
MooDoohello all06:43
Tm_TMooDoo: your nick remind me of swedish ice hockey team modo (:06:44
rwwit reminds me of moocow06:44
MooDooback in the days, and yes I sound old, I was VooDoo, but when I tried to register the nick it was taken, then someone in my regular channel ubuntu-uk went moooooooooo so I changed it lol06:46
MooDoosad story of the day #106:47
jussiI stole this nick from some dude in denmark who left irc for like a year so i figured he didnt want it anymore :=)06:47
jussiI also own the "android" nick...06:47
rwwi didn't steal this nick from anyone because i am original06:48
rwwnobody tell rwg i said that06:48
MooDoopsst is the channel logged? ;)06:48
* jussi notes this is -irc and we should go somewhere else :P06:48
MooDoolol join #naughtystep ;)06:48
rwwjussi: not like anything else happens in here except for cloak requests06:49
* jussi goes back to -uk06:49
jussirww: but, but but!!!06:49
MooDoorww: it's quite interesting for me to watch the daily procedings :)06:49
rwwunfortunately i'm not an Ubuntu Member, so I can't kickban myself for being offtopic06:49
jussirww: you want me to help you out with that? :P06:49
MooDoorww: me neither but I'm working on it.06:49
rwwjussi: you're not on the IRC Council any more, sorry :P06:50
rww(yes, I know what you actually meant)06:50
MooDooI want on the council eventually :D06:50
rwwi wouldn't recommend it06:50
MooDoomight as well make my future intensions known lo06:50
rwwIRCC is basically "herd goats that occasionally start biting each other and get shouted by your bosses when they poop on the carpet"06:51
rwwthe goats that is06:51
elkythat's good that we know now, we can start treating your affliction early.06:51
MooDoolol :D06:52
MooDooI'm a sucker for punishment06:52
rwwalthough now i'm imagining pleia`2 trolling #ubuntu and it is *hilarious*06:52
MooDoosneak attack while she's at scale? ;)06:52
rwwshe's not at SCaLE any more :P06:53
rww(I should know, I was there)06:53
MooDoolol I know it's finished :) I was messing06:53
rwwprobably has conference flu by now though06:53
rwwi thankfully avoided it *fingers crossed*06:53
MooDoohehe I'll wait for her facebook sniffle update :)06:54
AlanBello/ MooDoo08:35
MooDoohello AlanBell :)08:36
MooDooand how is AlanBell this morning?08:49
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lunapersa Hey can I have a Ubuntu Member cloak please?10:00
elachecheAny OP here?10:01
Tm_Tlunapersa: could you please link to your launchpad profile?10:01
MooDoocongrats lunapersa :)10:03
lunapersaThank you MooDoo10:03
lunapersaTm_T, is every thing ok?10:06
Tm_Tlunapersa: congrats from me too10:06
lunapersaThanks Tm_T  :D10:06
Tm_Tstaff, could you please provide ubuntu/member cloak for lunapersa10:08
elachecheTm_T, an OP from here need to ask an OP from #freenode to change the cloak :) #ubuntu-irc OPs can't do that by them selves.. That's why I was asking about the OP10:10
* niko is looking10:11
Tm_Telacheche: we have freenode staff members here, which is why I asked staff here, if noone volunteer in here I will proceed poking any active staff (:10:11
nikoubuntu/member/lunapersa or hammouda-mariam ?10:12
* Tm_T tickles niko10:12
elachecheDidn't know that Tm_T :p x)10:12
lunapersathe first one10:12
Tm_Tlunapersa: would latter be ok to you?10:12
nikoTm_T: is it ok ?10:13
Tm_Tniko: considering that's also name (if not username) in launchpad, I'm ok with it10:13
Tm_Tthank you very much (:10:14
elachechelunapersa, you're cloacked now :p :D congrats :)10:14
nikolunapersa: congrats10:14
lunapersaThanks niko,  elacheche :D10:14
elachechethx Tm_T niko MooDoo for the help :)10:15
MooDooYou're most welcome, even though I didn't do a lot lol10:15
lunapersa:D :D10:15
MooDoomoral support that's what I'll say it was :D10:15
MooDoothat's my excuse and I'm sticking to it10:16
DJonesMooDoo: Wait till they get to know you, then they'll realise you left the "im" of "moral" :)10:35
MooDooDJones: shush you, they like me here :)10:37
DJonesAnyway back to printing payslips and waiting for money to go into my bank10:38
MooDoohave fun10:39
DJonesOh will, specially as some of the money going to me is earmarked for a laptop10:40
MooDooooo nice, I've just had to spend some money on microsoft office for the wife [no libre office isn't good enough]10:45
DJonesThat reminds me I need to check the price of office10:47
MooDooDJones: 3£7.99 a month for home premium10:51
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