
MYMEMEare you going to shoot me?00:38
LjL-Calvinothat seems unlikely, because of many distinct reasons00:38
chuNah man, but seriously, you were warned and just kept repeating yourself. No one *likes* having to use their "powers" but it's necessary when the users just want to be a pain.00:39
* MYMEME loves the colloquial tone00:39
jbroomebullets don't work over tcp/ip, yet00:39
LjL-Calvinoyes that's one reason00:39
LjL-Calvinochu: i like to use my "powers", but only when with the right company00:40
bazhangis emacs involved?00:41
LjL-Calvinothat's like my kryptonite00:41
MYMEMEseem iv made it upstream now im on ops social channel00:41
bazhangthank god00:41
LjL-CalvinoMYMEME: so like00:41
chuMYMEME: This isn't the social channel.00:41
LjL-Calvinochu: wait, it isn't?00:41
* LjL-Calvino looks at the map again00:41
LjL-Calvinochu: told you we needed a GPS!00:41
chuWhat's the other hidden one for then?!00:41
LjL-Calvinochu: i never knew00:42
LjL-CalvinoMYMEME: so anyway00:42
jbroomeMYMEME: did you have a support issue that's #ubuntu related?00:42
LjL-Calvinoflooding with ascii art = trolly, but maybe-i-will-see-if-he's-fun00:42
LjL-Calvinorepeatedly likening people to serial killers = trolly, and i will ban you with some amount of pleasure00:43
LjL-Calvinoget the difference?00:43
LjL-Calvinojbroome: what now00:43
MYMEMEyour going to break the toy00:43
MYMEMEif you keep kicking it00:43
LjL-Calvinothat's why this time i just decided to lock the toy out of the child's reach!00:43
LjL-Calvinome being both the guardian and the child00:44
chuI'd say it's not worth it. he's just gonna be a pain.00:44
LjL-Calvinochu: that's what people said about hfsplus!00:44
LjL-Calvinoand look now... oh, wait00:44
MYMEMEself censure will help you see god00:45
LjL-Calvinocensorship*, i believe00:45
LjL-Calvinobut maybe censure means something else00:45
MYMEMEyes your lordship00:46
LjL-Calvinoalso wait, that's very much hfsplus-like... hmmmm, HMMMMMM00:46
chuDon't think English as a first-language; he's Portuguese.00:46
LjL-Calvinowell, several people here don't have English as a first language, as they're American, so that's okay00:46
MYMEMEim just an uneducated peasant looking for enlightment00:47
chuI don't think anything constructive will come of this, you know my feelings, I'll leave it to you LjL.00:47
LjL-Calvinoconstructivism is overrated00:47
LjL-Calvinomymeme, what if you just go back to #freenode, wait for the mute to be lifted by timer, and troll some more? honestly it should be easier than getting me to remember the command to even op myself up again00:49
MYMEMEoh the command line is wicked mistress00:50
LjL-Calvinoyes; true00:50
MYMEMEwhy im i sounding like Oliver twist?00:51
LjL-Calvinomaybe you wanted to give your trolling a twist00:51
MYMEMEnot the kane i beg of you sir00:52
LjL-CalvinoMYMEME: seriously though, i gave you a fair amount of chances to be a "funny troll" in #ubuntu-offtopic, but eh, it didn't work. the ban won't be removed very soon, so when the wind is right, sail off this channel to better shores00:52
MYMEMElike clockwork00:53
MYMEMEi will join ASAP00:54
MYMEMEim sorry i couldn't be more of an amusement00:57
MYMEMEill use this time to apply me self to it00:57
LjL-CalvinoMYMEME: there's some real chances i'll be a banned outcast next time you drop by, so maybe the roles will switch!00:58
rww<+LjL-Calvino> chu: i think i told you that i'd rather be the wall01:36
rwweverybody wants to be me01:36
chuThe boss01:36
k1l@mark #ubuntu ned channel ads12:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:50
bazhangI joined #rhel , he's still not there17:42
bazhangthey mostly just exchange imgur links it seems17:43
geniiDo you need to be authed or registered of Freenode to join?17:43
geniiCould be that's his/her issue17:44
bazhangalthough someone in #ubuntu already gave him the exact info17:44
PiciWe probably should at least give them !register then17:44
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ubottushauno called the ops in #ubuntu-server ()21:41
petergriffinrehi ljl21:46
LjL-Calvinowhich one are you?21:49
