
pittiGood morning07:48
jibelGood morning07:56
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jibelDanChapman, good morning, I continue my investigation on the libautopilot-gtk case08:16
jibelDanChapman, I found that each time ubiquity/autopilot crashes there is also an ATK critical message in the logs08:18
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DanChapmanjibel, good morning o/ great :-)08:18
jibelDanChapman, it happens for every flavor with or without U108:18
jibelDanChapman, so we can eliminate U1 from the list of suspects and I think the problem comes from the webkit view08:19
jibelhere are the logs with the crashes I found http://people.canonical.com/~j-lallement/ubicrashes.log08:19
jibelon atk and the crash, I don't know if one is the consequence of the other or if they are 2 symptoms of the same problem08:20
DanChapmanyes i mentioned that to pitti a while back, but i thought it should carry on running unless you expliciltly set Gtk to fail on critical08:22
jibelxnox, in ubiquity is there a way to no load the webkit view in the slideshow at run time?08:22
jibelI didn't find any from the code but maybe missed something08:23
DanChapmanjibel It doesn't check the webkitview but the scrolled window08:23
jibelDanChapman, yes but I think the message ATK critical comes from webkit08:23
DanChapmanI changed that a while back as the webkitview properties were tempremental at the time. I could try sweitching it back08:23
DanChapmanahhh i see08:24
DanChapmansorry. still early08:24
jibelDanChapman, that could mean the parent doesn't exists, which could also leads to the crash in autopilot if it refers to a non-existent object08:30
jibelDanChapman, and another symptom when there is a crash, the slideshow also have big fat scrollbars08:34
jibelDanChapman, are you doing anything with webkitwindow other than checking if it is visible? I'd like to remove it08:44
jibelin progress_test_page() that is08:44
DanChapmanjibel, ahh! that darn scrollbar! jibel I was only using it to assert we moved to the next page since we lost the page title as it's in the webview08:45
DanChapmanI think as long as we can  be sure that the progressbar is progressing ok then that's enough :-)08:46
jibelDanChapman, k, I'll do a few run without it, it looks like a race where the gtkscrolledwindow really exists after the webview is created08:49
jibelhence the randomness08:49
DanChapmanjibel, that makes sense now.08:54
xnoxjibel: if the slideshow package is uninstalled, the webview will not be started.09:30
xnoxjibel: however, if it crashes it's a bad sign =(09:30
jibelxnox, I'll remove the code that tests if the webview is visible first. Ubiquity or the slideshow don't crash, only autopilot does :)09:34
jibeland the visible side of the bug are the fat scrollbars09:35
DanChapmanjibel, it would appear the webkit_scrolled_window is visible/exists from the start. so we could actually do assertTrue(scrolledwindow.visible) at any point/page in the test. So could it be more of a bug that the webkitview root object is unable to get parent rather than it being non-existent09:44
DanChapmanas it's a pointless assertion it should be removed anyway09:46
DanChapmanjibel this passes http://paste.ubuntu.com/6998946/ asserting the scrolled window during the welcome_page_tests.10:18
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DanChapmanjibel, I just did a trial removing ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu which the webview didn't load and I no longer get the atk critical warning.10:46
davmor2Morning all11:06
jibelMorning davmor211:06
jibelDanChapman, sure but I don't want to disable the slideshow completely. We had bug in the past where loading it crashed ubiquity, so I just disabled the check and if the slideshow makes the installer crash, it will be detected anyway11:07
DanChapmanjibel cool... makes sense :-) Fingers crossed it resolves the issue11:13
DanChapmanjibel wow it borked on the progressbar this time :-(11:25
jibelDanChapman, I'll remove the slideshow to validate it is really a problem with webkit11:26
jibelDanChapman, do you know what is the failure on lubuntu. It says '/home not found'11:32
DanChapmanjibel, for custom install?11:32
DanChapmanit's just when creating partitions it's taking too long to update the UI i'll change that to use wait_select_single11:34
DanChapmanshould resolve it11:34
jibelDanChapman, k, I'm starting a new run without the slideshow, if it is still crashing, then ... I don't know11:35
