
jrwrennever forget.00:16
jrwrenwhat did you get?00:16
gamerchick02Pad Thai from Thai Fortune on Walton00:29
mrgoodcatany i3 gurus online?00:40
mrgoodcatgamerchick02: i heard you were wondering about chromebooks?00:40
gamerchick02you heard right00:40
mrgoodcatwhat's the question?00:40
mrgoodcati have one00:40
gamerchick02i was wondering if someone knew how to take apart the HP11 and put a 128gb SSD in and add some ram00:40
gamerchick02i3? i've heard of that but never tried it00:41
mrgoodcataha. i remember seeing a writeup of that00:41
mrgoodcathang on00:41
wafmrgoodcat: widox and I both run i3. not sure if we're gurus :)00:43
gamerchick02what is the advantage to i3 as opposed to unity or kde or whatever?00:44
wafgamerchick02: i3 is a tiling window manager, so it manages the placement of your windows for you00:44
gamerchick02ah. cool. i've never gotten used to a tiling WM00:45
gamerchick02is it minimal?00:45
mrgoodcatwaf: what do you use to configure wifi?00:45
gamerchick02why thank you!00:45
wafmrgoodcat: i use arch, so it's wifi-menu and netctl00:46
wafi think those might be arch specific, but i'm not sure00:46
wafi think rick_h_ uses ubuntu with a tiling wm, and i _think_ he uses network-manager, maybe with the applet00:46
wafdon't quote me on that, though00:46
gamerchick02i think rick_h_ uses awesomewm00:47
gamerchick02thanks. that pdf is saved for when i want to take it apart and attempt to upgrade it.00:47
gamerchick02chromeOS is fine but it's kind of... limited. :-P00:48
mrgoodcatgamerchick02: you may not be able to upgrade the ram00:50
mrgoodcatand the ssd is not a regular ssd00:50
mrgoodcatits eMMC00:50
gamerchick02oh dang it00:51
gamerchick02i might just leave it alone then00:51
gamerchick02switching computers. i really should get some sort of server to run irc on so i don't lose my sessions00:52
wafgamerchick02: sorry, didn't see your question. i3 is pretty minimal, but it's one of the more user-friendly and polished tiling wms.00:52
gamerchick02cool. i might look into giving it a shot on ubuntu. i'm sure it's in the repos00:53
mrgoodcatsupposedly this ssd works00:53
mrgoodcatgamerchick02: its in the repos. thats how i installed00:53
mrgoodcatapt-get install i300:53
mrgoodcatwaf: i'm thinking of switching to arch anyways00:53
gamerchick02:) yep!00:53
mrgoodcatif for no other reason then to fuck with things I shouln't be00:54
rick_h_lol, good reason00:54
gamerchick02very good reason.00:54
mrgoodcatanybody have the android google play services bug?00:54
gamerchick02i3 sounds like fun. i don't have time to muck with that right now but maybe next weekend00:54
gamerchick02there's a bug?00:54
mrgoodcatjust introduced onto my phone00:54
gamerchick02sorry to hear that. what's happening?00:54
mrgoodcatkills the battery life00:55
mrgoodcati only got 7 hours today00:55
gamerchick02you know my nexus 7 might have that issue00:55
mrgoodcatits a recent update. i has to do with the updates for kitkat00:56
gamerchick02i turned off google now, restarted it, charged it fully, and it seems to have fixed it?00:56
gamerchick02or maybe that's old00:56
mrgoodcati use google now every day00:56
gamerchick02me too00:56
gamerchick02i'd turn it off, then reboot, charge it fully, then turn it back on00:56
gamerchick02see if that helps00:57
gamerchick02seemed to work on my 700:57
mrgoodcatwaf: do you use the default i3status01:01
wafmrgoodcat: yeah. i run with a super-customized i3 config: https://github.com/waf/config/tree/master/.i301:02
wafvery awesomewm-ish01:02
widoxmrgoodcat: I'm on ubuntu and use network-manager/nm-applet for network01:07
widoxI also use i3status01:08
mrgoodcati just took part of waf's config01:10
mrgoodcati left a lot of the indicators on that he turned off though01:10
wafcool. i accept checks and credit cards.01:10
mrgoodcati only pay in gum01:10
mrgoodcattrident layers01:11
wafyou drive a hard bargain.01:11
mrgoodcatdo you both use dmenu?01:14
mrgoodcatthe lack of fuzzy matching is breaking my balls01:14
