
=== sarnold_ is now known as sarnold
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sarnoldhell Guest1028802:18
sarnoldhello even :)02:18
ubot2Factoid 'clear' not found02:27
SuperStepthere are italian?02:27
sarnoldSuperStep: check out #ubuntu-it02:31
balloonsahayzen, pong03:19
ahayzenballoons, did u trigger a rebuild of https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/mediaplayer-simplify/+merge/201265 earlier? or did it randomly retest it?03:20
ahayzenballoons, also appears more things are passing, either due to the fixes u guys put in or some changes i made...but is now failing on a different thing
balloonsahayzen, click the link, you can see the jenkins bot did it03:21
balloonsI just kicked one, just for you :-)03:21
ahayzenballoons, no this one
ahayzenballoons, i made some changes as it had conflicts03:21
balloonsohh.. I had a way old page in my cache it was showing03:22
ahayzenballoons, but now it is failing to read values from an array on an object03:22
ahayzenballoons, it should be able to do tht right?03:22
balloonsahayzen, this still has to land: https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot-qt/reintroduce-exporting-qobject-children-of-qml-items/+merge/20758103:22
ahayzenballoons, ah ok so maybe it was my reshuffle into Item {} tht caused some of them to be fixed03:22
balloonsthere were fixes, which causes regressions as you remember, then they backed it out.. but the new stuff is 2 mp's.. one landed, the other has not03:23
ahayzenballoons, hmm ok03:23
balloonsit's going through the process and should land soon.. once it does, your tests should work03:23
balloonsif we find they *still* don't work, we'll have another look of course.. if you wan to test now locally, simply grab that branch and overlay your local autopilot with it03:24
ahayzenballoons, just to confirm... self.player.currentMeta.artist ...would be the correct way to read artist from ... property var currentMeta: {"album": "", "artist": "", "cover": "", "title": ""}03:25
balloonsahayzen, I agree03:25
balloonsthere's also get_properties()03:25
ahayzenballoons, it fails with 'AttributeError: Class 'Player' has no attribute 'currentMeta'.'03:25
ahayzenballoons, which sounds similar to the other issue so i'll wait until tht has landed03:26
balloonsahayzen, variable property.. ohh it's late03:26
balloonssomething is triggering in my head on that03:26
balloonsnot sure what.. It's sleepy time :-)03:26
ahayzenballoons, yh i better go to bed lol 3am here :/03:27
balloonsahayzen, :-) Ask again when we're sane03:27
ahayzenballoons, hehe thanks for ur help :)03:27
balloonsgood night03:27
alabdGood day all , , how to solve this problem ? http://pastebin.com/CGwRE3hn ,  cuda was installed before,see http://pastebin.com/V6GvK0dv05:12
sarnoldalabd: you need to install whichever of those packages will provide a library that can link with your program when you use -lcuda05:14
zsombinik90: ping07:48
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nik90zsombi: pong08:11
zsombinik90: hi dude, I have a question on Clock app AP test: ERROR: ubuntu_clock_app.tests.test_clock.TestClock.test_label_value08:12
zsombinik90: seems this test is a bit flaky...08:12
zsombinik90: I have an MR with a fresh new component, where I see this failing, then another one with also a new component, and there passes...08:12
zsombinik90: here's the full log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6998622/08:14
nik90zsombi: I will take a look08:14
zsombinik90: thx08:15
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dholbachgood morning08:19
nik90zsombi: the error is not so much in the test but rather at the setup() itself08:25
nik90zsombi: I ran the test 5 times..but it didn't fail on me08:25
nik90zsombi: did you run on device or desktop?08:25
zsombinik90: on device08:25
nik90zsombi: It looks like the clock app most likely did not open08:26
zsombiaham... :/08:27
nik90zsombi: I believe this is happening sometimes for the AP tests of other apps as well..though happens only sometimes08:27
zsombinik90: well, let's monitor it and do something about it if needed08:28
nik90zsombi: I believe the QA is looking into it if I remember reading the emails about it08:29
zsombinik90: ah, ok :)08:29
zsombithen we're good :)08:29
nik90popey: the ubuntu emulator in qtcreator works beautifully -> http://i.imgur.com/D6fhihp.png09:17
m-b-ozsombi: Hi, I have a problem with ConditionalLayout at app startup on the device. Seem like the correct width of the app is set too late, so the first render assumes the size set in MainView.09:18
