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Saviqtsdgeos, o/, opinion needed: I started a fix for https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-29987 (no QT_INSTALL_QML in CMake), I put it in the Qml module, planned to put QT_INSTALL_IMPORTS in Declarative, basically put most of from qmake -query into CMake in the relevant modules, think that'd be good, or should I better just put it all in Core? or for that matter, is anything beyond _QML, _IMPORTS, _PLUGINS really useful at all?08:47
tsdgeosSaviq: i'd go for each in its module08:49
tsdgeosbut ask Stephen maybe first :D08:49
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, waiting for 'im ;)08:49
tsdgeoshe's Steveire on irc (not sure if you know)08:49
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, found out yesterday, when got annoyed by that bug for the umpteenth time ;)08:50
tsdgeosok :D08:50
Saviqtsdgeos, how about the "other" ones, anything beyond qml, imports, plugins that's ever really used?08:53
tsdgeosSaviq: i haven't tbh08:54
Saviqyeah, they look qt-internal enough, don't they08:54
Saviqlike QT_INSTALL_TESTS:/usr/tests wha?08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, btw, here's another one https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/128538509:01
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1285385 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[qt52] SIGSEGV in QV8Engine when executing the autopilot test cases from unity8" [Undecided,New]09:01
Saviqtsdgeos, consider those top prio, we want 5.2 to get in asap09:02
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks09:02
tsdgeosi'm updating the phone with all the stuff09:02
Saviqtsdgeos, let me know if you need anything09:02
tsdgeosand will tackle either this one or the bluetooth one09:02
tsdgeosnot sure which first yet09:02
tsdgeosSaviq: hmmmmm, any idea why i get no bluetooth indicator?09:14
tsdgeosi disabled it -> unity8 crashes09:14
tsdgeosnow even after a reboot09:14
tsdgeosthe indicator's not there :S09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, because you disabled it ;)09:14
Saviqtsdgeos, enable in settings app09:14
tsdgeosmeh ux09:14
tsdgeosso no more debug symbols in the ppa09:16
Saviqtsdgeos, get them from ddebs09:17
tsdgeosdoes ddebs has debug symbols of ppas?09:17
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah09:17
Saviqtsdgeos, but all of qt symbols should be in -dbg packages09:17
Saviqtsdgeos, directly in the ppa09:17
Saviqtsdgeos, i.e. qtdeclarative5-db09:18
Saviqtsdgeos, also, I recommend `apt-get download` it into $HOME09:18
Saviqtsdgeos, and dpkg -i09:18
Saviqtsdgeos, otherwise you might ENOSPC09:18
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* tsdgeos hates how add-apt-repository doesn't add the deb-src09:23
tsdgeosand i end up downloading the wrong sources _/09:24
Saviqtsdgeos, -s09:27
tsdgeosthat should be default09:27
tsdgeosit's nothing i don't know how to fix09:27
tsdgeosgo to the file and uncomment  the line09:27
Saviqtsdgeos, well, normal people don't need sources ;)09:27
Saviqtsdgeos, and it's quite a download when you have sources enabled for everything09:27
tsdgeosSaviq: ahhh, so why do we have sources in the default install?09:28
tsdgeosbecause i did apt-get source declarative09:28
tsdgeosand it gave me 5.0.209:28
tsdgeosit would seem that indeed normal people need sources09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm not sure we do09:28
tsdgeoswell i just flashed the phone09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, ah on phone, sure, that's a good q09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, also remember apt isn't supported on the phone ;)09:29
tsdgeoswhy do we even have a apt-list then? ;-)09:29
Saviqtsdgeos, because apt is *used* to create the phone image09:30
Saviqcould be scrapped afterwards, but well09:30
tsdgeosgcc is crated to build everything and we don't ship gcc09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, but yeah, I agree - it should be either - if you have sources enabled - they should be enabled for all, or for nothing by default09:30
Saviqtsdgeos, bug? ;)09:30
tsdgeosagainst what?09:31
tsdgeosand tbh i don't want to suggest to remove the apt list for now :D09:31
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe software-properties-common to start with09:31
tsdgeosit's convenient :D09:31
* Saviq wonders if software-properties enables / disables sources in .d, too09:31
