
=== jackson is now known as Guest46812
=== Guest46812 is now known as Noskcaj
dholbachgood morning08:19
ngaioGood morning! The Debian package of my program is out of date - what is the procedure to ask a MOTU to ensure Universe has an up to date version?08:43
geserwhich package is it?08:47
Noskcajngaio, what package?08:47
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
Sonderbladesuppose you want to create an ubuntu package of an upstream source package, is it then enough to add the debian/ directory to your bzr on launchpad or do you need to clone all the upstream source code?09:08
ngaiogeser, Rapid Photo Downloader http://git.kirya.net/?p=debian/rapid-photo-downloader.git;a=summary09:09
ngaioversion in Universe is 0.4.7 http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/graphics/rapid-photo-downloader09:10
ngaiomost recent version is 0.4.1009:11
geserngaio: I see that Debian hasn't this new version yet either, so best to contact the Debian maintainer about it and once it's in Debian we could try to sync it (if it's not too late by then)09:15
ngaiothanks geser. If the Debian maintainer cannot update it for some reason (he seems exceptionally busy), is there another option?09:17
geserngaio: you could try to update the package yourself (if you don't find someone to do it) (but we can help you when you have questions) and get it sponsored directly into Ubuntu (and you could also offer it to the Debian maintainer)09:20
geserbut be aware that we are part Feature Freeze (no new upstream versions) and you would need an exception to get it in09:21
ubottuFeature Freeze Exception. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess for the freeze exception process.09:21
ngaioThanks! I was aware of the feature freeze and I pushed out a critical bug fix in January, but unfortunately the Debian maintainer has not yet had the time to update the package. I'll see what he and I can do.09:25
geseryou can start from the existing package and if you are lucky just need to point it to the new upstream tarball (and add a changelog entry)09:27
ngaioYes it should be fairly simple like that. I'm heading to office now and I'll be back online later - thanks once again.09:28
RhondaLaney: is it intentional that xnox is listed below NOTB in the poll?11:07
Laneythe order is randomised11:07
Laneyfor each ballot11:07
RhondaI found that slightly amusing. :)11:07
Laneybut that sounds about right to me ;-)11:07
* Laney snuggles xnox 11:07
xnoxi bet i'll come, one below threshold again.11:08
RhondaWell, for me too.  After all he got me killed for something totally unrelated.  *frowns*11:08
RhondaShows his professional behavior.  >.>11:08
=== freeflying is now known as freeflying_away
=== l3on_ is now known as l3on
=== freeflying_away is now known as freeflying
=== lionel_ is now known as lionel
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
=== DrKranz is now known as DktrKranz

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