popeyooh, nice tutorial09:18
m-b-ozsombi:  Which is bad when switching from tablet to phone factor09:18
zsombim-b-o: any snapshot of the code I can check?09:19
m-b-ozsombi: https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring I've refactored the anchors, but it also happens in trunk09:20
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy For Pete’s Sake Day! :-D09:21
m-b-ozsombie: printing the width in Component.onCompleted it says on phone 1928, which is gu 107.09:22
m-b-ozsombie: when refreshing the data, the size is correct then09:22
zsombim-b-o: so the application starts with the ConditionalLayout active?09:23
m-b-ozsombie: yes.09:24
m-b-ozsombi: the same in clock app09:24
zsombim-b-o: zsombi, not zsombie :) can I get a link to the file itself and not to the MR?09:24
m-b-oyes, sorry :)09:24
m-b-ozsombi: and http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring/view/head:/components/LocationTab.qml09:25
nik90m-b-o, zsombi: The clock app opens with the phone layout which is the default layout. I have only defined the conditional layout for tablets as suggested by zsombi. So essentially the conditional layout is not active at start.09:26
m-b-onik90: but the your property signals tablet09:26
m-b-onik90: wideAspect09:27
nik90m-b-o: well I defined a boolean property called wideAspect: width > units.gu(80)09:27
nik90m-b-o: so techinically that boolean property should be false on startup on the N409:27
m-b-onik90: but it isn't...09:28
zsombinik90: m-b-o: the default layout is built up, all anchors are set, then the ConditionalLayout is activated immediately as the condition applies immediatelly09:28
zsombim-b-o: print out the Layouts.currentLayout on changed09:29
m-b-ozsombi: you mean oncompleted?09:30
zsombinopes, when Layouts.onCurrentLayoutChanged09:30
m-b-ozsombi: will take some miinutes...09:31
zsombim-b-o: so it be :)09:33
zsombiI can eat sthing meanwhile :)09:33
m-b-ozsombi: enjoy! :)09:34
nik90m-b-o: I just outputted the wideAspect value on the desktop, it starts of with true -> false .... the true is there for hardly a second09:40
m-b-onik90: and on the device?09:41
nik90m-b-o: how do you see out the console output on the device?09:41
nik90m-b-o: I tried on the emulator, but it is not printing anything to console09:41
m-b-o"General Messages tab in QtcReator09:44
nik90m-b-o: what I did was I changed one of the labels in the UI to reflect the wideAspect variable09:44
nik90m-b-o: on the N4 it shows wideAspect: false09:44
m-b-ozsombi nik90: it changes on device from wide layout to phone layout, but the sidebar from tablet mode is still shown: http://imgur.com/vDtpO9E09:52
nik90m-b-o: I have a feeling the conditions for the sidebar are not properly updated with the window width09:53
nik90considering that the conditional layout switches to phone layout09:53
m-b-oactually it appears after one second09:53
m-b-onik90: yes09:54
SuperMatthey guys, is there a file picker in the sdk?09:59
SuperMattah, I've found documentation on the content stuff10:02
zsombim-b-o: so, your default layout is phone layout?10:12
m-b-ozsombi: no, tablet10:13
zsombim-b-o: I don;t get it... the conditional layout is for width > 80GU...10:13
zsombim-b-o: that's not the default one10:14
m-b-ozombie: yes/no... there was too much hassle last week. I guess, the default is phone, but it start has width, hieght for tablet in MainView10:14
m-b-ozsombi: okay, I see10:15
zsombim-b-o: so, the ConditionalLayout gets active only after the default layout is set up10:15
m-b-ozsombi: yes. but as ist starts in a size, which is not the default layout there's a problem10:16
zsombim-b-o: I think the size is ignored when you are running on device10:17
m-b-ozsombi: but Layouts.onCompleted has the condtionalLayout active first. Will try to start with phone sizes10:18
zsombim-b-o: have you printed out the Layouts.currentLayout when onCurrentLayoutChanged?10:19
m-b-oyes, nothing set10:19
zsombim-b-o: nothing set? you mean the value is empty? then it means it activates the default one10:20
SuperMatthttp://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Content.index/ <- I'm trying to use this example, but I'm getting an error each time10:20
m-b-ozsombi: yes, coming from the conditonal one, I assume10:21
SuperMattError: Invalid write to global property "activeTransfer"10:21
zsombim-b-o: as teh condition does not satisfy10:21