mrgoodcati'm used to synaps01:14
wafmrgoodcat: yeah, i use dmenu01:17
wafdmenu-xft, specifically01:18
mrgoodcatwhat is the difference?01:18
wafxft font support01:19
wafdmenu by default has limited font support, and i like pretty fonts01:19
widoxalso using dmenu01:21
widoxused to use gmrun - but dmenu is already there, its ok01:21
mrgoodcati'm finding i3 in general doesn't make me very happy in terms of fonts01:23
mrgoodcati changed the font in the config but it doesn't seem to have affected chrome01:23
mrgoodcatactually it doesn't seem to have affected anything... maybe i'm doing it wrong?...01:25
mrgoodcatfont pango: ubuntu mono 10 <- does that seem right?01:26
mrgoodcatoops. good thing the wifi drivers work without kernel patches. my touchpad is completely gone though01:31
rick_h_yay! done with bookie pull requests for now01:42
rick_h_production updated with the first of the updates01:42
mrgoodcatwhats bookie?01:46
wafmrgoodcat: yeah, that looks right. maybe try uppercasing it to "font pango: Ubuntu Mono 10"01:46
rick_h_mrgoodcat: https://bmark.us and https://github.com/bookieio01:47
mrgoodcatrick_h_: already googled it :)01:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: it's my pet project I rope people around here into using by bribing them with accounts :)01:47
mrgoodcatreplacement for delicious01:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: pretty much01:47
mrgoodcatits non free?01:47
rick_h_got into google summer of code this year and it's been a crazy 30hrs01:47
rick_h_no, it's free01:47
rick_h_just signup01:48
mrgoodcatthen how do you bribe with account?01:48
rick_h_meh, guess I sucker them into creating accounts01:48
mrgoodcatoh god. i just realized it was a joke01:48
rick_h_and tell them I'll fix their bugs first lol01:48
mrgoodcatdamn i feel dumb01:48
rick_h_heh, no if you've not been around it's confusing01:49
rick_h_it goes back several years now01:49
mrgoodcatgot it01:50
mrgoodcatyou should close #292 and #291. it says you fixed them 4 hours ago01:52
mrgoodcatwait. not merged yet01:52
mrgoodcati see01:52
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea, I want them to add themselves to the credits file first01:53
rick_h_then I'll edit the commit message to be a bit more clear01:53
rick_h_and land it01:53
mrgoodcathow do you change the volume in i3?02:05
rick_h_launch pavucontrol02:07
mrgoodcatthat appears to be arch specific02:14
rick_h_mrgoodcat: oh, I use that on ubuntu02:14
rick_h_cmaloney: greg-g http://uploads.mitechie.com/gsoc_stats.png02:15
rick_h_not quite 'doonethingwell' material but that's an up02:15
mrgoodcatsimple apt-get fixed it02:16
rick_h_mrgoodcat: awesome02:16
mrgoodcati think i like i3 so far02:16
mrgoodcatrick_h_: are you required to use ubuntu at canonical?02:17
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yes, for work at least. And we're supposed to be on the upcoming release once beta hits. Thought I tend to do that on one machine and run more stable on the other02:17
rick_h_just in case02:17
rick_h_but I've been on trusty for a long while this release on all my hardware02:17
rick_h_I can use whatever in my own time, and there are some that run OSX and work in a virtualenv02:18
mrgoodcatwow what?03:06
cmaloneyrick_h_'s stats03:08
mrgoodcatare stats logged on this channel?03:15
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Nobody's done that yet.03:15
cmaloneyI was referring to this: http://uploads.mitechie.com/gsoc_stats.png03:16
mrgoodcatoh lol03:16
mrgoodcatspeaking of which... how does this channel feel about irc bots?03:17
cmaloneyAs long as they're not a nuisance I'm OK with it.03:27
cmaloneyThe channel is already logged via ubuntulo1203:27
cmaloneyGood morning11:46
rick_h_waf: the CHC site seems down for me. Do we need to pay the electricity or anything?12:29
wafrick_h_: something must be wrong with the dns, all the *.coffeehousecoders.com sites are down13:35
rick_h_waf: ah, gotcha13:36
rick_h_waf: thanks for cecking13:36
