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justizinanyone have an auto-install image with sane defaults? i have a headless machine that's dead and needs a reinstall, and no effing keyboard around (personal machine ;d)00:59
justizini guess i've been ssh-ing to this thing for like 3 years and i gave away all my keyboards00:59
justizintried a trusty upgrade and i think it power failed installing glibc and it just keeps hanging trying to recover from a failed upgrade00:59
MavKenwhat is the easiest thing to install/setup for my php scripts to send out mail?  I dont need a full blown mail server01:02
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mwhudsoni'm trying to run the latest trusty cloud image under kvm but i can't log in02:25
mwhudsonneither taking the 'ubuntu with random password' or ubuntu:ubuntu options in grub work02:25
mwhudsonis this known?02:25
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Amarino_Mallo_dahi all06:59
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jamespageDaviey, all of the 2013.2.2 updates are now in the saucy-proposed queue09:32
Davieyjamespage: ok, will process within the hour.10:16
jamespageDaviey, thanks10:16
martin__Hi, I'm trying to install php5-xsl in Ubuntu 12.04 but keep getting this error "E: Unable to locate package php5-xsl‎"12:11
smoserjamespage, is package list at http://status.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/cloud-tools-next_versions.html still relevant ?13:35
smoserparticularly i'm asking about mongodb and libv8-3.1413:35
jamespagesmoser, right now yes13:36
jamespageI'm still waiting for upstream to switch over the juju-mongodb13:36
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smoserrbasak, hooray, uvtool in cloud-tools-next: https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-cloud-archive/+archive/cloud-tools-next/+build/564008713:55
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rbasaksmoser: \o/13:59
rbasaksmoser: thank you!13:59
Davieyhallyn: libvirt SRU candidate 1.1-0ubuntu8.6 seems to include many many more fixes than bug 1228977.14:24
hallynDaviey: this is the saucy libvirtd?14:25
Davieyhallyn: i'd be happier if libvirt had an MRE, tracking the maint tree14:27
hallynDaviey: yeah, if saucy was longer-lived I'd do that14:27
hallynif 1.2.2 gets a -maint tree, we should request an MRE for trusty14:28
hallynthe problem is the -maint trees are rather randomly started after-the-fact.  Of course perhaps zul and I should always maintain one if nooen else does14:28
hallyn(I did start one for the precise tree;  noone uses it but me of course :)14:29
zulhallyn:  totally14:29
hallynDaviey: anyway, I didn't feel comfortable that cherrypicking only the patches in comment #32 would suffice14:30
hallynDaviey: but if you want to reject the upload I understand.14:30
Davieyhallyn: ah, i assumed there was a maint tree for all.14:30
hallynnope :(14:30
hallynI also need to look at bug 1264465 for saucy libvirt, once that SRU is either completed or rejected14:31
zulDaviey:  that would be too easy14:31
Davieyhallyn: no planned point release for 1.2.2?14:33
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Davieyor point, point14:33
hallynDaviey: that doesn't get announced in advance I don't think14:36
hallynzul: qemu 2.0 candidate (misnamed) built fine in ppa:ubuntu-virt/canidate;  woohoo14:38
zulhallyn:  sweet..send out the info14:38
hallynDaviey caught me caffeine-less14:39
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cariboujamespage: I Need your opinion on bug 118812615:47
caribouJuju unable to interact consistently with an openstack deployment where tenant has multiple networks configured15:47
eutheriahi, is there a package i can install that will email notifications for package updates?16:02
geniieutheria: Instead, probably just to sign up for the mailing list of changes for the distribution you're running16:03
eutheriagenii: i just want to know to install packages, i don't want to manually check a list16:04
thedeenoI'd like to use docker on some of my servers. Docker says I need at least version 3.8 of the kernel to use it.16:04
thedeenoWhat should I do with my 12.04 machines? Upgrade the kernel16:04
thedeenoor upgrade the whole system16:04
thedeenoto like 13.04 or something16:04
thedeeno? I'm unsure of the pros and cons of each16:05
eutheriai wonder what docker is16:11
caribouthedeeno: you can install backported lts kernels on 12.0416:16
