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designatedcan someone point me in the right direction for information on how to manage multiple NICs for an openstack deployment using juju?  What needs to be modified in the charm in order to designate NICs to different networks? By default it seems to use a single NIC, is this incorrect?01:58
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themonki am tring to remove a unit from lxc using $juju remove-unit command13:28
themonkjuju status showing its dying13:29
marcoceppi_themonk: is the service in an errored state?13:29
marcoceppi_themonk: ie, the unit that machine is attached to?13:29
themonkbut it is taking like forever13:29
themonkmarcoceppi_, yes it is in error state13:29
themonkmarcoceppi_, the install script failed13:31
marcoceppi_themonk: that's why it's not going away. Juju blocks future events from occuring when a unit is in an error state. You can either force remove the unit (not always recommended), or just run juju resolved <unit/#> to mark it as resolved and have it finish it's events, the last event queued being the "remove unit" command13:31
themonkmarcoceppi_, i am back13:34
marcoceppi_themonk: that's why it's not going away. Juju blocks future events from occuring when a unit is in an error state. You can either force remove the unit (not always recommended), or just run juju resolved <unit/#> to mark it as resolved and have it finish it's events, the last event queued being the "remove unit" command13:35
themonkmarcoceppi_, how to force remove it?13:36
themonkmarcoceppi_, though i will try juju resolved first13:37
marcoceppi_juju terminate-machine --force #; where # is the machine ID13:37
themonkmarcoceppi_, thanks :)13:37
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themonkmarcoceppi, is there any way to restart a charm on previously error state unit? without removing it by force14:52
themonkis there any way to restart a charm on previously error state unit? without removing it by force14:55
themonkfound it juju resolve --retry=true unit-name14:58
marcoceppithemonk: yeah, just juju resolved --retry unit will work too, no need to explicitly state =true14:59
themonkmarcoceppi, i updated py code in local repository then $juju resolve --retry unit-name will this code change take place automatically15:01
marcoceppithemonk: no, you have to run upgrade charm15:02
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
themonkmarcoceppi, after upgrading charm code it got new revision number but after resolve retry new code is not inside charm unit i checked in /var/lib/juju/agents/unit-oxrp-0/charm/hooks/hooks.py15:40
themonkmarcoceppi, is it a bug or i am doing something wrong15:46
bloodearnestarosales: hangouts wouldn't let me into the cross-team meeting, btw, was full! :)15:48
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
jcastrolazyPower, wanna document local/vagrant this afternoon?16:01
lazyPowerjcastro: I've already got a screencast recorded16:01
lazyPoweri need to do the voiceover, the slides, and cut16:01
lazyPowerbut i'm about 20% there16:01
lazyPoweri'm leaving in about an hour and a half to head downtown to a meetup with some of the pittsburgh cloud peoples16:02
lazyPowerso this afternoon is not good for me. can we postpone until tomorrow?16:02
jcastroworks for me16:02
jcastrohey evilnickveitch16:03
jcastroadding bundle review criteria to this page:16:03
jcastromight make it too big16:04
jcastroshould I split it into a new page?16:04
jcastroI was thinking under Reference instead16:04
jcastrosomething like "Review Criteria"16:04
jcastrosorry wrong URL, the review stuff I want to split from is here: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-charm-store.html#submitting16:05
jcastroholy smokes review queue!16:07
noodles775mgz: I still see the same issue - http://paste.ubuntu.com/7005758/ (added paste to bug)16:08
jcastromarcoceppi, figured out the git thing: https://help.github.com/articles/syncing-a-fork16:14
rick_h_jcastro: need a https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/HACKING.rst#typical-github-workflow :)16:16
jcastroohhh, I am stealing this16:18
lazyPower#TIL there is an autosquash flag16:21
