
mrdebhi is openbox a lot different in 1404 vs 120403:01
mrdebworth upgrading or not, or is it only unity that is shiny .thanks03:01
rww!info openbox saucy03:02
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-3 (saucy), package size 318 kB, installed size 1449 kB03:02
rww!info openbox trusty03:02
ubottuopenbox (source: openbox): standards-compliant, fast, light-weight and extensible window manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.2-6 (trusty), package size 250 kB, installed size 1426 kB03:02
rwwmrdeb: no, it's not a lot different03:02
mrdebso stay on 1204 to 2017, is that it03:02
mrdeband then go to 160403:03
rwwI'd upgrade to 14.04, but it's your choice *shrug*03:03
rww(once it's released, which is not yet)03:03
mrdebok homie03:03
AussieDownUnderxubuntu 14.04, not sure if this is a problem or meant to happen, but for me it's being a pain. I drag & drop albums into VLC to listen to them , when I've put one album in & go to put another it won't drag the file but rather want to highlight things, I worked out I can hold down the mouse for long before dragging to then be able to hold & drag it. Seems a bit anal to me.03:31
BeldarAussieDownUnder, So your saying vlc is sentient, or your wants are the representation?  ;)03:48
AussieDownUnderbeldar, It's a folder thing, when I'm looking in my music folder on my hard drive & want to click on an album folder to drag it into an already open vlc, sometimes when I'm in my hard drives folders it just tries to make my only highlight things not drag. Does that make sense?03:52
BeldarAussieDownUnder, I've not really figured out how to get vlc to have a play list per say, I use it primarily for radio and videos is all.03:54
BeldarAussieDownUnder, I just tried this with no problem, vlc version 2.0.1004:00
AussieDownUnderbeldar, it's not vlc that's the problem, I'm talking about xubuntu's file managment I guess, when I'm looking at folders from the o/s not vlc.04:02
AussieDownUnderbeldar, I have no problem playing albums with vlc, vlc is not the problem.04:02
Beldarah my mistake04:02
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habananyubuntu  brainstorm is closed  ?04:37
rwwhabanany: yes04:57
soeesome more info posted https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/128335306:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1283353 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "System ends with black screen after latest update" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:21
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susundbergHu, i think i reported duplicate before, at my case it was problem that the nvidia prime overwrote the default login manager setting06:59
susundbergsoee: see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/126744207:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1267442 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "Install nvidia-331 on X/K/Lubuntu results in unbootable machine" [High,Fix released]07:03
soeesusundberg: in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf ?07:05
susundbergYeah, i think i fixed the file, but you should be ok just by moving it to say /root/ (e.g. deleting, but with backup ;)07:06
susundbergi mean, that specific nvidia-prime version had bug that it created that file with bad settings if the file didn't existis07:06
soeesusundberg: did you modified lightdm.conf ?07:28
susundbergsoee: yeah, i think i edited there to be proper login manager (i was using kubuntu), but i guess you can just remove the file (==copy it to other location)09:58
soeesusundberg: nah it some deeper problem10:06
Fudgeare dailies still building?10:13
susundbergsoee: good luck with debugging ..10:13
davQuick question, if XYZ-proposed is where packages go before going into XYZ, why is there a trusty-proposed given that trusty isn't yet stable anyway?10:54
geserit's easier to also generate the -proposed, -updates, -security etc. when a new release gets created on LP even when they aren't used yet11:18
geserand trusty-proposed is used as a staging area for newly build packages before they get moved to trusty till the release (trusty-proposed will be used for testing updates after the release as usual)11:19
k1l-proposed is used for the automated testing. to make sure there are not so much packages pushed into the release (or dev-release) that break the whole system11:27
geserk1l: we are both too late with the answer dav already left11:28
k1lyes, just realised after i answered :/11:29
BluesKaj' Morning folks11:34
streulmahello, my unity crashes on ubuntu 14.04, also in livecd mode, is it the videocard?11:42
