names for each image18:12
sergiusensrandomly generated18:12
* didrocks will start naming images after md5sum18:13
* ogra wants to hear you pronounce that in the meeting 18:13
mhall119pmcgowan: where should I file a bug about the phone behaving badly when it's out of space on /home/?18:14
=== barry` is now known as barry
bfillerkenvandine: hey, can you repush this MR against lp:ubuntu-ui-extras which has now been moved to lp:~phablet-team/ubuntu-ui-extras: https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-ui-extras/share_much_needed_tlc/+merge/20752618:19
kenvandinebfiller, sure18:20
mhall119alex-abreu: where should I file a bug about the .QtWebKit/cache/ storage problem?18:21
alex-abreumhall119, in ubuntu-html5-theme18:21
mhall119really? even though it's affecting things like the G+ and Facebook apps?18:22
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mhall119pmcgowan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/dialer-app/+bug/1284255 is pretty bad18:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284255 in dialer-app (Ubuntu) "dailer-app doesn't work when /home/ is out of space" [Undecided,New]18:28
mhall119making the phone unusable as a phone when you run out of space in /home/18:28
ogradont do that then :)18:29
mhall119shouldn't anything the phone needs to operate be saved outside of /home/?18:29
ogradialer-app runs as phablet user ...18:29
mhall119then we need to give is some special storage area that the user can't fill with music or pictures18:30
mhall119"take one more photo and you won't be able to dial 911" is not okay18:30
ograbut the user wont have write access ...18:32
ograprobably some "dialer" group18:32
ograthat owns a dir in /var ... and that all users are part of18:32
pmcgowanmhall119, whats the symptom, does it happen when you make or get a call? like trying to write the log?18:35
mhall119pmcgowan: it seems the radio can't be used at all when /home/ is full18:35
mhall119it can't even detect the carrier or IMEI number18:35
pmcgowanmhall119, thats not obvious to me18:36
mhall119the dialer itself is able to load, look up contacts, but the green button is disabled (presumably because it knows it can't actually call anyone)18:39
sergiusensmhall119, ogra pmcgowan this is why http://paste.ubuntu.com/6990375/18:41
ograugh, yeah18:41
sergiusensmhall119, and that18:41
sergiusensmhall119, and that's why du -sh gives a different result18:41
ograso even using the apache model (group owned dir in /var) wouldnt work18:41
mhall119sergiusens: what am I looking at?18:42
ograthe list of mounted rw dirs18:42
ograthey are all on the same device18:42
ogra(including your home)18:42
sergiusensthat ^18:42
ograthat will even show other fallout18:42
ogradielaer-app is just lucky to be the first one misbehaving18:43
mhall119ogra: I think network manager is too, last night it was unable to connect to my home wifi (kept askingme for my password too)18:43
sergiusensogra, /data is also where rild would writ to iirc18:43
ograsergiusens, is that ext4 without reserved space for root ?18:44
ograusually ext4 sets 5% iirc18:44
sergiusensogra, android's /data18:44
ograsergiusens, still ext418:44
ograwe might need to set reserved space during install18:45
kenvandinebfiller, resubmitted https://code.launchpad.net/~ken-vandine/ubuntu-ui-extras/share_much_needed_tlc/+merge/20799518:45
sergiusensogra, yup18:45
* mhall119 is surprised he's the first to use up all the space on the drive18:45
bfillerkenvandine: great, thanks18:45
sergiusensmhall119, you aren't I think18:45
sergiusenslogs have killed people too18:46
pmcgowanall heck breaks lose when disk is full18:46
ograroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# dumpe2fs /dev/mmcblk0p30|grep "Reserved block"18:46
ogradumpe2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)18:46
ograReserved block count:     018:46
ograReserved blocks uid:      0 (user root)18:46
ograReserved blocks gid:      0 (group root)18:46
