
aossii was hoping for terminal to install it....08:07
aossithis is my only system08:07
aossiman i wish i didnt upgrade to 12.1008:07
diminoten:( parted magic is trying to charge me money08:08
varunendraaossi, the ubuntu desktop installer needs ubiquity, and I don't think it'll work from CLI. But I think you can boot the ISO directly from Grub (I'm not yet sure how, but I know it is possible and not difficult). Then you'll have a GUI to work from.08:09
Beldarvarunendra, exactly, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot if you could get a cli08:10
aossik im trying nomodeset one more time08:10
Beldarerr they08:10
varunendraaossi, or you can also burn a DVD using commands.08:10
varunendraBeldar, thanks, Time to bookmark that :D08:11
aossii am at a command prompt after using nomodeset08:11
aossihold on08:11
varunendrastartx? aossi08:11
aossiwhats startx??? imma try and terminal command wifi and my nvidia drivers. i got to log in using terminal command so im happy08:13
memowebI need some help with virtual box?08:13
hateball!someone | memoweb08:15
ubottumemoweb: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.08:15
varunendraaossi, startx is the command to start Xserver if it initially failed to start for some reason (but is usable). Sometimes works if you get a command line during normal booting.08:15
unstableDo switchable graphics work well on linux?08:15
memowebDoes anyone recomend a good virtual machine to use?08:15
unstableor is it hacky?08:16
Beldarunstable, depends or your definition of hacky, there is bumblebee08:16
unstableBeldar: yea, I think bumblebee has a lot of problem still08:16
Beldarunstable, I know it's used never had the pleasure.08:17
varunendramemoweb, VMware and VirtualBox are obvious recommendations. Do you need help with any of these or just recommendations (for which, this is not the correct place)08:17
ShiftMasterhi there, here is support?08:18
pi_____i have problem, but its about windows, error with instalation 0x6976ea9608:18
AkayllinIt says support in the titlebar. I thought this was general ubuntu chat though lol08:19
memowebyes I set out to set up virtual box and had some issue ill log in for spacifics thanks Varunendra!08:19
llutzpi_____: /join ##windows08:19
varunendramemoweb, np :)08:19
ShiftMasteri would like to ask how i update my ubunutu 13.04 to 13.10 without loosing data.08:19
varunendraShiftMaster, backup-backup and backup. No alternates to that if you want real security of your data.08:20
Akayllindoes any know of any good python chat rooms for beginners?08:21
memowebI have ubuntu I want to install it on a virtual box/08:21
ShiftMastersecond question is... ubuntu one is taking memory from my computer and i remove it alredy but evertime i start he runs alone, i saw the past where it is but i can delete the startubunut one... how to proceed?08:21
memowebmy steps want me to use the terminal I do not have yet08:21
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ShiftMasterThanks Varuendra08:21
ShiftMastersecond question is... ubuntu one is taking memory from my computer and i remove it alredy but evertime i start he runs alone, i saw the past where it is but i can delete the startubunut one... how to proceed?08:23
varunendramemoweb, please clarify - do you already have Ubuntu running and now you want to install it in VirtualBox also? Or is it VirtualBox itself that you want to install on Ubuntu? I think neither of these relies on commands.08:25
neetzhello ,  I have the same problem as http://askubuntu.com/questions/23353/ubuntu-boots-into-terminal , but i need some clearifications on the answer08:28
neetzanyone there ?08:28
Seveasneetz: no, we're all on holiday :-)08:28
varunendraShiftMaster, http://askubuntu.com/questions/160574/stop-ubuntuone-from-autostart08:28
neetzSeveas:  lol :P , did you see the link ?08:29
neetzwhat do i do after entering System > Administration > Disk Utility ?08:29
neetzanyone there ?08:31
Seveasneetz: is the disk full?08:31
Seveasor is it having errors?08:31
neetzSeveas:  I dont know , i have to check that .. But what do i do if it has errors ?08:32
Seveasneetz: you click the 'Check Filesystem' button08:32
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neetzSeveas:  after that , does it resolve it automatically ? or do i have to type any command , just askin all procedure before i boot into ubuntu ..08:33
Seveasneetz: it will prompt you if it finds errors. Some it can resolve automatically, some it will need guidance on.08:34
neetzSeveas:  But why did it happen at the first place , it was all fine08:34
Seveascould be unexpected power loss, or a hard drive that's simply dying (harddrives are unreliable)08:35
neetzSeveas:  okay  I am able to boot into root shell  is there a command to check for errors directly or do i need to boot into a GUI through Live CD08:37
Seveasneetz: I'd suggest a live cd as it's the root volume with problems. Some of the fixes cannot be done if a volume is mounted08:37
trivvitquick question, if anyone wants to help me ou08:38
trivvitI lost oem windows 8 install08:38
neetzSeveas:  ok thanks08:38
trivvitand so i need ubuntu08:38
aossihey ver08:40
aossisooo im in startx i cant connect to my wifi i tried ifconfig wlan008:40
aossivarunendra how good with startx are you08:42
aossican anyone help me?08:43
sorinelloHello. Are there any known issues with split VPN on Ubuntu 13.10 ? I saw tutorials on how to do this in older version, but doesn't work on my 13.10 version. My problems is that All traffic is routerd through VPN08:44
diminotenhm okay so I just get kicked into some kind of BusyBox command line08:45
varunendraaossi, "im in startx..." do you mean you are in the GUI?08:45
diminotenkeeps saying "no init found"08:45
lngHi! Where can I find Add/Remove? "Install Network Manager Applet through the Add/Remove in the Ubuntu menu."08:50
varunendralng, where did you get that suggestion? And why do you need it in the first place? NetworkManager applet is installed by default08:54
Seveaslng: don't know where you found that, but the netwrk manager applet is installed by default in Ubuntu. If it somehow disappeared, you can use the software center or apt-get to get it back.08:54
aossino vera its all command promt i have no desktop its like a fullscreen terminal08:54
aossiverunendra no i have nothing but terminal. i thought it might be startx lol never used startx08:55
varunendraaossi, startx just attempts to start the GUI, but the Xserver must be running in the background and the graphics driver (even if it is the basic one) must support the display. So if it failed, there is not much we can do about it.08:56
aossiif i can get wifi with this terminal crap then i can get my drivers and have graphics08:57
aossior at least update and go from there maybe08:57
Seveasvarunendra: startx actually starts the X server08:58
Seveasaossi: so, I missed the start of your discussion. Why are you not using the gui?09:00
aossicant i tried upgrading from 12.04 to 12.10 and got that black screen crap and then tried nomodeset and now im at a full terminal style screen09:01
varunendrasorry I got disconnected. Did I miss anything?09:01
varunendra<aossi> verunendra no i have nothing but terminal.09:01
Seveasaossi: ooh, so your upgrade is really fscked eh09:02
aossiyea Nd i cant get wifi09:02
Seveasaossi: plug in a wire for now. Wireless in the terminal is a pain09:02
jgcampbell300I am trying to upgrade my bios on a Dell Precision T7400 work station ... i have found the bin file to use "T7400A11.bin" but when i try to ./T7400A11.bin it says ./flash: not found ... i am at a loss ... could i get a bit of assistance please ?09:02
Seveaswire we can get working with a few commands, then we can work on fixing the system09:02
aossix.x i cant.....dont have access to this rooms router. i have no choice but to wifi.09:03
aossiim at grub.. had to restart comp09:03
Seveasaossi: well, then you're out of luck until you can plug in a wire09:04
varunendraSeveas, not necessarily if nmcli works :)09:04
Seveasaossi: you can try running a few commands to kick the install further if it's borked in the right place. Try this: sudo apt-get -f install09:05