Saviqnah, separate checkboxes :/09:33
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tsdgeosdoes anybody know how i make upstart obey my LD_LIBRARY_PATH?10:09
tsdgeosor i can run unity8 manually10:11
tsdgeosi guess :D10:11
Saviqtsdgeos, restart unity8 ENV=FOO10:11
greyback_tsdgeos: "start unity8 LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/blah///"10:11
Saviqbeat ya!10:12
tsdgeosnow why i can't swype the greeter away?¿10:13
* tsdgeos reboos10:13
tsdgeosand reboots too :D10:13
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tsdgeosmuch better10:15
tsdgeosthis bluetooth crash is going to be hard :-/10:39
tsdgeosit's basically asserting there's no engine at one point10:39
tsdgeoswhich is argggg10:39
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, I saw that in the trace10:40
Saviqtsdgeos, looked pretty weird, it's there in one frame and then not there any more in the next one :/10:40
tsdgeosi think that was because the -O210:42
tsdgeosi've compiled with -g only10:42
tsdgeosand now it's wrong in the upper frame too10:42
larsumore qqmlpropertymap problems in qt 5.2! \o/10:43
larsumardy: want to have a look? °^10:43
larsusomehow the QStringList <> js array conversion seems broken10:43
mardylarsu: might be related to https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-3649110:45
tsdgeosi don't think they'll accept a test with  import GSettings 1.0 on it :D10:45
mardylarsu: that one is fixed in 5.2.2, and I think it's backported to our 5.2.1 packages10:46
tsdgeosmardy: is https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-36491 in our packages?10:46
* tsdgeos checks10:46
tsdgeosmardy: doesn't seem like there will be a 5.2.2 :-/10:46
larsumardy: ah cool, let me ask the guy if that fixes his issue10:46
larsutsdgeos: probably not. But it's a bug and I don't have time to look into it further10:47
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/searchIndicator-swipeV2/+merge/20822210:47
mardytsdgeos: yep, please check; I told Mirv about that, but I didn't follow it10:47
tsdgeoslarsu: but you have to prove it's a bug in their side ;-)10:47
tsdgeosmay  as well be a bug in gsettings10:47
CimiSaviq, daniel basically took my branch and did the last commit, I believe my approach worked better with clicks, and is in line with the sdk, what you think?10:47
Cimican we have a second review of his commit?10:48
larsutsdgeos: it's very likely that it is a qt bug, it works in 5.010:48
larsutsdgeos: (not saying it's definitely not my bug, it might still be)10:48
tsdgeosmardy: yes, it's in10:48
mardytsdgeos: thanks10:49
Saviqtsdgeos, https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTBUG-29987?focusedCommentId=233816&page=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.issuetabpanels:comment-tabpanel#comment-233816 :/11:04
tsdgeossteve can be a bit stubborn11:04
Saviqxnox, ↑ so seems that's not gonna happen in Qt, unless we can find some pressure from other folk11:06
Saviqxnox, can you have a think how we could make these paths available (maybe a helper .cmake module and something in /etc/profile.d/ to export them?)11:08
xnoxSaviq: where is this steveire guy? which irc channels is he on?11:08
Saviqxnox, #qt-labs11:08
tsdgeosin other news, i'm a bit stuck in the bluetooth crash :/11:08
xnoxSaviq: i think i can write a module for it.11:08
Saviqxnox, truth be told, whatever we do, is going to be crap, 'cause it's going to be ubuntu-specific for no apparent reason11:09
Saviqxnox, unless we push it to, I don't know, GNUInstallDirs11:09
Saviqsure we could say by convention we put them in $LIBDIR/qml or whatever11:09
Saviqbut there will be a different convention for every implementer, and no way to read whatever that convention someone decided to be11:10
SaviqCimi, truth be told we need to look into increasing the threshold for tap/longPress vs. drag everywhere11:13
SaviqCimi, it's pretty difficult to do a tap sometimes, not to mention long press11:14
CimiSaviq, right11:14
CimiSaviq, it's something I noticed demoing here11:14
Cimihad to repeat action few times11:14
SaviqCimi, so I'd go with Daniel on that11:14
CimiSaviq, well, nope11:15
CimiSaviq, I took the original position as starting point and calculated the area of the click11:15
SaviqCimi, then maybe I'm misunderstanding the question11:15
Saviqseb128, to the rescue? (in #qt-labs)? :D11:16
CimiSaviq, while he takes the entire area plus external pixels, so you can start clicking in 0,0 and while holding move till width, height + units.dp(2)11:16
