
tnzkhi, I'm learning how bzr merges branches now. I undestand bzr uses the algorithm called LCA Merge today.08:00
tnzkbut what does it differ from Recursive Three-way Merge? It seems very similar to me.08:00
tnzkI mean the recursive three-way merge of Git.08:00
fullermd_Actually, I think the default is still plain 3-way merge, with LCA and weave as alternate options.08:07
fullermd_Vague memory says that the 'lca' variant uses per-file LCA's rather than full-tree?  But I wouldn't put much stock in my memory.08:09
fullermd_I don't think bzr does git-ish recursive-3-way.  At least not without a plugin I've never heard of.08:10
tnzkOh I just read literally bzr wiki says that it *could* be the default...08:23
tnzkAm I right to think bzr uses plain 3-way merge by default, and with options it can merge by 'lca' which is more accurate than 'recursive' strategy of git.08:23
fullermd_"more accurate" is a bottomless pit of discussion   ;p08:24
tnzkindeed :p okay, I'll keep on learning. thank you.08:27
fullermd_Once upon a time, there were decent descriptions/discussions/etc on the revctrl wiki.08:41
fullermd_It was drowned in spam and them tossed away some years back, but there might be an archive somewhere.08:41
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quicksilverI think bzr missing displays the wrong message.11:51
quicksilverbzr missing --theirs-only -r1234 bzr+ssh:/path/to/remove11:51
quicksilverOther branch is up to date.11:51
quicksilveractually surely it means *this* branch is up to date. "My branch" as the command line options call it.11:52
quicksilveroh there we go11:53
ubot5Ubuntu bug 250296 in Bazaar "bzr missing gives confusing 'up to date' message" [Low,Confirmed]11:53
quicksilverreported 2008 :(11:53
tnzk@fullermd: I've never heard about revctl wiki but it looks very valuable in the internet archive13:23
tnzk@fullermd: I wish I was then interested in this topic...13:24
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