
bonafideHi, is anyone up? I've a quite particular question on how to redirect Mixxx-Master-Output to the internal Microphone.01:58
bonafideI've already outlined the problem here, in the ubuntu- and mixxx-irc. the latter sent me here.01:59
fibz_have you tried the patchbay in qjackctl ?02:29
fibz_there is also #opensourcemusicians02:30
bonafideno, i dont use jack since im on ubuntu 12.04. i just tried asking you guys for the expertise. im looking for a cure on alsa-level if thats possible.02:31
bonafideokay. ill try it there. thank you.02:32
bonafidebut if you know about sound in linux id highly appreciate your help and document it in my forum.02:32
bonafidei really want to get into linux audio production.02:32
bonafide@fibz_ not?02:43
fibz_i'm not familiar with Mixx but i have a feeling qjackctl's patchbay will let you pipe the audio from mixx to microphone02:47
bonafidehow bad can jack (qjackctl is a jack utensil i suppose) mess up my configuration?02:49
fibz_i haven't had any problems with combining it with pulse and alsa02:50
bonafidecool! but still: i use a bluetooth audio sink. this is said to cause serious trouble with jack.02:52
bonafide(or the other way around...)02:52
bonafidethank you03:07
bonafideHi, how do I route Mixxx' Master-Output to the internal microphone?11:40
holsteinbonafide: i use JACK14:24
holsteinbut, routing the ouput of something to a mic wont work14:24
holsteinmaybe you are trying to use a mic with mixxx.. that would be much more likely14:52
holsteinor, maybe you are trying to route audio to a mic ouput as if you had more channels on an internal device14:52
holsteinthat wont work either, unless the hardware were to support that, and had multiple channels out14:52
bonafideholstein: I have a bluetooth adapter for the master output and an internal soundcard for headphones, maybe it works with an external soundcard?15:19
holsteinbonafide: no.. it works with bluetooth15:19
holsteinbonafide: alsa will support it as best it can.. and JACK will show routing options15:19
holsteinbonafide: but, trying to route sound output to a mic is not correct15:20
holsteini feel i am either misunderstanding you, or not getting the full story15:20
holsteinfeel free to just back up and state exactly what you are trying to do15:20
bonafideholstein: hm. i want to do djing in mixxx while simoutanously streaming it to a flash-application the browser like soundcloud-live-recording or a videochat.15:22
bonafidei outlined it here: http://www.mixxx.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6108&p=21274#p2127415:22
holsteinbonafide: i would remove the flash from teh equation15:22
holsteinone thing i might do, since i have a bunch of hardware laying about is.. build a streaming appliance15:23
holsteinthen, route to that analog for streaming15:23
holsteinthe streaming appliance wouldnt be running JACK15:23
holsteini would then just use mixx normally on one machine, with the mic running for VO15:23
holsteinthen, take a cable and route all of that via an analog connection to the streaming appliance15:24
holsteinotherwise, to do it with one machine, i would want to test streaming independently.. using the pulse-jack dbus15:24
holsteinthen, i would just route a mic to mixxx and get that streaming15:24
holstein*then* introduce whatever bluetooth equipment15:25
holsteinotherwise, you are troubleshooting many many things at once.. and none of the equipment has likely promised JACK, linux or pulseaudio support15:25
mlpugI guess one does not even see mic as input in jack15:26
mlpugI mean output15:26
bonafideanalog connection = mixxx-machines-output via cable to the microphone in of the streaming-machine?15:26
bonafidelike this, holstein?15:27
holsteinbonafide: i suggest this because its a work around i used with my firewire device years ago15:27
holsteinbonafide: i used a seperate machine running only pulseaudio and BUTT to stream to icecast.. then, an analog cable from my audio rig from my firewire device15:27
bonafidesound decent.15:28
bonafidei didnt expect it so be so much trouble15:28
holsteinbonafide: ?15:28
holsteinbonafide: does the hardware promise you linux support?15:28
holsteinbonafide: if not, then you are accepting the support role yourself.. and its not always trivial15:29
holsteinbonafide: there are *many* ways to do what you are suggesting. but, you will not be able to route audio outputs to microphones15:29
holsteinfor me, it was a matter of simplicity.. i didnt need JACK running to stream, so i didnt use it15:30
bonafideholstein: thank you a lot for your help.  the idea with the second machine is very good.  i'd like to have a clean setup as well and will rather go for this one than for the one with jack.15:30
bonafideholstein: the hardware is of course not labeled "linux support".15:31
bonafideholstein: when i started the thread, I thought someone will come up with a simple command for alsa. didnt want to discredit your solution.15:32