lazyPowerI've been doing that manually for the longest time16:21
jcastroyeah we are stealing this16:23
lazyPoweralso i just moved the datastax opscenter charm to incomplete. since i'm reworking the cassandra charm - it doesn't need to be reviewed right now. If you attempt to deploy at scale its going to turn into chunky salsa.16:24
lazyPowerthats 1 off the rev queue once it re-syncs16:24
jcastromarcoceppi, ok I landed the doc workflow in the README, lmk if it makes sense to you16:31
lazyPowerQuestion for anyone thats listening. WHen generating self signed certificates - and using the gui - would you rather see a config box for each option in the cert? (country, state, company name, etc.) or a single line with options in key/value pairing, separated by pipes?16:42
marcoceppijcastro: you mean you landed without a review16:47
marcoceppilazyPower: both?16:47
jcastrothat was an accident16:47
jcastromarcoceppi, but I figured it out now16:47
lazyPowermarcoceppi: i meant a box per option or a single box16:48
marcoceppilazyPower: yeah, why not both? Advanced mode or easy mode16:48
marcoceppiotherwise, go with what makes sense for the average user16:49
jcastromarcoceppi, OK, NOW I think I did it right16:53
jcastromarcoceppi, I was missing the workflow bits rick_h_ showed me, so now we can do feature branches in our own space and then gate trunk16:53
jcastrothat should make evilnickveitch happy16:53
jcastrolet's not mention my accidental cowboy commits though. :p16:53
marcoceppijcastro: yup, as it should be16:54
jcastrofixed my email address on github too, so now I look more respectable: https://github.com/juju/docs/graphs/contributors16:55
marcoceppithere ya go16:55
marcoceppimuch more reflective16:55
marcoceppisuch contribute16:55
jcastromuch cowboy16:56
evilnickveitchjcastro, few things are making me happy today, so well done16:56
jcastromarcoceppi, so I just dogfooded what I wrote and it all works, the only areas I am grey on are the aliases at the bottom16:57
jcastromarcoceppi, rick's team has some convenience aliases I kept, they look useful16:57
jcastrothe bottom of the README16:57
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marcoceppijcastro: ah, I'd suggest making juju-docs-upsteam https://github.com/juju/docs.git instead16:58
marcoceppisince it'll prompt you for user/pass when you try to push which is a good indicator you're doing something wrong16:59
jcastrook I'll polish that later16:59
jcastroright now I only needed to know how to do this to finish my card, heh16:59
jcastroevilnickveitch, so wrt a reviewing section under References, is that ok?17:00
marcoceppiTheMue: I don't think we should have $ in the docs, we made a concious decision that anything wrapped in <code> is to be considered a command, and anything else would use syntax highlighting to suggest otherwise17:00
marcoceppi$ make copy and pasting more difficult and if we really wanted the $ I'd rather use CSS to stylize command prompt sections with a secial class to prepend the $ then to have it straight in the docs17:01
marcoceppiand, I'll just put this in the bug report17:01
jcastromarcoceppi, ok before I start over on a new feature branch I need to make sure I pull from master again correct?17:03
marcoceppijcastro: yeah, so basically: git checkout master, git fetch upstream, git merge upstream/master; git checkout -b <feature>17:03
marcoceppithough, you could skip the fetch/merge and just do git pull upstream master17:03
jcastrothat just wants to merge it into my feature branch though17:04
marcoceppijcastro: git checkout master17:04
marcoceppithe first command puts you back on master17:04
jcastroaha!, got it17:04
TheMuemarcoceppi: ok, have to change it back then. but found other docs with $, so I harmonized it17:06
marcoceppiTheMue: which? those should be un$signed?17:07
fgintheranyone see this when bootstrapping to hp cloud? ERROR bootstrap failed: cannot start bootstrap instance: index file has no data for cloud {region-a.geo-1 https://region-a.geo-1.identity.hpcloudsvc.com:35357/v2.0/} not found17:08
marcoceppifginther: can you try to bootstrap again with the --debug and --show-log command options?17:08
fginthermarcoceppi, running17:09
