
jussiRiddell: I think we need to do some more advertising, no female ones have sold yet...07:48
lordievaderGood morning.07:58
=== jackson is now known as Guest46812
valoriejussi: have you written to the kub. user list?08:17
valorieposted on the forums?08:17
jussivalorie: I havent. mind doing that?08:17
=== Guest46812 is now known as Noskcaj
valorieif you ask in a couple of days08:18
valoriethe workmen arrive in a few hours to demolish our front bath08:18
* apachelogger has a really terrible headache today -.-08:21
jussiapachelogger: hair of the dog :P08:23
apacheloggerwhy it aint no hangover08:26
apacheloggerI'd not be up at this hour if it was :P08:26
Riddellmaco: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseSchedule09:23
apacheloggerSput, ScottK: what's new in quassel 0.10?09:26
Riddella reluctance to declare it stable?09:28
apacheloggerRiddell: how is that new? :P09:29
Sputapachelogger: https://github.com/quassel/quassel/blob/master/ChangeLog09:30
Sput(yes, I'm actually keeping this up to date mostly, these days)09:30
Riddellagateau: where is it best to install the kapidox files to?09:42
apacheloggeranyone with kdeconnect around?10:00
agateauRiddell: you mean kapidox code, or the output of kapidox?10:02
agateauRiddell: kapidox code is a standard Python app, just follow Ubuntu way of installing Python stuff10:03
agateaukapidox output, I don't really know. /usr/share/doc/kf5?10:03
soeeapachelogger: yes10:09
Riddellagateau: it's the code I was pondering, dunno if it should go in /usr/lib/python or in its own place10:10
jussiapachelogger: I do...10:11
agateauRiddell: isn't there a standard way of doing this on Ubuntu?10:11
Riddellagateau: yes, I think my question is if it's a module (library) used by other things or standalone10:12
RiddellI guess it's standalone10:12
agateauYes, it's standalone10:12
Riddellagateau: should the parts which the user is supposed to run be in /usr/bin? e.g. kgenapidox10:14
agateauRiddell: yes, I'd do this10:14
apacheloggersoee, jussi: can one of you createa  screenshot of something not too technical for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/Beta1/Kubuntu please10:15
apacheloggersoee, jussi: a systemtray icon if it has one, or short of that the KCM10:15
apachelogger(ultimately with default theming and stuff please :))10:15
jussibah, default theme :/10:16
soee^ :)10:16
soeealso it does not see my device :D10:16
apacheloggerpoor device10:17
jussisoee: have you paried it? 10:17
soeejussi: yes i have it listed, but this settings are from older installation 10:18
jussiactually, weird, seems buggy here als10:18
soeeandroid 4.310:18
jussiI just paired my note 2, sees the device in settings, can pair/unpair, ping, but it doesnt see it in the normal systray thing10:19
jussi4.3 also10:19
jussiahh now it came up10:19
soeejussi how does it pair exactly ?10:22
soeei have Device not reachable 10:23
jussisoee: right click, kde connect settings, select device, request pair10:25
soeejussi: yes yes ;) it ends with Device not reachable info message10:26
jussisoee:  is the device on, kde connect started, maybe click refresh there? latest version of kdeconnect from store?10:26
soeejussi yes :)10:27
soeei hope 14.04 is not a problem here10:27
jussisoee: Im rtunning 14.0410:27
sgclarkRiddell: i386 symbols patch committed10:31
sgclarkRiddell: kde4support ^10:31
Riddellsgclark: groovy10:32
apacheloggerubiquity report sent10:35
apacheloggerRiddell: did you upload plasma-nm with a po/ directory?10:36
Riddellapachelogger: I hope I did10:42
Riddell" * New upstream snapshot with translations"  yay I did10:43
* apachelogger wonders about the size of the l10n QA card -.-10:44
apacheloggerI really think we should get an xx language going somehow10:45
Riddellapachelogger: I did suggests this to launchpad translations people back in the day but they were very skeptical for reasons I never worked out, and presumably there aren't any lp translations people now10:47
soeejussi: doesn't work for me at all10:48
apacheloggerRiddell: yeah, but even if we only cover software that is not piped through launchpad we'll have like 80% of the installation covered10:48
apachelogger(i.e. only things going through launchpad are our apps, libreoffice, and firefox)10:49
apacheloggeralthough, I am not even sure about firefox10:49
Riddellare you sure about libreoffice?10:49