aossix.x c'mon please....idk when i will get wired in. i just did nomodeset.09:05
varunendraaossi, are you sure it is a graphics driver issue? If not, have you tried any other boot options?09:05
Seveasvarunendra: I'm guessing a package failed to configure, causing many packages to be left in a crap state, probably including the initramfs. Seen it before.09:06
aossievery boot option except nomodeset has failed09:06
Seveasso let's try apt-get -f install and dpkg --configure -a until they no longer give any output09:06
Seveasand if we find the failing package, we can fix it09:06
diminotenwell this is depressing09:07
aossithat -f install didnt work either09:07
Seveasaossi: did it give any output?09:07
aossilemme get a pic for you09:07
jgcampbell300I am trying to upgrade my bios on a Dell Precision T7400 work station ... i have found the bin file to use "T7400A11.bin" but when i try to ./T7400A11.bin it says ./flash: not found ... i am at a loss ... could i get a bit of assistance please ?09:10
Sagar69Can someone explain me what does tty and pts means?09:11
aossiyou still there dude i have a pic of my screen right now09:12
aossithats me doing sudo apt-get -f install09:13
Seveasaossi: hmm, that looks normal. How about dpkg --configure -a09:13
Seveaswith sudo of course :)09:13
aossinothing happened09:14
neetzSeveas:  it doesnt boot through live cd09:14
Seveasaossi: rats, so there went my first guess :(09:14
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varunendraaossi, how far does your system let you go, in root prompt or with nomodeset? Can you still scan your wireless networks in any of those modes? (sudo iwlist scan)09:16
neetzcan anyone tell me where's the right place to ask about the Xorg issue ?09:17
aossiscanned i see the diff networks09:17
Z0rkyIm having trouble using qemu-kvm, when creating a virtual machine from the terminal. i get it created and booted. but i cannot connect to it via vnc connection. can anyone tell me what i need to write, in order to set a port and make it listen on ?09:17
Seveasaossi: do this: nmcli con list09:18
varunendraaossi, do you have your wifi connection profile saved with security key etc.?09:18
neetzSeveas:  ?09:18
Seveasif your network shows up, you can try: nmcli con up id here_the_name_as_specified_by_nmcli_list09:18
aossik hold on09:19
Seveasneetz: if your computer doesn't boot the live cd, either you have a broken live cd (did you check it?) or a really broken computer (broken memory perhaps, try the memtest boot option)09:19
neetzSeveas:  or probably a graphic problem09:19
Z0rky!g kvm09:20
ubottukvm is the preferred virtualization approach in Ubuntu. For more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM09:20
aossii did the command with the name and nothing09:20
Seveasaossi: sisn't wifi come up? check with ifconfig -a09:20
aossierror unknown connection09:21
Z0rkycommon ubottu09:21
SeveasZ0rky: don't play with the bot.09:21
Z0rkyim asking for help09:21
Z0rkysince it might point me in the right direction09:21
Seveasno you're not. You're mucking about with the bot.09:21
Seveasasking for help goes like "Hi guys, I'm trying to do XXX but get stuck on YYY, can anyone help?09:21
Z0rkySeveas:  i did earlier.09:22
Z0rkyif you scroll up you can se me question09:22
Seveasaossi: can you give me a picture of the output of both nmcli commands?09:22
aossiseveas i did the ifconfig -a and i got a list of my eth0 my lo and my wlan009:22
SeveasZ0rky: I saw it but don't have an answer09:23
aossino :( scroll went away09:23
node549its just sometimes no one has the answer ..patience..09:23
Seveasaossi: well, try them again :)09:23
aossipm them to me so i dont lose them in chat scroll im chatting on my phone09:23
Ben64aossi: oh you came back. don't use startx09:24
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varunendraBen64, they already did, and it failed too.09:26
Ben64varunendra: yeah i know they used startx. its never a good idea to do that09:26
varunendraBen64, why so?09:27
aossiyea im using nomodeset....it sucks but owell gotta fix this pc09:27
Ben64because its not the correct way to get into a graphical environment09:27
Ben64nomodeset is completely different from startx09:27
neetzBen64:  Are you talking about Xorg ?09:27
aossiim in nomodeset....09:27
memowebvarunendra I am running on windows 8 I downloaded ubuntu I would like to first use it on a virtual box09:28
Ben64you're not "in" nomodeset, thats a boot parameter09:28
varunendraBen64, does it tend to break anything? The startx09:28
aossiyou know what i mean...09:28
Ben64varunendra: it can09:28
neetzvarunendra:  can anyone help me ? I am facing a Xorg issue09:28
Ben64aossi: explain your issue here09:29
Zorkycan anyone help me, im having trouble when creating a VM using virsh, i can't configure it with the right vnc options from the start, so i can't get a console09:29
aossihold on... lemme get you imgur link...09:29
varunendraBen64, any reference links etc.?09:30
neetzanyone who can help me with Xorg issue ?09:30
Ben64neetz: not if you never explain the issue09:30
SeveasBen64: he explained it earlier09:30
Ben64so? repeating "i have problems" doesn't help anything09:31
neetzhttp://askubuntu.com/questions/23353/ubuntu-boots-into-terminal this is the problem , I had this problem before when my livecd was not booting , I dont know All of a sudden it booted , and i installed it again  .. anyways it not about livecd ,, can i solve this Xorg issue , its given in the link09:32
varunendramemoweb, installing VirtualBox on win8 should be easy. Is it the Ubuntu installation part that you need help with?09:32
theadminHello everyone. I have a problem with an Optimus card here. I am using 12.04 with nvidia-prime. Everything works perfectly, but running fullscreen apps in wine crashes Xorg. Switching to the Intel card makes that work, but obviously results in quite a bit of overheating.09:33
Seveasneetz: you don't have an X issue. YOu have a broken filesystem, which is causing many things (including X) to not be able to start. You need to fix that filesystem.09:33
Ben64neetz: i'm going to go ahead and ignore that link. what problems are you experiencing yourself and how did they start09:34
theadminOh, yeah, the card is Geforce GT 635M09:34
neetzBen64:  I don't know myself , One day It did not boot , it was working al lfine .. it gets stuck .. , six months back I had a similar issue, and It was the Nvidiea Graphics Driver Problem (Unity ) i guess , I did not anything , I reforamatted everything . .now again i face that problem09:36
neetzSeveas:  Why Doesnt it boot to liveCd ? I guess it's a Graphics Issue09:36
Seveasneetz: and I guess your hardware is either broken or incompatible with Ubuntu - that's why I stopped responding, not worth my time.09:37
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neetzSeveas:  Yeah Coz Unity is the problem , But it worked fine for al lthese days , and plus a lot of systems are unity09:38
Ben64neetz: if you have the same problems cropping up and now you're unable to boot the livecd, i'd have to say it could be a hardware problem09:39
QuibusCan someone help me please?09:40
neetzBen64: :( , can i run any command so that I can clear and reinstall the filesystem errors09:41
icedwaterQuibus: just ask the question, you're waiting twice as long as you need to.09:41
QuibusI'm running an SVN server on 12.04, and I made a post-commit hook that works fine when I set its permissions on 755. Works fine for the rest of the day then. But next day, the permission of the file is changed to 655 and the post-commit hook starts to fail. Why is that permission changed? And how do I stop this? I can't find a cronjob or something that would do this. Is there some Ubuntu security feature that removes execute permission09:42
Quibusicedwater: I'm repeating my question.... I had already asked it earlier without any reaction09:42
icedwaterQuibus: ah, OK. I didn't see that in the past half hour or so. No wonder.09:42
ezra-sQuibus, wth is a "post-commit hook"09:43
Quibusezra-s: a script that the SVN server runs when someone does a commit09:43