BluesKajstreulma, try running with no acpi in live mode, at the ubuntu page check your options, apci=off11:48
BluesKajoop acpi=off11:48
streulmaBluesKaj, yes, but I remember from before in earlier versions, that my network will not work11:48
BluesKajstreulma, have you updated/upgraded dist-upgraded since installing ?11:50
streulmaBluesKaj, clean install11:50
streulmadaily from today11:50
streulmatomorrow Beta1 is there :)11:50
BluesKajno matter run the upgrades anyway11:51
streulmaBluesKay, once upon a day I run Ubuntu on my unsupported Mac11:55
BluesKajintel gpu ?11:56
streulmano nvidia 9600 512mb12:04
BluesKajstreulma, install the nvidia-331 driver12:07
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SuperLaghooray... compiz crashes remain12:44
xsachahi, just wondering approx. what time beta 1 is due?13:07
streulmaxsacha: tomorrow I think13:23
xsachasure but what time, GMT, until i could find a built iso?13:23
k1l23:55 in the last timezone ;p13:24
k1lif you are that impatient go with the daily. it will upgrade to the beta anyway13:25
xsachak1l: oh it can upgrade to milestone release? awesome, thanks13:47
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k1lxsacha: milestone releases are just snapshots of the daily development.13:56
k1li think they get some extendet iso testing but if you install a milestone and run a update you will be the same state as daily13:57
xsachaahh thanks!13:58
WntI'm using Gnome shell in 14.04. If I choose Ambiance as the GTK+ theme I don't get any resize gandles in the edges of some applications, e.g. Nautilus and gnome-tweak-tool. Should I report problems like this somewhere?14:13
WntUsing the default Adawaita theme there are resize handles in those applications14:14
WntAlso, in the default interface font Cantarell the characters '8' and '9' are not as tall as other characters, while e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Cantarell2.svg shows that they should be as tall as other characters14:18
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urmysonyHi all15:08
urmysonyI was trying to install unity8 mir but it broke my system15:09
urmysonyNow m not able to go past login screen15:09
urmysonyGettibg message like stopping system v runlevel compatibility..15:11
urmysonyHelp please..15:12
Wnturmysony: how did you install it?15:19
urmysonyI followed from omgubuntu site15:19
Wntmaybe you can uninstall it from a command line only virtual terminal (ctrl + alt + F1)15:20
urmysonyBut that didn't work.. So i installed from deb directly..15:20
urmysonyThat i already removed.. But now its not passing greeter15:20
DaekdroomHe possibly didn't have the -proposed repos installed, then manually installed a .deb file that broke dependencies and removed important packages15:37
* Daekdroom sighs15:37
geniiMy webcam stopped working with the latest round of updates15:49
soeesusundberg: iv been using xorg ppa and it seems that thir packages break nvidia-prime16:58
soeeiv reinstalled from trusty ppa16:58
soeeand it seems to work fine16:58
geniisoee: I also had nvidia breakage today from xorg-edgers17:00
soeeyeah when reinstalling where was an warning that some patch cant be applied17:01
soeepatch reladted 3.13 kernel17:02
susundbergsoee: oh, ok.17:10
xsacha3.13 has been great for my graphics drivers (radeon)17:10
pietro10$ ls /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.617:43
pietro10$ gcc -m32 ... -L/usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/ -lX11  -lpthread17:43
pietro10/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lX1117:44
pietro10I have libX11:i386 (or whatever it's called precisely) instealled - what am I doing wrong? thanks17:44
geniipietro10: Might try: sudo ln -s /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so.6 /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libX11.so17:52
pietro10is there a package I can install that does that? I'm personally not a fan of manually touching /usr/lib like that17:53
geniipietro10: All it's doing is making a symbolic link to libX11.so.617:54
pietro10all right then17:57
pietro10I had problems when I tried to fix libpng errors and earlier multiarch issues manually so eh17:58
pietro10either way, thanks17:59
xsachajust wondering, how is hybrid graphics handled in ubuntu 14.04?18:56
xsachai seem to be on the intel gpu now. xrandr shows intel and amd18:57
xsacharunning something with DRI_PRIME=1 seems to use the amd gpu, interesting18:59
xsachawhoops, running glxgears on the amd and then the intel crashed compiz19:01
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