
rick_hbrousch: :P02:17
brouschMy head is spinning. I think I might throw up02:19
brouschHow is this possible?02:19
JonEdneyYou weren't supposed to inhale.02:19
rick_has gui team lead i need to qa gui and quickstart on safri and osx02:20
rick_hbrousch: and lenovo is trying to disappoint me each generation of laptop so I might as well try it out and see how the keyboard/etc is02:20
brouschIsn't it a web gui?02:21
rick_hquickstart is a python app for Juju02:22
rick_hand yes, it's a web gui, but safari is different enough from chrome to need it's own testing/qa02:22
brouschThis will take me a while to wrap my head around02:26
rick_hheh, well just think of it this way. Part of my job now is to make sure developer tooling we create works on OSX, therefore I've got two laptops atm. https://twitter.com/mitechie/status/437664920927092737/photo/102:27
rick_hand I'd like to get native ubuntu in a dual boot on the air if I can.02:27
brouschYou'll end up in Windows most of the time to troubleshoot IE02:30
rick_hheh, already an issue but I can run that in a VM easily enough. We've had IE support for a while02:30
rick_htest suite passes IE10, IE11 is after safari on the radar02:31
rick_hshoot, I've got an MSDN license from work heh02:32
brouschI've been watching Portlandia. Now I'm afraid of Portland02:44
rick_hmy wife thinks it'll change my mind02:44
rick_hcmaloney: MUG meeting idea: kanban03:16
rick_hand we'll get jsivak to attend :)03:16
cmaloneyI've been forwarding him those articles that Kevin Dangoor posted03:16
rick_hyea, I should walk you through it sometime. Though reading the big kanban in software book atm so picking up some theory to go with our practice03:24
greg-grick_h: which book is that?04:32
cmaloneygood morning12:40
cmaloneyrick_h: Which big kanban software bok?12:41
rick_hcmaloney: greg-g http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0057H2M70/ref=oh_d__o02_details_o02__i00?ie=UTF8&psc=112:50
rick_hand http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00H3RFCOW/ref=oh_d__o01_details_o01__i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 is on deck12:50
cmaloneyWill check it out.12:51
cmaloneyeBook version <312:54
rick_hyea, I'm a big fan of the kanban board. I think we're using it for visual/planning purposes more than the official 'kanban limit the workflow'12:55
rick_hbut the idea sounds interesting so curious to try to get more of the background theory and see if we can use it12:55
cmaloneyI think it might help more with what we're doing at work since we could see who is working on what.12:55
rick_hright, the visibility is awesome. mix that with a daily standup and you head off issues before they're issues really often12:56
rick_hand you're aware of interaction points ahead of time12:56
rick_hplus we can easily see dependancies "I need xxx to do yyy before I can start card zzz"12:56
rick_hcmaloney: but yea, I was thinking it might be interesting to show off a couple of our kanban boards, how we use it to plan/schedule work, etc12:57
rick_has a MUG thing as you could use it for more, but might be something new12:57
cmaloneyIf you're up for doing a talk about it we'd love to have it.12:58
brouschI bought big ball to sit on. They were $15 at meijer13:30
cmaloneybrousch: Hope you have the space for it13:37
cmaloneyThat's one thing that I realized when I had the big ball chair was there was no room for anything else.13:37
cmaloneyalso you can't really swivel on it13:37
brouschTaking a long time to pump up13:39
cmaloneyI hope you got a pump. :)13:40
rick_hheh, need an air compressor13:40
rick_hthat's how I inflate mine13:40
brouschIt came with a hand pump13:49
brouschI should have brought my bike pump13:49
rick_hlol brousch is going to wish he was shoveling snow by the time he can sit on his ball13:51
cmaloneyrick_h: Would you be up for presenting on Kanban for March's meeting13:55
rick_hcmaloney: I could13:56
cmaloney(we had a cancelation for March. Apparently Mark Ramm thinks not being in the country is more important than MUG. Sheesh!)13:56
rick_hthe 11th right?13:56
rick_hok, I can step in for Ramm then13:56
cmaloneysmoser: Would you be up for doing a shell-scripting talk in March as well?13:56
cmaloneyrick_h: Thank you very much!13:57
cmaloneyrick_h: Please send me an abstract when you have a chance.13:57
cmaloneyor if you want I'll word-smith something13:57
