
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away
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=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
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smoserharmw_, around ?17:36
=== harmw_ is now known as harmw
harmwdoesn't look good17:45
smoserdoesn't look good ?17:55
smoseroleg diagnosed the failure well17:55
smoserubuntu shows 'inet addr:xx.yy', freebsd shows 'inet xx.yy'17:55
smoseri'm thinking of doing a more specific hack17:55
harmwno no, the bugreport is excellent17:55
harmwits just a shame I allowed it to break17:56
smosercompared to oleg's solution which was to allow overriding fields17:56
harmwinet  netmask  broadcast
harmwthats Fedora17:56
smoseri'll update the comment then. seems freebsd is that also, no ?17:58
harmwinet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast
harmwfreebsd 1017:59
smoserso we're not handling the hex on freebsd17:59
smoserwhich is fine17:59
smoserwell, not fine, but another bug17:59
smoserdoes this look reasonable: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7001024/18:00
smoser(reasonable as a "just get something to fix this")18:00
harmwhm yes18:03
harmwbtw, which net-tools version does ubuntu install?18:03
smoserharmw, can you pastebin ifconfig output on a freebsd?18:04
smoser$ dpkg-query --show net-tools18:04
harmwcentos 6 ships with that version aswell, showing addr:18:04
harmwfedora 19 installs 2.10-alpha18:05
kwadronautharmw: http://packages.ubuntu.com/ you can find it there for the different ones18:05
harmwh ok18:05
smoserwell, collect whatever you have easy access to18:05
smoserwe really should have tests for this with examples18:06
kwadronautit's going to stick to 1.60 for the next couple of years in ubuntu methinks18:06
smoserharmw, thanks18:12
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=== harlowja_away is now known as harlowja
harlowjaharmw just checked with sean, he'll be back tommorow, he was on vacation, still catching back up18:39
harlowjatold him the cloud-init channel misses him18:39
harmwok, great18:39
harlowjaso i guess after he gets back into the swing of things he'll be back on here18:41
harmwyea :)18:43
* seanwbruno returns from the madness19:45
harlowjaseanwbruno harmw woot19:46
harlowjawelcome back from the other side19:46
seanwbrunoits dark over there.19:46
harlowjacome out of your cave?19:46
harlowjaare they putting u in the basement again seanwbruno ?19:46
harlowja*did they take your redstapler?19:47
seanwbrunonah, was away from the office for a week.19:47
seanwbrunoalso, is EVERYONE sick here in Sunnyvale?19:47
harlowjaya, i had sniffles yesetday, seems better today19:47
harlowjaseanwbruno u got all the legal stuff resolved, so u signed canonical stuff right?19:48
harlowjathink u said something about that19:48
seanwbrunoI got *approval* to sign it.19:48
seanwbrunoI haven't done the deed yet or whatever19:48
harlowjaah, k, deed doing shouldn't be much then19:48
harlowjai think its just http://www.canonical.com/contributor-license-agreement/submit19:49
harlowjaand put smoser as the project contact19:49
* harlowja but i might be wrong, did that a long time ago19:49
smoserthat sounds good enough19:50
harmwah nice, seanwbruno 19:52
harmwsay harlowja , you happen to known anyone that did the openstack exams from red hat?19:52
harlowjais that like a doctor checkup harmw ?19:53
harlowjawhere RH is the doctor19:53
* harlowja didn't know there was an openstack exams19:53
harlowjawonders what that is19:53
harlowjaRH already has examns, crazy19:54
kwadronautthey fist did the cups training, and since then they *love* to print paper.19:54
harlowjai give u free exam19:54
seanwbrunook, buttons "pushed" on launchpad and license signing thing.19:54
harlowjaPrice:$600 19:54
harlowjai give u examn for half off19:54
harlowjajosh discount19:54
harmwdoes that include a flight and hotel? :>19:54
harlowjavirtual flight19:55
harlowjavirtual hotel19:55
harlowjaharmw so thats a negative, don't know anyone19:55
harlowjafor 300$ i give u history of openstack and for $350 i can give u a video of me that explains openstack19:56
harlowjaincluding bonus material19:56
harmwnvm thn 19:56
harlowjau got me interested, i wonder what is in this exam, lol19:57
* harlowja wonders if i would pass19:57
harmwwell, me to19:57
harmwthough I'm not realy into classroom training in this case, I'd rather just pick up a book on the subject19:58
harlowjadef, and the last book that i saw was a copy/paste of the openstack docs19:58
harlowjai never understood that book19:58
harlowjacame out in 2011, when openstack still figuring itself out19:58
harlowjawas pretty much online docs with some comments19:59
harlowjawas weird, lol19:59
harmwi can imagine19:59
* harlowja not sure i'd pay 600$ for that, if u know the right people u can get it for free, lol20:00
harlowjai've done all the install, configure, package stuff with http://anvil.readthedocs.org/ ,lol20:00
harmwhehe, does that include the piece of paper as well?20:00
harlowjau got a printer harmw ?20:01
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
harlowjaseems like an introductory course though20:02
harlowjahow to install, and do basic management20:02
harmwlooks quite like it indeed20:02
harlowjau get to Y! office, give u josh discount20:02
seanwbruno"training includes free lunch in Y! cafeteria"20:03
