
cmaloneyrick_h_: http://mug.org02:47
mrgoodcatwhen i create three workspaces with a program in each one, [1,2,3] then kill the program in 2 i'm left with [1,3]. is there a way to have it automatically renumber them?04:00
wafnot that i know of, though i3 is super scriptable.04:03
wafi personally wouldn't want that. if i have in my head that a program is on workspace 3, i don't want it "moving around" when i'm doing things on unrelated workspaces04:04
rick_h_heh, well love the ideas and spirit of biting off a lot of work https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/issues/30704:04
cmaloneyrick_h_: yeah, I saw that.04:04
cmaloneyThat falls into the "patches welcome, and please fork the project when you're done"04:05
rick_h_heh, pretty much04:05
rick_h_"OSS ftw! go have fun"04:05
mrgoodcati haven't ever made anything for app engine. any idea how hard it is?04:06
rick_h_it's not hard, but it's app engine specific04:07
rick_h_very specific rules on how things run so that they can scale the app easily enough04:07
rick_h_the big feature is auto scaling google style if you do things right04:07
mrgoodcatdo you need that?04:10
rick_h_not really04:23
mrgoodcatwould be nice to need it though04:24
rick_h_it's a different design04:24
rick_h_yea, but then I'd have to pay google and only google to run my app04:24
rick_h_hard to transfer it elsewhere at scale04:24
rick_h_but hey, nice problem to have I guess04:24
mrgoodcatthis is amazing http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/kopf/pixelart/supplementary/multi_comparison.html06:21
cmaloneyGood morning12:47
jrwrenhe's not mortal?15:30
cmaloneyNope. I think he's scored himself his own constellation now15:30
cmaloneyever since MSU won the rosebowl15:30
cmaloneyThat deal with the Greek Gods really paid off for him.15:31
cmaloney(The Man, The Myth, the Jorge Castro)15:31
mrgoodcatrick_h_: on http://docs.bmark.us/en/latest/development.html the link to pyramid is broken15:33
rick_h_mrgoodcat: ah cool15:33
mrgoodcatis the new location15:34
rick_h_good place to patch :)15:34
mrgoodcatis the website in github?15:34
=== sharp is now known as akelling
mrgoodcatso just to make sure i'm doing this right. make a development branch, make changes, commit branch, fetch, rebase upstream/master, push, create pull request15:43
rick_h_I consider this the typical good github workflow https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/blob/develop/HACKING.rst#typical-github-workflow15:44
rick_h_just replace juju/juju/gui with bookieio/bookie15:45
jrwrenanyone using 14.04 cloudimg? It just occured to me that it likely isn't going to change much in the next couple months. I could start testing with it.15:48
rick_h_mrgoodcat: add your name to the credits file and 'git rebase -i --autosquash' to fix the commit and push --force15:57
mrgoodcatit says there is no tracking information for the current branch when i try to rebase15:59
rick_h_hmm, git rebase -i HEAD~~15:59
mrgoodcatso you don't require rebase off of upstream/master?16:04
mrgoodcator upstream/development16:04
rick_h_meh, I do whatever I like :)16:08
mrgoodcati just mean to prevent merge conflict16:08
rick_h_mrgoodcat: so yes, ideally now you delete your feature branch16:08
mrgoodcatshouldn't the person making the pull request fix any potential collision?16:08
mrgoodcatalready did16:08
cmaloneyrick_h_ looks forward to merge conflicts16:08
rick_h_and then you can go to your develop and do a 'git pull bookieio develop'16:08
cmaloneyThe hairier the better.16:09
rick_h_mrgoodcat: oh, yea so that's just because I know you just forked it over and it was a clean mergable in files not touched by anyone else16:09
rick_h_mrgoodcat: since landing goes through me I know what's an issue or not for the most part16:09
mrgoodcatgot it16:10
mrgoodcati like to fetch and merge instead of pull16:10
rick_h_typically I end up pulling locally, cleaning up the commit history, running tests, making small tweaks, lint fixes and then I merge locally for the pull request16:10