ograthere we go18:46
sergiusenspmcgowan, even on desktop ;-)18:46
sergiusensbut more critical on a phone ;-)18:46
ograroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# tune2fs -m 5 /dev/mmcblk0p3018:46
ogratune2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)18:46
ograSetting reserved blocks percentage to 5% (159334 blocks)18:46
ograroot@ubuntu-phablet:/# dumpe2fs /dev/mmcblk0p30|grep "Reserved block"18:46
ogradumpe2fs 1.42.9 (4-Feb-2014)18:46
ograReserved block count:     15933418:46
ograsergiusens, ^^^18:47
ograthere you go18:47
* ogra reboots to see that this didnt mess up anything 18:47
balloonsrenato, how's the landings for the eds fixes for clock and calendar? nik90 and I were wondering on the timeline for landing18:47
nik90balloons: lol I asked on app-devel, hehe18:48
ograsergiusens, i think that needs to actually live in the initrd ... thats the only place where we know the device name18:48
balloonsnik90, hah.. whoops18:48
ograsome check for "Reserved block count:     0" ... and if that applies we bump it ...18:48
ograstgraber, ^^^^thoughts ?18:49
renatoballoons, boiko is testing it18:49
stgraberogra: odd, I thought mkfs usually sets those to 5%18:50
nik90renato: okay18:51
ograstgraber, androids mkfs doesnt ;)18:51
stgraberogra: yeah, apparently not... we could hardcode a tune2fs call in the upgrader I guess18:51
ograstgraber, thats androids data partition where we drop all writable stuff18:51
ograso the user can fill up the system enough to make it unusable18:51
ograstgraber, right, i was wondering if it should live in the upgrader or in the initrd18:52
ograthe only places where we know the device name18:52
stgraberogra: I guess upgrader should be fine, let's just set it to sane value with every update. That's assuming we even have tune2fs in the recovery image...18:52
ograright, thats easier to get into the initrd :)18:53
* ogra reboots to recovery18:53
ogra~ # tune2fs -v18:55
ogratune2fs 1.41.14 (22-Dec-2010)18:55
ograseems with that we're good18:55
ograstgraber, the prob is dumpe2fs ... to get the info18:55
ograunless you just blindly want to set it every time18:56
stgraberogra: just blindly set it everytime, no reason to be clever about it ;)18:56
ograheh, k18:56
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mhall119is there a way to update apps from the commandline?19:12
mhall119since I can't currently update them from the GUI19:12
pmcgowanmhall119, install the update manager app?19:13
n-iCehello, does whatsapp run already in ubuntu?! :D19:14
ogran-iCe, nope19:14
ograthey killed all free projects working on clones before they got sold to facebook19:14
n-iCewow, it has a slow develepment19:14
renatoballoons, hey, boiko is testing the ui and notice that, after create a recurrence events it does not show in the ui, only after close and open the app again. Is that a known bug?19:15
ograand they dont want to develop for ubuntu yet19:15
ograi guess it has to show some momentum to them first19:15
n-iCeok thanks19:15
mhall119pmcgowan: it's not in the store19:19
popeymhall119: its a deb19:19
mhall119I have system-image installed19:19
popeyso do i19:19
popeymake it rw and install click-update-manager19:19
mhall119from where?19:20
popeyclick-update-manager: Installed: 0.1+13.10.20131007-0ubuntu1 Candidate: 0.1+13.10.20131007-0ubuntu119:20
ahmed_ hi all19:21
popeyhello ahmed_19:21
ahmed_can I install touch on htc x one +19:21
popey!devices | ahmed_19:21
ubot5ahmed_: You can find the full list of devices, official images, community images, and works in progress at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices19:21
popeysee if it's on that list19:21
ahmed_I found in list "work in progress"19:22
ahmed_what's mean ?19:22
popeyits not finished19:23
ahmed_it's work if I use model near to mine ?19:24
ahmed_ i want select htc one its near19:24
renatoballoons, nik90, hey, boiko can not release the eds fix without update the calendar-app on the store19:24