m-b-ozsombi: when started with a width for phone  (gu 50) Layout.onCompleted says it has the default one10:21
zsombim-b-o: do you have the logs? can you pastebin it10:22
m-b-ozsombi: one moment10:22
SuperMatthttp://paste.ubuntu.com/6999031/ <- any thoughts why line 43 is giving me Error: Invalid write to global property "activeTransfer"10:23
zsombiSuperMatt: perhaps you should have "var " in front of it :)10:24
SuperMattfool me for copying an example10:24
SuperMattI wish people would confirm their examples work before uploading them10:25
zsombiSuperMatt: actually you should have a property var activeTransfer somewhere declared10:25
zsombiSuperMatt: and actually you have...10:25
SuperMatthttp://developer.ubuntu.com/api/qml/sdk-14.04/Ubuntu.Content.index/ <- I'm copying this10:25
zsombiSuperMatt: line 5510:25
SuperMattyeah, Isee10:26
zsombiSuperMatt: yep... in these kind of situations it is good to give an ID to the Column, and reffer to the activeTransfer property using that ID.10:26
SuperMattlemme give that a try10:27
zsombiSuperMatt: sometimes JS cannot detect the context, so you need complete reverence to that10:27
m-b-ozsombi: when starting with phone width http://paste.ubuntu.com/6999040/10:27
m-b-owith with 107gu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/6999050/   (as in bzr)10:28
zsombim-b-o: both logs are from device, right?10:28
alabdGood day all , , how to solve this problem ? http://pastebin.com/CGwRE3hn ,  cuda was installed before,see http://pastebin.com/V6GvK0dv10:28
m-b-ozsombi: when in tablet mode, it activates first the tablet mode, then default layout. but default layout becomes not visible10:29
zsombim-b-o: why are there two layouts? do you have 2 tabs?10:30
m-b-ozsombi: yes.10:30
m-b-othe tabs are build dynamically by an ugly hack.... perhaps that's a problem Line 162: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring/view/head:/ubuntu-weather-app.qml10:32
zsombim-b-o: holly....10:32
zsombim-b-o: revenge of Tabs :D10:33
zsombim-b-o: why don't you use Repeater to build the tabs?10:34
zsombim-b-o: it could be the problem, as I don't really see anything wrong in the layout you have10:34
m-b-ozsombi: haven't looked at it since autumn, but I have it on the list for refactoring..... :)10:35
zsombim-b-o: I know dynamic tabs was on the table long time, and it was landed then removed due to some failures on the Tabs whic ended up not being brought by that MP10:35
zsombim-b-o: right now it's approved again, and will come in one of the next releases, but the change we made back the were enabling Repeater to create tabs dynamically any time.10:36
m-b-ozsombi: that would be cool! I'll try with Repeater10:37
m-b-ozsombi: but don't you think width set in MainView should reflect the default layout?10:38
zsombiit should, if it doesn't then the Tab/Page has some problems. You should not set anchors in Tab/Page as those automatically do10:38
m-b-ookay, noted. So I will switch the default layout to tablet. I'll give you a ping about the outcome!10:39
zsombim-b-o: btw, that strange Tabs creation may also cause problems on anchor transfering, so... :)10:39
zsombim-b-o: Beware of the leopard :D10:40
SuperMattis the content stuff actually implemented yet? I'm trying to test in qt creator and I just see the circle of friends go round and round and round and roud...10:40
SuperMattit looks cool, but it's not exactly helpful10:41
m-b-ozsombi: will add a comment line: "here be dragons". Should be alright then ;)10:41
SuperMattI think I give up with a qt version of this app. I like writing in python, so I think I'll give pygtk a bash10:50
popeySuperMatt: wassup?10:54
SuperMattI just feel like I'm pulling my hair out trying to understand the sdk10:55
SuperMattI just want something to allow me to select some files :(10:57
popeySuperMatt: the SDK isn't all finished, so there may be gaps in functionality right now.11:00
popeySuperMatt: however, hard to know exactly what you want to do without more detail11:00
popeySuperMatt: other apps have implemented a directory loading system - such as Beru the ebook reader.11:01
SuperMattwell, I have my work development day, and I want to write a simple app which will upload a file to an openstack container11:01
seb128the content-hub is still under work, I don't think we have a file picker/way to pick files for confined apps atm (also note that Ubuntu touch tries to not expose the filesystem/files to users)11:04
SuperMattah right, so trying to do this in the ubuntu sdk might be a little foolhardy right now?11:05
