
Kilosmorning superfly and others05:11
Kiloshi bduk1 Spekko jabberwocky93 05:41
Kiloslo drussell hows davey05:41
jabberwocky93good morning Kilos, how'd the meeting go?05:44
* jabberwocky93 only got back at 22:3005:44
Kiloswent well ty05:44
* Squirm pops in05:46
Kiloshi Squirm 05:46
nuvolario/ mornings oom Squirm, Kilos 05:47
nuvolarier, oom Kilos, Squirm 05:47
Kiloslo nuvolari 05:47
nuvolariand jabberwocky93 05:47
* Squirm kicks nuvolari 05:48
* nuvolari pulls out Squirm kierie from under him05:49
jabberwocky93hi nuvolari05:49
Squirmyou called me old :/05:50
Squirmno offence Kilos :)05:50
bduk1Morning everyone05:51
Kilosnow now children05:51
jabberwocky93I see the logs' time stamps are in the GMT time zone05:51
jabberwocky93hi bduk105:52
Kilosya dunno why that is05:52
SquirmMaaz: coffee on05:55
* Maaz starts grinding coffee05:55
SquirmMaaz: larger05:55
Maazinna bucket for you Squirm05:55
KilosMaaz coffee please05:55
MaazKilos: Okay05:55
Squirmit'll probably be a setting05:55
KilosMaaz largest05:56
MaazWhew do you want a bath full Kilos?05:56
MaazCoffee's ready for Squirm and Kilos!05:59
KilosMaaz thanks05:59
MaazKilos: Okay :-)05:59
Spekkomorning morning06:04
not_foundmorning all... have a good meeting?06:10
Kiloshi not_found yes ty06:11
not_foundgood to hear :)06:12
not_foundall well in za land uncle Kilos ?06:14
Kilosyes ty not_found all good here and there?06:15
not_foundalways good thanks :) 06:15
Kiloshi ThatGraemeGuy 06:15
Kilosno man dont say that. sometimes you sicker too same as peeps that eat normal food06:16
not_foundbeing sick doesn't mean it is going bad does it :p06:17
not_foundjust mean I am a little baby 06:17
Kilosyou at work?06:18
ThatGraemeGuy'lo :)06:21
* not_found will be back06:40
Private_Usermorning people06:48
Kiloshi Private_User wb06:49
Kiloshave you sorted the coin thing06:49
Private_Userhi Kilos, thanks got your mails but only saw them just now06:52
Private_Userwhat is this coin thing you speaking about?06:52
Kilosah i wondered, because you werent at our meeting06:52
Kilosjoin #freenode and ask there for help06:52
Kilosthey will tell you what is causing them to ban you06:53
Private_Userok cool thanks let me join now06:53
Vince-0back at work whoot07:24
Kiloshi Vince-0 07:32
Kilosoh my08:52
Golynxhi Kilos08:58
Kiloshi Golynx 08:58
Golynxand everyone else08:58
drussellKilos: yo!09:06
Private_Userhi Golynx09:12
inetprogood evening10:33
Kiloshiya inetpro 10:33
Private_Useryou mean good afternoon, hi inetpro10:35
inetprooops, I guess10:35
inetprohi Private_User10:35
inetprofeels like the time running away with me again today10:36
Kilosalways, the older you get the faster it runs10:36
Golynxhi Private_User10:39
Golynxhi inetpro10:39
Private_Userwb Golynx10:40
inetprohi Golynx10:41
inetproGolynx: so you are using lynx?10:42
Kiloshes an opera person10:42
inetproKilos: but he's telling us to go lynx 10:43
Golynxinetpro: i never used that browser10:43
* inetpro loves lynx10:43
Golynxlynx is my fav animal :)10:43
inetproused lynx for many years to dynamically dump the corporate online telephone directory to text file each time it was updated in order to use grep to find a user's phone number10:45
inetpronow you remind me of those days each time I see Golynx10:47
Golynxah i see :)10:48
inetprohad nice aliases like teldiff, teldump and telgrep10:48
=== Golynx is now known as GoGinger
inetprosimple but magic power at the click of a button10:48
GoGingermy fav pet name :)10:49
ThatGraemeGuyman that sounds way olde schoole10:49
inetproGoGinger: you don't have to change your nick now man :-)10:50
inetproThatGraemeGuy: still beats any other slow browser based solution10:50
GoGingerinetpro: i dont wana disturb your thought processes lol10:51
inetproonly problem is that they stopped using the online system and now only use AD10:52
* inetpro should actually write a script to extract the info from AD10:53
inetproone day10:53
GoGingerhmm freenode not adding this nick to user group :/10:54
=== GoGinger is now known as Golynx
GolynxOne sperm has 37.5MB of DNA information in it. That means a normal ejaculation represents a data transfer of "1587GB" in about 3 seconds. @MorningLiveSABC lol11:07
