
dholbachgood morning08:19
trijntjeHi all, ubuntu-nl will expire soon from locoteams-verified, what steps should we take to make sure that doesnt happen?09:02
josetrijntje: hey! give me a min please09:08
josetrijntje: what's your Launchpad ID?09:09
josetrijntje: ping?09:13
trijntjejose: hi, sorry, was afk for a min09:29
trijntjemy Launchpad ID is redmar09:29
trijntjeI'm just a member of the dutch loco team, not the owner09:30
josetrijntje: Please, tell Thomas de Graaf to follow up on the bug09:58
joseI need to go to bed now - shoot an email if you have any questions (jose@ubuntu.com)09:59
josethanks for your interest!09:59
* jose runs09:59
trijntjejose: thanks!10:00
amireldorgnight all17:17
amireldorsorry 4 yesterday17:17
amireldorwas a harsh da17:17
amireldoroh! manowar3!17:24
* manowar3 please ignore him17:24
manowar3czajkowski, hello lea. I have a question that may sound like a bug in the matrix.17:39
manowar3dholbach, you  too ;)17:39
manowar3there was a DDoS friendly fire attack on my parent's and i think i've lost. Who cares.17:40
dholbachmanowar3, a bit busy and in a call right now - how can I help?17:40
manowar3dholbach, just confirm my current static ip as the Ubuntu-IL loco manager17:42
dholbachcan you be more specific?17:43
amireldoron ubuntu-il.org/chat we don't know whether to direct people to #ubuntu-il@freenode.net or ..@irc.ubuntu.com17:44
amireldoris there a canonical policy in the matter?17:44
dholbachit shouldn't matter much17:46
dholbachin a lot of places we just use webchat.freenode.net17:47
dholbachbecause many users don't know how to configure their IRC client17:47
dholbachso recommending or embedding webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-il might work17:47
dholbachhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat can be recommended for people who still want to use an IRC client17:48

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