apacheloggergiven the cadance of releases it likely doesn't get piped through launchpad either10:49
apacheloggerRiddell: no, we'd not care eitherway  though :P10:49
apacheloggeronly thing missing is our stuff10:49
apacheloggerand that can likely be checked by other means, alas a bit more messy10:50
apacheloggerwoudl require a) having a script to get all templtes a package creates, then querying launchpad api whether those templates are available for translation b) another script that autogenerates xx at build time and stores it in a special path so that the mangler doesn't eat it when ripping out translations10:51
apacheloggeror b) could be done outside the archvie package build I guess somehow10:51
apacheloggernot impossible at any rate, plus b) we'd want for all package builds actually10:51
jussisoee: and the device has wifi on? 10:51
jussiand is connected etc10:52
apacheloggersince nothing ships with the test language10:52
apacheloggerwe'll have to create it from scratch10:52
soeejussi: ah wifi was on but not connected :/10:55
soeeworks now :)10:55
sgclarkRiddell: kfileaudiopreview ready10:57
apachelogger"l10n review #2 on 14.04 Deadlines & Quality Control is due tomorrow at 12:00 pm "11:05
apacheloggermuch scared 11:05
apacheloggerjussi, soee: so, do I get a screenshot? :P11:06
soeei would have to create new account with default settings :) i can do that wafter work11:07
apacheloggerahoy manchicken11:07
manchickenI'm giving kubuntu-debug-installer the hour that I (hopefully) have before the kids wake up.11:08
Riddellmanchicken: :)11:10
manchickenPoop. I can replicate the problem of the sources being duplicated.11:10
Riddellbetter than not being able to replicate a problem11:12
manchickenNow the question is whether that's QApt or kubuntu-debug-installer. I'm worried that it is the former, but I'm pretty sure that my automated tests cover that.11:13
Riddellautomated tests I had to disable :)11:14
manchickenWhich worked for me though.11:14
manchickenI'm going to play with that really quick.11:14
Riddellonly if qapt is already installed11:14
Riddellif it's not the tests don't work11:14
manchickenChanges I think you guys made to QApt were disabling the tests (due to header file name use?) and then turning off some of the dependencies in the CMakeList.txt that were duplicated from the top-level.11:15
manchickenAm I missing anything?11:15
Riddellonly this patch manchicken  http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/kubuntu_disable-tests.diff11:16
manchickenOkay, cool.11:16
manchickenIf I sent you a patch, would you be able to test it quickly?11:17
Riddellmanchicken: ok11:17
manchickenI was thinking about it, I think that replacing the include_directories in the tests/CMakeLists.txt with one that didn't have hard-coded relative paths would resolve the issue.11:17
manchicken(I'm enjoying Qt Creator these days)11:18
Riddellmanchicken: is that to the top level CMakeLists.txt ?11:19
* Riddell does hate the filename CMakeLists.txt11:19
manchickenI also am not a fan, especially since there's so many "CMake*" artifacts left around.11:19
kubotumanchicken meant: "I also am not a fan, especially since there're so many "CMake*" artifacts left around."11:19
manchickenI think that'll resolve the build issue, because I'm guessing your build directory isn't going to match what my setup was.11:20
manchickenOoh, still broken. Now it breaks my build.11:22
manchickenPoop. make[2]: *** No rule to make target `src/qapt_automoc.cpp', needed by `src/CMakeFiles/qapt.dir/qapt_automoc.cpp.o'.  Stop.11:30
manchickenmake[1]: *** [src/CMakeFiles/qapt.dir/all] Error 211:30
BluesKaj' Morning folks11:34
* manchicken blames apachelogger...11:36
apacheloggermanchicken: that makes no sense11:37
manchickenI think you broke QApt's build: with 2c0397e4d31b14c2a6889c8774ac86469a160cf811:37
sgclarkRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6999296/11:38
manchickenIt's not properly generating workerdbus stuff anymore.11:38
apacheloggermanchicken: wipe your build dir please11:38
manchickenI have many times :)11:38
apacheloggermanchicken: make clean; cmake .. -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=TRUE && make -j111:40
apacheloggerpaste output of all of that please11:40
apacheloggerI cannot reproduce the moc failure11:40
apacheloggerin fact I think qapt_automoc.cpp should not be generated at all11:40
apachelogger^ because of this change11:41