* Golynx never knew his thrown away so many millions of harddrives :D11:11
Private_Userlol @ Golynx11:13
tumbleweedthere's a lot of redundancy in that data12:06
inetproyou guys are out of line12:10
* Golynx goes to sit in the corner for 3 hours12:14
inetprowb not_found12:32
not_foundo/ inetpro , thanks :)12:32
not_foundinetpro anyway to mute groups in telegram?12:41
inetproclick in the top right-hand corner12:42
inetproyou'll see a profile of the group with the option where you can switch notifications off12:43
not_foundah cool... not near my phone as I am at work but was wondering because I could hear it chime away last night after I was in bed ;p12:43
not_foundthanks :)12:43
inetproin fact you can even set a unique sound for the group12:44
* inetpro starting to like Telegram12:45
inetproit's not perfect but I haven't found anything better12:45
inetproIRC still remains the best environment for communication in a group12:46
inetproTelegram has most definitely lifted the pace of innovation once again12:47
tumbleweedinetpro: telegram's security isn't significantly better than anything else12:49
inetprotumbleweed: I agree12:49
inetproprivacy is also still a major concern12:50
inetprotumbleweed: let's say at this stage I can suggest Telegram as a better, more secure yet still easy to use solution for somebody who has been using whatsapp on a regular basis12:59
not_foundand if everyone you want to communicate decides to switch you will be good to go... else, er... :p13:00
not_found*communicate with 13:00
tumbleweedI'd consider it more just an "open alternative to whatsapp"13:01
inetproI can buy that13:05
* not_found is off again...13:06
inetprotumbleweed: but you have to admit there are definite and clear improvements over whatsapp's offering13:14
tumbleweedI don't know much about the whatsapp protocol (partly because they like it that way, but it has been well reverse engineered)13:20
Kiloshi Kirill_Rus 14:38
soundsearcherinetpro, gaan gopu huistoe14:46
soundsearchergou ook14:46
soundsearchergroot boem boems14:47
soundsearcherhaai ek praat man14:47
soundsearcherai! die van der merwes14:48
* Golynx returns from the corner14:58
Kiloshi SCR1845-6357A 16:14
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za16:14
SCR1845-6357AThank you, Kilos16:15
Golynxhi SCR1845-6357A16:18
Kiloshi Vince-0 16:19
Golynxi should use that for my password someday16:19
SCR1845-6357Ahi Golynx and Vince-0 too16:22
Private_Userlol @ Golynx, I will take note of that for someday I might wanna hack you...bwhahahaha16:23
SCR1845-6357Afeel free to do it Golynx lol16:23
Private_User*wishes he knew how to hack people*16:24
Golynxty SCR1845-6357A , it sure looks like a strong one 16:24
GolynxPrivate_User: you will have to find out which account i use it on :D 16:25
Golynxya , it aint easy to hack someone, usually takes a human about a million years lol16:26
Private_Useror a few minutes depending in their strength and how big the blade is :p16:27
Golynxlol 16:27
SCR1845-6357Agod and love are the most common passwords, says the movie "hackers"16:28
Vince-0and 123416:28
SCR1845-6357AI never understood the silly idea of mail companies' security question16:29
Private_Useractually there was a ranking on passwords they even had it on the news that the new 1 was changed but I cannot remember which one it was16:29
SCR1845-6357Aso, you may put your mothers name, which quite a lot of can know of16:30
SCR1845-6357Alot of people*16:30
Vince-0mother's maiden name16:31
Vince-0first school, first pet16:31
Vince-0and you'd need access to the mail account associated16:31
Vince-0and phone number in the case of 2 factor auth16:31
Vince-0anywayz - back to work!16:34
GolynxSadly there is many websites and programs that still functions on 5 -10 year old technology. It is them that give the I.T security world a bad name16:36
Private_Useractually Vince-0 I have seen many organisations asking these security questions to reset your password especially when you do it online and yet most people who are close to you and sometimes even people who hate you will know these answers16:36
