
taxlosshello everyone my gnome 3 system settigns dissapeared can i get any help to fix this please? thanks06:31
taxlossi get a : no seetings found install some and relauch switchboard06:32
taxlossany help please?06:39
ubot5Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com/ or http://ubuntuforums.org/ or http://askubuntu.com/06:47
* amjjawad is back (gone 00:02:48)07:07
* amjjawad is away: Be Right Back :)07:08
darkxstNoskcaj, I don't know what your definition of "Release critical" is but is might need refining ;)07:19
darkxstIn reality it High/Critical bugs that affect the live session and/or installer07:20
darkxst(and I done see much, if anything in sponsor queue, that satifies that criteria)07:22
Noskcaji agree. point being?07:23
darkxstNoskcaj, btw I can sponsor your aisleriot update, but would much prefer just a packaging debdiff07:23
darkxstNoskcaj, you sent an email to ubuntu-devel, claiming lots of release critical bugs in queue07:23
Noskcajdarkxst, More things that the flavours need before final release. e.g. xubuntu-artwork07:24
darkxstright, bad timing to use that terminology, with the freeze in place and all!07:25
NoskcajIf you don't want to sponsor aisleriot from bzr, just upload it yourself. all i did was add the newest release.07:25
NoskcajI don't particularly care if my name is on stuff, just that i get more testimonials so i don't fail MOTU next time07:26
darkxstno one is going to give you a testimonial for bzr mu07:27
Noskcajbzr mu?07:31
darkxstand its probably not worth doing a bzr branch for the above, its just going to confuse the reviewers07:35
darkxstwho will mostly just re-do the work and attach your changelog anyway07:35
darkxstnot that it is actually much work or anything07:35
Noskcajmakes sense.07:42
* Noskcaj really wishes he had MOTU07:43
* darkxst has given up on MOTU, off to get ubuntu-desktop next07:44
Noskcajdifference being, you did get your flavour specific upload rights, and didn't waste two months to be told no07:45
NoskcajI should probably stop being butthurt and move on07:46
darkxstI fail to see how you wasted anything? you will get it once you are ready07:48
NoskcajThat i attended two meetings after applying by email, and was canceled mostly because of old/few testimonials and breaking xchat-gnome last month07:50
darkxstNoskcaj, learn to code a bit, atleast enough to manually refresh patches ;)07:51
NoskcajI know basic python, i just lack the time and something to work on to learn to code07:51
Noskcajdarkxst, Any idea how long till gcc split is finished?08:04
* amjjawad is back (gone 01:35:48)08:44
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* amjjawad is away: Be Right Back :)10:29
* amjjawad is back (gone 03:12:18)13:41
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joumetaldoes ubuntu gnome daily need some testing? i am planning to install it.14:57
amjjawadjoumetal, hi :)15:00
amjjawadeveryone is always welcome to test :) I'd advice to join the Ubuntu GNOME QA Team and subscribe to the mailing list :)15:01
amjjawadwe are about to release Trusty Beta 1 so you can start testing right after that15:01
joumetalok i'll wait for beta 115:04
amjjawadYou can subscribe to this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGNOME/Testing15:06
amjjawadonce I update it, you will be notified :) or simply subscribe to the mailing list :)15:07
=== makije|away is now known as makije
=== makije is now known as makije|away
Noskcajdarkxst, My question for gnome-control-center is more when will 3.8 or 3.10 of it get uploaded? Then we can sync rygel again19:11
ricotzNoskcaj, why is rygel blocked by g-c-c?19:49
Noskcajricotz, we have to patch it to use older g-c-c stuff19:49
ricotzNoskcaj, ok19:51
=== makije|away is now known as makije
designbybeckgreetings all. I'm taking a test run of ubuntu gnome for the first time in a long time. Is there a way to get a 2x2 layout of the workspace instead of a 1x4?22:44
designbybeckor even a 4x1... I like the 2x2 or 4x1 concept better than the 1x422:45

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