
shel3overhi lunapersa22:03
lunapersashel3over Hi22:03
shel3overnobody use this channel anymore :p22:04
elacheche_anisLoooL shel3over22:09
shel3overhi elacheche_anis  :p22:10
elacheche_anishi shel3over22:10
elacheche_anisshel3over, lunapersa is the1st Tunisian Ubuntu member girl, the 1st in the Big-Maghreb & the 2nd girl in the arabic world & north africa :p :D22:11
shel3overgood to know :)22:12
shel3overwelcome sister22:12
lunapersathanks shel3over :)22:12
elacheche_anisshel3over, http://pad.tn/p/UbuntuMembersAr → ça t'interesse peut être :)22:15
shel3overnobody on the ubuntu-dz !22:16
elacheche_anisnope.. maybe you need to be the 1st :p22:16
elacheche_anisshel3over, looooool.. It's a list of the Official Ubuntu Members in the Arabic world..22:17
elacheche_anisYou're not an official member x)22:17
elacheche_anisshel3over, chekc this https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership22:18
shel3overelacheche_anis, what the matter of being member ?22:18
elacheche_anischeck the link shel3over and you'll get the point22:18
shel3overi know :)22:20
shel3over& don't care22:20

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