rick_hcmaloney: k, probably tonight. meeting day today yay13:57
cmaloneyrick_h: woo woo!13:57
smosercmaloney, is that 4th or 11th?14:36
rick_h11th smoser14:36
smoser11th. i think. and yeah, then i can do a secondary presentation there.14:36
cmaloneysmoser: Actually since you already presented in Feb we'd like to give you a break if that's OK.14:46
smosercmaloney, thats fine too.14:55
cmaloneysmoser: Thanks!15:11
cmaloneyAlso to everyone with last names not covered by the 26 letters of the alphabet: you're all on notice.15:11
rick_hnot covered?15:13
cmaloneyYep. ASCII or bust15:13
* cmaloney is unfucking some latin-1 breakage.15:14
jrwrenshell scripting? what is that? ;p15:15
wafit's kind of like applescript.15:43
rick_hwaf wins!15:44
wafdid i make anyone violently headdesk? that was the goal15:48
rick_hlol, you're out for blood!15:53
dzhoit's kind of like powershell16:15
cmaloneyI did not realize this was a cover of a Queen song16:17
greg-grick_h: is the kindle version of that book good enough?16:20
greg-gone of the reviews mentions maybe not?16:20
rick_hgreg-g: so far, I'm just a little bit into it16:20
greg-gthe cartoons legible?16:21
rick_hoh hmm, I did notice an image I couldn't make out16:21
cmaloneygreg-g: The site that I posted has the kindle and PDF versions16:21
rick_honly had one so far and didn't think much of it16:21
cmaloneybut $20 is $10 more than the kindle version16:21
cmaloneyKinda sucks that you have to choose a version rather than get a zip with each format.16:22
* greg-g doesn't see your link, cmaloney 16:22
rick_hSETI for mobile phones lol http://r.bmark.us/u/f81b295a638b1b16:23
cmaloneyThe follow-up book is actually cheaper on that site than on the Kindle.16:23
cmaloneyrick_h: No. Just no.16:23
cmaloneyBad enough that Twitter woke up every so often to poll. That's all I'd need is SETI draining my battery16:24
greg-ghey, they're more powerful than the original computer I ran SETI on16:24
cmaloneysadly that is true16:24
cmaloneyWonder if there's a SETI client for RPi16:24
greg-gmy 75mhz machine, oh man, I miss that guy.16:24
greg-gWhen we went to 120 I felt like a god16:25
greg-ghuh, yeah, rick_h, if you haven't already bought that second one, you'd save $14 buying directly (and it's a kindle epub)16:27
rick_htoo late :/16:27
cmaloneyI think it washes out16:27
greg-gI always assume buying direct is more expensive16:27
rick_hI got a list of suggestions and knocked off the top of the list in one swoop16:27
* greg-g nods16:27
rick_hyea, not always true. I have to check it with oreilly as sometimes the 35% LUG deal works out16:27
cmaloney50% LUG deal16:28
cmaloneyDSUG. Don't leave home witout it.16:28
rick_hthought it was just 3516:28
rick_hyea, that's the one I use16:28
rick_hoh hmm, must have gone up16:28
greg-g"This book might have been titled, "The Very Best of Agile Management Blog" but that would do it an injustice."16:28
rick_hyea, it's kind of strange reading all these manager books16:28
rick_hmy brain auto shuts off and I have to go back and reread pages16:28
rick_h"wait...I CARE about this now...try again"16:28
rick_hhad a call today where I've got to learn "planning poker"16:29
rick_hwtf is planning poker? Oh it has a website16:29
rick_hand http://www.microaggressions.com/ wtf16:29
greg-gyeah, I'm reading this right now, and I do the same: http://www.amazon.com/Continuous-Delivery-Deployment-Automation-Addison-Wesley-ebook/dp/B003YMNVC0/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top16:29
rick_hah, had that one and never got that far.16:29
cmaloneyplanning poker?16:30
greg-gthe first chapter was worthless16:30
rick_hcmaloney: :)16:30
cmaloneyda fuq16:30
cmaloneyWow, that sounds silly16:30
greg-gyou're a cranky old man, but some teams like the estimation before sprints :)16:31
* greg-g 's team doesn't16:31
cmaloneygreg-g: Sounds like a meta-game for estimation.16:33
greg-gdefine meta game? it's a way of having the team estimate together16:33
rick_h_bah, fail16:33
greg-gI've only done it once, at this "SCRUM product manager" training thingy16:33
cmaloneyThough I was using it in the sense of using a game to play a different game altogether16:35
* cmaloney needs to find what that word is and start using it. :)16:35
cmaloneymini-game perhaps?16:35
