
LjL-Calvinoyet you seem very much an idle one!00:03
LjL-Calvinobit hypocritical if you ask me00:04
LjLFYI: Please no longer try to contact me at the address ljl@ubuntu.com as I believe that address may shortly become inactive, as I have withdrawn my Ubuntu membership.02:22
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ubottuBeldar called the ops in #ubuntu (pi_____)03:49
IdleOnethey left03:51
PriceyAre LjL's logs accurate?09:14
ikoniawhich logs ?09:18
DJonesI assume per ljl's email to the irc mailing list09:22
ikoniaah, not read that,09:23
bazhangwell I sure hope LJL ramens a part of the team, no matter his cloak status09:56
bazhangerr remains09:57
Priceybazhang: You believe this is still salvageable?10:02
bazhang"It's not exactly the Wreck of The Edmund Fitzgerald, is it?10:08
LjLPricey: the one thing i removed from the logs was Pici mistyping a /window number13:10
LjLi had to carefully weigh factual accuracy against shaming someone due to their fat fingers, etc13:11
PriceyLjL: Poor AlanBell!13:17
h00kLjL: I hve no idea why I didn't just check that :|14:01
h00kre that bot.14:01
LjLh00k: i'm afraid i don't remember what you're talking about14:01
* h00k grabs coffee14:02
h00kLjL: oh, finding out that bot14:02
h00kI herp'd, then I derp'd14:02
LjLh00k: oh the /clones stuff? i was just saying that you aren't going to have much luck with that when the bot's on a shell host :P14:02
h00kright ;)14:02
h00kLjL: I'm sorry to see you go as a memeber. Matthew Lyle said it well, "a little too little ubuntu"14:04
h00kI have't read the logs yet, I haven't even had my coffee14:04
LjLh00k: i would never want you to read them before having had it14:04
h00kand y'all send emails in the middle of the night USA time.14:04
h00kcause you're in the future and things14:05
LjLoh... it was very much the middle of the night EU time14:05
LjL5:30am i believe14:05
h00kI guess it was only 22:30 here14:05
* h00k shakes fist at no word-wrap14:06
LjLi word-wrapped manually!14:07
LjLoh, the pastebin?14:07
LjLyou should be able to get a text-only version by clicking somewhere, and then it'd be word-wrapped as your editor/viewer is instructed to14:07
Priceyh00k: top right there's a "line-wrap" option14:08
h00kyou guys are all so much smarter than me sometimes :[14:09
LjLsometimes, maybe14:09
LjLbut none of the times that matter ;(14:09
h00kI am now a privatepaste.com master14:13
h00kI think coffee is done brewing now.14:13
* phunyguy sips14:19
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genii@comment 59768 Reviewed. Probably spam-bot found in multiple channels, not lifted.15:01
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genii@comment 59767 Reviewed, not lifted.15:01
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ubottulordievader called the ops in #kubuntu ()16:44
genii@comment 59931 Profanity for shock value.16:47
ubottuComment added.16:47
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tonyyarussoh00k: It took me a while to notice the word wrap button too.20:49
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cprofitthello everyone22:48
cprofitthow are things going today bazhang22:49
bazhangnot bad cprofitt , how about you22:49
cprofittpretty good... was off sick today and yesterday22:50
cprofittsinus infection22:51
bazhanggarlic can help with that22:53
cprofittthey put me on antibiotics since it was causing me issues with my jaw22:53
h00kcprofitt: not fun :/22:55
h00kgarlic can help?22:55
IdleOneyes, you grind it up into a paste and rub it all over yourself (mostly the chest area)22:56
IdleOnealso keeps ALL THE THINGS away22:57
bazhangfinely chopped and added to soup/noodles22:58
bazhangpretty much forget everything the idle one said22:58
IdleOnebazhang: what i said can't hurt :(22:59
cprofitth00k: yeah, it was not fun... I did not want to eat anything because it hurt so much to chew22:59
cprofittdoing better now though.22:59
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: it wouldn't keep me away ;(22:59
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: you're not one of the things though22:59
IdleOneyou're a separate and more insidious type of thing22:59
IdleOnealso, why would anybody want to keep you away from them is a mystery to me23:00
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: i attract lightning23:01
