
Newbie44can some help,  Im tring to  install amd-app.sh  but keeps say 32bit system found00:27
Newbie44please download and install x86 package00:27
Newbie44I downloaded the 32bit linux package from amd, not sure why I am getting this error00:27
knomeNewbie44, did you install the 64-bit xubuntu?00:32
Newbie44no i downloaded 32 bit00:33
knomeright, do you have the 64-bit version of amd-app.sh?00:33
Newbie44ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-i386.iso    this is 32 bit  i believe and i made sure i download 32 from amd00:34
knomeNewbie44, to be honest, if you aren't able to get past through simple things like this, actually being able to mine bitcoins might be a bit over your ability00:35
knomeNewbie44, it's been told to you before, you are probably on the way of breaking your pc00:35
knomeNewbie44, or at least ending up with an unusable state, where you aren't able to recover it yourself00:36
knomeNewbie44, i'm serious.00:36
Newbie44YEs sir i realize what i may do. I am here asking for help. can u maybe suggest what i try again00:37
knomeNewbie44, the answer is: make sure you have the same architecture for xubuntu and the amd tool. if you did that, and it doesn't work, it's probably no good to try to force it, especially if you don't know what you are doing00:37
Newbie44ok is it ok if I delete all, and try using ubuntu , instead of xubuntu00:38
knomeyou will end up with the same hurdles00:39
Newbie44Ok its worth a shot.00:39
knomeit's not really.00:39
Newbie44Im gonna redue it.thanks00:39
AussieDownUnderSo, how do I make the light-locker be the default screen lock screen & also configure it? As opposed to the xscreensaver lock screen?00:39
knomei understand why it isn't, you don't understand why it is00:39
knomeAussieDownUnder, remove xscreensaver.00:40
knomeAussieDownUnder, there's a tool called light-locker-settings incoming for 14.04.00:40
AussieDownUnderknome, so any drawbacks if I remove xscreensaver? Will I lose screen savers all together?00:40
knomeAussieDownUnder, yeah, the graphical ones.00:41
AussieDownUnderknome, also I'm pretty sure I installed light-locker & ran it in a terminal but it just never worked after a restart so I gave up.00:41
AussieDownUnderknome, so say I go remove x screen saver, how would I properly configure light-locker to take over? And not sure what you mean about the screensaver, I do want my screen to go blank after 2 minutes & the screen go into stand by, then after 5 mins the screen shuts off. Does light-locker do this. I shall go google a bit more00:42
AussieDownUnderknome, sorry duckduckgo* I mean, google is evil.00:43
knomelight-locker can do that00:43
=== femguy_ is now known as femguy
knomeAussieDownUnder, just removing xscreensaver should do it. if that doesn't work, you can try 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure light-locker'00:57
AussieDownUnderknome, gonna restart now.00:57
AussieDownUnderknome, easier than I thought, all I had to do last time was remove the xscreensaver lol.01:01
ash_mI assume the follow are my partitions, can some explain what these are exactly?: http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=cV32bFQd02:06
ash_mI installed xubuntu 13.10 to a 8GB flash drive02:06
ash_mthe x-gui installer didn't prompt me to select partitions02:08
newbie44when i run   ./configure --enable-scrypt --enable-opencl   I get missing required libcurl dev02:46
newbie44how do i reinstall this02:46
knomeash_m, they are system partitions (on ram), nothing to worry about02:51
knomeash_m, the filesystem's that do not start with a slash aren't hard drive partitions02:52
newbie44can u give some suggestion knome02:52
knomenewbie44, install the development libraries. you are reading that command from a tutorial, it should also tell you what you need to install in order to get it working.02:53
newbie44tutorial doesnt explain the dev libraries, Can I find get more info elsewhere?02:56
knomenewbie44, you need the libcurl development libraries.02:56
newbie44Yes ive been searching but cant figure it out?  sorry02:57
audictivesudo apt-cache search libcurl | grep dev02:58
newbie44well again im stuck, With no luck03:02