manchickenI'm totally open to it being my fault.11:41
apacheloggermanchicken: are you sure you don't have a lingering diff in the worker cmakelists?11:41
manchickenI get nothing on git diff or git diff --cached11:42
apacheloggerwell, get me that log please11:42
* apachelogger gets some coffee meanwhile11:43
Riddellsgclark: it's a plugin so it's ok for it to act weird as it's not a real library so ignore that11:44
manchickenFull disclosure: I have a rather basic level of what I hesitate to call "understanding" of CMake building still.11:47
Riddellmanchicken: asking on #kde-devel often helps with cmake foo11:49
manchickenThat was weird... #kubuntu-devel just disappeared from my "All Chats" list.11:49
Riddellthere's probably also a #cmake11:49
manchickenRiddell: I struggle with this, though... I have spent vastly more time struggling with build issues in the last several months than I have on code.11:49
manchickenThat makes me sad.11:49
apacheloggermanchicken: for some reason your build uses the automoc4 binary rather than the builtin automoc11:50
manchickenapachelogger: It could be that I have qt5 installed and I keep having to tell the thing to pick up qt411:50
apacheloggerthat should not matter11:51
apacheloggermanchicken: export QT_SELECT=411:51
apacheloggerthen wipe your build dir and try again11:51
apacheloggermanchicken: also what's the output of grep -ri automoc /home/manchicken/Documents/Devel/kde/libqapt11:52
manchickenapachelogger: I sent you the screenshot of the Qt Creator dialog that seems to be weird about Qt setups.11:54
apacheloggermanchicken: I tend to run cmake manually outside qtcreator and then open the project in qtcreator, that way one knows what is going on ^^11:55
manchickenapachelogger: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6999360/11:56
apacheloggeri.e. mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. -Detcetcetc -> qtcreator -> open cmakelists.txt -> point build dir to mine -> let qtcreator run cmake without arguments11:56
apacheloggeras suspected there is nothing calling automoc4 :S11:56
* apachelogger creates a saucy chroot11:57
manchickenapachelogger: Here's my cmake output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6999371/11:58
manchickenI just added the QT_SELECT -D, seems like it doesn't like how I did that.11:58
apacheloggermanchicken: export QT_SELECT 11:59
apacheloggerit's an environment variable for qtchooser, which in turn is the thing that actually backs  /usr/bin/qmake /usr/bin/moc etc11:59
manchickenYeah, for some reason I thought it would take -D as well as off of the environment..12:00
manchickenUpdated cmake output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6999387/12:01
manchickenArg, baby is up.12:01
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://launchpad.net/~rohangarg/+archive/nightly/+files/libkpeople_0.2.1-0ubuntu1.dsc12:02
shadeslayerupload pzl12:02
apacheloggermanchicken: I'll have a look in a chroot12:02
apacheloggerit all looks fine, except it isn't12:02
manchickenOkay, Dacia has me covered for now, I probably only have about 15min left.12:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: are you going to pick up a card to drop kpeople dep?12:03
manchickenapachelogger: Updated build output: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/6999401/12:03
apacheloggershadeslayer: also you might ask cj nicely to add libkepeople to the package set if not ;)12:03
shadeslayeryeah, libkpeople needs adding to supported 12:04
shadeslayerI can do that myself, then next time meta package is uploaded, it'll get added to the packageset12:04
apacheloggermanchicken: ls -Rla in your build dir please12:04
apachelogger  Uploading libkpeople_0.2.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes: done.12:05
apacheloggerSuccessfully uploaded packages.12:05
apacheloggerthe amount of deps qapt has -.-12:07
apacheloggermanchicken: is that output from qtc?12:08
apachelogger(I cannot reproduce the issue in a saucy chroot either)12:09
manchickenThat's output that I did `ls -Rla > ls.txt` from12:09
manchickenYou mean the build dir12:09
apacheloggermanchicken: the make output I meant, sorry12:10
manchickenThat's from qtc running `make -n`12:10
manchicken(or make all -n, I guess)12:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: re kpeople deps, sure, write a card to "Fix all broken deps" since kde-workspace has one too12:11
