
=== Che is now known as Guest43156
dholbachgood morning08:20
nhainesdholbach: good morning! :)08:34
dholbachhi nhaines08:34
nhainesCould I bother you to remerge that UAK branch?  I deleted the request and fixed the syntax error and thumbnail, but I think you merged the old revision.08:35
nhainesIf on the other hand you're too busy, I'll ping someone else.08:35
nhaines(And either way: thanks for looking at it!  I'm excited about the name badges.)  :)08:35
dholbachnhaines, I fixed the issue08:36
dholbachit was the branch jose pointed out to me08:36
nhainesdholbach: yes, but it looks like the thumbnail image is still the old one.  Let me check on that.08:37
dholbachnhaines, that's in lp:uak?08:38
nhainesYeah.  I MP'ed lp:~nhaines/uak/namebadges rev. 166, but then fixed the thumbnail and bracket by r168.08:39
dholbachdaniel@daydream:~/bzr/docs/uak$ bzr merge lp:~nhaines/uak/namebadges08:41
dholbachNichts zu tun.08:41
dholbach"Nothing to do."08:41
dholbachI think we're good08:41
dholbachunless you have another branch08:41
nhaines"Nichts zu tun" I understood natively.  :)08:41
dholbachbut yeah... I'm a bit busy... so please send another MP for whatever other changes might be required08:41
dholbachI thought so08:41
nhainesI just verified that it's the old version.  I'll see what I can do to submit another MP.  Thanks for your help and time.  :)08:43
dholbachin that case you maybe haven't pushed all your changes to that branch?08:43
nhainesdholbach: ah, when I pushed, for some reason it ended up in a different branch on LP.08:48
nhainesdholbach: okay, all fixed up, and not really any rush unless there will be a new package built or something.  Thanks for your patience. :)08:54
dholbachyes, saw it08:56
dholbachwill take a look at it in a bit08:56
dholbachwe have a daily build set up, so it'll build automatically whenever cron runs08:56
nhainesThanks.  Should be dead simple, so please don't let it take time away from any other tasks for it.  :)08:56
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claudiohello , where can i find a nice tutorial to try write a program like VB.net , complete. I need it to run light os in industrial apps and small pc.12:59
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ignerioushello everyone13:25
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir || Current Session: Ubuntu Engineering Live! - Speakers: mhall119
AirBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/02/26/%23ubuntu-on-air.html following the conclusion of the session.18:00
nik90ahayzen: is the video live?18:20
mhall119nik90: it should be18:20
ahayzennik90, i think it is lol18:20
nik90ahayzen: I just get a black screen with no audioo/video18:20
mhall119nik90: try refreshing18:21
mhall119http://youtu.be/zMiFbTH2nZs is the direct link18:21
ahayzennik90, uhoh18:21
nik90weird..it broken on chromium and firefox for me..will watch when the session ends :/18:23
micah2nik90, working for me on FF right now...18:24
nik90micah2: I guess it is something on my end18:24
turbulantPineconQUESTION so long swipe from the left and the ubuntu Icon on the launcher go to the same application page now?18:30
micah2Question: With the new scopes, will users be able to organize custom lenses with their own selection of scope data sources?18:31
turbulantPineconQUESTION: will users be able to remove default lenses in the future for example remove the video lense altogether?18:34
turbulantPineconQuestion: I still have 13.10 on my nexus 4 and allot of applications no longer work where would I go to get info on how to update to the 14.04 version?18:41
turbulantPineconits ok if it does thank you18:43
ahayzenthanks guys :)18:44
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir ||
barryelopio: is this going to be a video call too?22:01
elopiobarry: yes. I think jose will call you.22:02
elopiohe's going to be the host22:03
barryelopio: okay, i'll get on g+22:03
elopiobarry: I gave him your canonical email address.22:03
josebarry: if you want another address instead of the canonical one, just PM it to me22:05
cgoldbergelopio, is http://ubuntuonair.com/ the place to watch?22:22
elopiocgoldberg: yes, but I think you should have an invite on your canonical mail.22:22
elopiothen you can be in the hangout.22:22
hatchits playing22:27
elopiobarry: where are you?22:29
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir || Current Session: QA Lightning Talks #4: Porting to Python 3 / Coverage Report on Jenkins - Speakers: elopio, barry, alesage, baloons, thomi, cgoldberg, v
AirBotLogs for this session will be available at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/02/26/%23ubuntu-on-air.html following the conclusion of the session.22:30
barryjose: let me know when to start22:30
joseif you have any questions, please prefix them with QUESTION:22:32
cgoldbergyay 3.4!22:34
* barry hears the oscar music22:45
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
barrygreat talk alesage!23:00
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #ubuntu-on-air to: Welcome to Ubuntu on Air! || Upcoming Schedule: http://is.gd/OWD4uc || Ask your questions at ubuntuonair.com || Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/UbuntuOnAir || Subscribe to our YouTube Channel: http://youtube.com/UbuntuOnAir ||
alesagethx barry!23:01
alesageU2 barry :)23:01
elopiobarry: can you give me the link to your slides, to add them to the wiki?23:01
barryelopio: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1AT6hch0PTLigIlUjhRgvV3dfAYrqSK4ag0sjPwSdATA/edit#slide=id.p23:02
elopiook, thank you.23:04
elopiothe links to all the sessions are here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/LightningTalks23:04
elopiobarry: have you seen the go fix tool? I still like python more than go, but it would be awesome to have something like that for the eventual ports to python4 :)23:05
joseif you guys have a public link to the slide, I can go ahead and put them on the video description23:06
barryelopio: i haven't seen it.  go is still on my list of things to play with, but just haven't had time23:06
barrynice.  i guess it's a little like 2to3.  2to3 isn't totally unhelpful.  for a big code base it can get you started, but it's not good for your build since it's slow, and doesn't always result in the most efficient translations23:08
alesagejose , feel free to share that Google presentation, if that helps?23:10
elopiooh, yes, and you recommended not to use 2to3. I'll give it a try :)23:11
elopiobarry: I would love a longer session with your tips and tricks.23:11
josealesage: cool, just make sure to make it public view only23:12
alesagejose ok I think it is and will double-check23:12
elopiowe should make our next QA sprint next to a pycon23:13
barryelopio: longer session: sure!  pycon: definitely :)23:13
elopioalesage: for a project like the ubuntu-ui-toolkit, I would like to get also coverage reports for the python code.23:13
elopioalesage: can you help me setting that up next week?23:13
barryelopio: +1 on python-coverage integration23:13
alesageelopio right, good question--yes it's not hard to do :)23:14
alesageelopio, using coverage, etc.--although I'm not sure that we have an existing example, now that you mention it23:14
* alesage goes searching23:16

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