newbie44i have the lastest version of curl ,03:03
audictivelike knome said, you need libcurl development libraries03:05
xubuntu232gdm should be installed on a new 13.10 install yes?03:05
knomexubuntu232, nope, lightdm03:06
xubuntu232sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm" gives lightdm is not installed...03:06
xubuntu232installing lightdm now03:07
knomexubuntu232, right, that's weird, should be installed by default03:07
xubuntu232my issue is getting no desktop on login. just blank cursor blinking and no terminal access03:08
xubuntu232given choice of gdm/lightdm which should i pick?03:08
knomexubuntu232, lightdm is what xubuntu ships be default03:10
knomexubuntu232, though i'm not sure if that's related to your issue03:10
knomeworth installing lightdm and checking if that fixes, though03:11
xubuntu232thats what i've been reading.I was even able to edit the lightdm.conf. but still returned "lightdm not installed"03:11
xubuntu232upacking lightdm now03:11
cubed_rootanyone ever install mac4lin?  it comes with a .sh script but no instructions. i'm just concerned it might screw up my current xubuntu & gnome environments03:15
starratsI do have Xubuntu 14.04 per your command you gave me and I spent quite a bit of time update/upgrade/dist-upgrade on the cli.  It was awesome to watch everything go by, lol!03:16
starratsUnit193 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^03:16
xubuntu232installed lightdm and rebooted still just blinking cursor?03:19
starratsthere was a slight bug tho and I tried to put it on launchpad per the comps request but for some strange reason the pw wasn't accepted and I created a new pw but i still couldn't get on. the bug had to do with the desktop didn't load up right I belieddve what the message said, this was after all the epdate/upgrade and dist-upgrade03:21
starratsno blinking cursor, if you are rtalking to me03:22
starratssorry about my spelling, hope you understand Unit19303:24
ash_msorry for not responding knome03:46
ash_mI wasn't paying attention to the room after awhile.03:46
ash_mbut I really appreciate the input :)03:46
knomeno problem03:46
zsw__so im trying to wach a movie and every 5 minuets or so the screen locks what do i have to do to make that stop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!04:01
knomezsw__, calm down.04:01
zsw__i am calm what do you mean?04:02
knomeno need for ten exclamation marks04:02
zsw__oh ok04:02
zsw__so what do i do04:04
Unit193Disable the screensaver?04:05
zsw__i dont have a screensver04:05
Unit193So what lock screen do you see?   What software are you using?04:06
zsw__i figure out thanks.04:07
=== 14WAB6LRD is now known as dormito
EniasHey guys. I'm trying to install Xubuntu 13.10 on an existing fakeraid setup, and after selecting the proper partitions and telling it to install, I'm met with a prompt that's nothing but ????04:34
miseria"crimen legal es diabolico; crimen ilegal es satanico. ¿donde esta el terrorista?: hay uno, es inmortal y se llama tiempo" bienvenidos: http://castroruben.com *temo_a_un_ser_sin_rival*04:38
NoskcajEnias, try #ubuntu04:39
NoskcajMost non xubuntu specific questions are better to ask there04:40
Unit193Enias: Not at a busybox prompt or such?04:40
EniasNope. It's just a prompt that appears after hitting install. It's just a bunch of ???s.04:41
EniasThen the installer resets itself and it's right back to where it was.04:41
cfhowlettEnias, did you md5sum check the ISO?04:42
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows04:42
EniasHmm.. I'll do that.04:43
EniasHuh, I figured it out. Haha.04:45
EniasThe installer was trying to default it to a logical partition when it needed to be extended.04:45
EniasCorrected that and the installer continued.04:46
cfhowlettEnias, nicely done!04:46
Unit193Enias: Ubiquity or text based Debian Installer?04:46
EniasLet's just hope it don't nuke my raid. :P04:47
Eniasoooo... Wait. Haha, when does ubiquity install grub?04:51
Unit193At the end.04:51
EniasIf I picked something else and told it where to install grub, can I perhaps change it before that point?04:51
EniasOr will it automatically set up a dual boot option?04:52