shadeslayerso a meta card would be nice12:11
apacheloggermanchicken:  can you please try to build it entirely outside of qtc12:11
manchickenTrying that now12:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1197261 in kde-workspace (Ubuntu) "Can't install kde-style-skulpture on KDE 4.11 Beta 2 - conflict with kde-window-manager package" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:12
apacheloggermanchicken: it's the -n 12:13
apachelogger       -n, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon12:13
apachelogger            Print the commands that would be executed, but do not execute them.12:13
apacheloggermanchicken: I think your qtc build rules might be misconfigured ^^12:14
manchickenI'm not sure why that ended up in there... I think I was trying to walk it through troubleshooting.12:14
manchickenI've had damn near no end to build problems, so anything's possible.12:15
manchickenI'm building it outside qtc now.12:15
manchickenIt's not dead yet.12:15
apacheloggerqtc should have the -n on your build page12:15
apacheloggerin the ardditional arguments line I guess12:15
soeeoh nvidia drivers update, hope it will work with prime12:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: regarding the bug, I think the breaks is there becasue MG changed API but didn't want to bump soversion or something like that12:19
manchickenIt does12:19
apacheloggermanchicken: drop it and all should be fine again12:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: right, skulpture hasn't been updated in a loooonnggg time and I would argue that it's bordering on unsupported software12:21
apacheloggerREMOVE IT12:21
* apachelogger drops some pain killers12:21
shadeslayerdebian doesn't have it as well12:21
apacheloggerkubotu: order painkillers12:21
* kubotu slides painkillers down the bar to apachelogger12:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: will do12:21
* shadeslayer orders some wine for apachelogger and leaves for lunch12:21
soeehow can i list guggested packages for some package ?12:22
manchickenapachelogger: I killed it, I got another build error, I'm cleaning up again and trying again.12:22
apacheloggershadeslayer: :O12:22
manchickenSo much of this seems like it's me cleaning up very rough trial-and-error builds from before.12:23
manchickenCan I still blame you, though?12:24
manchickenSuccessful qtc build.12:24
apacheloggermanchicken: you can, I will just disprove your claim :P12:24
manchickenI'm okay with that.12:25
manchickenI'm going to make a suggestion for the tests/CMakeLists.txt, you tell me if you think it'll fix the build issue on the tests.12:25
manchickenI had ../src in there before.12:26
apacheloggermanchicken: it's at least better cmake code ^^12:28
manchickenOkay, I'm going to commit that to master.12:28
apacheloggerbut AFAIR you simply need to change your includes to fix the build12:29
manchickenIs this a generated file: src/worker/org.kubuntu.qaptworker2.policy ?12:29
manchickenNaw, you said I was using camel-cased includes, but I'm not.12:29
apacheloggerinstead of <qapt/FooBar> you'd use <foobar.h> and make sure the folder containign it is in the includes_dirs12:29
apacheloggermanchicken: oh, I misremembered then12:29
manchickenI'm pretty sure that it's because the includes were hard-coded to ../src12:29
manchickenThat makes the most sense...12:30
apacheloggerentirely possible I did not look at it in detail12:30
apacheloggeras for the policy file, yes that is generated from a desktop file12:30
manchickenOkay, git keeps complaining that it's deleted.12:30
apacheloggeroh no12:30
apacheloggermanchicken: it's not generated, but it should be ^^12:30
apachelogger(i.e. in kdeware it would be geneated because there's no other way to get it translated, however qapt does not care about translations :S)12:31
manchickenYeah, so it shouldn't even be in the repo, yeah?12:31
apacheloggerit should12:31
apacheloggeryou need the policy file for polkit12:32
apacheloggerultimately however it should be replaced by the desktop file I was talking about (alas, that sort of requires a hard build dependency on kde)12:32
apacheloggermanchicken: not sure why it would be delted tho12:33
apacheloggerseems a tad odd12:33
manchickenOkay, I don't know how it ended up killed.12:33
manchickenOkay, that tests/CMakeLists.txt has been pushed.12:35