wafi'll email corey or someone13:36
mrgoodcatgood morning13:41
wafemail sent13:42
cmaloneyGood morning13:59
cmaloneyhttps://plus.google.com/104316563409421412538/about <- seems legit.14:01
cmaloneywaf: BTW: Thank you for that post re: Facebook.14:01
cmaloneyThat was enlightening14:01
mrgoodcati don't see what is weird about that g+ profile14:02
mrgoodcatgender got it14:03
cmaloneyAlso Bali Sorga is a resort.14:04
wafyou take that back. she/he seems like a perfectly nice girl/guy.14:05
cmaloneywaf: heh14:05
cmaloneyI'm sure the person in the photo is.14:05
mrgoodcatsince i'm going to be playing with DEs should I install arch or leave ubuntu on my laptop?14:10
wafi guess i'd go with ubuntu, since DEs on ubuntu tend to have nicer out-of-the-box configs14:11
rick_h_though awesome won't show up in the lightdm selector ootb until you edit the .desktop file :/14:12
cmaloneyI consider this a feature. ;)14:12
mrgoodcatcmaloney: you must work in tech support14:13
mrgoodcatcan't solve problem? is not problem. is feature14:13
mrgoodcat"security feature"14:14
mrgoodcatdone: 8 queens problem in a single list comprehension14:24
jrwrenlink plz?14:26
jrwreni'm pretty sure, technically it would be multiple comprehensions nested, but a single statement14:27
mrgoodcatyes it is14:30
mrgoodcatmy solution sort of reminds me of prolog14:34
mrgoodcatall I really did was generate every possible permutation and exclude invalid boards14:34
mrgoodcatI was going to try to make it take a single integer input which would be n for an nxn board with n queens to make it more general14:37
mrgoodcatthats the next step14:37
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I think Haskell is a comprehension in itself. :)15:04
mrgoodcat_what do you mean by that?15:07
cmaloneyI don't understand Haskell. ;)15:20
jrwrenoh, I thought you were talking python.15:20
jrwrenyeah, can easily be single in non python language.15:21
jrwrenpython comprehensions are very limited by comparison15:21
jrwrendoes haskel not have a line continuation character to make that more readable?15:21
brouschcmaloney: Ball is much less comfortable today. Upper back is aching and have to keep correcting slouch15:23
cmaloneybrousch: Welcome. :)15:24
brouschI think it lost air over night15:25
cmaloneyIt took me a few weeks15:25
cmaloneyYeah, you'll want to keep it filled15:25
cmaloneyAgain, this is why I went with the chair setup.15:25
cmaloneyThough the chair is more forgiving of slouching15:27
brouschHm, strap says it is the same size15:28
brouschMust be muscle stress from yesterday15:29
jrwreni am all slouch15:43
mrgoodcatjrwren: nope. the book specifically states that you can't do that15:45
mrgoodcati just lied to yo15:47
jrwrenthe book always lies15:47
mrgoodcatif you indent a line it is a continuation of a previous line15:47
mrgoodcatnew and improved for readability https://gist.github.com/dyladan/923040515:52
mrgoodcatit is an enormous improvement in readability actually. good idea jrwren15:53
jrwrenmuch better.16:06
jrwreni like that.16:06
mrgoodcatits way faster than i thought it would be16:10
mrgoodcatbut i guess it makes sense. the cabal compiler optimizes heavily on list comprehensions and it can pretty quickly tell if a board is bad. i wish there was a way to see statistics about how deep it went in each board before deciding it was bad16:12
cmaloneymrgoodcat: wonder if there's a way to recursively do what you're going with the positions16:15
mrgoodcatin order to make it general for nxn boards? there is16:16
cmaloneyright, but also to keep the code duplication down16:17
mrgoodcatits an old mathematical problem i'm fairly familiar with. i had a math teacher give it to the class once. she was floored when i actually gave her an answer :)16:17
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Let's' just say you're the first programmer I've met in person that has grokked Haskell.16:18
jrwrenyou've met in person16:18
cmaloneyjrwren: Right, as stated. :)16:18
jrwrenok I meant to ask.16:18