Eniashm, it failed to install grub anyway.04:53
Eniasregardless of what I told it, it wanted to install it on /dev/sda/ which is not where it was supposed to go..04:54
cfhowlettEnias, you can select where grub goes04:54
cfhowlettEnias, that is the default but you can override it04:54
EniasI did previously but had a second though on it's location.  I had told it to install on one of the mappers it provided, but it tried to do dev/sda anyway.04:54
EniasIf gparted is telling the truth though, xubuntu installed on the mapped partition I selected..04:56
EniasSo I should be able to just manually install grub still, and point it to that partition right?04:56
cfhowlett*should*   :)04:57
xubuntu289how do i uninstall xubuntu05:11
xubuntu289 how do i open downloads how do i change my bios how do i check system settingfs05:12
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - See also !automate05:14
xubuntu289why cant i format disks  why casnt i install windows 7 seems  i have been hijacked05:14
cfhowlettfor installing windows go to #windows05:15
cfhowlettand of course you weren't hijacked05:15
xubuntu769i just ran my first xubuntu install without an internet connection.... anything i should be doing now that i've got it online? I'm worried that I dont have the right video card drivers05:16
cfhowlettxubuntu-restricted-extras will get your video codes05:17
xubuntu769i don't understand05:19
cfhowlettsoftware center: restricted extras.  install.05:20
Unit193xubuntu769: As far as Video Drivers, check in Settings Manager -> Additional Drivers05:20
Unit193xubuntu289: Insert Windows disk, boot off of that (F10, F11, F12, Esc, etc, it varies), install?  But other than that, ##windows will be your best bet, yes.05:22
xubuntu157hello, and good morning from Greece!05:24
cfhowlettxubuntu157, greetings05:24
xubuntu289so how do i uninstall zxubuntu05:24
xubuntu157thanks <cfhowlett>05:25
cfhowlettxubuntu289, install windows.  it'll over-write the existing OS05:25
xubuntu289no it dont05:26
xubuntu289i now need a medioa driver which i cant locate05:26
xubuntu157I was trying a couple of days to change my cursor theme in Xbuntu (Xfce desktop) without success. It seems bugy...any ideas?05:26
cfhowlettxubuntu157, *seems buggy*?05:27
xubuntu289i wish i would of loaded xubuntu13.1 beside wiondows 705:27
xubuntu769cfhowlett... cheers... much appreciated05:28
xubuntu289its totally buggy screwed up[ bios harshly now computer freezes any ideas05:28
Sir_LetoIs anyone else having problems with ubuntu freezing after login?05:29
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.05:29
xubuntu289i now have been hyjacked byxubuntu and c ant load windows 705:29
Unit193xubuntu157: Settings Manager -> Appearance -> Icons05:29
xubuntu289my shoes are fine05:30
xubuntu157<Unit193>nothing happens!05:30
Unit193xubuntu289: No you haven't, from what you said you overwrote windows, so just install windows and you'll be fine (if that's indeed what you want)05:30
cfhowlettxubuntu289, you have NOT been hijacked.  you started an installation process without doing proper research and now you blame the OS05:30
Unit193xubuntu157: What version?05:30
xubuntu769thanks again cf... great support guys... thanks... and with my abundance of ignorance i'm sure i'll be back soon... probably very soon05:31
Unit193I can change it here in 13.10 with no issues.05:31
xubuntu157<Unit193>Xbuntu 13.10...05:31
xubuntu28913.1 thanks for input05:31
Unit193xubuntu157: What icon theme?  How did you install it?05:31
xubuntu289burnt c d05:32
xubuntu289xburn fromn friends laptop05:32
xubuntu289should i download from site05:33
xubuntu157<Unitt193>Settings manager--->Appereance---->Icons---->elementary xfce05:33
Unit193Sir_Leto: Can you explain a bit more perhaps?  Logs?05:33
Sir_LetoHow would I get these logs? it disconnects from the internet and the keyboard and mouse stop working, but the screen still animates05:34
Unit193xubuntu157: The Elementary Xfce themes don't have a major difference, try installing tango and switching to that (some applications will need to be restarted before that'll take effect.)05:34
Sir_LetoI can usean older kernel05:34