manchickenI'm checking now to see if something (further) is wonky in my dev which could have killed that file.12:35
manchickenMy cleanup scripts don't do anything with that file, so it wasn't one of those.12:35
manchickenw00t! My tests build and pass once again.12:36
manchickenOkay, I don't feel like I accomplished what I wanted to (getting kubuntu-debug-installer dusted off), but I did accomplish something.12:38
manchickenHopefully the tests will build for someone other than me. Do you think you'll get to those today?12:38
manchicken(or anybody else)12:38
manchickenI know you're a busy guy12:38
apacheloggerah dang, I could have tried that in my chroot, already closed it tho -.-12:38
manchickenOkay, I'm going to do the whole getting ready to go to work thing, hopefully folks have better luck with that stuff today.12:40
apachelogger/tmp/libqapt/tests/transactionerrorhandlingtest.cpp:26:31: fatal error: LibQApt/Transaction: No such file or directory12:43
apachelogger #include <LibQApt/Transaction>12:43
apacheloggermanchicken: I told you it was a camel :P12:43
apacheloggerRiddell: libqapt master should now build tests as expected12:45
apacheloggergood enough if we pick it for the next release though IMO12:45
apacheloggerI am not sure the tests will work right now anyway12:46
apacheloggerbecause I don't think they abstract the worker, so it requires a complete polkit/dbus setup I think12:46
Riddellapachelogger: awooga13:05
sgclarkRiddell: wierd error after I made symbols: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6999655/13:10
Riddellsgclark: what's the error?13:15
Riddellthere's multiple libraries in that package so they need their symbols added too13:15
Riddellwhich you might be able to do with just batchpatch13:15
Riddellbut I suspect needs the symbols file moved out the way, a new symbols file made, then copy and paste them together.  ug13:16
apacheloggertest cases almost done13:27
* apachelogger sighs a bit13:27
ghostcubecool pipelight runs amazon oinstant video inside ubuntu B-) made my day13:34
ghostcubebtw hello folks13:35
manchickenSadness: http://blog.hostilefork.com/qtcreator-debugger-no-locals-ubuntu/ <-- totally having this problem.14:02
Riddell!testers | beta 1 candidates testing14:07
ubottubeta 1 candidates testing: Help is needed in #kubuntu-devel. Please ping Riddell, yofel, soee, Tm_T, shadeslayer, BluesKaj, James147, smartboyhw, Quintasan, lordievader, shrini, tester56, parad1se, mamarley  for information14:07
Riddellhttp://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/milestones/312/builds tests needed14:07
apacheloggerjussi: you did not throw shirt ads on kubuntu's g+ page it appears14:08
manchickenugh...  libqapt has issues with saving for sure.14:10
apacheloggermanchicken: the writing seems rather straight forward, are you sure that it's not the actual sourcelist management classes that screw up?14:12
manchickenDigging deeper in my tests I'm finding some test cases I missed.14:12
manchickenI've gotta go to work now, but I'll dig deeper tonight.14:12
sgclarkRiddell: patching did not work, tried copy and paste and I am only making things worse :( Do you mind taking a look at it?14:13
manchickenI may need someone who knows how to better troubleshoot dbus stuff to help me with this, it looks like I'm having issues with that.14:13
Riddellsgclark: yeah can do14:13
manchickenIt could be, but the fun part is that some places I see writing duplicates, other parts I see it writing nothing.14:13
manchickenI'll have a better look at this when I'm not on five hours of sleep about to trudge into the office.14:14
manchickenI'll catch you guys later.14:15
Riddellthanks manchicken 14:15
Riddellappreciate all your effort14:15
manchickenNo problem, it's interesting :)14:16
shadeslayerScottK: apachelogger https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kde-style-skulpture/+bug/128517314:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1285173 in kde-style-skulpture (Ubuntu) "Please remove kde-style-skulpture from Ubuntu" [Undecided,Triaged]14:19
Riddellsgclark: yeah can go14:19
Riddellsgclark: yeah can do14:19
* Riddell feels left out of shadeslayer's ping list14:19
shadeslayerRiddell: ^^14:19
* shadeslayer hugs Riddell14:20
sgclarkRiddell: will be ready for you shortly14:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: if you quote policies at least follow the policy :P14:20
