
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-lunch
=== psivaa-lunch is now known as psivaa
shirgallricotz: ping ;)15:53
shirgallGood morning.15:54
ricotzshirgall, i guess you want to complain about 331.49?15:55
shirgallricotz: Not complain, but hoping there's a simple fix. 331.49 tries to apply the 3.13 kernel patch instead of 3.11 on Saucy.15:55
ricotzshirgall, wait a few minutes for the fix to be published15:56
shirgallricotz: Cool, thanks. I had a hard time figuring out how to report it.15:57
ricotzshirgall, yeah, a common problem while using ppas ;), but IRC helps16:00
shirgallThe PPA sends me to freedesktop.org, but I couldn't find a relevant category :/16:00
ricotzshirgall, you can also try to contact the uploader which is can find int the detailed package-view of the ppa16:07
shirgallricotz: well, you weren't online at the time I noticed. :)16:08
ricotzshirgall, there is an email-based contact too ;)16:09
shirgallricotz: True, I admit I looked at the changelog and pinged Alberto, which was going too far.16:09
ricotzi see16:10
ricotztseliot, hi :), 331.49 and 304.119 are of course candidates for trusty, 334.16 is pretty unstable here16:11
tseliotricotz: hi. I plan to introduce 331.49 soon. As for 334.x, I won't include it in 14.04 as it's a short lived release branch16:12
ricotztseliot, good, yeah, and it seems to be 'really" a beta this time given the problems i noticed16:13
ricotztseliot, still 334.16 is the first with full egl/gles support16:13
tseliotricotz: right, for now we keep egl support disabled in the nvidia packages16:14
mlankhorstSarvatt: indeed ;D16:14
ricotztseliot, right, since currently there is only 32bit which has changed with 334.x ;)16:14
mlankhorst331.49 still doesn't work with 3.14 though16:15
tseliotoh, I haven't looked into 3.14 yet16:15
ricotzi am not running 3.14 yet, so i havent looked for fixes16:15
tseliotwe're not going to ship 3.14 though, are we?16:16
ricotzi dont think so16:16
shirgallricotz: Thanks for the fix, all good now on Sauct16:18
silenzey guys, i'm trying to learn more about ubuntu and linux as a whole, and i'm currently trying to wrap my head around x11 and an xindow system but i havent really seen a laymans explanation of how it works17:14
silenzcould somebody explain an x window system like they would to a 10 year old? O_o17:14
shirgallsilenz: Have you looked at http://tldp.org/HOWTO/XWindow-Overview-HOWTO/ ?17:17
silenzno I havent, I was reading a book on ubuntu. I will read the link instead, thanks!17:18
shirgallAdmittedly, that's more than 10 years old itself.17:18
silenzwell... according to this book x hasnt changed in like 25 years right17:19
tseliotsilenz: this should help http://magcius.github.io/xplain/article/17:20
silenzcool thanks the more references the better 17:20
silenzit seems like a pretty basic concept to understand about ubuntu and linux17:21
silenzso im trying to understand as much as possible. i thought the main thing in linux was the GUI which was either KDE or GNOME or now unity17:21
silenzbut now i get that the underlying thing is actually the window system that makes the GUI17:22
silenzim going down the rabbit hole lol17:22
jarkkois 12.04 ubuntu get newer mesa packages?18:08
jarkkogoing to18:08
Sarvattit'll get 14.04's graphics stack 3-4 months after 14.04 releases, but that'll be the end18:11
jarkkoSarvatt: was that answer for me?18:13
Sarvattits getting the 6 month releases backported to it but thats opt-in unless you install from point release media (like 12.04.4)18:14
Sarvattneed to install a package to switch, like xserver-xorg-lts-saucy18:15
ricotzmlankhorst, i am going push a patched 331.49 which builds on 3.14 to xedgers if you care18:15
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa-afk

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