renatoand I do not have any clue how to do that19:25
t1mpahmed_: it seems like that port was discontinued 1 year ago, http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=217178619:26
t1mpahmed_: so my guess is that there is no image for you to install that will just work.19:27
ahmed_t1mp:  before discontinued it was running ?19:29
ahmed_I am already remove my data19:29
ahmed_and waiting touch version19:29
balloonsrenato, what do you mean? I can push to the store if needed19:30
renatoboiko, ^^^19:30
sergiusensrenato, balloons and myself have the keys19:30
boikoballoons: sergiusens: would that reflect into an updated calendar-app in the next image?19:32
t1mpahmed_: sorry I have no idea. I only clicked the link next to "HTC One X" on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Devices19:32
sergiusensboiko, if we upload to the store; it will sync into the image19:32
balloonsboiko, what version of calendar do you need? I can see what's out there, but it's pretty recent, if not the most recent19:32
balloonsboiko, yea, rev 201 is in the store, same as trunk19:33
ahmed_t1mp: thanks u friend19:37
ahmed_ thanks all people here19:37
boikoballoons: nice, thanks!19:41
e-Rahi all, does the sdk include a simulator?19:49
mhall119e-Ra: it has an emulator, go to the "Devices" tab in QtCreator/UbuntuSDK19:52
mhall119it's currently emulating ARM, so it's pretty slow19:52
mhall119an x86 emulator is in the works and should be much faster19:53
Saviqsergiusens, can I u-d-flash, bootstrap without wiping? i.e. can I upgrade to 4.4.2 without wiping $HOME?19:54
e-Ramhall119: ok thx19:59
sergiusensSaviq, hey, sorry for delays20:03
Saviqsergiusens, no worries20:03
ograsergiusens just got upload rights :)20:03
ograin the meeting next door20:03
sergiusensSaviq, you can't really do that unless you flash from recovery itself20:04
sergiusensSaviq, there's an upgrader fix that needs to happen so upgrades use the latest recovery20:04
sergiusensSaviq, that said; we can workaround the issue20:04
Saviqsergiusens, ah ok, rsync ftw then ;)20:04
sergiusensSaviq, what device?20:04
Saviqsergiusens, mako20:04
Saviqsergiusens, but no worries20:04
Saviqsergiusens, I got my $HOME rsynced already, just an update away :)20:05
sergiusensnah, I just need you to manually flash the recovery.img and the ubuntu-device-flash --channel devel-proposed20:05
sergiusensthen* ubuntu-device-flash20:05
Saviqsergiusens, no need to flash bootloader?20:05
Saviqah ok, that I can do20:06
sergiusensSaviq, we don't flash bootloaders automatically for fear of breakage :-)20:06
ogranever even think of flashing the bootloader20:06
Saviqthought it needs an upgrade between android versions :)20:06
ograthat can actually produce an unrecoverable brick20:06
Saviqsomeone should tell cwayne :D20:07
ogra(and will kill 500 kittens ... the cute type)20:07
Saviqmwc-flash auto-flashes bootloader if android != 4.4 :D20:07
ograeeek !20:07
ograthats brave20:07
sergiusensogra, I flashed it plenty of times; it's part of of flashing android20:07
ograi thought only boot and recovery20:07
ograsergiusens, ssshhh20:07
* Saviq too20:08
sergiusensbut that's not an automated download :-)20:08
Saviqbut consider myself schooled20:08
Saviqsergiusens, u-d-f will happily recognize the device in the new recovery/20:09
sergiusensSaviq, yes20:10
sergiusensSaviq, no need to pass device type20:10
Saviqoh cool, if only it booted, /me must've failed to flash the right recovery20:10
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|bbl
kaimasthi. is it possible to use lxc on ubuntu phone?20:19
stgrabersergiusens: hey, so do you expect it'd be a problem for phablet-flash if a channel contained a slash?20:20
stgraber(channel name that is)20:20
kaimasti basically want to have a normal virtual machine that i can install stuff with dpkg. i thought maybe i could use lxc so i don't break something on the host20:20
sergiusensstgraber, let me check20:20
stgrabersergiusens: you can check with phablet.stgraber.org ubuntu-touch/test20:20
