
holsteinzequence: update fixed the volume controls for me01:58
holsteinif i happen to see em again, i'll just mention my personal findings, and offer he should upgrade for the fix he was asking about01:58
zequenceknome: ping09:04
zequenceelfy: Thanks for doing testing on the AMD64 image!11:38
elfywelcome :)11:46
cubHi zequence , the installation slide show, is that part of the User Interface Freeze?17:40
zequencecub: Yes17:47
zequenceAnything to do with art, really.17:47
zequenceArt for applications, and so on17:47
cubok. Have you heard more from madeinkobaia on the art?17:47
cubI got the email the other week that he'd been busy but will have time in the beginning of March17:48
cubWhen running the beta tests, if I get some of the already logged bugs, do I set the test as failure or passed then?17:50
zequencecub: Two types of bugs. Those that cause absolute failure, and that would make the test case fail. The other type is ordinary bugs. 18:04
zequencecub: You can add bugs in the two fields. Critical bugs that make the test fail, and ordinary bugs.18:05
zequenceProbably we share a bunch of bugs with Xubuntu18:05
cubexactly. it's the 128250918:07
cubhmm what did you write to make the bot print the bug?18:07
elfybug 128250918:07
ubottubug 1282509 in xfdesktop4 (Ubuntu) "xfdesktop crashed with SIGSEGV in xfce_desktop_refresh()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128250918:07
cubthen I have had problem shutting down the live i386 session but only when running in virtualbox18:08
cubso I suppose that's more VB problem than ubuntu studio since running on HW there's no problems18:08
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