harmwyeah, but let me get some weeks vacation for that first - plus flight money :p20:03
harlowjaand free bathroom usage20:03
harlowjano fees20:03
harmwPrice:2465 20:04
harmwthats for the online tut20:04
harmwincludes a hdd though :>20:05
harmw'Upon submitting your registration and payment, you will receive an e-mail notification with instructions on how to access course content. Approximately 3-4 business days after, you will receive the pre-loaded hard drive via priority mail.'20:05
harlowjafor real?20:05
harlowjathats funny20:06
harlowjai guess they aren't using there own dogfood20:06
harlowjaseems like u could host the class in a openstack cloud20:06
harlowjaand provide people with snapshots20:06
harlowjaand provide people access to the snapshot with the class + software on it20:07
harmwI see you can pretty easily roll a y! thingy yourself :p20:07
harmwbtw, I'm still having timout between nova and neutron causing all kinds of mayhem20:13
harmwmoving keystone to a dedicated piece of hw didnt help afterall20:13
harlowjaharmw ah, neutron20:31
harlowjawhat kind of timeouts, boot timeouts?20:32
harlowjaharmw https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74832/20:32
harlowjathat might help u ;)20:32
harlowjai bet they won't tell u that in the RH training, that nova <-> neutron is racy, lol20:34
harmwwhen I boot a new instance, everything goes just fine - up until cloud-init contacts the nova's metadata api, which in fails becaus it can't communicate with neutron. Running a curl against it later on when the instance has given up on metadata it runs ok 20:34
harmwlet me dig up the exact error20:35
harmw(ill read up on that review in a sec)20:35
harlowjaharmw its proably due to that race20:36
harlowja'Make libvirt wait for neutron to confirm plugging before boot'20:36
harlowjaso nova can boot before the VIF is plugged, and if the VIF isn't plugged it would make sense that during boot it can't talk to any metadata 20:37
harlowjaor anywhere else actually20:37
harmwindeed, but in this case the instance does manage to contact nova20:38
harmwits nova that in turn can't communicate with neutron20:38
harmw2014-02-16 10:58:04.683 26729 DEBUG nova.network.neutronv2 [req-55651799-a048-479a-8366-5b9ba38042b6 None None] XXX failed: Connection to neutron failed: timed out _get_auth_token /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/nova/network/neutronv2/__init__.py:4920:38
harmw2014-02-16 10:58:04.685 26729 ERROR nova.network.neutronv2 [req-55651799-a048-479a-8366-5b9ba38042b6 None None] Neutron client authentication failed: Connection to neutron failed: timed out20:38
harmw(the XXX is a personal debug line)20:39
harmw2014-02-16 10:58:04.687 26729 ERROR nova.api.metadata.handler [req-55651799-a048-479a-8366-5b9ba38042b6 None None] Failed to get metadata for instance id: 506b3116-bae2-4729-9cdd-6147e720ab1d20:40
harmw2014-02-16 10:58:04.687 26729 TRACE nova.api.metadata.handler ConnectionFailed: Connection to neutron failed: timed out20:40
harlowjadef weird20:42
harlowjaharmw u might try the #openstack-nova channel20:43
harmwk, will do20:43
harlowja*i mean20:43
harlowjathe #openstack-neutron channel20:43
harlowjaor both20:43
harmwah yea, thats exactly why I just love openstack20:44
harlowjaso many channels20:44
harmwindeed, indeed20:44
harlowjaharmw neutron is working otherwise right?20:46
harmwyea yea20:47
harlowjaya, weird then20:47
harmwlike i said, i can curl 169.xxx just fine afterwords20:47
harlowjaunder heavy load?20:47
harmwhaha, definately not :p20:47
harlowjaodd :(20:47
harmwnova list just took 21s... I rly need new hw20:49
harmw[!!] Joins performed without indexes: 17226521:01
harmwthats just awfull (from mysqltuner.pl)21:02
smoser`harlowja, did you find something ?21:29
smoser`ont he above?21:29
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
smosererr.. harmw i meant.21:37
harmwI only just askd in #openstack-neutron21:37
harmwabout mysql, I configured it to log not-indexe stuff21:37
harlowjaharmw i think part of the issue with nova list is that it just sucks21:37
harlowjadon't try to list all the things21:37
harmwi only have 4 instances...21:37
harmwits my homelab :)21:38
harlowjai know ~1000 i gets bad21:38
harlowja*it gets21:38
harlowja*or did once21:38
harlowjamight be fixed now21:38
harlowjahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1176446 ?21:38
harlowjasee last comment21:39
harmwso according to https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1228384 that should be in havana 2013.2.221:41
harlowjaseems like it21:41
harmwah, and was release last week or so21:41
harlowjathere u go21:42
harmwlet's see if those are in the RDO repo21:42
harlowjaah, RDO21:42
harmwsince feb 1421:43
harlowjaif u want newer repositories, my anvil project buidls rpms 21:44
harlowjaand can build the newer versions ;)21:44
harlowjaautomagically, ll21:44
harmwnice :)21:44
harlowjasomeday i'll get there redhat people to use it21:44
harmwbut for now Ill stick to rdo, and patch/build whatever I need myself 21:44
harmwah, I did patch build something myself, to patch https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/125145921:48
harmwshould've done that before running the update though :p21:48
=== harlowja is now known as harlowja_away

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