holsteinbonafide: there is no solutino to routing audio to microphones15:32
holsteinbonafide: you just cant do it15:32
holsteinif i were going to do what you are doing, i might not use JACK at all15:32
holsteini might just setup a mixer.. route whatever sources to that i want (ipods, phones, tapedecks, whatever) and my microphone.. then, route that to the streaming appliance15:33
holsteinif i dont want to record the audio, i try and not bring it in, or route it through the computer15:34
holsteinI'd like to stream my Mixxxes to various Applications like the the browser (soundcloud recording, videochat) or Skype.15:36
holstein^ you would use the included pulse-jack dbus15:36
holsteinpulseaudio shows up as send and recieve.. you route what you like to it15:36
holsteinSo. How do I redirect my Master-Output from Mixxx to the Microphone?15:36
holstein^ you dont15:36
holsteinand, you shouldnt need to15:37
holsteinyou are asking "how to get the audio into the browser?".. not send the audio to a mic15:37
holsteinand, the way you would do that is with the pulsejack dbus15:37
holsteinbut, i would expect issues with flash, and suggest a streaming appliance still15:37
holsteinthough, im not sure i would use mixxx or jack at all..15:38
holsteinfeel free and check with #opensourcesmusicians15:38
bonafidethese are some very nice thoughts. thank you. i think ill just use the hardware workaround. jack is to much of a risk for me.15:40
holsteinbonafide: i really think its ideal not to use it, if its not required15:41
holsteinbonafide: not that JACK isnt awesome :)15:41
holsteini love it and use it a lot, but if its overhead isnt required...15:41
bonafideI'm quite new to linux-audio. I think, Ill use JACK in a different setup in the future (ardour x jack x mixxx x and some nice hardware parts) but for now im fine with the workaround.15:43
bonafidethanks a lot.15:44
bonafideare you here frequently?15:44
holsteinbonafide: sure.. anytime!15:44
holsteini try and be logged here all the time15:44
bonafideill come back and tell you about my experience in building it.15:44
bonafideand share it as well in the mixxx forum.15:44
holsteinbonafide: please do let us know.. and if you need other options/suggestions15:44
bonafidei certainly will. really. heartfelt thanks from me again. passing on this kind of knowledge is so important.15:45
bonafidesee you in a bit15:45
emany word on when the 14.04 beta will be available?    I've got a couple of machines I want to upgrade asap17:53
holsteinem: the 14 is 2014.. the .04 is april17:54
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 (Trusty Tahr) will be the 20th release of Ubuntu.  See the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1295 for more info. support in #ubuntu+117:54
holsteinem: ubuntu releases, or at least has agreed to release so far, a release every 6 months17:55
holsteinwith an LTS (long term support) release every 2 years17:55
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server; with the exception of 12.04 (Precise Pangolin), which will be supported for 5 years on the desktop. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04)17:55
holstein14.04 will be an LTS17:55
emany idea why the volume control for 12.10 was NEVER FIXED???   besides being annoying as all hell  it makes ubuntu  look really bad,  I can't/won't  put new users on it because of that.  and now users are getting these really annoying warnings about 13.04 being end-of-life-you-must-upgrade...17:56
holsteinem: nothing is "broken" here, friend17:56
holstein12.10 is EOL17:56
ubottuUbuntu Studio 12.10 Quantal Quetzal is out! Go to http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntustudio/releases/12.10/release/ to download!17:56
holsteinits eol now17:56
emhlostein please do not answer any of my questions you have already established yourself as a person who DOES NOT KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT17:57
holsteinem: 13.04 is EOL as well17:57
holsteinem: they are factually end of life, friend17:57
holstein!volunteers | em17:57
ubottuem: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines17:57
emduh no sh***shutup and let an intelligentt person talk17:57
cfhowlettem - respectfully suggest you dial down the attitude immediately17:57
holsteinem: i do apologize that you seem to be experiencing some issues thare you are finding frustrating, but i assue you, im only stating facts17:59
holsteinem: 13.04 *is* end of life17:59
holsteinthose "annoying" messages are notifications to the same effect..17:59
emfacts that are completly irrelevant to the question being asked!!!!    is English a foriegn language for you???  becausee you seem t have severe problems with comprehension18:00
holsteinem: the reason the volume control wasnt "Fixed" in 12.10 is likely becuse it wasnt broken, friend18:00
holsteinem: its likely just an issue with alsa and the support of your particular device18:00