LjL-Calvinotell me you're hfsplus, you're basically the only one i like these days :(21:50
LjL-Calvinohow are you?21:53
LjL-Calvinoi drove back in some really scary rain earlier21:54
LjL-Calvinogot ALL the weather today. first rain, then rainbow, then thunderstorm, then hail21:55
CoreyCould we maybe keep this topical, please?21:56
=== petergriffinre is now known as JohnCalvin
JohnCalvinI am considering being a calvinist21:56
Coreytrijntje: Did you need help with something?21:57
PiciIs there a channel issue we can help you with?21:57
JohnCalvinIm just talkin wit me homey ljl21:57
PiciThen you can do so in private.21:57
CoreyJohnCalvin: Please do so elsewhere.21:57
LjL-CalvinoCorey: i'm pretty sure that will almost certainly help with the frequency of his actively trolling "real" channels decreasing21:58
CoreyLjL-Calvino: I didn't realize we were unilaterally authorized to change this channel's policy.21:59
LjL-Calvinooh god21:59
LjL-Calvinosay the word "policy" again please22:00
CoreyLjL-Calvino: Perhaps it's time you took a break?22:00
PiciLjL-Calvino: can you please join us in #ubuntu-irc-council ?22:00
LjLCorey, our overarching "policy", maybe the only one that can actually be called such, is the CoC (as many people have loved to remind me lately, though maybe without giving much thought to its interpretation).22:13
LjLWhat we have in our channels are "guidelines" and, at best, habits, and things like what channel topics say don't even necessarily qualify as either.22:13
LjLIn particular, this channel has had "offtopic" conversations since it started existing, and while ops have sometimes asked each other to take them elsewhere, it was only rarely perceived as a big deal.22:13
LjLNow, lately my particular personal "policy" with this particular troll (HFSPlus, or pick the name you like) has been to be friendly and humorous.22:13
LjLThat is a policy that seems to have worked to some extent, as people who have followed the "case" probably can confirm.22:13
LjLThe very first bullet point in the CoC is "Be considerate". While I recognize that will sound ironic for me to point out given recent events, MY very point is that, by sticking to "policies", "processes" and bureaucracies (more often than not, made-up or inconsistent one), "our team" has now been FAR from considerate in many ways.22:13
LjLI felt I was considerate by using my *common sense* (which I've insisted on for a long time now, but have seen little more than lip service to it, and am now tired of even applying towards the team itself) to pick the seemingly most appropriate way to minimize the disruptions caused by this troll, *and attempt to catalyze* at the same time (as freenode "policy" asks, though that's only interpreted in a very literal way too).22:14
LjLManhandling people is not catalyzing - nor considerate.22:14
PriceyWTH is going on?22:18
IdleOneright now, nothing. Everybody please relax.22:19
PriceyIdleOne: Happy to relax but come on ;)22:20
PiciThe situation is being discussed elsewhere, lets all take a breath and relax for a few.22:21
IdleOnePricey: yup. Please just let us all leave it at that for now.22:21
LjLPricey: i think you can take the above at face value anyway, unless i'm even crazier than people lead me to believe, i thought it sounded like a considerate explanation of how i feel about some of the team's customs22:23
IdleOneI would really appreciate (and for the 3rd time) let us all drop this in here for now. Thank you.22:24
PriceyLjL: I thought I'd kept track of the general idea of what was happenning... but the last 30 minutes... I cannot understand.22:24
LjLUhm, I would appreciate not being told which op matters I can or cannot discuss with other ops, at least while I'm an op, in the ops channel, especially if they are not clear on what's happening. Surely this place is meant to be transparent, and Pricey and I haven't exchanged anything controversial, inappropriate or private?22:26
IdleOneI am just trying to avoid anything negative from occurring at this time and would like you and the IRCC to focus on the council channel22:27

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