sergiusensstgraber, I don't think so; but I'll write a test20:21
sergiusensstgraber, ah great; faster20:21
stgraber(I don't have phablet-flash installed here as I don't want click on my system)20:21
sergiusensstgraber, the new thing is ubuntu-device-flash and you can install it (depends on fastboot and adb only)20:21
sergiusensstgraber, but I'll give it a run20:21
anpokhi kaimast20:21
stgrabersergiusens: ah, that seems much more reasonable :)20:22
stgrabersergiusens: basically my plan is to move all channels on system-image.ubuntu.com to ubuntu-touch/ . The change would occur in the next few days if we can confirm that none of the tools will blow up over it.20:22
sergiusensstgraber, it doesn't work, but I can fix it20:22
anpokkaimast: i thought u use a different nick..20:22
stgrabersergiusens: doh, ok, so yeah, would be nice if you could fix phablet-flash and ubuntu-device-flash (if also affected)20:23
kaimastanpok: sorry what? :P20:23
sergiusensstgraber, it consuses it with the uri scheme for some reason so I'll dive into it and get a fix landed20:23
stgrabersergiusens: we don't have any immediate plan for non ubuntu-touch stuff on system-image.u.c, but I don't want to move stuff around post-release20:23
stgrabersergiusens: ok, let me know when things look good in the archive (and whatever PPAs people use). I'll follow-up with barry to make sure the downloader code copes well with this too.20:24
sergiusensstgraber, sounds reasonable20:24
anpokkaimast: you launchpad page says something different ..20:24
anpokkaimast: I havent used it but seems to be part of the image i currently use20:25
kaimastaaah thanks for the info (the LP is like 7 years old)20:25
kaimastyeah but I wonder if setting up a lxc container will break something20:25
kaimasti'll just try and see20:26
anpokwhat are you actually doing at the moment?20:26
kaimasttrying to install ccnx (www.ccnx.org). i needs a lot of packages like java and i cannot use dpkg on a regular ubuntu phone install. but i thought it might work inside a lxc contianer20:27
kaimasti'll just try. the ubuntu install is only for testing anyways20:27
kaimastokay mhh images are put into /var/lib/lxc. wonder if that will break images based updates20:31
ograkaimast, userspace lxc should work ... system lxc might have some issues since we disable some of the default lxc bits on the phone20:37
kaimastogra: mhh but userspace lxc cannot access hardware right? can i bridge network somehow ?20:38
ograwell, thats the bit we disabled :)20:38
stgraberbarry: you got mail :) I wasn't sure when you'd resurface on IRC.20:50
kaimastmmmh that sucks. can i re-enable it orga? the templates seem to be gone too :/20:54
kaimasti bet doing "apt-get install --reinstall lxc" will break my phone21:02
coolspidyanybody here21:12
barrystgraber: hopefully back for good now21:12
coolspidyany hope to get Ubuntu touch on other low end devices?21:13
balloonsrenato, is this ready for a silo? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/limit-alarms-fetch/+merge/20762921:18
balloonswe'd like to test both EDS fixes at once I believe21:19
barrystgraber: i'll check it with a hacked client.ini file, but i see no reason why it should just work21:23
nhainescoolspidy: we're only working on software.  Hardware support is for OEMs and the community.  :)21:37
nocomphi folks21:39
nocompany news about ubuntu touch at mwc? can t see any news anywhere21:39
geniinocomp: http://insights.ubuntu.com/event/mobile-world-congress-mwc-2014/21:42
stgraberbarry: yeah, obvious cases would be if you were storing the channel name in the file name but I don't think you ever do that21:43
barrystgraber: phablet.stgraber.org has self-signed certs?21:52
barrystgraber: FileNotFoundError: https://phablet.stgraber.com/gpg/image-master.tar.xz:21:53
barrybut i can find it via the web ui21:54
barry(that error is coming from udm)21:54
stgraberbarry: nope, it's not self-signed, it's a valid ssl cert21:54