jrwrenmissed the ?16:18
cmaloneyYeah, mrgoodcat came to CHC last week16:19
cmaloneyy'know. The one in Oakland County that you steadfastly say you'll never enter.16:19
jrwrenI do hate oakland county16:19
cmaloneyApparently Boss Hogg has it out for jrwren16:19
jrwrenoakland is my hazzard16:20
mrgoodcati'm not sure i do grok haskell16:22
mrgoodcatbut i feel fairly comfortable with it so far16:22
mrgoodcatgrok is a strong word16:22
cmaloneyOK, how about this:16:22
cmaloney"has voluntarily posted code snippets that didn't come directly from a book"16:23
cmaloney? :)16:23
mrgoodcathaha. thats a long way from grok but i understand where you're coming from and appreciate the sentiment16:23
mrgoodcatnew programming paradigms is sort of a hobby for me. my favorite was prolog. its so much different than anything else16:24
brouschrick_h_: Humid cool maritime is the climate we want http://i.imgur.com/wP9lODb.png17:09
mrgoodcat_turns out my function doesn't generalize well in haskell because the size is included in the type of a tuple17:14
mrgoodcat_back to square 117:14
rick_h_brousch: +117:15
rick_h_wow, best of luck to him. he's doing what I wish I could do for bookie but don't think I could get the interest17:24
greg-ghe did it last year, as well17:28
greg-gquit his gig at Creative Commons to do it :)17:28
rick_h_wow, very cool17:29
mrgoodcatdoing what? crowdsourcing?17:46
greg-gmrgoodcat: doing his own project, which he is funding through a crowdsource campaign, yeah17:47
rick_h_well funding himself to work on his pet open source project17:47
rick_h_and somewhat successfully17:47
jrwrenrick_h_: well you COULD, but you'd likely experience a change in lifestyle.18:07
jrwrenits about priorities.18:07
rick_h_jrwren: yea, definitely18:07
rick_h_jrwren: the goal is 2 more years away18:07
jrwrenthat rules18:07
rick_h_we'll see, but hopefully get some college payments gone and lose that $10k of day care and things seem a bit more reasonable18:08
jrwrencollege payments being gone RULES.18:08
jrwrenI still remember writing that 48k$ check and mailing it in to clear off the college debt of my wife.18:08
rick_h_then again, it might not be something to do. Bookie is a good hobby and not sure what it would take to make it sing18:08
jrwrenbiggest check I'd ever written18:08
rick_h_wow, nice18:08
rick_h_well, wife's a doc so :( med school18:09
rick_h_though at 2% I can't complain a ton18:09
jrwrenwow, how did you get it to 2%?18:09
rick_h_she did it, hers are all in the 2-3% range18:09
jrwrenmy friends with student loans say they are at 7% adn can't refi lower.18:09
jrwrenmy friends are idiots.18:09
rick_h_yea, some of mine are 6ish18:09
rick_h_but for the most part they're lower than anything else18:10
mrgoodcati'm so glad I don't have any college debt18:13
jrwrenmrgoodcat: me too!18:14
jrwrenrick_h_ and I are old enough that it should be long gone, even if I'd had some :)18:14
rick_h_yea but some of got late starts in life18:15
rick_h_and respnsibility18:15
jrwrenthat is true.18:15
jrwrenmyself included to some extent18:15
rick_h_oh well18:15
mrgoodcatI just have enormously generous family18:15
jrwrenlife is good.18:15
rick_h_always things to tweak in the past but would't change where I'm at18:15
rick_h_well, I wouldn't change that is18:16
brouschI think mine were 4.25% when we consolidated in 200118:23
brouschWife's will be done this year18:23
brouschrick_h_'s minions are PMing me now18:25
rick_h_brousch: lol18:25
rick_h_send them to the public channel or mailing list18:25
brouschThe damn fool trying to run it on Windows18:25
_stink_this is been an interesting thing ot watch from the sidelines, i have to admit18:26
_stink_i also have to admit that a gmail filter keeping the bookie mailing list out of my inbox is in order18:27
brousch_stink_: Get in there and help weed out the scrubs :P18:27
_stink_brousch: can a scrub weed out scrubs?18:27
brousch_stink_: Takes one to know one!18:28
_stink_good point18:28
