
Osmodivshello. I am using Lubuntu 12.04 32 bits. For some strange reason my mouse started to act weird. It moves on its own, I can barely navigate on the screen, automatically keeps opening menus like if I was using the right button, it is not the ouse because I have tried another mouse and still behaves this weird, I have rebooted a couple of times with hope the problem would just dissapear, but no. Any way to find out whats goi03:09
Osmodivsn on?03:09
holsteinOsmodivs: technically, lubuntu 12.04 is not an LTS03:11
Osmodivsholstein, So.. Am I screwd?03:11
holsteinwhat i would do is, try and confirm that its not hardware.. motherboard, etc03:11
holsteinthen, i would try a live CD and remove the installed OS from the equation03:12
Osmodivsyou mean a fresh install?03:13
holsteinOsmodivs: what i mean is, run the live CD03:13
holsteinOsmodivs: test with the live CD.. not the installed operating system03:13
holsteinOsmodivs: if the mouse is still "odd" with a live CD, then, you can stop messing with the current lubuntu 12.04 to "fix" something03:13
holsteinpreferrably, it would be the same installation media you used in the first place, since you know how that used to support that hardware03:14
Osmodivsholstein, All I have is a Opneartist Live USB stick, but I think is a way to test03:15
OsmodivsI'll be right back.03:15
holsteinOsmodivs: as long as it *has* supported that hardware before03:15
fishcookerhello there.. im new on lubuntu03:27
fishcookerthere is some process that i want  to disable .. i try it from update-rc.d but no luck03:33
fishcookerthe process still up and running03:33
heroIs my rdwareha03:36
heroI am ouse moy  and mCDe n a Liv03:36
fishcookerwhat happen hero03:37
heroI am in a LiveCD and my mouse queeps acting weird03:37
heroYep, my hardware is f*****up03:37
heroAnd I was blaming Lubuntu >D03:38
Unit193fishcooker: What application?  There's also a "Services and Startup" in the preferences.03:38
fishcookermouse usb?03:38
fishcookeryes Unit193 bluetootd still up and running also modem manager03:39
fishcookeri don't use it at all03:39
heroWeird thing is, the PS2 conection and a wireless begave the same, as if the whole MoBo got possesed by a virus03:39
fishcookerwould you try usb mouse, hero?03:39
herofishcooker, Already did, a Wirelss and a PS203:40
fishcookerypbind cups also03:40
heroMaybe after I downloaded the Box and Icon theme...03:40
heroI dont know, there  is malware out there...03:41
fishcookerif you have problem about hardware try to update the newest kernel first03:41
herofishcooker, I might do that03:41
fishcookerim using lubuntu for command line only Unit19303:41
Unit193Ah, I see.03:41
fishcookerthat's why i want to disable unused those process03:41
herofishcooker, Well, I need a mouse for 3d modeling in Blender :(03:42
herooh... you where talking to Unit19303:42
Unit193fishcooker: echo manual | sudo tee /etc/init/modemmanager.conf.override03:43
Unit193(Don't know what bluetooth uses, don't have it.)03:43
fishcookerwhat's that command for , Unit19303:47
fishcookeri don't have modem*manager file03:47
Unit193That sets the upstart job to be started manually rather than automatic.03:48
fishcookerok ic03:48
fishcookerbut how about bluetoothd?03:48
fishcookeralso ypbind03:49
Unit193I don't have those so don't know what they use.  Chance  you can just remove?03:50
fishcookeri will03:50
fishcookerhow about you hero03:51
herofishcooker, What about me?03:51
fishcookerhave u update your kernel..03:53
fishcookeror just reinstall it for instant solution03:54
fishcookerbecause you said that your mouse had worked before, right?03:54
herofishcooker, well, I guess the reinstalation is the solution since I upgraded the kernel like a day ago03:54
heroI dunno, it must be the hardware03:54
fishcookerif wireless/ps2 doesnt work just buy the "cheap" usb mouse03:55
herofirst I break 13.10 64 bits and now this 12.04, this was my last HDD03:55
fishcookeri stay with 12.0403:55
fishcookerfor stability and "long life"support03:56
heroI'll wait for 14.04 to do a fresh install, I'll retir from PC for a few months03:56
lancelot_Hello, I can't acces youtube neither from chromium nor firefox...06:01
lancelot_Do you know how to solve it?06:02
Noskcajlancelot_, try #ubuntu06:24
Unit193Noskcaj: Could at least ask if he has flash...06:25
NoskcajUnit193, good point, but i'm not paying enough attention to irc to helo06:26
Noskcajlancelot_, Do you have flash player installed?06:26
lancelot_I seem to have it, because dailymotion.com is displaying a video...06:27
lancelot_With no problem.06:27
lancelot_What happens is that I cannot enter youtube at all06:27
lancelot_Firefox can't find the server at www.youtube.com06:28
Noskcajoh. I think it might be blocked for some reason then06:28
lancelot_chromium: This webpage is not available06:28
lancelot_Noskaj, I got it, Rikai at computerhope solved it.It had to do with DNS.It's seems to be a bug on Lubuntu 13.10, and maybe Ubuntu too.07:19
Unit193Wouldn't that be more with your ISP?07:25
Unit193Using Google's DNS now?07:25
lancelot_Unit, I really don't know, Rikai from computer hope guided me trough that.07:41
lancelot_Unit193, I did nano /etc/resolv.conf07:46
lancelot_And then changed the dns address and got it working.I've been asking this many times here and in ubuntu and no one knew or answered.07:47
Unit193So you changed your nameserver, but that's not going to stay changed because Ubuntu (And Lubuntu) use resolvconf.07:47
lancelot_Oh, so maybe after a system restart I get the problem again?07:48
Unit193(To do that you'd need to hit the "edit" button on the network icon and change it to DHCP for "Addresses only", and enter the DNS server there.)07:49