apachelogger"Before taking any actions, at least one attempt should be made to assess whether upstream really is dead. The preferred way to do this is sending a mail to the biggest copyright holder or a respective mailing list. If no information is provided regarding the state of upstream within 14 days, the software is to be considered unmaintained and general viability rules apply. "14:20
apacheloggeror propose a change to the policy :P14:21
apacheloggerthat step is there to cover our own behind, so we can say "yo, we did our best" when someone complains ^^14:21
* shadeslayer will email author14:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: Riddell https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/search/?q=upgrade-kubuntu14:22
shadeslayeryofel: ^^]14:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: can we get that going for ppas? ^^14:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: see that page again14:23
apacheloggerI mean, ppa snapshot 1 -> ppa live; ppa snapshot 2 -> ppa live14:24
apacheloggeralas, that might be too complicated for the present tech14:24
shadeslayerah nope, don't think so14:24
sgclarkRiddell: khtml is ready for you14:24
sgclarkRiddell: you mentioned 2 more packages yesterday?14:25
apacheloggershadeslayer: actually that might be unsuitable anyawy. ... how about ppa -> other ppa14:26
apacheloggernamely give staging a greater purpose14:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: possibly could be done, talk to jibel about that?14:27
shadeslayerin #ubuntu-devel14:27
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
apacheloggerawww, no, I am scared now :'<14:28
apacheloggeractually, here's the bigger picture14:28
apacheloggersomeone may have suggest more vigorous application backports to LTS releases14:29
apacheloggerto get that as cheap as possible and as scalable as possible one would need massive amounts of automation and in particular automated QA (biggest piece obviously being a) dependency resolution working and b) no file conflicts ever happening)14:30
apacheloggerother than the QA it's actually a somewhat viable idea right now... you could maintain a whitelist of backport candidates, then you have an application compare versions between devel and lts and if there's a newer in devel it uses a dedicated ppa (i.e. one ppa per application) to attempt an automated backport, if the build succeeds a bunch of QA is run and if that succeeds the backport is moved to kubuntu-backports14:33
Riddellsgclark: kactivities-kf5 I put the start of packaging in bzr14:36
Riddellit compiles but everything else needs going over14:36
Riddellsgclark: and plasma-framework is the other new one14:36
sgclarkRiddell: ok14:37
Riddellooh munich going with kolab http://www.theregister.co.uk/2014/02/26/munich_goes_kolab/15:47
Riddelljmux: does that mean we'll get kolab packages in kubuntu?15:48
shadeslayeroh so they finally announced it15:49
jmux_Riddell: At least for Precise :)15:50
=== jmux_ is now known as jmux
jussijmux: cool!15:55
shadeslayerjmux: do you plan on making packages available publically ?15:57
jmuxOk - actually I'm not sure how everything will work out. I'm not involved in the project, as I'm not responsible for mail and web browser.15:58
jmuxActually the company was faster to their announcement, then I got informed of the status of the tender.15:59
jmuxSs there are only two thing I'm actually sure of: we'll get Kolab infrastructure and it will run with KDE 4.12 Precise packages.16:02
shadeslayerjmux: I was told about this 3 weeks ago :P16:06
apacheloggershadeslayer is quite the well informed person16:08
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you work for the NSA?16:08
jmuxshadeslayer: Well the officiall (very good hidden) announcement was on 13.1.2014 (http://ausschreibungen-deutschland.de/149525_MigMak_2014_Muenchen)16:08
jmuxThen we have to wait two weeks for judicial  objections.16:10
jmuxAt the end there is a lot of administrative law involved.16:14
sgclarkRiddell: kactivities-kf5 ready, note that I had to patch to get it to build16:16
jussiapachelogger: you should know better than that... shadeslayer just hacked the NSA... :P16:17
sgclarkRiddell: plasma-framework states not a branch, I start from scratch or was it uploaded as something else? 16:21
Riddellsgclark: start from scratch16:23
shadeslayerwhat jussi said is true :P16:25
shadeslayer<- master hacker16:25