Cimiand this will still trigger search11:16
seb128Saviq, just lurking :p11:16
CimiI have battery dead, and left charger in hotel11:17
CimiI'll walk back11:17
SaviqCimi, ah, then I misunderstood indeed, yeah, a tap should be a tap, drag should be a drag11:17
Cimicatch you later11:17
SaviqCimi, you need to be able to "undo" an edge gesture, which that would prevent, IIUC11:17
Saviqxnox, breathe in, breathe out :D11:27
* Saviq started a firefight11:38
anpokregardin 5.2 how well does qts js engine work, compared to v8?11:39
tsdgeosdednick: how easy would be to do something like the bluetooth indicator in the desktop? Where "something like the bluetooth indicator" means something that when clicking in one of it's contents disappears11:41
Saviqanpok, for QML use it's deemed faster in some places, slightly slower in others11:42
dednicktsdgeos: "clicking in one of it's contents disappears" ?11:43
Saviqanpok, but it's not a generic-use JS engine, it's QML-specific11:43
tsdgeosdednick: yes, for bluetooth, you click on "disable blueetooth" and then the bluetooth indicator is gone because there's no bluetooth anymore, no?11:43
dednicktsdgeos: yeah11:43
tsdgeosdednick: something like that for the desktop, so i can try to see if i get the crash with 5.2 we get on the phone on the desktop11:44
dednicktsdgeos: um. probably doable, but not too sure on how much work it would take for the desktop panel impl11:44
tsdgeosdednick: i mean unity8-destkop11:44
dednicktsdgeos: ahh11:44
tsdgeosthing is i don't get the bluetooth indicator on te desktop (no clue if i even have bluettoh)11:45
dednicktsdgeos: hang on. i have a fix for that, that might help you11:46
dednicktsdgeos: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/unity8/shell-indicator-profile11:47
dednicktsdgeos:   "UNITY_INDICATOR_PROFILE=desktop ./run"11:47
Saviqtsdgeos, if your wifi is disabled, the BT indicator goes away, too11:48
dednicktsdgeos: although i'm not sure if the bt indicator dissappears11:48
Saviqalthough it seems in a recent change it just goes grey instead11:48
tsdgeosmy wifi is enabled anyway11:49
dednickSaviq: yeah, that's what i'm seeing11:49
Saviqdednick, there's some console.log in your branch, FYI11:49
dednickSaviq: yeah. not finished. just put up for tsdgeos11:49
Saviqdednick, yup, k11:49
tsdgeosdednick: doesn't help, i guess because i really have no bluetooth in here11:55
dednicktsdgeos: ? you dont have bluetooth on desktop?11:55
tsdgeosi guess not11:55
dednicktsdgeos: possibly just not enabled. it's a bit flaky.11:56
dednicktsdgeos: or maybe indicator-bluetooth not installed?11:57
tsdgeosit is11:57
tsdgeosi wonder if my laptop simply has to bluetooth11:58
dednicktsdgeos: try 'sudo service bluetooth restart'11:59
dednicki didnt think they made devices in the last few years without bluetooth12:00
dednickthere are even toothbrushes with bt now...12:00
tsdgeosmaybe i disabled it at the bios level12:02
tsdgeoslet me reboot and check12:02
tsdgeosback in a sec12:02
Saviqdednick, just noticed:12:09
Saviqfile:///home/michal/dev/canonical/unity8/repo/builddir/plugins/Unity/Indicators/MenuItemFactory.qml:172: Reference12:09
SaviqError: UbuntuAnimation is not defined12:09
Saviqdednick, hmm or maybe that's Qt 5.212:09
dednickhm. maybe sdk change12:09
Saviqdednick, nah, I think 5.212:09
Saviqoh yay, we got music widgets :D12:10
dednickwonder if they work ;)12:12
dednickomg, they do!12:13
dednicki guess i must have tested them...12:14
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tsdgeosi have no bluetooth i guess, windows knows nothing about it either12:38
tsdgeosso meh :/12:38
Saviqdednick,  :D12:47
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dandradermzanetti, is lp:~mzanetti/unity8/right-edge-2 in good shape? I will use it as the base for the unity8-as-mir-compositor branch13:07
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Mirvtsdgeos: Saviq: when/if you have time for 5.2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/1285385 but be very good to check. is it indicative of something to be scared of13:16
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1285385 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[qt52] SIGSEGV in QV8Engine when executing the autopilot test cases from unity8" [Undecided,New]13:16
SaviqMirv, tsdgeos is on it13:17
SaviqMirv, but was looking at the bluetooth one first13:17
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MirvSaviq: thanks13:26