cmaloney“Everyone loves this. Yesterday we all used laptops in the same room (along with one remote user) instead of cards. It's definitely more fun than using physical cards and solves the problem of revealing cards too soon. Great idea.”16:37
greg-g.... lame16:37
greg-gI have 2 packs of planning poker cards, if ya want one :)16:38
cmaloneyTo me that sounds like you're concentrating on the overlaying game rather than the actual reason for planning16:38
greg-gwell, that's the service provider trying to sell a service16:38
cmaloneyAh, this isn't nearly as silly as I thought it was16:44
cmaloney(planning poker)16:44
* greg-g nods16:44
cmaloneyseems like a way to get people to talk about estimates16:44
greg-gif we actually did sprints, we'd probably do it16:44
cmaloneywhich is sad that it takes a game to get people to talk about estimates.16:45
greg-gyeah, you debate/try to convince others why you think its only a 3 when they say it's a 12 (or whatever)16:45
cmaloneyor vice versa. :)16:46
greg-gyep :)16:46
cmaloneyMan, Harold Ramis passed away17:26
rick_h_had to look it up but now I know that guy17:27
jrwrenno way!17:29
cmaloneyApparently he had health problems.17:29
jrwrenhow old was he? like 52?17:29
jrwreni guess this means there will never be a ghostbusters 317:29
cmaloneyand there will be another Ghostbusters17:30
cmaloneyjust not with Egon17:30
jrwrenoh sure, probably a reboot. jj abrams will probably write and direct, and it will definitely suck.17:30
cmaloneyThe containment field will explode17:30
cmaloneyand take out all of New York with it17:31
Azebanmeet rachel17:34
Azebanshes 2 months old17:34
cmaloneyHi Rachel17:34
Azebanshe sleeps 17 hours a day17:35
jrwrenum, that is a big cat17:55
Azebanshes still a baby17:57
Azebanwill get up to 300 pounds17:57
rick_h_greg-g: http://www.thoughtworks.com/insights/blog/case-continuous-delivery18:03
greg-gI need to get over my knee jerk reaction to thoughtworks18:34
rick_h_Your Organization Application for Bookie to Google Summer of Code 201418:50
rick_h_has been accepted.18:50
Azebanwhats that?18:50
rick_h_Google Summer of Code18:50
rick_h_it's Google paying students to hack on open source for the summer18:50
rick_h_and Bookie is my open source project that's been accepted18:51
rick_h_so grown man doing the happy dance over here18:51
Azebantell me about the project18:51
rick_h_ever use delicious or pinboard?18:51
rick_h_https://bmark.us/ and https://bmark.us/recent18:51
Azebancant say i have.18:51
rick_h_bookmark many websites?18:51
AzebanI dont know what those are.18:51
AzebanI do.18:51
AzebanI have over 500 bookmarks18:52
rick_h_cmaloney: you're on the hook now as backup mentor18:52
wafrick_h_: awesome! congrats18:52
Azebanwhats delicious and pinboard?18:52
rick_h_they're online bookmark management applications18:52
rick_h_a couple of the big commercial ones18:52
Azebanwhats that?18:52
rick_h_I run a smaller open source tool that has some features I like18:52
rick_h_http://pinboard.in/ and https://delicious.com/18:53
Azebanwill check it.18:53
Azebanwhats the difference between those?18:53
cmaloneyrick_h_: ruh roh. :)18:55
cmaloneyrick_h_: Congratulations! :)18:55
Azebanim registering with delicious18:56
brouschrick_h_: Nice!18:56
brouschAzeban: No, fool, register with bmark.us18:56
cmaloneybrousch: Now now18:58
cmaloneyno need for name calling18:58
_stink__rick_h_: wow, congrats!19:01
greg-grick_h_: niiiice19:01
widoxrick_h_: woot19:04
brouschcmaloney: Did you just CoC slap me?19:10
rick_h_Azeban: each bookmark service does things a little different19:11
rick_h_Azeban: pinboard is very much about light weight, speed, and the core web service. Things like extensions and apps are up to the community19:12
rick_h_Azeban: delicious is more about the pretty, discovery, etc19:12
rick_h_Azeban: bookie is about being open source, fulltext indexing, and hopefully you can feel like you own/control your data.19:13
AzebanI'll try it.19:15
rick_h_hah, bookie irc channel hasn't seem this many new faces since it started19:15
brouschI forgot about that channel19:15
_stink__rick_h_: how you have groupies to sort out, hah19:16
brouschrick_h_: How many are asking "Why didn't you use Django?!"19:16
rick_h__stink__: bwuhahaha19:16
rick_h_brousch: :P19:16
cmaloneybrousch: I believe I did. :)19:20
brouschrick_h_: Chromebook Pixel EOL is April 2017, not 201519:27
rick_h_brousch: ah, thought I saw/read 2015 somewhere19:27