icedwaterDo remember that we are (mostly) volunteers here and are also pretty busy, so it's not unusual to have to wait quite a while.09:43
QuibusBut the script doesn't run if it doesn't have execute permissions of course09:43
Quibusicedwater: of course. It's just that I got 0 reactions within 1.5 hours :P09:44
Quibusoh, 2 hours09:44
icedwaterI don't know of any such security feature though.09:44
QuibusI've now even setup a cronjob that fixes the permissions daily again and an inotify icronjob to get a mail when the permission is changed again09:45
Ben64neetz: you can try09:45
QuibusBut I can't find out what is changing it in the first place09:45
neetzBen64:  I am not findin any commands :(09:45
Ben64neetz: fsck09:45
ezra-sQuibus, so you made a script set 755 permissions on it and it's changing. Have you check the time/date of the script which was last updated in case it received updates after your permission set to make sure nothing is modifying it afterwards.  Or maybe there is a chance the script is setting permissions itself and by accident changing it's own permissions?09:46
neetzdid that in root shell , did not solve09:46
Ben64what did it do09:46
ezra-sQuibus, have you tried moving that script out of that path and see if permissions keep changing?09:46
Quibusezra-s: the script isn't changing permissions itself, it simply sends a mail. The script actually works fine. I even added a 0-sized dummy file in the same dir and that file also got it's x-permission removed09:47
neetzBen64:  Nothing , it said done .. and came out of shell09:47
icedwaterQuibus: which directory is that?09:47
ezra-sQuibus, which path is it if I may ask?09:47
QuibusIt is in /srv/svn/<REOPNAME>/hooks09:48
Ben64neetz: try it again09:48
neetzBen64: K09:48
ezra-sQuibus, try this.. move the script to /home/youruser/bin/ and then to a symbolik link in  /srv/svn/<REOPNAME>/hooks pointing to it09:49
ezra-scheck if it keeps happening09:49
theadminDon't you need to call fsck with a partition argument?09:49
theadminBen64: ^09:49
Quibus*something* is changing the permissions. I checked the attributes modification date (ls -lsct) and saw it got changed last night at 23:12 for instance. But no cron job was running at that time.09:49
ezra-sif not maybe it is a svn thing09:49
TJ-aossi: Have you made progress?09:49
aossieh slowly.09:49
ezra-sQuibus, svn has a permament process like a daemon?09:50
icedwaterNot that I know of...09:50
ezra-sQuibus, have you made sure it is not svn related process changing permissions?09:50
Ben64theadmin: nope09:50
icedwaterDid you check where your /srv/ is mounted and how?09:50
Quibusezra-s: I checked on #svn and no one there knows of such a thing09:50
TJ-aossi: Do you have wifi yet?09:51
QuibusGoogle didn't turn up anything like it09:51
aossiTJ- bout to see if what i was to do worked09:51
Quibus /srv is not a separate mount09:51
Quibusit's just a dir in the root09:51
Quibusand it's completely owned by www-data09:52
icedwaterWhich is also the Apache user, right?09:52
QuibusThere is some apache2 cronjob, but that only clears the cache.09:53
aossiugh back at grub.....09:54
QuibusThere doesn't seem to be a separate subversion daemon process running09:54
icedwaterQuibus: would this be in any way relevant? http://serverfault.com/questions/188654/svn-post-commit-user-permissions09:55
icedwaterThe answers seem sparse, to be fair.09:55
ezra-sI'd say file is being re-recreated somehow and umask is different than permission set, bt I don't know svn enough I'm speculating09:55
xjkxI have no folder icons. Using either thunar or pcmanfm I just get the name of the folders without the icon. I run ubuntu 13.10/64 bits, but I dont use gnome, I use openbox09:56
Quibusicedwater: the hook works fine, until the permissions get changed without me doing that09:56
Quibusezra-s: that's a good idea, it could be recreated for some reason09:56
Quibusumask is 000209:57
Quibusbut the file changes from 755 to 65509:57
ezra-s655 does not make much sense really :(09:57
ezra-sQuibus, go brute force grep everything under /srv for "655"09:58
Quibusezra-s: there are complete svn repositories in there... but what would be the use of that grep?09:58
icedwaterHmm, doesn't a umask of 0002 force the all-write bit off?09:59
ezra-sQuibus, check if there is a file or script or anything applying those, that's why I said "brute force" :P09:59
Quibusah like that09:59
QuibusI grepped on chmod a bit in the cron dir, but not in the srv stuff09:59
Quibusit could also do a -x10:00
Quibusnot necessarily 65510:00
ezra-sQuibus, since you have the date of last modification different or so I understood you could heck if that behaviour persists every day and be there waiting and checking processes for the next time it happens10:00
icedwaterI was thinking chmod -x10:00
Quibusezra-s: as I said: I put an inotify cron job on it10:00
ezra-sthen grep for chmod10:00
ezra-sQuibus, not for a cronjob, but an already running process re-inforcing certain policy10:01
ezra-sor whatever may be happening10:01
QuibusThe inotify will mail me if the permission of the file is changed10:01
ezra-sso you will know the time it happens10:01
QuibusBut the c-time also shows that10:02
Quibus(last night at 23:12)10:02
ezra-smake it send you a list of processes too10:02
kivilahtio_Hello! Could anyone help me with setting up "outbound traffic via a specific ethernet interface"?10:02
QuibusI tried sending the output of 'lsof | grep post-commit' but that was empty when I changed it myself10:02
QuibusI also tried sending the output of "ps -Af | grep post-commit" but that only resulted in the grep command10:03
geirhaQuibus: Are there any cronjobs running at around 23:11?10:03
Quibusgeirha: no, I checked that in syslog,10:03
kivilahtio_I managed to configure outbound packets to use a new routing table with a default gateway for the ethernet device, and I can verify packets leaving my system, but the replies cannot be forwarded to the bridge :(10:03
geirhaQuibus: was there a commit around 23:12 ?10:03
Quibusa job ran before that but was closed a few minutes prior to the change at 23:1210:03
geirhaQuibus: well, it could've spawned a background job which lived on for a while, but that would be a silly thing to do in a cronjob10:04
Quibusgeirha: there was no commit at all10:04
TJ-Quibus: have you checked the umask of the user the svn process runs as?10:06
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ezra-sQuibus, I would forget "post-commit" and go checking something more... generic10:07
TJ-Quibus: The umask could cause permissions changes when a checkout or update is done10:07
geirhaQuibus: On a side note, you could change ownership to root, that way, only root will be able to chmod it.10:07
geirhaIf it still changes mode after that, you'll know it's either someone logged in as root doing it, or some root cronjob or similar.10:08
mus1cwhats the topic??10:08
theadminmus1c: Welcome to the Ubuntu support channel. This channel is for questions related to support issues with the Ubuntu operating system, software for it, etc.10:10
geirhamus1c: his svn post-commit hook script gets a weird mode change out of nowhere10:10
theadmin...Oh, that.10:10
theadminHeh, I didn't understand the question, apologies mus1c10:10
mus1ccan you ask for xubuntu issues here or is there another blog for that?10:10
theadminmus1c: Xubuntu is fine, you can ask your question, however #xubuntu also exists.10:11
theadminmus1c: (also, these places here are called "channels", not blogs)10:11
ZorkyIm looking for help regarding qemu-kvm im trying to create a virtual machine, it get created, but i can't connect to the console with vnc. any help would be apriciated10:12
ezra-sZorky, vnc is not made to connect to "console" afaik10:13
Zorkyezra-s:  when i use virt-manager from a ubuntu machine running qemu-kvm i can set a vnc display, it gets set on per default. but with a change to port you can connect to the vm with vnc and control it10:14
mus1cI have xubuntu 12.04 and it runs great on the guest account but not so great on the primary account How to get my original account running smoothly again?10:14
ezra-sZorky, ohh I see, my apologies10:15