caribouthedeeno: either you use apt-get dist-upgrade but that will touch more than just the kernel, or look for linux-image-3.*lts* in the package list & install only the one you want16:17
thedeenocaribou: I'm new to this ecosystem. What are those? Are these the 12.04.X releases? They include new kernels?16:18
caribouthedeeno: since 12.04 is an Long Term Support (lts) release, newer kernels have been backported to 12.0416:18
thedeenonice, that is my primary concern, keeping that long term release support16:18
caribouthedeeno: you can use "sudo apt-cache search linux-image | grep lts" to find them out16:20
thedeenocaribou: what do these packages look like? Is this one? `linux-generic-lts-raring`16:20
thedeenocaribou: great! I'll try that out16:20
caribouthedeeno: apt-cache show linux-generic-lts-raring | grep Version will tell you16:21
caribouthedeeno: for instance, the saucy-lts one is kernel 3.11-*16:21
thedeenocaribou: so these kernels are all considered safe then, because they're backported? I was nervous that I'd hit some serious bugs but just16:22
thedeenoreplacing the kernel from underneath 12.04's feet16:22
caribouthedeeno: safe & suported16:22
patdk-wkthe only issue you should have, is if you need dkms modules16:22
patdk-wkthey won't work16:22
thedeenowow, excellent16:23
caribouthedeeno: patdk-wk don't the dkms mods get rebuilt ? hmm, maybe not on precise16:23
patdk-wkbut no one backported the dkms module to support the new kernel16:24
patdk-wkso if it works, good, if it doesn't due to kernel changes, crash and burn16:24
patdk-wkxtables/open-vm-tools won't work16:24
caribouhmm, true16:24
caribouso thedeeno ^^^16:24
patdk-wknow, I have those two dkms modules built by me to work, on all except the newest one16:26
patdk-wkI opted to drop support and wait for 14.04 :)16:27
patdk-wkand I descided it was just too much of a pain, and only have one machine using them16:27
thedeenoyeah it sucks that I'm 2 months early, but i need to deploy these servers this week :(16:37
thedeenoi don't think I have any dependencies on dkms tho16:37
* thedeeno crosses fingers16:38
thedeenocaribou: patdk-wk: ty ty16:38
thedeenoOH, one more thing, how does installing a new kernel effect my current packages.16:38
patdk-wkit doesn't16:39
thedeenoIs there a way to get the actual kernel version from these packages without installing them? I'd like to do some automation and need16:54
thedeenoto work with the version number before reboot16:54
thedeenoI'm installing this kernel on a rackspace node, and I need to edit the grub entry before reboot because rackspace apparently doesn't17:08
thedeenolike what grub-update is giving it17:08
thedeenoand I'd like to do it in an automated way using sed17:09
thedeenobut I'm not sure where to find the actual kernel version (formatted like 3.8.0-19-generic)17:09
thedeenobasically i'd like to, given one of these lts packages, figure out what the `uname -r` would report after installing it17:10
patdk-wkthe only way is by parsing the grub file17:15
patdk-wkbut if grub isn't there17:15
patdk-wkguess you just have to search /boot/17:15
patdk-wkls /boot/vmlinuz-* | sort -r17:16
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hallynoh  noes - qemu upstream needs a seabios update17:41
hallynah no, only need a new symlink17:42
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shodan45I'm running openvpn client on 12.04 & having problems when it loses connection to the VPN server - it tries to reconnect, but can't because it can't resolve the host name19:13
shodan45and it can't resolve because the routing is still set to use the VPN....19:14
shodan45anyone know a fix for that, aside from manually restarting things?19:14
sarnoldI'm surprised it falls back to looking up an ip address when a connection drops rather than just try to re-handshake with the IP it already knew..19:15
shodan45sarnold: even if it did, because the routing table is still set to use the (now broken) VPN connection, it wouldn't be able to connect19:19
shodan45I have to manually stop & start openvpn to get it to work again19:19
sarnoldshodan45: really? shouldn't the 'external' ip of the headend be routable over the internet? otherwise how do the vpn packets make it to the gateway?19:20
shodan45sarnold: I don'19:22
shodan45oops :)19:22
shodan45sarnold: I don't follow 100%.... the client is behind a NAT on my home cable internet19:23
shodan45it connects to the openvpn server just fine, but if my cable connection goes down, when it comes back up, I have to manually restart openvpn19:24
