
=== Guest25934 is now known as dpm
dpmmorning all08:00
elfymorning dpm08:06
dholbachgood morning08:19
josehey dholbach! how's it going?08:24
dholbachhey jose08:24
dholbachbusy busy busy, but doing great as well08:24
josedholbach: I have one favor to ask you... could you please review MP https://code.launchpad.net/~nhaines/uak/namebadges/+merge/208295 once you have some time?08:25
josethanks a lot :)08:26
dholbachjose, done08:30
dholbachnow on to my huge todo list08:30
josedholbach: you're awesome, I owe you a couple beers when we meet again08:30
josehave a great day!08:30
dholbachno worries - you're doing a great job yourself!08:31
dholbachgood night! :-)08:31
czajkowskidholbach: so how long is your ever growing todo list :)09:34
dholbachlong, got anything to add? :)10:07
=== Guest29820 is now known as dpm
czajkowskidholbach: nope all good :)10:18
czajkowskijust wondering how long a piece of string is ;p10:18
mhall119jose: where can I find the analytics link for the current onair hangout?18:11
czajkowskimhall119: random Q but when you set up an on air, on G+ where do you find the link to share to the public ?19:02
mhall119czajkowski: it's moved recently, there is now a "Links" text in the bottom-right corner,clicking that brings up a popover with the youtube link, event link and embedding code19:03
* czajkowski goes to find it 19:06
czajkowskicannot for the life of me see it when I went to plus.google.com/hangouts and went to schedule one19:06
czajkowskimhall119: if you know anyone who is using MongoDB (JuJu folks) and wants to try and win $1000 https://twitter.com/czajkowski/status/43838578940446720019:07
popeyczajkowski: the hangout has to be already on19:16
czajkowskithat might be why I was getting confused19:18
czajkowskiI wanted to schedule one in advance which you can do, but then I wasn't sure where to reference that19:18
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh

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