rick_h_well ideally it's git rebase bookieio develop in case you've got any local changes to your develop tree but hopefully not16:11
mrgoodcatthis is only the third public project i've submitted pull requests for so thanks for the help16:14
mrgoodcati'm used to working on personal repos only16:14
brouschIt's so hard to stifle all of my usual snarky comments in #bookie16:18
rick_h_imagine being me?!16:23
mrgoodcati guess i picked a bad time to start asking n00b questions about git workflow16:23
brouschrick_h_: I have been impressed with your lack of rage16:27
mrgoodcatanybody else having trouble loading assets from github?16:27
mrgoodcatnm. fixed now16:27
mrgoodcatis there a way to disable power button in i3? or at the very least require a 1 second hold? i've accidentally hit it > 10 times now16:45
rick_h_power button?16:45
mrgoodcatmy power button on my laptop is a keyboard button16:46
mrgoodcatabove backspace16:46
wafi don't think i3 can control that. probably would be controlled via acpi16:53
wafor that gnome-settings-daemon (does ubuntu still use that?)16:53
mrgoodcatyes it does16:54
mrgoodcatapparently the powerbutton is now handled by logind in ubuntu17:16
mrgoodcatman 5 logind.conf17:16
mrgoodcati am woefully unfamiliar with pyramid.17:34
brouschmrgoodcat: It's like Django, but not as useful17:35
rick_h_mrgoodcat: :) you'd need some python to help17:35
mrgoodcatwell obviously i'd need to know python17:35
mrgoodcatbut it uses javascript also17:36
rick_h_pyramid doesn't17:36
mrgoodcatbut bookie does17:36
rick_h_oh..yea definitely17:37
rick_h_and sass17:37
rick_h_and make17:37
rick_h_and ...17:37
mrgoodcatfor views. i was just looking at routes.py to try to figure out how views word in pyramid when i realized you're using a js framework for that17:37
rick_h_well, only to tie onto the pyramid views17:37
rick_h_routes is all python and only talks to python17:38
rick_h_is all python views17:38
mrgoodcathadn't yet gotten that far17:38
mrgoodcatso /login for instance, does that load a javascript view or a pyramid view?17:39
rick_h_that loads a pyramid view17:40
rick_h_all routes load pyramid view17:40
mrgoodcatbut there isn't one called login17:40
mrgoodcatand routes.py doesn't specify auth.py17:40
rick_h_https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/__init__.py#L50 is the magic17:41
rick_h_it loads the module bookie.views, walks through them all looking for the decorated view_config, and matching the names in the decorator to the views in routes.py17:41
mrgoodcatsorry if i seem so incompetent right now. i've worked almost exclusively in RoR17:43
mrgoodcatat least as far as web frameworks go17:43
rick_h_all good17:43
mrgoodcatand i have very little web experience in general17:43
rick_h_happy to explain17:43
rick_h_I like teaching and talking shop (why I'm doing this GSoC thing and do CHC and all that)17:44
mrgoodcatso it doesn't matter what file a view is in?17:45
mrgoodcatyou just have authentication related views in auth.py because that made sense to you17:45
rick_h_right, it only matters that it's inside the module bookie.views17:46
rick_h_I can name/create files in there at will just to organize where I think things go to ease development17:46
mrgoodcatso if I make a GET request to /login I get the view which is rendered using the /templates/auth/login.mako template17:47
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yep17:47
rick_h_and that creates a JS view to make the JS bits of the UI work in that template https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/templates/auth/login.mako#L3717:48
mrgoodcatwhich uses YUI17:49
mrgoodcatwhy javascript?17:49
rick_h_because I wanted to learn and try stuff out17:50
mrgoodcatgot it17:50
rick_h_and it makes for pretty stuff and some cool experiences17:50
rick_h_much of the app uses the API it provides itself17:50
rick_h_via JS/ajax calls17:50
rick_h_so I'm my own api consumer. If it sucks or breaks I have to fix it17:50