GolynxPrivate_User: i agree . Aspecially if you throw open your whole existence on social media16:40
Private_Userlol yeah16:41
KilosSCR1845-6357A tell us a bit about yourself16:45
Kiloslike what you do and what os you use etc16:46
Private_Useryeah and how did you find #ubuntu-za16:46
charl_good evening17:06
charl_Maaz: coffee on17:06
* Maaz washes some mugs17:06
MaazCoffee's ready for charl_!17:10
SCR1845-6357AI'm at debian 7, and found this chatroom by random typing17:16
SCR1845-6357Alittle else can be said17:16
SCR1845-6357AI've used ubuntu in the past, but never gone beyond user experience17:17
Private_Userexcellent, welcome to #ubuntu-za :D17:23
Private_User...wait hang on, thats Kilos line...sorry Kilos17:23
Kiloswait i catch up quick17:28
Kilosah thats good SCR1845-6357A superfly uses debian kde17:29
Kiloswe have all flavour peeps here17:30
Kiloshi superfly 17:30
superflyhi Kilos17:30
SCR1845-6357A:) you're all so warm17:31
Kilosthis is the friendlish community channel of all17:32
Kiloswe try help anyone with linux problems17:32
Kilosoh and convert windows peeps to ubuntu as well17:33
SCR1845-6357Athat's excellent, ubuntu is nowadays the first door into linux for most of them17:33
SCR1845-6357Ain regard to last version, I have to say though, that I did not like the idea of the lateral bar as defaut, so last time I had to swich to "fallback" mode17:35
SCR1845-6357Ait looks too tablet-oriented, just like windows 817:35
Kilosim  still on 12.04. didnt enjoy all the eye candy on 13.1017:36
Kilosand also use kubuntu17:36
SCR1845-6357Ais it there a way to install gnome 2?17:37
Kiloskde takes some getting used to but great once you understand the basics17:37
Kilosi think the only way is to install mate17:37
charl_gnome classic ?17:37
Kilosthat still uses gnome2 i think17:37
charl_SCR1845-6357A: glad to have you here but what about picking a more normal nickname ? :)17:37
SCR1845-6357Athat's it charl17:37
Kiloshi charl_ 17:39
SCR1845-6357Ai'll probably get tired of it someday anyway17:39
Private_Usercharl_: you afraid people gonna find out that that's your current password...LOL17:39
Kiloswas eating didnt see you come in17:39
charl_hi Kilos :)17:40
charl_Private_User: lol !!17:40
charl_SCR1845-6357A: intersting ... i'm not going to ask how you came up with it then :)17:40
charl_SCR1845-6357A: you from spain ?17:41
SCR1845-6357Ahehe good eye charl_ !17:41
charl_never been to spain myself but i was plannig on going to valencia sometime this spring17:42
charl_to the Museu de les Ciències Príncipe Felipe17:43
SCR1845-6357Aand now you're living in s africa?17:43
soundsearcherna he is in the netherlands somewhere17:45
Kiloshey guys what is the command to fix broken packages again please18:07
Kilosive told ian sudo dpkg --configure -a18:07
Kilosbut there is an apt one too i think with --fix-broken at the end18:08
Kiloshi smile18:08
charl_hi smile 18:08
Kiloscharl_ answer?18:08
Kilosapt-get install --fix-broken18:09
charl_dpkg-reconfigure ?18:09
charl_yeah -f for mising dependencies18:09
Kilosi have it saved somewhere but when you need something its always hidden18:09
charl_on apt-get18:09
Kilosfull command please18:09
charl_apt-get -f18:10
Kiloshe has kde running with lotsa broken packages18:10
charl_or no sorry apt-get install -f18:10
Kilosaha ty18:10
charl_sorry i was eating with one hand so was typing with the other18:11
charl_SCR1845-6357A: yes as kilos pointed out i live in NL18:11
charl_and smile lives in BE, our southern neighbours :)18:13
charl_have a good evening all18:38
Kilosyou forgot your 3 dots20:29
Kilosnight all. sleep tight20:29
inetpro+ ..---20:35
* plustwo just missed him20:38
inetprohi plustwo20:38
inetprohow are you this evening?20:38
plustwovery good thanks inetpro, how do you do?20:39
inetprowat maak jy hierdie tyd van die aand op die strand?20:39
plustwolearning vSphere20:40
plustwoa bit hectic topic20:41
inetproklink interessant20:41
plustwoCBT nuggets and ebook "Mastering vSphere 5"20:41
* plustwo crawls to bed. tired.20:43
plustwonite inetpro20:43
inetprogood idea20:44
inetprogood night20:44
=== Private_User1 is now known as Private_User

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