mus1csorry about the blogs reference, that was another question, I have been here before but usually as an observer10:17
theadminmus1c: ...You'lll have to be more descriptive, how does it run "not so great"? Is there some sort of lag in some apps? All apps? Does it crash?10:17
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mus1cpretty much while surfing the Web, it drags and videos will not play smoothly also on the Web10:19
ZorkyIm looking for help regarding qemu-kvm im trying to create a virtual machine, it get created, but i can't connect to the console with vnc. any help would be apriciated10:19
mus1cI have used do it yourself websites with some success but I keep coming back to this issue on the Web. Could it be a problem with the hard drive - defective or needing to be repaired??10:22
theadminmus1c: Meh. Clear your browser's data, it might help10:23
theadminAlso videos is, well, Flash... Flash can't be helped, it's terrible10:23
neal63Is there a general off topic channel?10:25
theadminneal63: #ubuntu-offtopic10:25
dkozelHi. I'm trying to compile a c source file and it includes <libc.h>, gcc isn't finding that header, I have linux-libc-dev installed (13.10). Any advice?10:26
neal63theadmin: no I mean just a catch all kind of thing10:27
jdmwhats the best windows 7 software for disk partitioning and OS migration?10:27
theadminjdm: ...That's offtopic, this is an Ubuntu channel10:28
Ben64jdm: probably should be asking in ##windows10:28
neal63JDM: disk management10:28
theadmindkozel: ...I don't know what that header may be, but it's not part of linux-libc-dev. The only references I find about it are Plan9-related10:29
theadminA file search in the repos isn't bringing much up either10:29
dkozeltheadmin: anything that brings up Plan9 as an associated term is wierd10:30
dkozelI'm not having much luck either finding information about it. the nanomsg project includes it10:31
neal63jdm: did that answer your question?10:31
theadmindkozel: I found... this: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/frama-c-base10:33
theadmindkozel: But I'm not sure this is what you want10:34
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johnasciao ragazzi come si va su mirc da qui!!???10:38
theadmin!it | johnas10:38
ubottujohnas: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:38
fidel!it | johnas10:38
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vltHello. I’m using Thunderbird on Ubuntu LTS. How can I get rid of really large cache files in ~/thunderbird of IMAP accounts I already deleted?10:56
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nitinhello .. guys is it worth to configure a vps running ubuntu server where apache is actually running and a website is being hosted to be configured as a VPN server as well..?11:07
llutznitin: vpn to achieve what? if you want it for security/anonymity - No, since you don't control the VPS11:08
NBhostingeuhm any of you ever had apt-get update waiting at 0%11:10
NBhostingfresh install11:10
NBhostingi can ping outside11:10
nitinllutz, hmm ok then what do u suggest for VPN ?11:11
llutznitin: vpn to do what? for most purposes a VPS should be fine, it's just not "safe"11:11
NBhosting0% connecting to nl.archive.ubuntu.com11:11
nitinNBhosting, may be u need to see if repository are edited with good mirrors11:12
geirhaNBhosting: sounds like the nl mirror is having trouble11:12
NBhostingcan i switch that quickly?11:12
geirhaNBhosting: yes, run software sources (software-properties-gtk)11:12
NBhostingnl.archive.ubuntu.com seems to redirect to ubuntuarchive.nl11:13
nitinNBhosting,  you better download a fresh one and install it.. instead of modifying repo list which may lead in some crash later on11:13
NBhostinga fresh iso you mean?11:13
NBhostingah wait there it goes11:13
NBhostingslow but it goes11:13
nitinNBhosting, after all the time to freshly download and install a new one and the time for updating with the new repo might be the same time11:13
nitinNBhosting,  oh ok if its slow then its another issue11:14
geirhanitin: he's doing an update, not a release upgrade11:14
NBhostingyeah i gues there server is having issues11:14
nitinNBhosting, try this command >> apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get dist-upgrade11:14
geirhaNBhosting: Occationally happens with the mirror I use too, I either wait it out, or switch to main server temporarily when it happens11:15
Quibussorry, I was AFK for a while11:15
NBhostingyeah noiw it hanging again on 100% connection to security.ubuntu.com11:15
QuibusTJ-: this file is not part of the repo, so it shouldn't be changed/updated when any commit/update is done11:15
QuibusIt's only executed11:15
nitinllutz, what do u advice for VPN ?11:16
QuibusChanging owner to root might be a good idea11:16
geirhaNBhosting: hm. could be the issue is on your side too. Sounds similar to what may happen when two machines accidentally got the same ip11:16
NBhostingmm let me try switching ip11:17
Quibusgotta go, thanks for your suggestions and ideas11:17
NBhostingswitching ip seems to fix it11:19
TJ-Quibus: is the repo directory on a remote NFS mount?11:19
llutznitin: vpn to do what? for most purposes a VPS should be fine, it's just not "safe". if you rely on anonymity/security you have to find a vpn-provider you trust (hrm...) or you have to host all your stuff on your own/under your own control11:19
hello123guys can any 1 help me :(11:19
hello123i need help with fixing partitions11:19
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hello123i have 6 x 4tb drives but /home showing only 4tb :(11:20
NBhostingah i had a typo in my interface on gateway11:20
hello123os - ubuntu 12.0411:20
MrQuisthello123, are you by any means using RAID? because if so, its kinda logical11:20
MrQuisthello123, chat here please11:21
NBhostingah k, no difrance, must be the repo11:21
hello123yes i am on raid11:21
MrQuistso you're using 6 4TB drives in RAID-5 and asking why you only have 4TB?11:22
hello123i am not having it in raid 511:22
MrQuistsorry, RAID-111:22
MrQuistwhat raid are you using?11:22
hello123i dont know acutallly how to make it raid 511:23
hello123 i have sent you pic11:23
MrQuistplease use pastebin and send the links here11:23
hello123i want to make it raid 5 + 24tb in /home11:24
pi_____someone know to keyshortcut for enabling mouseemu in ubuntu?11:25
pi_____and disabling11:26
halyna_- WHO11:26
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hello123how to make it raid 5?11:27
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NBhostingis there a command to switch mirror11:27
ActionParsnipNBhosting: mirror for what?11:27
NBhostingfor apt-get11:27
ActionParsnipNBhosting: software centre can do that11:27
NBhostingim running from console11:27
hello123MRquist ?11:28
ActionParsnipNBhosting: or you can manually edit /etc/apt/sources.list and add edit the lines manually11:28
NBhostingah k, checked that files, thats alot of lines :D11:28
ActionParsnipNBhosting: you can use sed if you are good with it11:28
NBhostingkinda silly that apt-get doesnt notice the bad mirror and switches itself11:29
ActionParsnipNBhosting: you could report a bug11:29
ActionParsnipNBhosting: but it could forever switch if you have no web connection at all, it will assume the mirror is down11:30
hello123any 1 here ??? help me fixing software raid11:30
NBhostingyeah i might do that, maybe they fix it, ill give it some time to do the update, it seems to be doing something after a while11:30
NBhostinglooks like security.ubuntu.com is having issues11:31
pi_____hello123: helou11:32
hello123hi pi11:32
NBhostingping to it is fine do11:32
pi_____hello123: what you are using?11:32
neal63Why is it that there are 1510 users connected but only like 10 people talking?11:32
ActionParsnipNBhosting: the server may be up but the service may be hung on the server11:32
NBhostingyeah looks like it11:32
hello123pi 6x4tb hdd raid 111:33
node549neal63 because other 1500 have nothing to talk about11:33
pi_____hello123: ok11:33
hello123mgiht be 1500 people know about the questions? :p11:33
ActionParsnippi_____: s/he's reinstalling, should fix it11:33