holsteinbut, if you would like to speack constructively about current support, i would be glad to help18:01
emoops... correction...  when I said 12.10 I meant 13.10  but anyone who is knowledgeable would have realiszed that i was talking about the very blatently broken volume control in 13.10 because that is the only version where this problem exists18:02
holsteinem: what is the  specific issue?18:02
holsteini would try and isolate if its an issue with the drivers (alsa) and or kernel version supporting the hardare, rather than the volume control being broken18:08
holsteineither one warrants a bug report.. and thats where i would start.. a bug report relating to my specific hardware case18:09
holsteineither creating one for finding an existing one.. upstream as well, if possible18:11
em@holstein  you dont know the difference between a virtual box and a hardware computer....   you also dont seem to know when the 2014 beta is going to be released, you also dont seem to know anything about the very broken volume control in 13.10   so why are you insisting on providing useless non-answers?18:19
cfhowlettem, support and questions about 14.04 belong in #ubuntu+118:20
em@holstein  have you ever actually run 13.10???   I am betting that the answer is no....   because if you had run it then you would know what I am talking about without having to ask.18:20
holsteinem: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule18:20
holstein^ that should give you all the dates you need for 14.0418:21
emcfhowlett   thatnks  I will try there18:21
emholstein THANK YOU   for succeeding in being helpful18:21
holsteinem: sure.. i just dropped "ubuntu 13.10 release schedule" in a search window18:22
holsteinem: what specifically is the issue with your sound control in 13.10? since i dont seem to have the same issues18:22
emokay, fine, but the ubuntu STUDIO does not always track the main release18:22
holsteinubuntustudio *is* ubuntu.. we only skip one milestone AFAIK18:23
emthe problem with the sound control in 13.10 is that the volume control widget/applet on the panel is not clickable and does not function18:24
holsteinyou can go upstream with that, since its not related to ubuntustuduio specificially18:25
holsteinem: if you share your audio hardware specs, id be glad to help search for a bug, as i stated above, for your specific hardware18:26
emfine...  but there are already a zillion people who have seen it and no doubt reported it.   I even seem to recall that it was mentioned in the release notes.  there is no point in me duplicating that effort.18:27
emit's been broken on every computer Ive tried it on....  multiple different hardware18:28
emit's even broken inside of virtualbox....18:29
holstein!bug | em18:29
ubottuem: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:29
holsteinem: just file, and share the link, and i'll follow up and confirm it18:29
em@holstein,  tell me about yourself, how do you fit in to the eco system?  what sort of follow up are you capable of doing on a bug report?18:31
emwhat is your area of knowledge?18:32
holsteinem: its a community, friend. i would be able to confirm the results, and report on  the bug.. i could share on the publically accessible email list and ask for assistance18:32
holsteinem: its a process outlined above that has nothing to do with me18:32
holsteinem: as the link i gave before states, i a volunteer here.. you are welcome to do what you like.. go upstream, go to the devel channel or list18:33
holsteinem: i will assist you getting whatever you need.. thats what i do..18:34
emyes, that's what I thought, in other words you are like a friendly puppy, all excited about being friendly and helping out, but not actually knowing anything useful.18:34
holsteinem: you are free to search whatever you like or need on me, friend18:35
cfhowlettem a simple "No thank you" would have sufficed.18:35
holsteinem: i will get you assistance.. if the volume control is broken, you will outline the process, and i will confirm it, and look upstream as needed for asssistance18:35
holsteinem: i assure you, i am not a code contributor.. if you are, or are interested in helping us with code, that would be much appreciated18:36
emthanks, but I really just wanted to find out when the beta is being released18:37
holsteinem: good luck.. just don spread FUDD18:37
holsteindrag.. now that guy is saying the volume control is broken.. still18:38
holsteincfhowlett: rough ;)18:38
cfhowlettholstein, you're a better man than I am.  Thanks for setting the example in the face of - whatever that was.18:38
holsteincfhowlett: i think its mostly just tech support issues.. folks dont think of this as community support.. its tech support, which is frustrating, typically18:39
holsteinin actually, we have a community here that one could join and fix what they like.. but whatever18:40
cfhowlettholstein, granted but still no excuse for abuse or a**holery18:40

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