rick_h_ouch, that kind of sucks that the activity levels are getting regulars to filter it out18:28
_stink_ /join #bookie-scrubs18:28
_stink_maybe i can make it send me a digest instead18:29
brouschIt'll pass18:30
brouschrick_h_: divyum is the one, if you're doing some kind of scorekeeping18:31
* greg-g checks the /names list to see if any of them are in here18:31
rick_h_brousch: yea, he's the one that won't take no for an answer.18:33
rick_h_heh, I've not seen any18:33
brouschI must have missed that. I did see his email about trying to run on Windows18:33
rick_h_yea, another guy got pretty far with windows and got it running18:33
rick_h_but it required a bunch of changes and I had to say "That's nice, but there's not a lot of interest in carrying that around for testing, quality, etc"18:34
rick_h_it required too much change to run on windows and most people shouldn't need to run it on windows18:34
mrgoodcatthat's what forking is for18:35
jrwrenmore than just lots of os.path.combine?18:37
rick_h_jrwren: yea, because all the makefile automated stuff has to be rescripted18:37
jrwrenbecuase no make on windows/18:37
rick_h_right now it's git clone && make sysdeps && make install18:37
jrwrenfuck that! get make for windows!18:37
jrwrenMUCH easier!18:37
rick_h_that's a LOT of work in there to dupe for windows world18:38
jrwrenbeleive me, I know :)18:38
jrwrenI used to play there.18:38
jrwrenMS refusal to get a standard POSIX stack has held entire technology of the planet back billions of man hours.18:38
brouschFor projects where I need windows I've started using a custom "do.py" script and a small .bat file for running it18:45
rick_h_yea, if you think of windows up front I'm sure you can make this easier and such18:46
mrgoodcati never do18:46
brouschStill more work than a Makefile18:46
jrwrenwould be nice if setup.py could do it all18:46
rick_h_and I could go through the time to try to build wheels of the python deps, use something windows friendly other than redis for queue'ing, script in python vs shell, etc18:46
brouschBut I can "do install" and have it work18:46
rick_h_yea, that's cool18:46
rick_h_<3 automation18:47
rick_h_it takes a lot of time to get right, but it easily saves 10x that time later18:47
mrgoodcatdoes vagrant run on windows?18:47
rick_h_I mean we've had some 30+ students come in irc and I think the only install issue hit (other than windows) was someone had a space in their path and it broke Make commands18:47
brouschrick_h_: Yeah, install is looking really good18:48
mrgoodcatchannel has been significantly busier than i've ever seen it today19:04
mrgoodcatadmittedly "ever" is only like 3 days so far19:04
brouschmrgoodcat: This channel?19:05
mrgoodcatbut also the wmu computer club channel19:15
brouschmrgoodcat: Are you in kzoo?19:15
mrgoodcatno. but i used to live there and attend wmu19:17
mrgoodcatwould be a long drive for royal oak chc19:17
_stink_mrgoodcat: when did you study at wmu?/19:18
mrgoodcat2010 til this past summer19:18
_stink_i graduated 200419:18
mrgoodcatoh nice19:18
_stink_naw, physics19:18
_stink_took a lot of cs though19:18
mrgoodcatoh nice19:18
mrgoodcatstarted ce and switched to cs19:19
_stink_i was there when the new engineering campus opened19:19
_stink_that was a treat19:19
mrgoodcatpview is nice19:19
mrgoodcator "Business Technology and Research Park" as it's now known19:20
mrgoodcatparkview wasn't buzzwordy enough apparently19:20
_stink_we used to just point up in the air toward it and say "over there"19:20
_stink_because no one had settled on a colloqial name19:21
_stink_i loved my time there.19:22
_stink_what are you doing now?19:22
mrgoodcatparkview is what everyone calls it19:22
mrgoodcatnow i'm working and taking classes at occ19:22
mrgoodcatwait, why did brousch ask if i was in kzoo... is brousch in kzoo?19:23
mrgoodcatonly kalamazoo people call it kzoo19:23
brouschNo, GR19:23
brouschI have a lot of family down there though19:23
mrgoodcatgot it19:23
mrgoodcati used to ski in grand rapids19:23