hello123and no one replies11:33
hello123action it wont11:34
hello123reinstalling 3 times11:34
pi_____hello123:  ok, so you need to do raid from four hdd?11:34
neal63Doubt it11:34
hello123trying to fix it with mdadm11:34
hello123i thought some 1 could help me here11:34
hello123pi_ actually i just have to make it into raid 5 by deleting metadevices11:35
node549maybe they watch tv or someth11:35
hello123but i dont know the proper procedure/code to do it so reinstalling the os 3rd time11:35
pi_____hello123: aha11:35
pi_____hello123:  which os?11:35
NBhostingow seems to be more complaints about it in google11:36
NBhostingeven the us version is down11:36
hello123come on. some one might know about it in 150011:36
pi_____hello123: and which soft you use?11:36
hello123pi_ reinstalling ubuntu 12.0411:36
NBhostingcan anyone conform, not beeing able to upgrade?11:36
hello123soft ? for?11:36
pi_____hello123: ok, you dont use grafic desktop, isnt it?11:37
hello123pi  i m new to linux11:37
pi_____hello123: never mind11:37
NBhostingyeah i got the same on other machines11:38
hello123might be other 1400 people -> BOT11:38
hello123pi do you know about mdamn?11:38
pi_____hello123: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID11:39
pi_____hello123:  for example11:39
hello123pi__ ahh its not gonna work. some 1 who is experiance would do it11:39
pi_____hello123: it will be work11:41
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pi_____hello123: or here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTAh53AXSXA11:45
hello123pi_ its not home pc its server :(11:46
hateballhello123: could be you'll get better answers in #ubuntu-server11:47
hello123thanks a lot for this :D11:48
hateballhello123: Not that RAID is server only, just... most questions around here are desktop oriented and most desktop users don't use RAID :p11:48
ariisioHello, I'm trying to install virtualbox on Ubuntu Server 13.10 and somehow the installation got stuck at Regenerating fonts cache... Any advice how to proceed?11:55
NBhostingwhy would u install that once ubuntu :P11:56
NBhostinginstall proxmox and install ur vms on that11:56
ariisioWell, lets just say it needs to be installed ^^11:56
ariisioI'm just wondering why it got stuck at "Regenerating fonts cache..."11:57
NBhostingmaybe the same problem as me, ubuntu servers are slow/down today11:57
jpdsNBhosting: That has nothing to do with package installation.11:57
NBhostingif it does get the font from there11:58
Ben64ariisio: what exactly did you do11:58
ariisioThat's what I thought. So you suggest I just wait?11:58
jpdsNBhosting: Yes, but he's beyond that stage and onto the actual installation.11:58
NBhostingah k11:58
jpdsariisio: Check "ps auxf" and see what it's running.11:58
ariisioHow can I check the "ps auxf" if it's still running?12:02
ariisioAnd here is the link I followed12:03
ariisioAnd everything went fine until step 6. "..... Setting up fontconfig-config (2.10.93-0ubuntu1) ...12:03
ariisioSetting up libfontconfig1:amd64 (2.10.93-0ubuntu1) ...12:03
ariisioSetting up fontconfig (2.10.93-0ubuntu1) ...12:03
ariisioRegenerating fonts cache...12:03
jpdsariisio: Open a new SSH connection?12:04
l00k1n-4-f4c7ssomeone explain to me why ubuntu (linux) is so much more secure than using windows? im not a comp nub just never attempted the switch12:04
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: There are a varity of reasons.12:04
Ben64well one problem there ariisio is you added a 3rd party repository. we can't support those here, and virtualbox is in the default repositories, so that is wholly unnecessary12:05
ariisiojpds: ps auxf gives a whole bunch of results12:05
bekksBEsides the fact that virtualbox in the ubuntu repos is broken for ages now.12:06
l00k1n-4-f4c7sbriefly, could you convince me why i shouldn't be running windows and why i should switch to ubuntu12:06
Ben64hmm... nope not broken12:06
jpdsariisio: Find the tree under dpkg.12:06
bekksIt is. Entirely. Due to kernel ABI changes that old 4.1.x vbox doesnt work with current LTS enablement stack kernels.12:06
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: Go and try it for yourself and make that decision on your own.12:06
yeyemandoes ubuntu have a web server running by default?12:06
bekksThats what I call "broken".12:07
yeyemanI get a message when I try my ip12:07
jpdsyeyeman: No, there are no services listening on ports by default.12:07
Ben64l00k1n-4-f4c7s: thats really not within the scope of this channel. you should use what you want and what serves your needs. a linux based chat channel may provide more of what you're looking for in a discussion on that matter12:07
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: It's not that hard to make a bootable USB key and run it off that.12:07
yeyemanjpds: Do you know how I can shut down the service providing the "It works ..." message?12:08
Ben64bekks: considering that i run it on my computer here, which is LTS and using a more recent kernel, i'd have to say you are incorrect in this matter12:08
jpdsyeyeman: That's usually Apache.12:08
jpdsyeyeman: sudo service apache2 stop12:08
ariisiojpds: I can't seem to find dpkg...12:08
bekksBen64: So which kernel version do you use, and which vbox version do you use?12:08
l00k1n-4-f4c7si understand, but is it security reasons? less limitations for open-source progs, what?12:08
Ben64bekks: which is not even related to the issue at hand. the page linked to was a way to get virtualbox installed on saucy, which is not LTS12:09
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: Not here, go to #ubuntu-offtopic.12:09
yeyemanjpds, thanks12:09
l00k1n-4-f4c7s...pretty on-topic if you ask me and/or ubuntu.com/tour/ for directing me to here12:10
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: This is a support channel.12:10
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: Not a "convince me to use Linux" channel.12:10
bekksBen64: Well, if you are not interested in a technical, ubuntu related discussion. there you go. It was a mistake to remove the ignore from yu, as it turns out. I am correcting it again.12:10
l00k1n-4-f4c7sim not looking for detailed explaination... but ok thanks for NOT supporting me12:10
jpdsl00k1n-4-f4c7s: You're free to talk about basically anything in the offtopic channel.12:11
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yeyemanjpds, it started back up again automatically12:11
Barcelona1937ei good mornings all i'm on nice ubuntu 12.04 but cause i got not so much free space on root directory, i completly remove the /src/cache directory with sudo and now is not possible to open software-center12:11
jpdsyeyeman: Nice.12:11
yeyemanI have apache virus on my comp!!!12:11
jpdsyalue: Look at the logs in /var/log/apache2/12:11
jpdsErr, sorry, that was for yeyeman.12:12
jpdsyeyeman: And maybe /var/log/syslog.12:12
CapprenticeHi ! is there a way to reset pulse audio to its default setup ?12:12
Ben65_bekks: 1. its not related to any support question going on in here. 2. if you want to have that discussion in offtopic, i'd welcome it. 3. if you feel the need to ignore people that do not agree with you, then i feel sad for you12:13
bekksyeyeman: You have a running webserver, which is no virus.12:13
ariisioShouldn't the "Regenerating fonts cache..." fail at some point if it runs for too long?12:13
bekksBen65_: Ignore set again. For ignore evasion.12:13
SeveasBen64: welcome to the club of people ignored by bekks :-)12:14
bekksBen65_: And basically I dont care about your opinion anymore. </0.02$>12:14
BorisTheAnimalhi, need some help, installed ati amd drivers for my 7870 tahiti card but when I rebooted I came to a black screen and a pointer as an X with white borders, any ideas what to do?12:14
yeyemanbekks: well if it's an unwanted service that starts itself up when I try to shut it down it's at least starting to look, feel and smell like a virus12:15
Ben64yeyeman: it only starts because you installed it12:15
bekksyeyeman: If it is unwanted, then uninstall it. It still doesnt quialify Apache being a virus.12:15
jpdsyeyeman: sudo apt-get remove --purge apache212:15
ariisiojpds: I found the dpkg tree12:16