cprofittLjL-Calvino: how are you this evening? (or what time it is where you are)23:04
cprofittIdleOne: you still biking?23:04
LjL-Calvinobut mostly in an "excessive amounts of time spent on the toilet" sense23:05
cprofittsorry to hear that LjL-Calvino23:05
cprofittLjL-Calvino: toilets are usually not fun... unless you are avoiding a teenager who wants you to buy them something23:06
IdleOnecprofitt: biking?23:06
IdleOneI haven't been on a bicycle in forever. I am going to be getting my motorcycle permit this spring/summer23:07
cprofittIdleOne: I must have confused you with someone else... my apologies23:07
IdleOneno worries :)23:07
cprofittcool to get your motorscyle permit23:07
LjL-Calvinothe thing i like the most about motorcycles is how well-behaved their drivers tend to be in traffic23:08
cprofittmy wife will never let me ride one23:08
cprofittLjL-Calvino: well... unless they are in mods... then bikers tend to be a bit out of hand23:08
IdleOnecprofitt: I have found that with a very limited set of things you want to do, you have to just do it. mortorcycles are one of those things IMHO23:08
LjL-Calvinocprofitt: oh i was being sarcastic actually. i hate most of them.23:09
LjL-Calvinojust the other day one of them decided it would be neat to try passing me, on the right, while i was turning left and basically touching the right sidewalk (since the lanes were narrow)23:10
LjL-Calvinowhen i complained that he was trying to get into an accident, he said i should "take my meds" (what irony!)23:10
LjL-Calvinoand then run the red light23:10
IdleOnemuch like drivers of all sorts of vehicles there are always the bad drivers23:11
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: sure but that doesn't rule out there's a difference in average behavior23:11
IdleOneI suppose not23:11
IdleOnein my 20's I would probably be a lot like the driver you just described.23:12
IdleOnebut I'm almost 40 now and my goal is not crazy speed. I just like the air in my face and want to cruise along happily23:12
* cprofitt frowns23:13
cprofittdarn I feel old23:13
cprofittI am almost 50 now23:13
cprofittits been a bad year for that... I just feel old now23:13
IdleOnegreat time for you to get a nice cruiser23:13
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: well some of those drivers survive their 20s unscathed, others either kill themselves, kill someone else, or end up in jail (not for very long around here, sadly)23:14
IdleOneI can say with great pride that I have never killed myself or anyone else and I have also never been to jail.23:15
IdleOneI'm especially proud of not having killed myself23:15
jbroomekeep the streak going!23:16
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: many fights picked?23:16
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: um, well not really.23:18
bazhang<adwa> how do I get a girlfriend?23:19
IdleOneI've been in two real fist fights in my life.23:19
IdleOnebazhang: I don't know but if you figure it out let me know23:19
chuMe too23:19
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: well i guess fight here includes getting out of the car / off the bike and threatening or yelling23:19
k1l_bazhang: <adwa> is  2>&1 > fuckyouubuntu.txt going to work23:20
cprofittwhere is this adwa person?23:20
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: That did happen to me one time with a cab driver.23:21
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: oh i bet he started it, cab drivers are heinous23:21
LjL-Calvinobus drivers: YAY23:21
LjL-Calvinocab drivers: BOO23:21
bazhangk1l_, yeah, he's a real handful23:21
IdleOnenot sure if he started it or me.23:22
cprofittadwa: has someone dealt with him?23:22
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: I prefer to walk away (and appear the coward in some eyes) from a fight.23:23
k1l_cprofitt: he was asked to stop that stuff from a user and me. then eh left after you joined23:23
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: well if they let you...23:23
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: I have always been able to talk myself out of a physical confrontation and the two times I didn't I had no choice but to bring down the hammer of the gods :)23:24