mrgoodcatwell, I still do i guess. or at least plan to start again in the summer19:24
brouschYou plan to start skiing again in the summer?19:25
mrgoodcatyea. probably in grand rapids actually19:25
mrgoodcatat least occasionally19:25
brouschOh, water skiing19:26
_stink_aaahhhhh aha19:26
mrgoodcatyes water skiing19:26
mrgoodcati was the captain/president of the team at WMU. Now I ski ameteur individually19:27
brouschWhat the. Why not go on a lake?19:27
_stink_ahh yeah man, i remember the ski club from my days in WSA19:27
mrgoodcatthat is a lake19:28
_stink_glad that's still going19:28
brouschNo, that's some sort of man made ski puddle19:28
mrgoodcathaha. it is man made. competitive skiing is just like any other sport. the really serious people do it in designated areas19:28
brouschI have never seen this thing before, despite it being precisely between my house and my parents'19:29
brouschThere's no boat? It pulls you on a cable?19:30
mrgoodcatthere is a boat19:30
mrgoodcatalthough they also have a cable for wakeboarding19:30
mrgoodcatthats where i ski when i'm on this side of the state19:30
mrgoodcatits sort of a niche sport19:33
brouschHere's where I used to ski before I got old and fat https://www.google.com/maps?q=Grose+Park,+Casnovia,+MI&hl=en&ll=43.173949,-85.846696&spn=0.027197,0.037336&sll=45.00109,-86.270553&sspn=13.500554,19.116211&oq=grose+park&t=m&z=15&iwloc=A19:34
mrgoodcatever ski in a course?19:35
mrgoodcatold and fat? my dad is 220 lbs and 49 years old. he still skis19:35
brouschNo. I skied behind a jet ski once. That is all19:35
jrwreni call it kzoo19:35
brouschBut he didn't stop 20 years ago and not gone since :P19:35
jrwreni spent much time there when wife was at wmu19:35
mrgoodcatlol no19:36
mrgoodcati miss kalamazoo19:36
mrgoodcatthe bars were definitely better there than here19:36
mrgoodcatgrand rapids has pretty ok beer too19:39
jrwrenand not too far to oddsides!19:41
jrwrenmmm... oddsides19:41
brouschPretty OK beer?! We are frickin' Beer City USA 2 years running!19:42
jrwrenmmm... Founders.19:43
jrwrenomfg FOUNDERS!!!19:43
greg-gmmmmm, founders19:45
greg-ggod, I almost forgot about them19:45
jrwrengreg-g: omg Breakfast Stout!!!19:45
mrgoodcatarrogant bastard19:47
mrgoodcat^^ the beer not you19:47
mrgoodcatdoes chc ever go to the bar after?19:48
brouschFounders Brewing Company, The Mitten Brewing Co., Rockford Brewing Company, Harmony Brewing Company, Perrin Brewery, HopCat, Grand Rapids Brewing Company, Brewery Vivant, Hideout Brewing Company, B.O.B.'s House Of Brews, Osgood Brewing, Schmohz Brewing Company19:50
brouschHm, I've only actually been to half of them19:50
jrwreni've been to more than 1/2 of those.19:51
jrwrenand most of them are OK or not great.19:51
mrgoodcati've been to most of those19:51
mrgoodcatbells is definitely where its at19:51
mrgoodcatolde penn is pretty good too19:52
jrwrenI'd like to visit Odd Sides19:52
brouschActually Atwater in Detroit makes my favorite beers19:52
jrwrenbrousch: O_O19:52
brouschI know19:52
jrwrenthey definitely fall under "OK" in my book, and sometimes not good at all19:52
mrgoodcati've never loved atwater19:52
brouschSaugatuck Brewing is my favorite to visit19:52
mrgoodcatever been to kalamazoo beer exchange?19:52
jrwrenSaugatuch makes some great brew.19:52
jrwrenI've not been to KBE, I've heard good things.19:53
mrgoodcatbest bar ever19:53
brouschFounders uses some hop in its beer that I don't particularly care for, Vivant is always too sharp. Atwater is always smooth19:54
jrwrenSaugatuck's Neapolitan Milk Stout!!! OMG!!!19:54
jrwrenbrousch: vivant does farmhouse style, which I rarely prefer.19:54
brouschjrwren: Saugatuck has some good weird ones in house only. Like a Spruce Ale19:55
mrgoodcatleft hand milk stout is amazeballs19:55
brouschTastes like a christmas tree, but yummy19:55
jrwrenmrgoodcat: i didn't care for it.19:55
jrwrenso far I am not a fan of anything Left Hand19:55
jrwrenSouthern Tier Milk Stout on the other hand is amazeballs.19:55