ikoniathank the lord for common sense from jpds12:16
jpdsikonia: As always.12:16
yeyemanguys I was mostly kidding, It's just a bit annoying that it doesn't stop12:17
CapprenticeWhat is the channel that deals with ubuntu audio production ?12:17
ikoniaCapprentice: what do you mean ?12:17
ariisio "/bin/sh /var/lib/dpkg/info/fontconfi" and under this one "fc-cache -s -f -v" and it says that CPU% is 99.9... o.O?12:17
BorisTheAnimalcan anyone help me?12:18
bekksariisio: It is rebuilding the font cache.12:19
OerHeksBorisTheAnimal, how did you install the ATI driver?12:19
ariisioSo it's not stuck...?12:19
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bekksariisio: No.12:19
ariisioIt's been running for 40 mins now12:19
Ben64ariisio: you really should undo all that you did and install the version of virtualbox that ubuntu provides12:20
bekksariisio: You might have a slow CPU or a pretty big font cache. Nonetheless you can kill that process without doing any harm.12:20
troulouliou_devhi i have created custom desktop entries  where are .desktop files stored ?12:20
ActionParsnipBorisTheAnimal: which release are you using?12:20
Seveasariisio: don't kill that process willy-nilly, it'll cause apt to be confused.12:20
BorisTheAnimalOerHeks, I followed this guide http://highoncoins.com/litecoin-rig/how-to-install-ubuntu-and-optimize-cgminer-for-litecoin-mining-rig/12:21
BorisTheAnimalscroll down to like step 9 or 1012:21
Seveasbest let it do its thing, so the postinst script finishes succesfully and dpkg registers the package as fully installed12:21
pikarenscreen irssi12:21
Seveaspikaren: this is not your shell :P12:21
ariisioI wonder how long it'll take....12:22
Seveasariisio: how long has it taken so far?12:22
ariisioAround 45 mins12:22
Seveasooh, that's far too long12:22
Seveasis your harddisk light blinking?12:22
BorisTheAnimalActionParsnip, went to amd homepage and took latest stable linux amd driver12:22
OerHeksBorisTheAnimal, so that howto uses drivers not from our repositorys?12:22
Seveasor is it not actually writing anything?12:22
ariisioIt seems it's actually not even writing anything12:23
BorisTheAnimalOer, yes?12:23
oskiewhat is this crap called cloud-init ... ok, sorry, that was a little troll-y12:24
Seveasariisio: ok, kill tge fc-cache process and tell us what dpkg says afterwards. This *may* cause the package to not be registered as installed12:24
jpdsoskie: It's a thing that runs with a cloud instance... inits.12:24
oskieall I need to know is how to disable it...12:25
BorisTheAnimalhowever I can come in to a terminal by pressing ctrl+alt+f2 or f1..12:25
OerHeksBorisTheAnimal, i would not trust that, get the drivers from our repository, do not use those amd drivers repacked from an android forum12:25
jpdsoskie: It shouldn't be enabled to start with.12:26
Seveasoskie: you could remove the cloud-init package :)12:26
ActionParsnipBorisTheAnimal: why did you not use the packaged driver in the repos?12:26
ariisioSeveas: Ok, I killed the process12:26
BorisTheAnimalokay but how do I go back?12:26
ActionParsnipBorisTheAnimal: blacklist the driver module perhaps12:26
Seveasariisio: ok, can you please run this command and pastebin its output: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:26
BorisTheAnimalAP, I´m a noob when it comes to ubuntu..12:26
Seveasthat should fix things we may have broken by killing the process12:27
ariisioSeveas: Again, it's trying to regenerate the fonts cache and it doesn't seem to do anything12:27
BorisTheAnimalso can I somehow from the terminal uninstall the drivers and reboot to come back to an earlier point when they were not installed?12:28
linu1hi all, is it possiable to pair bluetooth devices without pin using bt-tools ?12:28
jpdsariisio: Is there any reason you can't, like, use KVM?12:28
Seveasariisio: can you pastebin the output of ps aux | grep fc-cache12:28
Seveasjpds: well, at this point that doesn't matter - dpkg will want fc-cache to finish no matter what packages he wants to install :)12:29
CapprenticeNeed help here: Ubuntu is not displaying Front Microphone in Sound Manager. (http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/1.png  ! Front Microphone is connected and working ! But Im getting my own voice echoed back to my ears ! (Sorry for bad English !). Here is another screen-shot. I have tried to follow the Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting Guide : The output for 'aplay -l' is not exactly like what is said is supposed to be there12:29
Capprentice. Why there are two cards. I only have ONE and that is integrated in mother board. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/6.png12:29
BorisTheAnimaloh and while installing the amd driver there was an error installing fglrx.12:30
Barcelona1937how i can restore a directory i erased with root in ubuntu 12.04¿?12:30
Ben64ariisio: or install the version of virtualbox that comes with ubuntu? why add a repository? why?!12:30
SeveasBarcelona1937: you restore from your backups12:30
Barcelona1937but where i found¿?12:31
OerHeksBorisTheAnimal, bitcoin mining and re-packed videodriver, ... classic12:31
SeveasBarcelona1937: wherever you put them12:31
CapprenticeAnyone knows of a IRC channel where I might get the right people who deals with Audio Production on Ubuntu ?12:32
Barcelona1937i make usual backups with the ubuntu default tool, but if only wanna restore a few folders where i found this¿?r12:32
BorisTheAnimalnot bitcoin but yes mining.12:32
SeveasCapprentice: you may be lucky in #ubuntustudio, not sure though12:33
CapprenticeHmm okay ! Thanks.12:34
BorisTheAnimalOer, okay.12:34
Barcelona1937ok thx Seveas12:37
BorisTheAnimalhow does sudo apt-get purge work?12:38
SeveasBorisTheAnimal: it removes the pacakge and its configfiles12:38
ActionParsnipBorisTheAnimal: read the man page12:39
BorisTheAnimalokay, but AP it is better to ask here.12:39
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SeveasBorisTheAnimal: neh, it's better to read manpages. You can learn far more from them :)12:41
ActionParsnipBorisTheAnimal: have you read the man page before asking?12:42
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BorisTheAnimalSev + AP, but what is the meaning of this then?12:44
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CapprenticeNeed help here: Ubuntu is not displaying Front Microphone in Sound Manager.(http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/1.png  ! Front Microphone is connected and working ! But Im getting my own voice echoed back to my ears ! (Sorry for bad English !). Here is another screen-shot. I have tried to follow the Ubuntu Sound Troubleshooting Guide : The output for 'aplay -l' is not exactly like what is said is supposed to be there.12:48
Capprentice Why there are two cards. I only have ONE and that is integrated in mother board. http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/6.png12:48
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Wiz_KeeDhey guys, is there any possibility to output to hdmi audio only but no video?12:50
Wiz_KeeDto the tv that is12:50
SeveasWiz_KeeD: I guess you can use xrandr to switch of that display output12:51
Wiz_KeeDI can?12:51
Wiz_KeeDbut not the audio?12:51
Seveasxrandr only does displays12:51
Wiz_KeeDhow do I cut it?12:52
* Wiz_KeeD has a suspicion audio will be cut as well12:52
ikoniapoint pulse at the device12:53
ikoniayou can use hdmi for audio only12:53
Seveas xrandr --output HDMI1 --off12:53
ikoniathe only niggle is sometimes the interface doesn't activate if there is no video12:53
Wiz_KeeDpoint pulse?12:53
Seveasrats, now how do I turn it on again?12:53
Wiz_KeeDSeveas, it cuts the audio too :)12:53
ikoniaWiz_KeeD: pulse audio12:54
geirhaaka the sound settings12:54
Seveasikonia: ooh, and how would one do that?12:54
SeveasI need to do that tonight and have no clue :)12:55
ikoniaSeveas: isn't there an admin tool for pulse device ?12:55
ikoniaSeveas: I'm sure there is a tool hang on, let me see if I can dig it out12:55
Wiz_KeeDIf I turn off the video it does not recognise it12:55
Wiz_KeeDthe audio interface I mean12:55