jibelDanChapman, I'll try to produce a test case with just the transition to the slideshow11:36
jibelwoohoo, 3 runs and no crash of ubiquity without the slideshow!12:09
* jibel restarts $WORLD12:09
DanChapmanjibel, yes it looks like it  has done the trick 'so far'  ;-p I'm going to have to re-write a fair bit of the custom install test rather than sleep longer to fix the partition fails12:13
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rvrelopio: I'm here :)14:15
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elopiorvr: hah, right.14:21
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elopiojfunk: we had the first meeting about landing qt5.2, with Pat coordinating it.15:04
elopiothanks for pushing on that.15:04
jfunkit seems you're not the only one who wants this out the door15:05
jfunkChris Lee is working on the AP job15:05
jfunknot sure if you're aware15:06
elopiojfunk: yes, we can use it now.15:09
elopioballoons: ping. I'm looking at the weather app failures.16:39
elopioI can't reproduce the ones jenkins is showing, but I get a loading popup that doesn't disappear.16:39
balloonselopio, hey, did you see martin's comments? we're working on landing a branch16:39
balloonselopio, https://code.launchpad.net/~martin-borho/ubuntu-weather-app/anchors-refactoring/+merge/20779316:40
balloonselopio, I would test and work on that branch.. I don't really care about the dashboard results16:40
elopioballoons: ok, I can agree with that :)16:40
elopioballoons: the recommended way to run the tests now is with click buddy provision and all the nice things you mentioned on your last blog post, right?16:41
balloonselopio, yes for sure.. it's pretty slick16:42
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elopioI'll take a break now. bbl.20:04
elopioubuntu-qa, remember the lightning talks today.20:04
robotfuelelopio: that's not on my calender, where are they?20:08
elopiorobotfuel: http://ubuntuonair.com/calendar/20:10
Letozaf_balloons, hi20:16
balloonselopio, ^^20:16
balloonsLetozaf_, hello :-) I think reminders might launch for you now20:16
Letozaf_balloons, unfortunatly no :(20:17
Letozaf_balloons, file:///home/letozaf/autopilot-tests/new-reminders-app-tests/src/app/qml/reminders.qml:262: Unable to assign null to QQuickAnchorLine20:17
Letozaf_balloons, when I launch it with autopilot launch20:17
Letozaf_balloons, I do not know qml well enough but looks like the null is wrong here: anchors { right: null; left: parent.left; }20:18
balloonsLetozaf_, did you rebase your branch to trunk?20:18
Letozaf_balloons, yes20:19
Letozaf_balloons, mmm ...20:20
balloonsLetozaf_, if elopio doesn't otherwise come around, he was hoping to fix us the rssreader tests with you; go through and refactor them. I think he was thinking next week20:20
Letozaf_balloons, ok, but what about reminders app ?20:21
balloonsI'm looking now :-) I agree it still doesn't launch, sigh20:22
balloonshowever, the error you spotted isn't the reason; you can see it launching reminders; aka the installed version20:22
Letozaf_balloons, yes the installed version works fine20:23
balloonsLetozaf_, also, I tried from trunk and autopilot launch doesn't come up. My assumption actually is you need to pass the plugin to it20:24
balloonsthat's the issue. it's not a straightforward launch20:24
* balloons thinks20:24
Letozaf_balloons, I am looking at rssreader tests, the ones that aren't skipped are working on the desktop, so you probably want me to fix the skipped ones right ?20:39
balloonsLetozaf_, yea, the skipped tests should certainly be looked at trying to get them re-enabled. But also, the tests are a bit hard to maintain and write and rather large. The goal is to try and break the existing tests down to be easier to read and write as well20:41
Letozaf_balloons, ah ok20:41
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Letozaf_balloons, I have some questions on rssreader app tests, do I have to ask e1opio or can I ask you ?21:04
elopiohey Letozaf_, I'm making some changes on the rss tests, so you can ask me.21:21
elopioI was hoping you could give me a hand :)21:22
Letozaf_elopio, hello21:22
Letozaf_elopio, sure21:22
Letozaf_elopio, let me know what you want me to do21:22
elopioLetozaf_: I'm making a first branch, so I would like you to review it. I hope it will be ready tomorrow.21:23
Letozaf_elopio, balloons told me you want to refactor them21:23
Letozaf_elopio, fine, I will be around tomorrow same time as today21:23
elopioLetozaf_: ok, thanks.21:27
Letozaf_elopio, yw21:27
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