stgraberbarry: s/com/org/ :)21:54
kaimasti wonder if there is a way to know if an apt command will break my ubuntu touch system21:56
barrystgraber: works great afaict21:58
stgraberbarry: cool, one less thing to fix. I'll wait for sergiusens's ok and then do an end to end test on phablet.stgraber.org. If that works, I'll send an announcement to ubuntu-touch and schedule some day for the change22:01
stgraber(as I'm putting symlinks, nobody should really notice the transition, though I want it announced as those symlinks will just be temporary so anyone mirroring the public server will need to change their config)22:01
barryralsina_: can you try another rebuild on system-image in landing-010?  i'm sure this is just the regular dbus hup flakiness on the buildds22:21
barryor perhap one of the other americas touch vanguards?22:26
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MoPacHello, quick compatibility question: Is it envisioned that the first stable touch release will be capable of running on more or less any new-ish Android phone?  Or, if one were to buy, say, an S5 this spring, is there no telling at this point if it would be able to support Ubuntu at the end of the year?22:42
sergiusensMoPac, your best bet for an ubuntu phone is to wait for a real one22:43
sergiusensMoPac, from a Canonical standpoint we have a common denominator to develop features; but anyone willing can keep a port running; there are plenty from the community; e.g.; the nexus 5 is worked on today22:44
MoPacsergiusens: That could be a long time, though, particularly with my existing US contract up this summer, and me wanting to decide whether to invest in another contract with a cheap high-end phone22:45
sergiusensMoPac, I hear ting is a really good provider (I really don't understand the contract thing from the US as I don't live there)22:45
MoPacsergiusens: Maybe a better way of asking my question would be: is the hardware environment for Ubuntu on phones supposed to look more or less like the hardware environment for desktops and laptops?  One can buy more or less any Windows machine and expect Ubuntu to more or less run on it without major issues22:46
MoPacWith a desktop or laptop, your "best bet" of course is still to get one that's certified as 100% working with Ubuntu, but you're not taking a huge risk if you don't22:47
sergiusensMoPac, I'd say it's even worse on mobile; there is no common rootfs22:49
sergiusensMoPac, if you look at android, there's no one tar to rule them all22:49
sergiusenswe do have one big commonality though and that is our rootfs22:50
sergiusensbut the hw enablement side is specific to the device22:50
MoPacSo should I understand that there is unlikely to be any fundamental incompatability; i.e., any new Android phone could be made to work with Ubuntu, but it will require community work?22:52
MoPac(In that case, it might be worth it to get an Android-shipped phone provided it is a very popular one)22:53
=== XDS2010__ is now known as XDS2010
nhainesMoPac: it's not worth it to buy a phone that doesn't run Ubuntu in the hope that one day it might.  If you really want one, I recommend a Nexus 5.23:17
nhainesMoPac: I agree with sergiusens.  If you want an Ubuntu phone, you should buy one--not an Android phone.23:18
ralsina_barry: still need it? I can trigger it now, sorry, was away23:18
barryralsina_: np, yes please23:18
barryralsina_: and cross your fingers.  virtualized ppas are, um, problematic23:19
barryralsina_: thanks, i'll keep an eye on it23:19
ralsina_barry: seems to be building at least :-)23:20
barryralsina_: yeah.  it'll build fine.  the test suite is the trick.  virt ppas have problems with dbus :/23:20
barryralsina_: i've been struggling with that for *ages*.  i suspect the hardy kernel.  non-virt ppas (i.e. running precise) do much better23:22
barryotoh, let's hope they *all* run trusty before long23:22

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