xubuntu289does any body out there figure i should download load xubuntu from ther e site since 13.1 i have now is buggy05:35
holsteinxubuntu289: its not buggy here..05:35
holsteinxubuntu289: you should elaborate about your hardware, and the bugginess you are experiencing05:35
cfhowlettxubuntu289, what you've reported doesn't suggest buggy.  It suggest you're randomly doing things that cause issues05:35
xubuntu289sir leto has same thing as i do05:36
xubuntu157<Unit193>I switched to "Humanity" nothing happens either...should I reboot?05:36
holsteinxubuntu289: then, use an older kernel05:36
Sir_Letoxubuntu289, use kernel 3.11.0-14-generic, that's the one that works for me right now05:36
holsteinxubuntu289: could be something about the way a newer kernel is conflicting with your hardware configuration05:36
Sir_Letoxubuntu289, do you have amd graphics?05:37
Sir_Letowhat motherboard do you have?05:37
Unit193xubuntu157: Shouldn't have to, and I just checked, that one is a bit different.05:37
xubuntu289\what should i do05:37
Sir_Letouse another kernel05:37
xubuntu289acer aspire e50005:37
holsteinxubuntu289: have you booted the older kernel? i read 2 suggestions above for that..05:37
Sir_Letowe have entirely different hardware but have the same issue, Unit193 I booted using an older kernel, where should I look for logs?05:38
xubuntu289my bios needs upgrade apparently to sytop freezing05:38
holsteinxubuntu289: likely not the issue05:38
cfhowlettxubuntu289, wrong05:38
xubuntu157<Unit193>this is wierd! so many efforts just to change a cursor theme...any other ideas? how to change it permanetly?05:39
Unit193Sir_Leto: Generally in /var/log/05:39
Unit193xubuntu157: Curser?  You said icon theme earlier.  Alright, then settings manager -> Mouse05:39
xubuntu289im talking about uninstalling05:39
holsteinxubuntu289: uninstalling what?05:39
holsteinxubuntu289: you dont need to uninstall any operating system.. you just wipe the partition05:40
holsteinxubuntu289: xubuntu 13.10*05:40
holsteinxubuntu289: how do you "uninstall xubuntu" ? i would just install whatever i want overtop of it..05:40
xubuntu289i tried it didnt worek05:41
holsteinxubuntu289: you tried what and what didnt do what?05:41
cfhowlettxubuntu289, this ^^^ as I suggested 10 minutes ago.  We're going in circles05:41
holsteinxubuntu289: be as specific as possible for the volunteers, please05:41
Sir_LetoUnit193, kern.log?05:42
Unit193Sir_Leto: xorg.log, syslog, and perhaps dmesg.0 or .105:43
xubuntu157<Unit193>I didn't say icon...I said mouse. The mouse change does not work...05:43
Unit193xubuntu157: If I switch it to the red theme, as soon as the mouse leaves that window it goes red.05:44
Unit193It seems that doesn't take effect right away on all windows, so might want to logout and back in.05:45
Sir_LetoUnit193, so look through them for errors, or pastebin/dropbox them?05:45
Unit193I'd check for errors.05:46
Unit193Sir_Leto: If it's at bootup, you can remove the  quiet splash  boot options.05:46
Sir_LetoIt freezes after automatically logging in. Technically it's not frozen because the items in my panels are still animating and the system responds to the powerbutton being pressed05:47
Sir_Letothe network disconnects and the keyboard lights don't function05:48
xubuntu157<Unit193>that's right. The change does  not apply to all the characteristics of the mouse theme...05:48
xubuntu157<Unit193>bye for now...I have to leave. I will look into it. Thanks for your interest...05:50
Unit193xubuntu157: The other themes may not be complete, I might try chameleon-cursor-theme if I were you.05:50
Unit193(Actually might look at it being me, screenshots looked nice.)05:51
xubuntu157<Unit193>I tried everything...after changing many mouse theme, I've got the same behaviour, bye for now05:51
Unit193Erm, it's animated...05:54
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=== ash_m_ is now known as ash_m
ash_mI can't believe I can't get my ethernet port to work on this computer06:09
ash_mI did not have this problem on 2 weeks ago, but I reinstalled the OS because I sorta totally messed it up during an upgrade06:10