seb128SuperMatt, right, are you writing an app for "touch" or for desktop?11:15
seb128you might want to use plain qt for that and port your code to the uitk later when it has proper support for e.g picking11:16
SuperMattthough it'd be nice if it worked for touch at some point11:16
seb128right, I would say just use plain qt with a fileselector11:16
SuperMattok, sure11:16
seb128the picker is not ready yet for what you want to do11:16
SuperMattyou know, for now I'll just make it a little hacky11:17
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nik90popey: looks like someone opened Flashback on the N10 at MWC :)12:52
nik90popey: I saw a brief glimpse of it in one of the videos showing Rick spencer demoing the tablet12:52
popeyyeah, it was on the list of "nice things to demo"12:55
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mzanettipopey: I'll most likely be late for the reminders hangout. still in a unity meeting14:50
popeyok, ping me when you're about14:51
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rpadovanimzanetti, popey, just arrived at home, I'm lucky that you're late :-)15:26
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mzanettipopey: I'd be available now. still want to do the meeting?15:26
mzanettirpadovani: heh, perfect timing15:27
rpadovaniwow :-)15:27
popeylets go15:27
dakerno N7 for me :) http://developer.ubuntu.com/2014/02/announcing-the-latest-ubuntu-app-showdown-contest/16:11
popeyheh daker16:19
aquariusepic Unicode fail on Planet Ubuntu16:32
aquariusalthough I don't know whether it's PU's fault or developer.ubuntu.com's RSS feed's fault :)16:32
ograaquarius, but you can read this article in english too :)16:33
aquariusogra, the problem isn't that there's an English one, it's that the Chinese one isn't in Chinese, it's a load of garbled rubbish :)16:33
aquariusLooks to me like something somewhere it interpreting utf8 as latin-1 or similar16:33
ograchinese is always a load of grabled stuff if you cant read it :P16:34
aquariusit *looks* like Chinese, though, even if I don't understand what it means :)16:34
ograthough it usually looks better than this i have to admit :)16:34
aquariusI daresay English is garbled if you read Chinese16:34
dakeraquarius: http://i.imgur.com/zh89at0.png16:34
aquariusdaker, the developer.ubuntu.com post is fine16:35
aquariusdaker, check Planet Ubuntu16:35
ograplanet ios oooold16:35
aquariusI don't know whether developer.ubuntu.com's RSS feed is wrong (and Planet Ubuntu is correctly displaying the wrongness that it was given), or developer.ubuntu.com is right and Planet Ubuntu doesn't know how to properly handle Unicode ;)16:36
ograi think the latter16:36
ograits really old software16:36
aquariusthat's my guess too, but I don't know :)16:37
dakeraquarius: http://developer.ubuntu.com/tag/planetubuntu/feed/16:37
aquariushm, encoding error on that page16:37
aquariusso maybe d.u.c is wrong after all16:37
nik90hurray...we can see the ubuntuappshowdown reddit start buzzzing with activity :)16:38
aquariusdaker, strangely, the chinese post isn't in that feed? Unless I'm missing something16:38
aquariusnik90, there's a dedicated reddit?16:39
aquariusI should write a showdown app, shouldn't I?16:39
nik90aquarius: ofcourse there is a dedicated reddit -> http://www.reddit.com/r/ubuntuappshowdown/16:39
aquariushttp://feedvalidator.org/check.cgi?url=http%3A%2F%2Fdeveloper.ubuntu.com%2Ftag%2Fplanetubuntu%2Ffeed%2F moans about some invalid apostrophes, but suggests it's OK16:39
nik90aquarius: as for the showdown...you are more than welcome to try ;)16:39
aquariusha! I am already subscribed to it :)16:40
aquariusAm I allowed to enter an app which I started working on before the Showdown, if I only started working on it on Sunday?16:40
nik90aquarius: you said that just to make me post the reddit link, eh16:40
dakeraquarius: maybe the tag was removed after the planet synced16:40
aquariusdaker, dunno16:41
aquariuswho even runs planet?16:42
ograwebops ?16:43
aquariuswell, the feed *looks* OK to me, in that it correctly shows the line of Chinese characters in the English post. (I assume that it means "read this post in Chinese" or similar.)16:43
aquariusso I think the problem is with planet.16:43
aquariusmight wanna nudge a Canonical web team person (who will know about encoding stuff on the web) and an IS person to get together and fix it?16:44
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
m-b-oballoons: ping17:14
