
ddsssshit. I've uninstalld something from ubuntu software center -> and my desktop disappeared. I've installed xfdesktop4 and got desktop back. But now ther is no sound -> what package to install to get soun and sound indicator back?00:00
holstein!language > ddsss00:01
ubottuddsss, please see my private message00:01
AussieDownUnderThe flip, tried to drag & drop Antichamber.sh installer for a game into another folder, it took me to a wrong folder & I couldn't push esc to cancel putting it in there, I then deleted the file thinking it would of copied it there but no it moved it, now I can't find the file in the rubbish bin. Can I get it back somehow?00:01
ddsss@ubuttu -> I hate you00:01
holsteinddsss: i would install pavucontrol, and just run that and see whats going on00:01
holsteinddsss: please use the #xubuntu-offtopic channel for chat00:02
holsteinAussieDownUnder: just search for the file00:02
ddsssholstein, kewl. thanks. let me try that.00:02
AussieDownUnderholstein, it's not in its original location, it's obviously not in the folder I deleted it from & it ain't in the waste bin00:07
holsteinAussieDownUnder: sure.. just search the entire drive for it.. no one here is going to know where you happened to have accidentally lost it00:08
holsteinAussieDownUnder: otherwise, just re-obtain, and excercise caution00:08
ddsssholstein, just reinstall xubunu-desktop fixed all my problems. all good:)00:12
holsteinddsss: cheers00:13
ddsssman. so glad I got an ssd - frigging xubuntu boots in 5 seconds.00:13
Poisoned_Dragonsounds cool00:14
Poisoned_DragonYou probably don't even see the plymouth splash screens.00:14
ddsssplymouth - what's plymouth.lol00:14
ddsssPoisoned_Dragon, but no - very very fast.00:15
AlgalonHey guys, anyone remember me from yesterday? Was doing my first install and joined #xubuntu from the handy IRC client in the installer. Anyway I tried to get my graphics cards setup for a while but called it a night and decided to come back later to it. I have a GTX 560 Ti and a GT610.. The 560Ti powers 2 1080p monitors and the 610 powers a single 1080p screen. I'm trying to get the nvidia drivers working but kept running into00:25
Algalonproblems on subsequent boots and have to fix it back to working on the open source driver again....00:25
AlgalonI thought about foregoing the settings panel and getting the driver off the nvidia site and giving that a go.00:26
AlgalonDoes anyone have experience with setting up a multi screen setup on more than 1 card ?00:27
holsteinbut, unless you talk to someone with your hardware setup, you can have a much different experience00:27
Algalondo you think i'm better off pulling the 610 and going down to 2 screens?00:28
holsteini just use arandr to setup dual head00:28
Algalonfor the time being00:28
holsteinAlgalon: what operating system are you coming from?00:28
* Algalon prepares for the wave of hate00:29
holsteinAlgalon: think about how long you used windows before doing any multi screens. and consider just taking it easy for a bit00:29
holsteinAlgalon: im talking about, what you are used to.. set me down in front of win8 and i sure i might have a hard time setting up multiple monitors..00:29
Algalontrue... i've run multiscreen at work & home since ~2001-2002.. 3 since '06 heh00:30
holsteinAlgalon: i would just troubleshoot each device and make sure the linux support is there... and use arandr to configure what need..00:30
holsteinAlgalon: sure.. but, you likely didnt start on 2+ screens.. you likely used one for years00:31
Algaloni think i am going to start by pu lling the 610 and seeing if i can get the proprietary running00:31
Poisoned_DragonTo be honest, I don't think I had much issues using multi-monitor in windows.00:31
Poisoned_DragonBut, I don't do multi-monitor, anymore. I just don't need it.00:31
Algalonyeah, but 12 years old technology ....00:31
Algaloni mean i have 3 screens working00:31
Algalonbut on the slow driver00:31
Algalonproblem is switching to the proprietary00:31
holsteinsure.. and the hardware doesnt promise you linux support00:31
holsteinAlgalon: you may not get "better" results from the proprietary one00:32
Algalonunless the open source one has caught up recently for steam the proprietary one is faster than windows in some source benchmarks00:32
Algalonopengl instead of directx but still great performance00:33
holsteinAlgalon: im just being realistic.. it depends on your specific hardare00:33
fibz_and i havent run nvidia since the debut of the FX line00:34