geirhaSound Settings -> Output tab -> choose hdmi from the list12:55
ikoniaI know it's sometimes a bit buggy with some hdmi cards as they don't activate the port until there is video being sent down them12:55
ActionParsnipCapprentice: what is the output of: wget -O alsa-info.sh http://www.alsa-project.org/alsa-info.sh && chmod +x ./alsa-info.sh && ./alsa-info.sh --upload12:55
Wiz_KeeDgeirha, if I turn off the video it does not appear in Output12:56
Wiz_KeeDI just want to listen to music on my tv-connected speakers and I don't want it to be turned on for nothing12:56
Wiz_KeeDI don't use it as a second monitor or anything12:56
CapprenticeActionParsnip,I think Alsa is Fine. I can hear sound.12:57
ActionParsnipCapprentice: alsa isnt just sound output13:00
CapprenticeActionParsnip, What that script will do ? I dont recognize every command there in that script.13:01
ActionParsnipCapprentice: it gives details about the sound setup in the system13:02
ActionParsnipCapprentice: to a very high level13:02
ActionParsnipCapprentice: if you run the command I gave, it will make a URL of the output of the command, which you can then post in the channel13:04
ActionParsnipCapprentice: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshootingProcedure   run the large command in step 1 then reboot13:05
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CapprenticeActionParsnip, That is what I did one month ago ! Did not worked !13:06
melloheyhi, anyone knows  when and if the wifi card in some intel laptops will work? i have a hp 430 g1 that dosent work with wifi, iv read that this is a bug, but tried all the way back to 12.04 up to 14.04 and it wont work with either of them13:07
bekksmellohey: Which intel wifi card make and model is it exactly?13:07
ActionParsnipCapprentice: so the mic feeds to the output too? Is that the issue?13:07
melloheybekks: im not sure atm but i think its Ralink13:09
bekksmellohey: So its not an Intel wifi card at all.13:09
bekksmellohey: Nonetheless, we need to know the exact make and model.13:09
CapprenticeActionParsnip, is this unexpected - killall pulseaudio; rm -r ~/.config/pulse/* ; rm -r ~/.pulse*rm: cannot remove `/home/soham/.config/pulse/*': No such file or directory13:10
ActionParsnipCapprentice: in alsamixer   set mic boost to zero, does it help13:10
CapprenticeWait ! Let me check :)13:11
melloheybekks: ok, im curently on a hp 4340s and its the smae problem with this and the wifi adapter is  Ralink corp. RT3290 Wireless 802.11n 1T/1R PCIe13:11
melloheybekks: but what i did find out was that if i use the ubunut 13.04 then and only then would the wifi work but not with any other version13:12
bekksmellohey: http://askubuntu.com/questions/253632/how-do-i-get-a-ralink-rt3290-wireless-card-working13:13
bekksmellohey: 13.04 is EOL, upgrade to a supported release first.13:13
james-ubysseyhey so about an houra go I just restarted and my sound stopped working13:13
james-ubysseyand uh... I've restarted a few times since then and nothing... alsa seems to say everything is enabled13:14
ActionParsnipCapprentice: yes as you will have only one of the folders. Older Ubuntus have ~/.pulse*  newer has the folder in ~/.config13:14
CapprenticeOh !13:15
CapprenticeWait im uploading the alsamixer layout !13:15
melloheybekks: thanx alot will try this and hopefully it will work on both laptops13:15
CapprenticeActionParsnip, http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/123.png13:16
ActionParsnipCapprentice: scroll more to the right, there are more channels (look at te right of the terminal13:17
CapprenticeActionParsnip, http://i1053.photobucket.com/albums/s471/curious_apprentice/cappredia/45.png13:20
CapprenticeThey are disabled.13:20
ActionParsnipCapprentice: I'd play with those levels, see what reduces the sound coming back into the speaker.13:22
u1hi all !   I love ubuntu13:23
CapprenticeOkay! I will try...But what about the Microphone being Displayed in the Sound Manager ?13:23
hoodediceXubuntu - I built an app from source, now I want to put an entry to it in the app menu with a custom icon. Putting an entry is okay, but how do I put a custom icon?13:24
CapprenticeActionParsnip, There used to be a "Head Phone" profile. That profile is now entirely absent !13:25
CapprenticeActionParsnip, How does your Sound Manager looks ! Can you show me a Screenshot ?13:26
BorisTheAnimalah, just gonna reinstall ubuntu much easier.13:28
BorisTheAnimalmm-mh eating cookies and drinking milk.13:30
Foufoutakos /server nana.irc.gr13:31
audictivehoodedice: right click to app menu, go to edit menu, find your app and right click on it, choose properties, click on "no icon", click on "select icon from", choose "image files" and point to your icon.13:32
ActionParsnipCapprentice: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/8850924/Audio.JPG13:33
hoodediceThank you very much audictive13:33
sgo11hi, if I install trusty iso from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/, what should I do when trusty officially released? do I simply run "apt-get upgrade" to update to official release? or do I need to do anything special? thanks.13:33
ActionParsnipCapprentice: I dont use microphones on my system. This is from my Trusty box13:33
CapprenticeOkay. Thanks.13:33
ActionParsnipsgo11: Trusty is offtopic here, as in #ubuntu+113:34
sgo11ActionParsnip, really? never know that. I will ask there. thanks.13:34
makarahi. when chrooting, why do we always mount /dev and /dev/pts separately?13:40
Seveasmakara: because we may need access to them in the chroot13:47
arcnewussAll kernels on my /boot fail to load except for one. The non-working kernels give the error "failed to execute /init"13:47
Seveasarcnewuss: sounds like broken initramfs is /boot full perhaps?13:48
Seveasthere should be a comma there betweeninitramfs and is :)13:48
bekksarcnewuss: Can you pastebin "lsb_release -a; uname -a; ls -lha /boot/; dpkg -l | grep linux-image;" please?13:49
arcnewuss"/boot full"???13:50
siberiannerdarcnewuss, if those kernels were installed recently - `update-initramfs` on working one13:50
bekksarcnewuss: ls -lha /boot; as I said13:51
makaraSeveas, why isn't the contents of /dev/pts mounted when I `mount -o bind /dev /tmp/test` ?13:52
Seveasmakara: because it's a separate filesystem13:54
Guest1234567I want to mount a remote directory (mails) on my current machine so i can backup the directory, what should i use?13:54
makaraSeveas, how can you tell?13:54
=== jet__ is now known as Lomaster
siberiannerdmakara, it is http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/90285/debian-chroot-blocking-pttys-on-host/90519#9051913:54
arcnewussWould this link work? http://pastebin.com/Kyh1r2VZ13:54
Seveasdennis@seahawk:~$ mount | grep ' /dev'13:55
Seveasudev on /dev type devtmpfs (rw,mode=0755)13:55
Seveasdevpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,noexec,nosuid,gid=5,mode=0620)13:55
Lomasterhello, lol13:55
arcnewussbekks: http://pastebin.com/Kyh1r2VZ13:55
=== bfiller_afk is now known as bfiller
bekksarcnewuss: I'd remove those 3.8 rc7 kernel in first instance.13:56
Seveasarcnewuss: ok, so you've got a combination of ancient kernels and non-ubuntu kernels.13:56
Seveaswhich one boots?13:56
arcnewussonly the 3.0.0-16 works13:57
Seveasarcnewuss: that makes sense, that'an actual kernel meant for your OS. Remove the newer ones13:57
Seveasarcnewuss: and disable whatever repos you added to install them.13:58
arcnewussremove from /boot?13:58
Seveasremove the packages13:58
Seveasand the repos13:58
bekksNo. Uninstall it.13:58
arcnewusssudo apt-get remove --purge ???13:58
bekksarcnewuss: Yes.13:59
siberiannerdmakara, http://www.nsa.gov/research/_files/selinux/papers/slinux/node60.shtml =)14:00
janghey all. Any idea why "sudo service libvirt-bin status" (or any service, for that matter) responds with: "status: Unknown job: libvirt-bin", when "sudo -i service libvirt-bin status" works correctly?14:00
arcnewussI installed the kernel by downloading and then dpkg14:01
makarasiberiannerd, looking at that14:01
makarathanks guys, good night14:01
bekksarcnewuss: And? Uninstall it, it is a release candidate.14:01