balloonshallo m-b-o17:14
balloonsping elopio, m-b-o is about now as well17:15
m-b-oballoons: I've updated the mp! should now worl on phone and tablet BUT I've switched the initial mode back to phone. So I don't know what will happen on tablet (but sandbox run worked)17:16
balloonsm-b-o, I believe you are missing tests for the tablet specific things right? It should run the phone tests fine17:17
m-b-oballoons: more or less. there are no really specific tests for tablet mode at the moment17:18
balloonsm-b-o, so ideally the tests wouldhave landed with the features, but I know mwc got in the way of that17:18
balloonslet's file a bug for the missing tests, and move forward with what we have17:19
m-b-oballoons: yes. that would be cool. this mp should at least current issues with tests17:19
balloonsright, which is the priority issue for now17:19
m-b-othere is some refactoring to do nevertheless, since last week got some things out of order.. :)17:20
m-b-oballoons: do you have a n10?17:20
balloonsm-b-o, yes, and soonish I'll have the smaller tablet as well, so if you need help with that let me know17:21
m-b-ooh, you can run the tests on n10? :)17:22
balloonsm-b-o, yes, but we focus on the n7 and n4 now17:22
m-b-oballoons I'm fine with that17:23
balloonsso, m-b-o everything is pushed to the MP, it's ready to land?17:23
balloonsok, my phone is currently flashing, hah17:24
m-b-oballoons: wait!17:24
balloonselopio, did you review the mp yyet?17:24
m-b-oballoons: fixing the tests is high priority right now? I'm waiting on feedback from dpm, so perhaps we could wait with the top approve.17:25
balloonsm-b-o, need to give it a good review, no reason not to start now. I'm not top approving till we've finished. dpm is @ mwc, so it will be tough to hear from him17:26
m-b-opopey ^ ^ should we wait for feedback before switching weather back to phone mode as default?17:26
balloonswhat feedback did you need?17:26
m-b-oballoons: if it's ok to switch back to phone mode as default17:27
m-b-oballoons but it should be ok17:28
balloonsm-b-o, yes, we wanted those changes for mwc, so it's ok to rollback them until you make the changes to do it better17:28
balloonsI mean they were temporary so ;-)17:28
m-b-oballoons: yes, think so too.17:29
elopioballoons: not yet.17:41
elopioI'll do it now, before I get distracted.17:41
elopioballoons, m-b-o, I don't like some of the things on the tests, but they need a bigger clean up.17:58
elopiofor example, this is not how we should wait for things to appear on the screen:17:58
elopioself.assertThat(lambda: self.main_window.select_many('Label',objectName='DayDateLabel'), Eventually(Not(Is(None)), timeout=60))17:58
elopiowe need to find a loading image, or something like that. The thing that tells the user that we are loading or he has to wait for something.17:59
elopiobut it does seem like an improvement, and if tests still pass, it's ok for me.17:59
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elopioabout the qml changes, I don't understand them, so I'm not a good reviewer for that part.18:01
m-b-oelopio: that's okay, the qml changes should not break anything. Yes, some parts of the tests are outdated now. They should get refactored (and with some DRY in mind too)18:06
elopiom-b-o: do you have time next week so we get together and clean the tests a little?18:06
m-b-oelopio: yes. which TZ you are in?18:06
elopiom-b-o: I'm -6, but my schedule is flexible. I'll ping you on monday.18:07
balloonsok, I'll run a few times through on my device, which is finally finished flashing18:07
m-b-oelopio: alright! I'm +1, so we should consider an evening on my side18:09
elopiom-b-o: ok, thanks.18:09
m-b-oelopio: in fact only tuesday or thursday/friday would be possible. ping me on monday, how it's possible for you18:11
elopiom-b-o: sure. We can also do some of it asynchronously. I'll try to make a small initial branch for you to review on monday.18:11
m-b-oelopio: cool, thanks!18:12
balloonsm-b-o, so before I approve, do we have the bug filed for missing tablet tests?18:12
m-b-oballoons: nope18:13
aquariusmhall119, I think I don't agree with your "it's all one Ubuntu" post. It *will* be, but it isn't, yet :)18:15
mhall119aquarius: what? you disagree with me on something? I'm shocked!18:17
* aquarius grins18:17
aquariusmhall119, I thought I'd talk to you about it rather than writing a post, although I like the idea of detailed conversations happening on the Planet (as per discussion last month about how it should have interesting content)18:18