sarnoldshodan45: hrm, this would be easier with a whiteboard or piece of paper, heh19:25
sarnoldshodan45: so, when you initiate a ocnnection to your openvpn gateway, the first packet there has to travel on the open internet.. eventually a connection is established and new routing entries are installed ..19:26
shodan45for whatever reason, openvpn doesn't reset the changes it made to routing (etc.) when the connection to the remote VPN server drops19:26
sarnoldshodan45: but all the data you send is still being sent to the globally routable ip address of the gateway, right? it can't migrate to an 'internal' ip, inside the tunnel, because the tunnel still needs to get packets to the remote host.19:27
sarnoldthat sounds annoying :) but perhaps they expected to be able to rebuild the connection transparently..19:27
shodan45I have 2 "gateways": my home router, and my VPN service's19:28
sarnoldactually, I wonder if the problem is your NAT router..19:30
shodan45the only problem I have is when my home cable internet connection goes down (maybe once/week)19:30
sarnoldif it is stateful (most are) it might tear down the connection when your connection drops; openvpv might assume it can just keep trying and it'll eventually work..19:30
shodan45sarnold: no... the problem is almost certainly with openvpn or its configuration19:30
sarnoldouch, weekly crashes? how is it so bad? o_O19:31
shodan45ok, let me try changing the scenario :)19:32
shodan45suppose I'm on a laptop with wifi & connect to a VPN19:32
shodan45then I go out of range of the wifi, and connect to a different network19:33
shodan45the problem is that openvpn needs to put all the changes (notably routing) back the way they were if it loses its connection to the VPN server19:34
sarnoldshodan45: it may not have a good view of when it loses connectivity -- it may not know 'it's gone forever' from 'it's down for ten seconds'...19:45
sarnoldshodan45: there may be a configuration knob to tweak to get it to tear down vpns that don't work, but they might have chosen to remain broken to make it clear that e.g. your connection to google or gmail would go over unsafe local networking19:46
sarnoldshodan45: I suspect "require local teardown" is the more obvious and informative design decision, but when the local networking dies every week, that -would- get very old..19:46
shodan45sarnold: right... I'm investigating along those lines now19:47
shodan45sarnold: and it isn't "local networking", just the internet connection - and I suspect that's the real problem19:48
sarnoldshodan45: to my mind that's local :)19:49
shodan45I think if I yanked the cat6 out of the box, I wouldn't have this problem :)19:50
shodan45(assuming I plugged it back in...)19:50
sarnoldshodan45: probably, depends upon how quickly you replaced it :) hehe19:51
sarnoldshodan45: off to lunch, have fun, and if you find something I'd be curious to know what your solution is19:51
shodan45#openvpn suggested a shell script to watch the connection.... :/19:52
pmatulis_jamespage: do we know what's going on here? --> http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/672619:54
jamespagepmatulis_, refers to the upstream ceph repositories19:54
pmatulis_jamespage: i realize that.  i thought you might know why upstream is not making recent ceph releases available to recent ubuntu releases19:55
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ekosuhartonocomHay mwhudson .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:39
ekosuhartonocomHay axisys .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:39
ekosuhartonocomHay AndroidLoverInSF .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:40
ekosuhartonocomHay bogeyd6 .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:40
ekosuhartonocomHay jak2013 .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:41
ekosuhartonocomHay mgw .... welcome to this channel, more detail visit www.ekosuhartono.com21:41
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! soren, lamont, mathiaz, Pici, Daviey, Tm_T or pmatulis21:41
shauno(sorry, but that's annoying)21:41
Piciindeed it is.21:41
sorenshauno: Oh, thank *you*.21:42
shaunoaw I feel special now :)  I don't like waking everyone up, but .. yeah21:42
mgwany suggestions on how to recover from a bad upstart script leaving the service in this state: start/killed, process 2853921:43
mgwI've manually killed the procs21:43
mgwbut can't start the service (it hangs)21:44
sheptardlol what a twit21:47
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