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* dandrader recalls that mzanetti will return only next week14:06
dandradergreyback_,  I'm getting these errors:  "QML Image: Failed to get image from provider: image://theme/network-secure" any idea what I'm missing?14:20
greyback_dandrader: sdk installed?14:20
dandradergreyback_, it is...14:20
Saviqdandrader, or theme14:21
dandraderwhere does this "Image provider" live?14:21
dandraderin the qpa?14:21
Saviqdandrader, no, in uitk14:21
Saviqdandrader, do you have ubuntu-mobile-icons installed?14:21
Saviqapt-cache policy qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin14:22
dandraderSaviq, I just flashed a regular image then started working on the mirCompositor branch of unity8. I started out with a fully commented out Shell.qml and am slowing uncommenting stuff14:22
Saviqdandrader, ah, import Ubuntu.Components?14:23
dandraderthe imports are untouched14:23
Saviqdandrader, not sure what else :/14:24
dandraderSaviq, ah, and I'm using qt 5.2. could it be it?14:24
Saviqdandrader, not really14:25
Saviqdandrader, as long as you upgraded from qt5.214:25
Saviqdandrader, and mine seems to working14:25
* Saviq is going to be late for standup, in 5.2 call14:31
greyback_dandrader: there's theme stuff in the QPA that could be missing. It's in the client QPA, but not the server14:31
dandradergreyback_, ok, thanks for the tip14:32
elopiomterry: hey, I need your help here: https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-autopilot-tests/url_dispatcher/+merge/20861614:47
mterryelopio, looking14:48
elopiomterry: test works fine, the pkills kill the processes after the test, but the thumbnails remain on the unity scope.14:49
elopiowhat's the right way to kill the applications I opened?14:49
mterryelopio, odd, I'd expect killing it to wokr14:50
Saviqelopio, yeah, killing should work14:51
* Saviq tries14:51
Saviqelopio, one thing, though, if one of them gets suspended, you need SIGKILL, SIGTERM won't be enough14:52
dandradergreyback_, yeah, that solve it. thanks14:53
dandraderexcellent! a fully working panel on the mir compositor now!14:54
Saviqelopio, so one thing that happens here is that when the last app is killed, I get an empty white app, that's a unity8 bug14:56
elopioSaviq: hum, my phone now has the demo stuff and it behaves funnier.14:58
mterryelopio, you say pkill kills the processes after the test.  That's confirmed?  Like you don't think you need -9 for whatever reason?14:58
Saviqelopio, ah right, with demo stuff it might be different slightly14:58
elopiomterry: I tried with -9 and without it, with the same result.14:59
Saviq(should be better)14:59
elopioSaviq: hum, doesn't look better. Do you have the demo on your phone?15:00
Saviqelopio, no, I've qt5.215:00
Saviqelopio, the "should" part there was what it meant - it should _ultimately_ be better, so we need to note such issues15:01
elopioI'll try the emulator to compare what happens.15:02
elopiomterry, Saviq: don't worry for now. Tomorrow I'll get my phone back to stock image and I'll be able to give you more information.15:03
elopioSaviq: how should I file bugs for demo stuff? Is there a tag?15:03
Saviqelopio, not yet - make it "right-edge" or so for phone window management issues, "new-scopes" for tablet15:04
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elopioSaviq: my problem is with the new previews UI. Now I see no visual clue that you can swipe to the left or right to see other previews.15:05
elopioso, new-scopes?15:06
Saviqelopio, yes15:07
Saviqelopio, and ubuntu-ux for that15:07
Saviq(as well as unity8)15:07
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dandradergreyback_, lp:~dandrader/unity8/mirCompositor <- if you want to try it out. there's a good deal of the Shell working already.16:13
greyback_dandrader: very good16:13
greyback_uhh bye!16:13
Leoneofthis channel is about Unity DE?17:39
SaviqLeoneof, yes17:44
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Leoneofis it possible to install or compile Unity on Debian?18:26
Leoneofyes or no?19:02
SaviqLeoneof, sure it's possible, there's a few threads about it on the web19:15
SaviqLeoneof, we do carry some patches on top of debian, though, so it'd not be trivial19:16
SaviqLeoneof, http://www.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/1q9idu/what_would_it_take_to_port_unity_to_debian/ is one - with replies of our developers19:16
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