Riddelllordievader: able to do any beta testing?16:48
lordievaderRiddell: I did yesterday some, but it seems the image was respun.16:50
Riddelllordievader: a never ending task this game16:50
lordievaderrespon? (past tense of respin anyhow)16:50
lordievaderRiddell: Maybe I have time tomorrow to do more testing.16:51
shadeslayerpretty sure those are tested by jenkins ^^16:58
shadeslayerand can be marked as done16:58
Riddellwhere's the jenkins test?16:59
Riddelldoes it test the UI elements?16:59
Riddelldoes it make a nice upgrade page for users? :)16:59
Riddelldoes it check for a running desktop at the end?17:00
shadeslayermmm .. dunno17:00
* Riddell reboots to upgrade test17:00
* shadeslayer is running the lvm + encrypted disk test17:00
shadeslayerapachelogger: do you have a page with langpack statistics17:27
shadeslayeri.e. how much stuff is translated17:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: pingggg17:57
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://imgur.com/Ihw5ui2 < ENOCPU?17:58
apacheloggeryeah, so, solid is still broken18:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: and what sort of statistics are you looking for?18:04
apacheloggerstatistics of our stuff?18:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: KDE stuff18:07
shadeslayerI want to do a network + foreign lang test18:07
shadeslayerbut I am unsure which lang to test18:07
shadeslayerI reckon I could do the german one18:07
apacheloggershadeslayer: de fr da usually are safe bets18:08
apacheloggerfi as well I think18:08
apacheloggerthat's more useful right now18:09
shadeslayermmm cool18:09
shadeslayerdoing a german test18:09
shadeslayerlang test fails18:11
shadeslayerset lang to de in syslinux > hit "install kubuntu" > kaboom18:11
shadeslayerboots into live session18:12
shadeslayerthough possibly I hit the wrong button, lets see if I can reproduce it18:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: I told you that test is bogus18:17
apacheloggerno one sets the language outside ubiquity18:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: nah I clicked the wrong button18:18
* shadeslayer was distracted by stuff18:18
apacheloggerit's still the wrong way to set the language18:18
* shadeslayer taps fingers18:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: mmm minor bug18:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://imgu.com/i11iqLL18:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: about-distro is unlocalized18:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: oooh, muon discover shows application descriptions in German19:02
apacheloggershadeslayer: good thing total size, version, hompeage and license are not translated I guess19:32
apacheloggershadeslayer: report bugs plz19:32
apacheloggeralso about-distro has a new release for translations scheduled19:33
apacheloggermight help19:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: heh yeah19:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: upstream right?19:40
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33154719:44
ubottuKDE bug 331547 in discover "Certain entries like "Homepage" and "License" in muon-discover are untranslated" [Normal,Unconfirmed]19:44
=== Don is now known as Guest92452
ahoneybun_hello all23:34
Riddellhola ahoneybun_ 23:36
ahoneybun_hey Riddell23:36
* ahoneybun_ still needs to test the kubuntu-docs package23:36
ahoneybun_Riddell: what would say we need to do next on the new website>23:37
Riddellahoneybun_: import the old content?23:39
ahoneybun_yea I know I think like 1 or 2 pages are left and would we need to import the old posts?23:40
Riddellideally but it's not essential23:40
ahoneybun_kde-l10n-el is what I need for the kubuntu-docs greek?23:41
* ahoneybun_ is installing all the langs that the docs are currently in 23:43
ahoneybun_well now I know cntrl-h shuts down virtualbox....23:45
ahoneybun_feature tour is the page that is missing23:48
ahoneybun_hey jono23:50
jonohey ahoneybun_23:50
ahoneybun_jono: so will all the applications in ubuntu have to be in Qt for them to work across alll the platforms (phone, desktop, tablet)?23:51
jonoahoneybun_, QML or HTML523:51
ahoneybun_I love to see standards23:52
ahoneybun_the text is imported now I have to wait to install kubuntu on my macbook and grab some screenshots23:59

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