brouschFirst date on the list is 2015, but it's not the pixel http://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/devices/eol.html19:27
jrwrendjango is evil.19:29
cmaloneyjrwren: To what do we owe this epiphahy?19:30
jrwrenthe error I am currently getting from django admin interface :(19:30
brouschjrwren: You should have gone with Pyramid. Then you wouldn't have to worry an admin interface19:31
jrwrenthis has been django for years.19:40
jrwrenbefore pyramid existed :p19:40
brouschFine then, Pylons19:44
jrwreni shouldn't complain. this is just some insane edge case bug.19:44
jrwrenonly showing on 1 db record.19:44
jrwrenother records work fine.19:44
Azebanteam destruction in action19:45
cmaloneyAzeban: Are you housing lion cubs?19:48
wafi don't know if you noticed this, but there appears to be lions in your house. you may want to leave.19:48
Azebanthey are into ruining the furniture19:49
Azebancmaloney, not just cubs.19:49
cmaloneyAzeban: I'm having enough to deal with a rather spoiled domesticated cat. I can't imagine handling anything larger19:50
Azebanthey are super spoiled.19:50
brouschYou will be eaten in the middle of the night19:51
AzebanThey're like cats, just wilder19:51
AzebanWe had some of the adults since they were cubs so we have a special relationship with them19:52
cmaloneyAzeban: Right. I have cut marks on my arms from where Pixel decided that she'd had enough of my shit.19:52
Azebanthats probably your fault :D19:52
cmaloneyYesterday she about took off my sock because she didn't like me putting my foot near her stomach19:53
cmaloneyI'd rather she take the sock rather than the foot.19:53
cmaloneyThat is adorable though19:53
brouschrick_h_: Sell your Lenovo yet?20:04
rick_h_brousch: no :P20:04
Azebanthis is her favorite spot20:05
brouschAzeban: Where do you live that you have all of these large predators in your home?20:06
Azebanits not in michigan so you shouldnt worry.20:07
Azebanits not even in america.20:07
cmaloneyAzeban: heh, I was thinking you might be in Detroit. :)20:08
cmaloneyApparently there are some folks that have had large cats down there.20:08
Azebansure, I met some zoo owners20:09
cmaloneyThey're unofficial zoo owners. :)20:09
cmaloneyusually folks who don't want folks nosing around in their business.20:09
AzebanI mean I met with americans who have private zoos in their houses20:10
cmaloneyAzeban: Whereabouts on the globe are you?20:10
cmaloneyAh, very cool20:11
Azebanhave you been here before?20:12
cmaloneyNo, haven't been outside of North America.20:12
cmaloneyI've been to Canada but that's like America Jr.20:13
AzebanI've been to canada last month20:13
rick_h_OMG man student flood20:14
rick_h_thanks trevlar cmaloney and greg-g20:14
brouschI've been to Detroit. That counts as visiting a 3rd world country.20:14
rick_h_I leave 5min and "flood"20:14
cmaloneyrick_h_: np20:14
Azebanbrousch, dubai is nothing like detroit20:14
Azebanand its not a 3rd world country20:14
cmaloneyYeah, from what I've seen Dubai is more like visiting Disneyland20:15
brouschI didn't say it was!20:15
cmaloneybrousch: Pfft.20:15
Azebandinseyland is tiny20:15
Azebanin comparison :)20:15
cmaloneyRight. It's just a city, not a country.20:16
Azebanwe are now building the largest entertainment complex in the world20:16
Azebanbut its already amazing place.20:23
cmaloneyrick_h_: Wow. :)20:30
cmaloneyJaw. Hitting floor. :)20:30
rick_h_cmaloney: no kidding20:30
rick_h_cmaloney: ummm, I just thought I'd mentor a student on some Bookie hacking for a month or two :)20:31
cmaloneyYeah, I didn't realize this was going to be a fair.20:31
rick_h_no kidding20:31
rick_h_and you know student selection isn't for a month20:31
cmaloneyI'm still looking for the manual. :)20:32
rick_h_is the schedule20:32
rick_h_student applications opens March 10 and clsoes March 2120:32
rick_h_so this is all the "get to know some orgs" stage20:33
cmaloneyYeah, and this just hit at 2pm. :)20:34
rick_h_I've got to go grocery shopping and such later20:36
rick_h_so hope you guys can help some :)20:37
cmaloneyI just added the calendar to my Google Calendar20:37
rick_h_ooh, I should do that20:37
jrwrenhey rick_h_ wanna feel old?20:43
greg-g(already do)20:43
rick_h_jrwren: no, just had a birthday this weekend so kind of there20:43
jrwrenthat gsoc candidates name ends in 93 because that was the year he was born.20:43
rick_h_jrwren: :/20:43