jrwrenand all their variants.19:55
jrwrenSouthern Tier Chocolat19:55
jrwrenSouthern Tier Crem Brulee19:56
mrgoodcati'll have to try it19:57
mrgoodcatyou have to like oberon though19:58
mrgoodcateverybody likes oberon19:59
jrwreni hate oberon20:04
* mrgoodcat quits20:08
jrwrenok... seriously...20:12
jrwrenhaving jinja2 templated cloud-config is JUST AWESOME!20:12
jrwrenwho needs puppet?20:12
mrgoodcatanybody ever hack on project euler?20:15
jrwrenheighway dragon problem 220 was an obsession of mine for a very brief period.20:19
mrgoodcatthe site is kinda broken right now... keeps telling me it has to rebuild the problem cache20:19
mrgoodcatit doesn't seem like an extraordinarily difficult problem20:23
cmaloneymrgoodcat: CHC used to meet at the Royal Oak Brewery20:26
mrgoodcatis the picture for D50 cool?20:26
cmaloneyback when it was called MI Developers20:26
mrgoodcatwhy did it change to a coffee shop20:26
cmaloneyAlso: Bells Black Note is the high bar that all beers are judged IMHO. :)20:26
cmaloneymrgoodcat: Too loud20:26
cmaloneyThat and if it was game night that could be fun20:27
cmaloneyie: not getting a table. :)20:27
mrgoodcatmakes sense i guess20:30
jrwrenmrgoodcat: dragon problem 220? no, its not difficult. now do it with an infinite iterator.20:35
jrwrenmrgoodcat: and draw it using gui toolkit of your choice20:35
jrwrenagain using an infinite iterator20:35
jrwrenit was fun.20:35
jrwreni was using boo and drawing with WPF20:35
mrgoodcatnow i want to make processing20:35
mrgoodcatdraw the dragon20:35
jrwreni reached the limits of both WPF and of boo's iterators20:35
jrwrencmaloney: what category?20:36
jrwrentehre is no one high bar for all beers to be judged.20:36
jrwrenthe categories exist for reason :)20:36
mrgoodcatthe category is beers that make cmaloney happy20:36
cmaloneyjrwren: It's a barrel-aged stout20:37
cmaloneywhich is tops in beers that make cmaloney happy.20:38
jrwrencmaloney: burbon barrel?20:39
jrwrenbetter than New Holland Dragon's Milk?20:40
cmaloneyI think so20:40
cmaloneythough they both give me a headache20:40
jrwrensounds great.20:40
cmaloneybut black note was because I drank a shit-ton of it20:40
jrwrenoh! i've seen that at the store. 100 on ratebeer.20:41
cmaloneythat and one of Bell's special batches.20:41
jrwrenI'll have to try it20:41
cmaloneyjrwren: You have it bottled?20:41
cmaloneySeriously, get it20:41
jrwreni shall20:41
jrwrenAA Wine Seller is right downt eh street from me and has an excellent beer selection20:41
mrgoodcatwhere is a good place to buy beer in the detroit area?20:41
cmaloneyI don't want to give you preconceived notions about it but it's one of those beers that is not easy to find.20:41
cmaloneymrgoodcat: I'd love to know.20:41
cmaloneyI get most of my stuff from Meijer but that's hardly optimal20:42
mrgoodcatwest side of state has much better beer stores20:42
mrgoodcatlol meijer20:42
brouschmrgoodcat: Isn't there a liquor store every 1/2 block?20:42
cmaloneywest-side of the state is closer to Bells. ;)20:42
cmaloneybrousch: You're thinking CVS.20:42
brouschcmaloney: Our Meijer is actually pretty well stocked with MI beers20:42
cmaloneyyeah, ours too20:42
cmaloneybut they don't get the crazier stufgf20:42
cmaloneyLike Dragon's Milk is about as deep as they go20:43
brouschBut I usually go to D Shuler's where they have hundreds of beers and you make your own 6 pack20:43
cmaloneyBells has the Ales and IPAs20:43
cmaloney(at Meijer)20:43
cmaloneysometimes Stouts and Porters20:43
jrwrenExpedition Stout is good20:45
mrgoodcati'm going to program my cnc to inscribe the heighway dragon into a pane of glass and edge light it20:47
mrgoodcatif it works i'll let you know. i can make 220:47
=== smoser` is now known as smoser
jrwrenomg, I'm an idiot.22:48
jrwreni just realized if I get tired of quoting dict key strings, that is what the dict constructor is for22:51
jrwrendict(now='i',do='not', have='to', quote='keys')22:51

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