TheMuemarcoceppi: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/authors-hook-environment.html, first code of relation-get17:10
TheMuemarcoceppi: and it made sense to me for a better separation of what the command is and what the output17:10
fginthermarcoceppi, are there any secrets in that data? (I don't see any with a simple scan)17:12
marcoceppiTheMue: I can create a special HTML class which will place the $ without affecting copy and paste where it's needed to help distingush command from output17:12
marcoceppifginther: the very very first line might provide some private data, everything else should be safe (the giant json blog)17:12
TheMuemarcoceppi: but it would place the $ before every line, wouldn't it?17:13
fginthermarcoceppi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7006105/17:13
marcoceppiTheMue: not nessiarily17:13
marcoceppiTheMue: it would be a <span> class you could use inside the <code> block17:14
TheMuemarcoceppi: ah, yes, cool idea. ugly in writing, but the output is important17:14
marcoceppiTheMue: right17:14
marcoceppilmk if that interests you and I'll make a card for it17:15
TheMueo/ <= see my hand waving17:15
marcoceppifginther: have you ever successfully bootstrapped on HP before?17:17
fginthermarcoceppi, nope17:17
fginthermarcoceppi, I'm using 1.17.3-0ubuntu1~ubuntu13.10.1~juju1 on saucy17:17
fginthermarcoceppi, and 1.17.3-0ubuntu1 on trusty17:17
marcoceppifginther: do you have an image-metadata key defined in your environments.yaml?17:18
fginthermarcoceppi, no, I only have admin-secret, control-bucket, auth-url, default-series, use-default-secgroup and firewall-mode17:19
fginthermarcoceppi, OS_TENANT_ID, OS_TENANT_NAME, OS_REGION_NAME, OS_USERNAME and OS_PASSWORD are in the env17:20
fgintheroh and OS_AUTH_URL17:20
marcoceppifginther: run juju destroy-environment hp-cloud, rm -f ~/.juju/environments/hp-cloud.jenv, change the control-bucket name to something else, then try to bootstrap again17:21
bbcmicrocomputerso I noticed in Juju 1.17, .juju/ssh/id_rsa.* exists... is Juju using it's own generated keys now?17:22
marcoceppibbcmicrocomputer: I guess so?17:24
fginthermarcoceppi, looks like the same error http://paste.ubuntu.com/7006173/. I need to break for lunch, bbiab if you can still assist17:27
fginthermarcoceppi, and thanks for the help17:27
marcoceppifginther: sounds good17:28
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jhobbswhen I run sync-tools, I'm only getting tools for amd64 and i386; how can I include armhf tools?18:05
mgzjhobbs: good question. I don't see any obvious references to arch in the code18:14
mgzbut streams.canonical.com does have armhf for the latest versions18:14
arosalesutlemming: fyi joyent provider is hitting https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128580318:15
_mup_Bug #1285803: [Joyent Provider] metadata mismatch when testing again Joyent Public Cloud <joyent-provider> <test-failure> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1285803>18:15
arosalesutlemming: could you confirm this is not image or stream related18:15
jhobbsmgz: i found the bug18:17
_mup_Bug #1285410: juju names arm arch 'arm' internally, but 'armhf' in tools <armhf> <constraints> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1285410>18:17
jhobbsmgz: juju's default filter for tool is amd64/i386/arm18:18
jhobbsmgz: so armhf doesn't match18:18
jhobbsmgz: hardcoded too so there is no way to override it from sync-tools..18:18
mgzjhobbs: well, isn't that fun.18:21
mgzyou can hack a local copy of juju to have the right name in the arch list, run sync-tools with that, will that unstick you?18:23
jhobbsmgz: yeah i think so - that's what i'm doing now; thanks18:27
fginthermarcoceppi, I was able to find the answer to my problem. I needed to add the image-metadata-url and tools-metadata-url for our project specific data18:36
marcoceppifginther: ah, so you're using something other than what we provide in our streams?18:36
fginthermarcoceppi, this appears to be the issue: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/127528018:37
_mup_Bug #1275280: HP Cloud needs image metadata for newer accounts <juju-core:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1275280>18:37
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