
bkerensaslangasek: Is there a pro tip for using a local relay with caff or pius?07:15
slangasekbkerensa: don't know what pius is; caff is configurable, caff(1) manpage has the details16:08
AzebanHello, hello, hello16:57
=== kees_ is now known as kees
blkperl_slangasek: so it seems i am unable to install sssd:i38618:40
=== blkperl_ is now known as blkperl
blkperlits complaining about unmet dependencies likes python:i386....18:41
slangasekblkperl: why are you expecting that to work?18:54
blkperlslangasek: because multiarch? :)18:58
Azebanmeet rachel18:58
Azebanshes 3 weeks ago18:59
blkperlAzeban: ww-- ?18:59
Azebanis that an 'aww'?18:59
slangasekblkperl: multiarch only works if the packages have been adjusted for multiarch-compatibility.  File a wishlist bug? :)19:01
blkperldammit... but stupid i386 software doesn't know how to ldap without it...19:01
slangasekAzeban: you... have a pet lion?19:02
slangasekblkperl: why does this software need anything beyond libpam-sss and libnss-sss?19:03
slangasekblkperl: *those* packages are multiarch-compatible19:03
blkperlslangasek: apt just threated me when i tried to install those packages :P19:05
blkperlWARNING: The following essential packages will be removed.19:05
blkperl  python-minimal python2.7-minimal (due to python-minimal)19:05
slangasekwhat version of Ubuntu?19:06
slangasekcan't reproduce this here19:06
slangasekwhat I see is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6990521/19:07
slangasekperfectly normal19:07
slangasekoh, Recommends: sssd:i38619:07
slangasekright, so you want to do apt-get install libpam-sss:i386 libnss-sss:i386 sssd:i386-', or 'apt-get install --no-install-recommends'19:08
blkperloh.. thats janky19:08
slangasekin trusty, sssd is marked Multi-Arch: foreign, which fixes this problem19:08
blkperlcan we get an SRU update? :)19:10
slangasekprobably not, given the trivial workaround19:10
slangasekbut you could ask, the maintainer might care enough to do it19:10
tgm4883blkperl, when you said it threatened you I imagined a "you sure you want to remove these packages? It would be a shame if something happened to your computer....."20:15
blkperltgm4883: :)20:40

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