IdleOneDad thought me young that if I had to fight to make sure I was the one standing at the end.23:25
LjL-Calvinoi never had the "let's punch each other until either is on the ground" kinda fight. i just sometimes threw things at people, or kicked their pride and walked away :P23:25
cprofittk1l_: ok23:27
chuIdleOne's a big guy too, it'd be painful to try and fight him.23:28
LjL-Calvinochu: i think i told you that i'd rather be the wall and let big guys kick me and let their own strenght hurt their foot... *or* the smelly jelly they won't be able to get off their belly23:29
IdleOneI'm not actually that big. I would say I am average size. The trick to a fight is to hit first, hit most, hit last.23:29
LjL-Calvinoi'd say the "hit last" is most important23:30
LjL-Calvinoif you're actually going for the typical fight at least23:30
cprofittI was more of a dodger and grapler23:31
cprofittThe last fight I had the guy knocked himself out23:31
IdleOneI also have no sense of pity. I have no problem kicking a guy while he is down and out.23:31
IdleOnelol cprofitt those are the best fights23:31
cprofitthe tried hitting me for over three minutes but I kept dodging and blocking him23:31
cprofitthe backed up and charged me... I stepped out of the way and he went head first in to a wall23:31
cprofittnot the brightest bulb, heh?23:32
IdleOnenot after he hit the wall23:32
chuThe last fight I had was about 8 guys verse me and I refused to fight back, etc23:32
cprofittI doubt he was before23:33
Jordan_Uchu: How did that end up working out?23:33
LjL-CalvinoIdleOne: if i were to pick such a violent fight, and somehow managed to be on top, i'd probably keep kicking until the other person stopped even caring about the pain and stood up again and told me why they were defending their position in such a way23:34
IdleOneLjL-Calvino: um, that isn't how it works23:35
chuJordan_U: I was about 17 and walking through a shady part of Canberra and there was a guy who was behind me, following me for a good 100m or so, we walked past an alley and his mates just jumped me.23:36
chuNo serious injuries, just shaken up23:37
Jordan_Uchu: Do you think that refusing to fight back led to you being less physically harmed?23:38
chuYeah most likely - had I tried to fight back, I'm sure they would have got more into it.23:40
IdleOnein a case when you our outnumbered like that it is best to just comply23:43
LjL-Calvinoi complied to just one guy, unarmed, and smaller/younger than me ;(23:44
Jordan_UOr take out one of them in a dramatic enough manner to convince the others to reconsider :)23:44
IdleOneJordan_U: That sometimes works, mostly for jacky chan.23:45
chuI'm pretty weak :p23:45
chuI reckon I'd have a hard time against a 15 year old23:45
IdleOneyou underestimate yourself23:45
IdleOneDon't make me come there and let you beat me up to prove my point23:46
chuHah, I'm very much a pacifist, so I would have refused to fight even if it was just one guy :)23:47
LjL-Calvinowhat if it was a cat23:47
chuA cat's not gonna fight me23:47
LjL-Calvinogood for you. well, *i* for one know i'm not going to the battlefield unprepared tomorrow!23:48
* Jordan_U likes play fighting with his cat.23:48
LjL-Calvinomy hands still hurt from the tiny but bothersome infections. now it will learn LjL does not forget.23:48
* Jordan_U wishes that his cat didn't have such sharp claws.23:49
LjL-Calvinothis one only used its claws when i'd attempt to get my hand out of its mouth23:49
chuI have a massive British staffy I wrestle with almost every day, I have had some impressive bruises up my arms in the past.23:50
LjL-Calvinothose dogs scare me a bit :(23:51
LjL-Calvinookay, a bit is an understatement23:51
chuHe's one of the best behaved dogs I've ever met, and I have spent my whole life around dogs. It's amazing how he's been brought up.23:52
LjL-Calvinowell of course they're all individuals23:52
bazhang"I'm rather fond of dogs"23:53
chuWe have a keyword for him; when we say it, it's battle time, but otherwise he'll behave. If you even say "oi" to him during a battle, he'll stop.23:53
LjL-Calvinobazhang, don't be Asian about it!23:54
bazhangLjL-Calvino, thats MOnty Python!!123:54
LjL-Calvinoanyway i like dogs too with the right kind of topping sauce23:55
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