mhall119aquarius: do it on planet18:18
aquariusmhall119, fair enough :)18:19
balloonsm-b-o, got a couple failures still.. interesting18:22
m-b-oballoons: hmm, can you send me the logs? I'll be away for a hour18:24
balloonsm-b-o, sure thing.. re-running several more times and seeing whats up18:25
ahayzenballoons, ping18:53
* balloons rattles brai18:53
ahayzenballoons, hehe i was just looking into ur cmake suggestion...18:53
ahayzenballoons, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/cmake-simplify/revision/36018:53
ahayzenballoons, am i right in thinking that we won't need this line install(FILES ${MAIN_QML} ${ICON_FILE} DESTINATION ${DATA_DIR})18:53
balloonsahayzen, yes18:54
ahayzenballoons, will the icon be added from *.png even though it is in images/18:54
ahayzenballoons, as in does it search through the sub-dirs as well?18:54
balloonsyou might need to do a bit more work on that18:54
balloonsm-b-o, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7001284/18:55
ahayzenballoons, ok i'll have a play about with it :) ... and the other thing u said u thought u may have seen tht autopilot issue before? on https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/mediaplayer-simplify/+merge/20126518:58
balloonsahayzen, https://code.launchpad.net/~veebers/autopilot-qt/reintroduce-exporting-qobject-children-of-qml-items/+merge/207581 is being worked today.. so hopefully will land soon ;-)19:01
ahayzenballoons, awesome so we wait until tht lands then retest :) ...once it is displayed as merged does tht mean we would expect Jenkins to have it?19:04
balloonsahayzen, pretty close to that19:04
ahayzenballoons, cool19:04
ahayzenballoons, this appears to create the same click package as before https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/cmake-simplify/+merge/20845719:10
ahayzenballoons, can u see the click tht jenkins builds?19:15
balloonsahayzen, we can have it build a click, but we can build one easily locally too19:17
ahayzenballoons, cool i built it locally and compared to trunk, the only difference i could see is the new one had the addition of plugins.json19:18
balloonstry installing on the device.. if it has an icon we're good19:18
ahayzenballoons, tht was weird cause one which i thought didn't have it did...maybe a restart to be safe19:19
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balloonselopio, nik90 I get errors run the AP tests for clock in trunk -- is it just me?19:27
nik90balloons: which tests? and also on device or desktop?19:28
balloonsnik90, on my mako, test_add_single_type_alarm_must_add_to_alarm_list and test_delete_alarm_must_delete_from_alarm_list19:28
balloonsfor instance, File "/home/phablet/autopilot/ubuntu_clock_app/emulators.py", line 250, in delete_alarm19:29
balloonsTypeError: drag_page_up() takes exactly 1 argument (2 given)19:29
balloonssorry for the big paste.. I'll give a full log, but this are trivial issues19:29
nik90balloons: hmm I can imagine why it gives an error19:30
elopioballoons: right, I messed there.19:30
nik90balloons: let me get a fix asap..19:31
nik90balloons: I am almost done with my stopwatch AP test cleanup19:31
balloonsnik90, elopio why did we land this?19:31
nik90balloons: I am not sure why jenkins didn't flag this19:31
elopionik90: lines 250 and 261.19:31
balloonsno worries on the error, I'm just confused why we landed it broken19:31
elopiosorry about that.19:31
balloonsI want to make sure I've got the right stuff, etc :-)19:31
elopioballoons, nik90: The thing is that on desktop, the qmlscene window is of the size it was last opened19:32
nik90balloons: I missed that during my code review19:32
nik90elopio: ah yes19:32
elopioso sometimes you get to run only the tests in !wideAspect mode.19:32
balloonsahh.. ok, gotha19:32
nik90elopio: that's why it didn't fail for me19:32
nik90elopio: I will take care of fixing them19:32
balloonsno worries then.. so yea, there's a few errors. I'll do another full run and send the log19:32
nik90balloons: sure19:33
elopionik90, balloons: I'm trying to simulate the window size with some helpers from the toolkit. I can set now the grid unit px, but I'm still missing a nice way to resize the qmlscene window.19:33
balloonsty :-)19:33
balloonselopio, oO19:33
nik90elopio: ooh nice19:33
elopioI think I won't be able to finish this week.19:34
nik90elopio: btw I noticed that your lp:~elopio/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/listview-scroll_to_bottom has been approved and ready to land19:34