mrgoodcatgot it. i've always just used html and put it scripts where i need them for specific functionalities17:51
rick_h_I've got my own JS implementation of the api https://github.com/bookieio/Bookie/blob/develop/bookie/static/js/bookie/api.js17:51
rick_h_ah, yea that's a mess17:51
mrgoodcati saw that17:51
mrgoodcatbut didn't look closely17:51
rick_h_by creating real views/modules I can test the JS17:51
rick_h_apart from the templates and things17:51
mrgoodcaton this line, why do you finish with .first() ? shouldn't there only be one instance of a username?18:05
rick_h_is you use .one and the user does not exist it throws an exception18:06
rick_h_I use .first and check for None for my needs18:06
rick_h_the db has constraints that deal with preventing more than one based on primary keys18:07
cmaloneyDoes the DB checking work across platforms (SQLite for instance?)18:10
rick_h_as long as I stick in sqlalchemy I get all three dbs18:10
cmaloneyAh, so SQLAlchemy does the checks. That's cool18:11
rick_h_yea, it creates the constraints when the db comes up18:11
rick_h_thanks brousch :)20:17
rick_h_I owe you a coffee next pyohio!20:17
brouschHah, well I use Bmark for free, so if I can help a little it alleviates some guilt20:18
rick_h_:) well appreciate it20:19
brouschUnfortunately I haven't looked at Bookie code since PyOhio 201220:19
rick_h_overall been easier today20:19
rick_h_but it goes in waves20:19
rick_h_and 30+ people in channel now :/20:19
brouschI think right now is post-dinner hacking time in India20:19
rick_h_must be something20:19
rick_h_looking at google analytics india was #2 for traffic20:20
brouschHm, 1:50AM20:20
rick_h_ty GSoC20:20
rick_h_hah, late night hacking then20:20
brouschDefinitely students at that hour20:20
brouschIf I'm hacking anything at 2AM it means someone slipped some crack in my dinner milk20:20
mrgoodcatrick_h_: pull request #309 is just more broken docs. you must have moved the repository from mitechie to bookieio?20:26
rick_h_mrgoodcat: yea, went from my accout to the org20:26
mrgoodcati fixed the README20:27
mrgoodcatnp. both links work anyways but i figured you'd want it to be the organization20:28
mrgoodcati think i'm going to take some time and clean up your docs if you don't mind. some things could use some expansion and/or clarification20:35
cmaloneyCEASE AND DESIST!20:35
cmaloney*cough*, I mean go ahead.20:35
mrgoodcatany part of the documentation you particularly want updated? the testing was what i saw that really needs expansion20:42
cmaloneyI'm pretty sure the "if you feel the itch, scratch away" rule applies here.20:43
mrgoodcatalso, since i'm doing this, is there any reason the README is so sparse? would you rather people just go to the documentation website? if so, should the information in the README like the quickstart be in the docs?20:48
brouschHow can I tell if a program is installed by default on Ubuntu? Specifically python-dbus21:20
rick_h_brousch: heh, I did a juju install ubuntu to test that out today21:48
brouschTo check python-dbus?21:52
rick_h_sec, still have it up21:52
rick_h_yep, there ootb21:53
rick_h_this is on trusty21:53
brouschawesome, thanks21:53
brouschIt seems to be there on precise server21:53
brouschSo I'd guess it's there on everything (Ubuntu)21:54
brouschI guess we're going to use it for kivy->plyer->notifications21:55
brouschQuote of the Day: "I have to apologize you, It was my fault and I cant tell you what the problem because of degree of stupidity of this problem. Thanks anyway "22:06
mrgoodcat!message brousch you can grep this manifest, which is a list of every package and it's version installed by default http://releases.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/ubuntu-12.04.4-desktop-amd64.manifest23:05
mrgoodcatoh shit no bot in this channel23:05
mrgoodcatwaf: i switched i3 to use the vim keys. i've hit $mod+h so many times now23:14

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