MiltosHi ppl again: I've logged in with my name now...I was talking about the mouse settings before. I was trying a couple of day to change mouse theme without success.  For exampleoOnly a part of it changed the pointer always remain the same06:21
MiltosAnyone tried this? It simple in Ubuntu...but in Xubunt it seems buggy! Any suggestions...06:27
cfhowlettMiltos, I'm 12.04 and it works without issue for me.06:28
Miltos<cfhowlett>xbuntu 13.1 has this problem...06:46
Sysiyou could try selecting the cursor theme with update-alternatives06:48
Miltos<sysi>update-alternatives do not work either, I've tried this...06:49
Sysidid you log out after that?06:51
SysiMiltos: btw, just type start of a nick and then press tab06:51
MiltosSysi: thanks06:55
Miltoscfhowlett: Any solution to this problem? any ideas? cause the configuration of the desktop for some ppl is important. The easyness for it makes their choise for the OS they are using...(and of course the money):-)06:58
MiltosSysi: yes I always logout and login after making changes to Xbuntu. No luck though with the change of cursro theme. This should be an old problem as far as I can remember with Xubuntu. It appeared again? Can anyone confirm with 13.1?07:13
MiltosI've just google "change mouse theme in Xubunt" and it turned some pages with instructions how to change mouse theme. Everything I tried didn't work.Just a pain...for a minor change in such rich environment?08:04
likevelthat's easy. go to http://xfce-look.org and find a theme that you like. extract it to /usr/share/icons/ and chose your new theme from settings -> mouse and touchpad08:18
=== koegs_ is now known as koegs
Miltoslikevel: do you think that theme settings will work?09:17
ravaszhy everyone10:12
ravaszneed some help10:13
starratsask your question.10:14
starratssomeone here should be able to help you10:14
ravasz_y want to install line on xubuntu but when y install wine som wird message apear and y can do nothing10:20
ravasz_there's no forward or back....the nessage apears on termminal10:21
ravasz_somebody please10:27
koegsravasz_: what did you do?10:30
ravasz_y install wine10:31
ravasz_but it doesn't work10:31
koegsso you used the software center or what command?10:32
ravasz_firs y download line for windows10:32
ravasz_then y instal winw...sudo apt-get install wine10:33
ravasz_whit wget command10:33
koegsno, appdb says you need to install vcrun2008 via winetricks10:34
ravasz_and how do y do this instalation10:37
ravasz_y mean commands10:37
koegsdid you open the link?10:37
ravasz_sory y'm new on this10:37
ravasz_yp link open10:39
=== gonyere_ is now known as gonyere
MiltosI am looking for a way to change my theme cursor in Xubuntu. Any suggestions? I've googled it and the info do not make any differences...11:39
koegsMiltos: copy the folder to /usr/share/icons/, change it in the settings-menu and change the name in /usr/share/icons/default/index.theme11:41
Miltoskoegs: I've done this thing exactly. No results...11:44
serranellushi, geeks! Is there anybody so gentle to explain me how to get a working avi files reproduction? I've tried with Parole, GXine, VLC, Mplayer, but none of them repriduces but the audio, the screen remaining black...12:17
xubuntu516serranellus: did you try with other OSes?12:22
serranelluson that notebook there was ubuntu and puppy linux and I had never had such problems12:23
serranellusthx xubuntu51612:24
xubuntu516are you able to upload one of these? sb can try on his own.12:25
serranelluscould it represent an issue the fact that I installed DeVeDe, which comes with libavdev-extras-53 instead of libavdev53? Anyway I replaced the first lib with the sexond one, since they are not compatible12:26
xubuntu516maybe something is wrong with graphic driver?12:28
serranellusit could be but i don't know how to check that, however the lack seems to involve the avi fiìes only...12:29
Sysionly .avi but every .avi?12:30
xubuntu516but avi is only container. How about the actual video format inside it?12:30
serranellushi Sysi, I've tried with two xvid12:30
=== SirLagz_ is now known as SirLagz
serranellusI am trying now with an other kind of avi12:32