Unit193Likely, if your default DNS server has issues.07:49
lancelot_Ok...I'll take that in count.07:50
lancelot_Can't find that, Unit193.07:52
Unit193Network icon -> Edit, then select your connection and hit Edit, switch to IPv4 settings, select DCHP (Addresses only) and change DNS Servers.07:53
lancelot_Got it, Unit193.07:54
lancelot_I hope it works..07:54
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=== Guest46812 is now known as Noskcaj
WaltraudHello! i updated from lubuntu 12.10 to 13.10 - now i cannot change my wallpaper nor do i see any of the items in ~/Desktop. Also, lxpanel does not start at login (had to put it in autostart manually).17:58
Waltraudi've tried reinstalling lxde lxappearance and such...17:58
ianorlinto chnage wallpaper there is pcmanfm --desktop-pref from the terminal or menu prefrences desktop prefrences you can also ues pcmanfm -w file if you have a specific picture you want to use19:08
ianorlindid you log into openbox is my other question as that just has a black wallpaper19:09
ianorlinand no panel by defualt19:09
phillw1Waltraud: there is no upgrade route from 12/10 to 13.10, you HAVE to go 12.10 --> 13.04 --> 13.10. If the machine is unhappy, that will most likely be why.19:57
Guest12390ii would need your help20:04
Guest12390iIam using the newest lubuntu version for a few days now but today i restartet and it just loads to the splash screen with the dots20:05
Guest12390ian doesnt makes more just moving the dots20:05
Guest12390iwhen i press f1 the last thing it sayss is something like "restore solver state"20:05
Guest12390ibtw im using a lubuntu live cd atm20:05
phillwGuest12390i: use alt-F1 to get to terminal20:05
Guest12390ioh okay20:06
Guest12390ican i install irssi there and come back here?20:06
Guest12390ior its just a limited terminal?20:06
phillwre-boot, use that to get to terminal and issue a sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade20:06
Guest12390iok i try20:07
phillwif you cannot get past boot, it depends on the error....20:07
darktomas<--- Guest12390i20:21
phillwdarktomas: you back all updated? :)20:21
darktomasphillw: Thanks for the alt f1 thing i tryd what you said it just updatet dropbox20:22
phillwdarktomas: when using trial builds, please do be careful not to accept partial updates!20:22
darktomasi looked again what happend when i opressed f1 in the splashscreen there was 2 fails 1 at "lightdm" the second at "plymouth"20:22
darktomasthe last thing it was doing was stopping mount network filesystem20:23
phillwdarktomas: one other strong word of advice..... make home a seperate partition!20:23
darktomasphillw: im a linux beginner sry which trialbuild you mean?20:23
darktomasphillw: ok :( i think its too late now20:24
phillwdarktomas: which newest version? 13.10 release has some glitches :)20:24
darktomasah okay20:24
phillwbut making a seprate home is not too difficult... just a little involved.20:25
darktomasi installed a few desktop envoirements (xubuntu , kubuntu ,cinamon) and uninstalled them maybe there happend an error?20:25
darktomascan i look into some logfile?20:26
phillwwho know... but having a /home on a different partition does make trying things much easier :) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving20:26
darktomasoh sry i forgot to say im in the terminal it still want boot20:27
phillwAll people who like to 'tinker' get one.... It is part of the debian installer, but not ubuntu.20:27
phillwdarktomas: then how did you launch IRC chat?20:28
darktomasphillw: like you said alt f1 then i installed irrsi20:28
phillwhave you done sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade20:29
darktomasphillw: yes20:29
darktomasand then rebootet nothing20:29
phillwtry startlubuntu20:30
darktomasok wait20:30
darktomasphillw: command not found20:31
darktomasphillw: oh my fail i tried sudo startlubuntu20:32
darktomasphillw: without sudo it says i have to install lubuntu-default-settings20:32
darktomasi try20:32
phillwdoes startx work ?20:33
darktomashm okay it says i have the newest version already20:33
darktomasphillw: no i get an blackscreen and then i cant do anything20:33
darktomasi have to restart then to start alt - f1 terminal again20:34
phillwdarktomas: sorry, sister was on phone20:41
phillwI'm running 14.04, so have no real experience of 13.1020:42
darktomas_phillw: im in lxde now :d20:42
phillwan improvement :)20:43
darktomas_phillw: i tried sudo lxdm that worked20:44
phillwdarktomas do have a look at making a seperate /home partition... You've already shown that you like to tinker :)20:44
phillwdarktomas do that, and then ping me on #phillw and I'll tell you the simple steps to upgrade to 14.04 test version..... I know you'll love it!20:45
darktomas_phillw: yea but first i try to understand why i have no sound20:45
darktomas_phillw: okay20:46
phillwsound issues are usually driver related... as 14.04 is so close we are busy on that. put 14.04 onto your machne once you have /home partition20:47
phillwrunning around solving 13.10 issues, at this stage is wasteful..... popping on 14.04 will support you for 5 years, although, knowing the little I do..... You will be playing with lubuntu 14.10 :)20:49
darktomas_phillw: okay20:49
phillwdarktomas do https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving then just ping me... Oh, and as the borg say 'You will be assimilated, resistance is futile' :)20:51
phillwI have a reboor to do, then s suite of tests to carry out for 14.04 lubuntu.20:52
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