jrwrenkids born AFTER Kirk Cobain died!!!20:44
greg-gkirk is star trek, man20:44
rick_h_I know, but imagine them asking you "who" if you said that20:44
wafthat's nothing, we have intern applicants that were born 199620:44
rick_h_man, I was looking at wine that was from 199620:44
rick_h_that's nuts that programming students are as old as the wine I want to get20:44
jrwrenhaha, you can tell I don't know or care much about this Cobain fella if I don't know his first name :)20:44
greg-gyeah, my community has a ton of youngins, like, 15 year olds. we had a freshman in college work for us last summer, who is awesome20:45
greg-gjrwren: take that back20:45
rick_h_cmaloney: what did I get into?! whoa20:49
rick_h_I'm afriad to leave my computer20:49
rick_h_and should I start saying "hey, only going to try to get one or two students" now?20:50
brouschDid you set some pre-requisites? 1. Use Bookie 2. Get your own instance running20:50
rick_h_well that's the pastebin getting started I threw together20:51
rick_h_but we've already got people filing bugs, asking about how things work20:51
rick_h_I mean 5 or 6 folks have it running already20:51
brouschWhen Kivy's was announced, a few kids jumped right in like that20:52
brouschSome of them went away. I assume they weren't interested in Kivy or the specific projects for Kivy20:52
rick_h_we normally have 10 folks in irc, have 21 now and people have come and gone. Mailing list hasn't had an email since Nov and has 2 in there20:52
cmaloneyYeah, I'll be surprised if we keep all of these folks20:52
cmaloneythis is the "butt sniffing" period20:53
rick_h_oh definitely20:53
cmaloneyI think we're getting a bunch since we're on the front page. :)20:53
rick_h_but it's also < 3hrs in20:53
rick_h_we are? /me goes to load the page20:53
cmaloneyalphabetical, boyeeees. :)20:53
rick_h_oh yea? hah20:53
cmaloneyGood thing you didn't call this thing Zephyr or Zimbabwe.20:53
rick_h_maybe I should have20:54
cmaloneyThe sleepy little bookmarking application20:54
rick_h_yea, top of the list nice20:54
brouschAh, yeah, and you're your own org, whereas Kivy is under the PSF20:57
rick_h_Bookie rules! :)20:58
rick_h_yea, I didn't realize how the python thing worked until after I got submitted20:58
trevlar#bookie is insane21:03
trevlarprops to rick_h_ for fielding all these questions21:03
cmaloneyI think he had practice from PyOhio. :)21:04
rick_h_heh, if there's one thing I know and have spent many hours trying to fix it's bookie install21:05
greg-gGSOC announce day: the day rick took off from work.21:05
rick_h_naw, they did it late enough in the day :)21:05
rick_h_I was supposed to take a half day since I was working until 9pm friday21:05
rick_h_just not getting my nap in after all lol21:06
cmaloneyrick_h_: That never works out doesn't it? :)21:06
greg-gI want a nap!21:06
rick_h_hey, this is working out21:06
rick_h_a couple of students have already impressed21:06
cmaloneyI mean the half-day thing. :)21:06
rick_h_that green_ guy? man21:06
rick_h_he got it running had a bug, legit questions21:06
cmaloneyYeah, that is pretty cool.21:06
rick_h_blew me away21:06
cmaloneyheading home. bbl.21:07
brouschWe'll have to change the name of this to #bookie-backchannel21:07
rick_h_have a good ride, thanks for the help!21:07
cmaloneynp. :)21:07
brouschCircle of IRC21:07
rick_h_this has always been a back channel room21:07
cmaloneymug back-channel21:08
rick_h_MUG, work,21:08
cmaloneylife back-channel. :)21:08
greg-gI love the irc-as-backchannel channels21:09
=== _stink__ is now known as _stink_
=== UnFixed_ is now known as UnFixed
greg-grick_h_: from a coworker:21:37
greg-g"Now that #gsoc season has started, a reminder: Indians' "I have a doubt, can you resolve it?" = US "I have a question, can you answer it?""21:37
greg-g(I haven't been watching #bookie, this isn't in response to anything)21:37
brouschOne fun thing about the Kivy IRC channel is regular users are from all around the world21:41
brouschYou see all kinds of funny phrasing21:42
brouschFor dropping Microsoft21:54
brouschfor Blackberry http://finance.yahoo.com/blogs/the-exchange/why-ford-is-dumping-microsoft-162623367.html21:55
cmaloneybrousch: what?!?22:23
cmaloneyah, just fir sync22:32
cmaloneystill, that is huge22:32
cmaloneyqnx is a good choice22:33
Azebanhad dinner22:52

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