xubuntu516Maybe if you install some program which comes with it's own libraries, you can make sure where is the problem?12:34
serranellusof course, for example?12:34
Sysiif you start vlc from command line and then open the video, do you get some error?12:35
knomeserranellus, have you installed xubuntu-restricted-extras?12:35
serranellusi installed xine with that purpose... Now i install vlc again and try from command line12:38
serranellusyes, tnx knome12:38
serranellusxubuntu516, Sysi, knome, this is vlc command line result:12:43
serranellus2xcb_xv vout display error: unknown XVideo YUV format 434d5658 (VIA)12:44
serranellus2a d then: main imput error ES_OUT_SET_(GROUP)PCR is called too late (pts_delay increased to 300 ms)12:46
serranellus2so, does it tell you anything?12:47
serranellus2I get also: avi demux error: no key frame set for track 112:49
serranellus2invalid and inefficient vfw-avi packed B fra es detected12:50
serranellus2fraMes detected12:51
serranellus2so? xubuntu516 Sysi knome12:52
serranellus2update: also the ogg videos don't work12:57
serranellusHi again, Sysi knome13:01
dean0nullmy startxfce4.log file is increasing in size by about 3mb per second13:01
dean0nullanyone have an idea how to stop that?13:01
dean0nullit got up to 132gb13:02
serranellusHi, since I cannot fix the problem of the black screen in reproducting every kind of video, I wish to reinstall xubuntu. May I perform a backup of all the settings of mine? How to do that? thx13:09
=== phunyguy_ is now known as phunyguy
Newbie44Hey guys ./configure --enable-scrypt --enable-opencl is giving me the  error Missing libcurl dev... How/where can i install this15:42
knomeNewbie44, you've been told you need to install the development libraries for libcurl15:43
Newbie44Yes but i spent hours trying to figure it out.  I can not find out anywhere how to do it15:44
Newbie44This is why i am here15:44
Sysi!find libcurl4-dev15:45
ubottuFound: libcurl4-gnutls-dev, libcurl4-nss-dev, libcurl4-openssl-dev15:45
slickymaster-jobNewbie44: try: sudo apt-get install libcurl4-gnutls-dev15:46
Newbie44will do15:46
xubuntu979i'm totally new so be gentle... v. 12.10 have drivers for xfx r9 290?17:34
bazhangfor mining?17:39
ubottu12.10 (Quantal Quetzal) was the 17th release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/12.10/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/121017:39
newbie44can i ask  a question regarding some error i get when install the amd catalyst driver.. in the log file is says Build failed with reutrn vaule 217:48
newbie44how do i go about trying to resolve this.17:48
tsaavikAnyone elses chrome fonts go wonky after upgrading to google-chrome-stable 33.0.1750.117-1?17:49
newbie44knome:  can u suggest anything17:49
cfhowlettnewbie44, patience17:59
cfhowlettnewbie44, this issue is not specifically xubuntu.  ask in #ubuntu to get more eyes on it.18:00
geniiUnit193: I always imagine that you're wearing a cowboy hat when you say that ;)21:37
Unit193Never know, I could be.21:44
geniiVery true21:44
ali1234does anyone have a reliable way to make thunar crash in the slice allocator?22:21
ali1234anyone even seen this crash?22:23
ali1234someone here must have... it's getting reported 100 times per day22:23
=== slickyma1ter is now known as slickymaster
slickymaster!hi | xubuntu16223:08
ubottuxubuntu162: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:08
xubuntu668how to wake on lan23:09
xubuntu668i have a g box sigma23:10
Unit193!info wakeonlan23:11
ubottuwakeonlan (source: wakeonlan): Sends 'magic packets' to wake-on-LAN enabled ethernet adapters. In component main, is optional. Version 0.41-11 (saucy), package size 10 kB, installed size 56 kB23:11
xubuntu668how to enable?23:12
xubuntu668i have a gbox sigma23:12
slickymasterxubuntu668: http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=HOW-TO:Set_up_Wake-On-Lan_(Ubuntu)23:12
xubuntu668nothing on that page, but i goggled it and was unable to follow. i'm new23:16
xubuntu668i cannot find in in my computers bios23:21
bekksIf there is no sign of Wake On Lan in your BIOS, your computer is not capable of waking on LAN activity.23:22
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