Algalonpulled the 610 and did a clean install, switch to the binary driver and now it's running great. down to 2 monitors.. may look for a 3 digital output video card..03:10
kindebuhdsHello World!03:25
jxfI'm trying to get xfce4-terminal showing 256 colors, but there's no terminfo entry for xterm-256color. Where can I go to get one?04:49
cfhowlettjxf, see xfce.org   there may an entry/support channel listing there04:53
cfhowlett!info xfce04:53
ubottuPackage xfce does not exist in saucy04:53
cfhowlett!info xfce404:53
ubottuxfce4 (source: xfce4): Meta-package for the Xfce Lightweight Desktop Environment. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.10.1 (saucy), package size 4 kB, installed size 31 kB04:53
Mohithey guys.. i just installed XUBUNTU 13.10 desktop in my virtual machine.. but i am stucked in CUI mode...05:14
Mohithow can i enter in GUI??05:14
Sportrecently made switch from windows to xubuntu on an old laptop (nonPAE), installed 12.04, can I now update to latest on my nonPAE laptop or will that still not work for me?05:44
kindebuhdsSport, it does not seem so ref: http://askubuntu.com/questions/117744/how-can-i-install-on-a-non-pae-cpu-error-kernel-requires-features-not-present05:50
SportThanks kindebuhds - I had read conflicting articles on the possibility of installing 12.04 (nonPAE) and then once installed updating to 13.10. It' an old Pentium M laptop.05:53
kindebuhdsi see what you mean also found http://zo0ok.com/techfindings/archives/1098 say he went from 13.04 with fakepae and upgrade successfuly05:58
SportThanks for that article, reading it now. One of the few I missed apparently. Cheers.06:05
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someone235Hi, before two days my speakers suddenly started to make a white noise. Sometimes it stops, and then suddenly starts again. What can I do?10:48
AussieDownUnderAnyone else have problems importing contacts properly into Mozilla Thunderbird? I exported a file from my outlook with the addresses from there but when I import to mozilla it's all wrong & missing stuff.10:49
rammos90Does anyone know how to open de menu with a key on the keyboard in xubuntu10:59
elfytoo late - patience was not a virtue in that one11:03
pauloi have xubuntu 12.04 lts, and i had working perfectly proprietary drivers for an ati radeon hd4550. Yesterday, i havve not it anymore...anyone can give me a light about that?11:19
pauloi had the proprietary drivers on my system, since i installed xubuntu...yesterday not anymore, i have already installed the system again...and it doesn't find the proprietary drivers11:20
SirLagzmy battery indicator is always sitting at 50%% on xubuntu 13.10. why is that ?11:37
SirLagzand it actually says "50%%" with the 2 %s11:37
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allstarsnorks2Hi guys. How do I set my default file explorer as Nautilus instead of Thunar? I am basing an operating system off Xubuntu and I prefer Nautilus as the file manager12:24
StukiiI need some help I have installed shoutcast server 1.9.8 on ubuntu , sv is up ,i'm logged in http as admin but cannot connect with sam to server13:57
TonyTateHello Guys. I'm trying to install xubuntu in my new laptop follwing the instructions in the UEFI page of helpUbuntu. When I try to "try xubuntu without installing" (step 3). It stops booting with the last message shown being: starting configure virtual network devices.14:01
TonyTateAnyone can help me out?14:01
GridCubeTonyTate, let me see14:13
GridCubemmm internet doesnt show me any reason why it should fail14:15
TonyTateI think I have to boot with nomodeset and noapic14:15
GridCubebut at this level the issue is hardly on the xubuntu's part of the forest, you probably will get better answers asking on #ubuntu14:15
TonyTateYeah, thanks.14:15
GridCubeyou can still wait here if you want, im sure eventually someone will be able to help you TonyTate14:16
TonyTateYeah, I'm googling hard to see if I can work it out.14:17
CapprenticeIs it possible to use Desktop Cube effects on Xubuntu ?114:56
CapprenticeDead peoples ! -_-15:00
CapprenticeOoo !la la la o...oo oo o o la la ! Im in the zombie land !15:00
CapprenticeHELLO !? Ding Dong ! nybody home ??!15:01
CapprenticeWhere are the friggin peoples ?!!15:01
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/15:01
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:01
CapprenticeIm out of Patience !15:01
GridCubeCapprentice, compiz is not actually fully supported anymore15:01
GridCubeif you want to use compiz you will have to find your own way to use it15:02
