
nhainesCancel all my appointments.  I'm downloading Portal 2 on Ubuntu.03:16
rwwi'm only downloading it if I get Tux items in-game for it03:17
joserww: ping03:46
nhainesjose: pong03:47
nhainesIntercepted!  :D03:47
joselol, hey nhaines!03:47
josenhaines: mind a PM?03:48
nhainesjose: heya.  :)  Feel free to PM me without asking now and in the future.  :)03:48
nhaines(That goes for everyone else too.)  :P03:48
josecool, thanks!03:48
joserww: did you get to find out what was happening to atoponce's key? I cannot sign it either03:49
* jose starts to wonder if pleia2's pgp key finishes on r2d204:26
nhainespleia2: well, now you have a goal for the next key!04:27
pleia2yes, next time04:27
pleia2or we could just take the paulproteus approach: http://www.asheesh.org/note/debian/short-key-ids-are-bad-news.html04:28
darthrobot`Title: [Short key IDs are bad news (with OpenPGP and GNU Privacy Guard) :: Asheeshworld]04:28
pleia2one of my favorite posts ever <304:29
pleia2(and I always use my longer key id now)04:29
rwwjose: get pius from the upstream site, not Debian/Ubuntu04:58
rwwjose: also, if you're blacklisted, PM him or something04:58
josewhoops, that may explain everything04:58
joseand that did the trick05:01
joseanyone from San Diego wants to ship a California burrito to me?07:10
nhainesjose: sure, I'll bet Chipotle will deliver.  :)07:24
* jose calls07:24
rwwchipotle <307:24
rwwalso yay, my incantation for making web of trust graphs handles é :307:25
nhainesHa.  Unicode!  Use it!07:27
nhainesAlso good grief it's taken a long time to recreate these name badges.  But they should be much more robust, not to mention better matching now.07:27
josethe UAK (even though I liked it more when it was the ADK) needs to be updated07:28
josethis is a first good step :)07:28
nhainesYeah, I had to figure out restructured text.  I'm more used to Markdown.07:28
nhainesI wonder if I can push to LP.07:29
joseyou *should* be able to push it to LP07:29
rwwnhaines: yeah, the keysigning sheet at SCaLE didn't use unicode :307:30
rwwalso, its code relies on eight-character gnupg identifiers being unique07:30
rwwwhich they aren't07:30
rwwin case you're curious jose, this is where johan test came from07:30
joseJ Joe Feise?07:30
joseI saw it when signing07:31
josedid you get your key?07:31
joseawesome, then :)07:31
joseI hope I can get the rest of my signatures asap07:31
bkerensarww: ugh i don't like pius07:42
bkerensait doesn't work well07:42
bkerensathrows a Keyid required even though one is declared properly07:42
rwwit's a bit finicky. i have a bash alias for it that works so i don't have to deal with that07:59
bkerensajose: you should have mail if my MTA didn't hiccup08:09
josebkerensa: /me waits patiently...08:10
bkerensajose: I hope so... you have a lot of email addresses08:10
darthrobot`Title: [Orange Ubuntu name badge | spreadubuntu]08:58
darthrobot`Title: [White Ubuntu name badge | spreadubuntu]08:58
nhainesLet it be so known.  :P08:58
josedarthrobot`: nick darthrobot09:04
darthrobot`jose: Error: You don't have the admin capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.09:04
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