nik90elopio: is that the one which allows us to choose which list item to click?19:34
elopionik90: yes! :D19:35
elopionik90: no :(19:35
balloonselopio, I'm a bit sad we didn't talk emulator @ the sprint now19:35
elopionik90: I'm currently fixing this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/127506019:35
ubot2Launchpad bug 1275060 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "QQuickListView fails to click an element if part of the list is out of view" [Undecided,Confirmed]19:35
elopiothat's the one that will let us choose items from the list. But the other one was a prerequisite.19:35
nik90elopio: ah ... well atleast that bug is unblocked now since your rate merge to AP has been merged19:35
nik90elopio: no worries, even if it landed I wouldn't be able to use them since I am on saucy...19:36
nik90elopio: will upgrade asap to trusty19:36
elopioI'm totally unblocked now. I just wish I had another pair of hands :)19:37
nik90tell me about it19:37
elopioballoons: I also started working on the rss. If you see carla before me, please tell her to ping me.19:37
nik90elopio: one last question before I continue with my work19:38
nik90elopio: in order to test deleting laps, I need to first start stopwatch -> create lap -> delete lap19:39
balloonselopio, sure thing19:39
nik90elopio: should start stopwatch and create lap be part of the emulator function delete_lap() ?19:39
nik90balloons: ur input as well ^^19:39
elopionik90: no, we should try to have a line on the test for each action that the user does.19:39
elopiosomething like19:40
elopio    stop_watch = self.main_view.go_to_stop_watch()19:41
elopio    stop_watch.start()19:41
elopio    stop_watch.create_lap()19:41
elopio    stop_watch.delete_lap()19:41
elopio    self.assert_that_lap_was_deleted()19:41
nik90ah ok19:41
elopioyou can complement that with another couple of tests that would be:19:42
elopio  stop_watch = self.main_view.go_to_stop_watch()19:42
elopio  stop_watch.start()19:42
elopio  self.assert_that_stop_watch_was_started()19:42
elopioand test(self):19:42
elopio    stop_watch = self.main_view.go_to_stop_watch()19:42
elopio    stop_watch.start()19:42
elopio    stop_watch.create_lap()19:42
elopio    self.assert_that_lap_was_created()19:42
balloonselopio, nik90 here's one of the logs from a run http://paste.ubuntu.com/7001509/19:42
nik90elopio: those complimentary tests are already done :)19:43
m-b-oballoons: thanks. I think I can reproduce the errors on desktop. Will ping you tomorrow so we can repeat this exercise once again! :)19:43
elopioballoons: the drag errors are all because I made that stupid mistake. The last one is weird.19:44
balloonsm-b-o, :-) Have a good night sir19:44
elopioit's as if your days dialog was closed while trying to select a day.19:44
balloonselopio, I can run the test and watch if you have questions19:44
m-b-oballoons thanks !19:44
balloonsback in a bit; food beckons19:45
elopioballoons: yes, please. try to run only that last one and see if you find something weird.19:48
nik90elopio: stopwatch AP done :) just need to add the necessary drag_page_up functions... going for dinner.. when I get back I will do it and then propose a MP.19:56
elopionik90: thanks!19:56
elopiobuen provecho.19:56
balloonselopio, another full run: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7001644/20:15
balloonsrpadovani, ping20:25
nik90elopio, balloons: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/reorganise-stopwatch-tests/+merge/20847520:57
nik90elopio, balloons: fixed the alarm drag issue at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-alarm-drag-test/+merge/20847721:08
* nik90 hugs mzanetti for his expandable list element being approved.21:21
nik90mzanetti: Looking forward to using it in my personal app :)21:21
nik90elopio: can you top approve again? looks like a random failure21:26
elopionik90: I'll re-run it just to be extra safe.21:28
nik90elopio: ok21:28
elopionik90: this is the same error we are seeing in jenkins.21:31
elopioit seems we get an old_saved_city_count = 021:31
elopiomaybe because we are not waiting enough,21:31
nik90elopio: hmm..it passed for me21:31
elopiobut you will be refactoring the clock tests, right?21:31
nik90elopio: but yes I will be targetting the clock tests next21:33
elopionik90: yes, it doesn't happens always.21:33
nik90elopio: once the stopwatch tests are merged21:33