CapprenticeThats why Im looking for some one to ask about KWIN ! Is it possible to use KWIN in XFCE ?15:02
CapprenticeI know I should have chosen KDE :\15:02
cfhowlettCapprentice, !  ask the xfce channel! or look at www.xfce.org!15:02
CapprenticeWhoa ! You are here too ! cfhowlett15:03
GridCubeCapprentice, we are not here to serve you, if you change your attitude and ask properly we might know how to help you15:03
GridCubeelse i don't see why anyone would bother15:03
cfhowlett^^^^ agreed.15:03
CapprenticeI was just kidding...no hard feelings ...15:03
cfhowlettCapprentice, wasn't funny earlier today, still not funny now.15:04
CapprenticeGetting bored...so thought do some stupid things...I respect you all.15:04
GridCubeCapprentice, then ask a proper question, explain what you want todo, what you did, what you expect to happen, and why you think is not happening15:04
CapprenticeOkay I have tried to use Compiz Destop Cube thing reading this guide from here -15:06
CapprenticeBut that resulted in system crash.15:06
CapprenticeI always kicked out of the GUI to tty konsole15:07
CapprenticeIs there a need for x64 bit system or more than 2GB ram to run Compiz ?15:08
cfhowlettCapprentice, more graphics and eye candy means more demand on ram - and 2 gigs is pretty minimal already.15:09
CapprenticeI could not find the link now, but I have watched some videos on this as well. Can any one point me to a guide which can exlpain every step on how to do! what to do..and15:09
peyammy xubuntu is using 900 Mb on idle15:09
peyamits too  much but free ram is wasted ram15:09
CapprenticeMine uses 800 MB !15:10
peyamnow 1.3515:10
peyamjust becouse im writing15:10
CapprenticeI have 2 GB on my Laptop where I run Xubuntu and some others and On Dektop I have 4 GB  (Windows , Ubuntu and Fedora :P)15:10
peyamI gues it has something to do with video driver.. it uses ram15:10
peyamI have 8 on my desktop15:11
peyamrunning like a rocket15:11
CapprenticeNo Idea. though I like to keep my Lubuntu clean, but effects like Desktop Cude, Wooby Windows would be nice to have15:11
peyambtw. I found a solution for installing menulibre in 13.1015:11
peyamI will blog about it now15:11
CapprenticeIs there any way to Iceweasel and Firefox side by side ? I dont like Seamonkey.15:13
CapprenticeDead group. Im leaving. Bye bye,.15:14
koegshow could i remove the window decorations? i do not need them :)15:18
peyamkoegs, what window decoration? go in to setting manager > windows tweak manager15:20
koegspeyam: mostly the "titlebar" which you can grap to move a window15:21
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peyamI dodnt know. look at window manager! or use a minimalistic theme like prelunde-drf-0.515:21
peyamin xfce-look15:21
peyamand out the font size to 015:22
koegsno title bar is better than a small title bar :)15:22
koegsgot it, latest comment: http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=14003915:25
koegspeyam: thx for pointing at xfce-look :)15:31
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rafkidhi all :)18:54
rafkidI am in the process of upgrading from 12.1 to 13.1 as I write - I went off to eat and came back to a message about lib6c - where would I put forward a suggestion about not asking questions of the user during an upgrade?18:57
TheSheep!bugs | rafkid18:57
ubotturafkid: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:57
rafkidthanks :)18:57
flux242I'd wait for 14.04 lts before upgrading anyway18:58
cookiedavishey guys. for some reason my mouse isn't working in xubuntu. i really don't need it as I just want to execute some via command line.  anyway I can make the command line prompt from a keyboard call?19:07
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cookieda_@flux242 Thanks. it worked20:23
MiltosHi ppl:-)20:29
MiltosHow do I start xfce from terminal?20:30
Miltosstartx simply crashes the system...20:30
TheSheep(or was it xfcestart?)20:35
MiltosTheSheep: both do not work...20:38
TheSheepMiltos: well, maybe instead of concluding that it "just crashes" you should actually read the error messages and figure out what is wrong20:41
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krytarikMiltos, TheSheep: It's "startxfce4". :)21:03
xubuntu381xubuntu install is hanging on  'configuring bcwml kernel source'21:13
xubuntu381is this normal that it takes a long time on older devices/?21:13
krytarikxubuntu381: Have a look here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/288078/ubuntu-13-04-installer-hangs-on-configuring-bcmwl-kernel-source21:21

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