
=== astraljava1 is now known as astraljava
cubhumm is TheDrums and unit193 the same person?20:21
TheDrumscub: Yes.20:21
TheDrumsHypnotoad and TheDrums are also the same.20:21
cubhaha ok I didn't know that.20:21
TheDrumsSomething up?20:22
cubNope I just saw the info when you joined and I thought you were two different people. :) As I have spoke to you "both" but didn't make the connection before20:24
TheDrumsHeh, whoops.20:25
cubzequence, how the procedure for ubuntu studio testing? I've been checking the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/ReleaseProcedure and wonder what's the usual procedure for US.20:28
cubThe most extensive tests start after beta 1 is released? Or do we test a lot before beta 1?20:29

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