elopioI still can't run it here :( But almost everything is crashing here, I'll make a reinstall in the night.21:37
elopionik90: should I leave you my comments on the branch, or would you like to discuss them here?21:37
nik90elopio: comments is better since it is more permanent and I won't lose them21:37
elopionik90: ack.21:37
nik90elopio: reinstalling trusty or the emulator/21:37
elopioreinstalling trusty. I'll even remove my home this time, and from now on I'll use virtual machines when testing something risky. I've learned my lesson.21:37
nik90balloons, elopio: the tests passed on the emulator beautifully! I had only 1 failure which was the delete alarm test21:42
nik90it did take a long time though21:42
elopionik90: I don't understand the Record lap icon. What does it mean?21:45
nik90elopio: record lap icon?21:45
nik90elopio: one is a reset icon and the other is a create lap icon21:45
elopionik90: yes, on the stopwatch, there's one to reset, and the other21:45
elopioit's like a clock half full?21:46
nik90elopio: yeah sort of...half full clock where you press the lap21:46
nik90given by designers21:47
nik90I will check if they can improve its appearance for better clarity21:47
elopioI don't get it, but it might be just me :)21:47
elopionik90: btw, I think I commented about this on g+, but I love what you did to differentiate the alarm, the timer and the stopwatch.21:49
elopioit's so cool how a couple of lines can improve things this much.21:49
nik90elopio: ah thnx :) .. it was all the work of Lucas (our community designer)21:49
elopionik90: your refactor makes things a lot better. I left you some more comments, just because I'm a pain in the ass.22:02
nik90elopio: lol22:02
elopioyou already did the important part. The rest are just small things that we can improve.22:02
rpadovaniballoons, pong, sorry for the late22:03
nik90elopio: I will fix those comments22:04
elopionik90: thanks. I'm reading the test cases now. The following comments are more for discussion, feel free to not implement them if you don't want to.22:05
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balloonsrpadovani, no worries, it must be way late now.. but if you can leave me a comment about how to run reminders.qml via qmlscene on the command line that would be great22:32
balloonsrpadovani, running qmlscene reminders.qml doesn't work22:33
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nik90elopio: fixed the stuff you mentioned in the comments23:24
nik90balloons: the alarm fix is in trunk btw23:24
elopionik90: thanks. I'll take a look.23:24
balloonsnik90, elopio are we set now?23:25
balloonsI mean for a store release :-)23:25
nik90balloons: is it urgent?23:25
balloonsnik90, no, the goal was to push a version to the store that has tests passing23:25
nik90balloons: ah okay23:26
nik90balloons: the reason I ask is that I am going to clean up the clock tests as well similar to alarms, stopwatch and timer.23:26
nik90balloons: however I will only propose it tomorrow since it is late now23:26
elopionik90: I forgot to click send on my review of the tests :)23:27
nik90elopio: you mean more comments?23:27
elopionik90: yes, a couple. I'm sorry, I feel bad about you, I'm a mean reviewer.23:28
nik90elopio: bring it on..it is fun fixing them23:28
elopionik90: the changes you did are prefect, thank you very much.23:28
elopionik90: oh, it's great you are having fun :)23:29
elopiowhen we are done with the helpers refactors, we should discuss about failing with a meaningful error message.23:29
elopioI need to think about it, and your input will be great.23:30
nik90elopio: sure...that would be nice since the error message at the moment are terrible23:30
nik90I would like more user friendly error messages :)23:31
dakerpopey: ping23:36
dakermhall119: PM ?23:39
nik90elopio: without the eventually statement the test fails23:42
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elopionik90: hum, so we need it.23:56
nik90elopio: yup, also the test passes without the sleep()23:57
elopioI didn't understood why, I'll check again23:57
elopionik90: yes, without the sleep it passes. But lets say that the stop button is not working, and those two statements run insanely fast, in less than one millisecond.23:58
elopiothen your test would still pass.23:58
elopioif we sleep a second, they won't be able to run in less than one millisecond.23:58
elopiomaybe that needs a comment.23:58
elopiohum, I still don't get why the eventually is needed there.23:59

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