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siberiannerdarcnewuss, was there any real reason for doing so?14:01
arcnewussI tried to have a second working kernel.14:02
bekksarcnewuss: Then you should use the lates 12.04 kernel, and not some weird release candidates.14:02
JuJuBeeI have a shared folder on a server.  When a user places a file in the folder, I want the group to be set to a specific group, how can I accomplish this?14:02
jangrelated question: why is the output of "sudo initctl list" much shorter than "sudo -i initctl list" ?14:02
Seveasjang: hmm, looks like your envionment is slightly messed up. Check the difference between `sudo env` and `sudo -i env` -- that may give you a clue.14:03
arcnewussbekks the help is useful. I will first delete the two non-working14:03
siberiannerdarcnewuss, messing with such things without knowing what problems it may cause is something that needs to be done with caution14:03
arcnewussIt started with an upgrade to "precise". The upgrade installed new kernels that did not work14:05
jangah. UPSTART_SESSION was set. thanks Seveas14:05
arcnewussbekks: http://pastebin.com/q8ipck7B14:07
=== drama is now known as douche
arcnewussHow would I go about to install working kernel? Should I stick to that one 3.0.0-1614:08
bekksarcnewuss: Now please read this article: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack14:09
arcnewussThank you bekks14:10
BillMcCormickMy package manager is broken with dpkg: error processing puppetmaster-passenger (--remove):14:14
BillMcCormickwhat should I do?14:15
jpdsBillMcCormick: dpkg --configure -a14:15
BillMcCormickno, that didn't work14:16
BillMcCormickit didn't even give me any output14:16
usr13BillMcCormick: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a14:17
BillMcCormickdo I need to specify a package14:17
usr13BillMcCormick: No.  Does it do anything for you?14:18
kivilahtio_Hello! I have a networking question. I have two ethernet devices eth1 and eth4. The default gateway is on eth4's, but I would like to listen for ssh-connections only from the eth1-interface ( I already set the sshd_config's ListenAddress to This doesn't help. I can confirm using tcpdump that I get a connection attempt to eth1 ( but the ssh-connection wont bind?14:18
bekkskivilahtio_: Restart ssh afterwards.14:19
arcnewussinitrd.img-3.0.0-16-generic-pae does not boot, but initrd.img-3.0.0-16-generic works well. Should I uninstall ...pae?14:19
bekksarcnewuss: Which CPU are you on, which exact make and model?14:20
kivilahtio_bekks: service ssh restart             -> nothing happened (tho I already restarted14:20
bekkskivilahtio_: What did you expect to happen when issueing that command?14:20
kivilahtio_bekks: the ssh daemon stop and start again with the new configuration options14:21
bekkskivilahtio_: Which happened.14:21
kivilahtio_bekks: running ps aux | grep ssh I find that I have 8 sshd -D processes running ?14:22
usr13kivilahtio_: sudo service ssh stop && sudo service ssh start14:23
bekkskivilahtio_: Because there are 8 connections currently? :)14:23
kivilahtio_usr13: already su14:23
kivilahtio_bekks: usr13: no, sshd -D is a daemon process which listens, those are not connections14:24
usr13kivilahtio_: Ok, just thought you could try it if  you were skeptical14:24
arcnewussbekks: http://pastebin.com/Kjwt2uS814:25
bekksarcnewuss: cat /proc/cpuinfo into a pastebin please.14:25
usr13kivilahtio_: So what is the matter?  (Are the other devices listening for ssh connection also?14:26
lpapphi, is there an alternative parallelized init script system for systemd? Upstart seems to be _much_ smaller, and I am looking for something like that on embedded.14:26
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kivilahtio_usr13: I have 8 ethernet interfaces virtual/physical, so I guess I had sshd -D for every interface14:27
SirLagzkivilahtio_: or you have one sshd instance listening on all interfaces14:28
jaamils -l shows folder but cd to that folder does not work, i think because the folder is hidden , what i can do to use cd on hidden folder?14:28
Touhou11lpapp: systemd should be small enough for embedded imo, it's modular and you can choose what to build14:28
Touhou11lpapp: Have you seen http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/systemd/MinimalBuilds/ ?14:28
lpappTouhou11: it is 12 MB on my desktop14:28
lpappwe have 8 MB flash _altogether_.14:28
BillMcCormickdpkg-reconfigure -a did NOT fix the problem either14:29
arcnewussbekks: http://pastebin.com/9H58YGgq14:29
Touhou11lpapp: The desktop version builds with many optional dependences though14:29
usr13kivilahtio_: ListenAddress    #Is that what you have in the config?14:29
kivilahtio_I simply don't understand why my connection from to doesnt bind, any ideas where I could start debugging it?14:29
lpappTouhou11: and I have not even mentioned dbus and glib14:30
bekksarcnewuss: Then proceed with reading the article given :)14:30
kivilahtio_usr13: ListenAddress       Listen 2214:30
arcnewussthank you bekks14:31
lpappwhich is another 1.8 MB14:31
usr13kivilahtio_: Those are two different lines.  Right?14:31
lpappTouhou11: we would also need to strip the hard dependencies down like dbus.14:31
kivilahtio_usr13: yes14:31
lpappcause it is 1.34 MB14:31
usr13kivilahtio_: Ok, that should work14:31
WhiskersHello, I tried to run firefox in my terminal, but it keeps giving me this "(process:2534): GLib-CRITICAL **: g_slice_set_config: assertion 'sys_page_size == 0' failed".  Can anyone help me?14:31
usr13kivilahtio_: But I don't know what your question is about binding to
usr13Whiskers: pkill firefox14:33
jaamii need to change sublime settings but i cannot cd to the folder while locate and ls -a shows me the folder i want to move to14:33
Whiskerswhat does pkill do?14:33
Touhou11lpapp: You might find this useful http://people.debian.org/~stapelberg/docs/systemd-dependencies.html14:33
cfhowlett!info pkill14:33
ubottuPackage pkill does not exist in saucy14:33
kivilahtio_usr13: I "might" no use the correct terminology :)14:33
usr13Whiskers: kills a firefox, (if it is running already).14:33
ELMEGAurban terror node?14:33
usr13Whiskers: Do it a couple of times.14:33
lpappTouhou11: looks good!14:34
=== fb is now known as Guest35925
WhiskersOh, the problem is that it won't open from the terminal and I wanted to make sure I was not doing something wrong by typing in simply "firefox"14:34
gt8ost4lanybody know whats a good software to make debian bootable?14:34
kivilahtio_usr13: creates a connection to, the connection shouldn't be hampered by routes in right?14:34
PiciWhiskers: read the manpage.14:34
cfhowlettgt8ost4l, ask the #debian channel14:34
gt8ost4lcfhowlett:i already tried and its useless14:35
WhiskersI forgot about that, thanks, I will look at it.14:35
audictive/"/script unload trigger.pl"14:35
kivilahtio_usr13: I mean eth1 had no gateway, but has a static IP. sshd -D is listening on ( should work as well)14:35
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usr13kivilahtio_: I don't know, but you could use nmap from another PC and see where it is listening.14:36
kivilahtio_usr13: ok,14:36
kivilahtio_usr13: nmap gives me this                 Note: Host seems down. If it is really up, but blocking our ping probes, try -Pn14:38
usr13kivilahtio_: nmap -p22   ?14:38
kivilahtio_usr13: nmap -Pn finds port 113 CLOSED as it always does14:38
jaamimy simple question is how to move to a folder with cd that is shown only with ls -a14:38
usr13kivilahtio_: /sbin/ifconfig (on the host) (see what interfaces are really up).14:39
jaamisorry, my mistake, i got it fixed. thanks14:39
groutso i see that 14.04 now has mac versions of its images online, what do these images contain thats different?14:40
kivilahtio_usr13: ifconfig            eth1      UP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICAST  MTU:1500  Metric:114:40
kivilahtio_usr13: ifup eth1       interface eth1 already configured14:40
kivilahtio_usr13: ssh connection worked fine when I had the eth1 have the default gatewar14:41
devilmoldovahello when i can find tutorial for setting up proxy server with authenttication in my server ? so my computer can connect internet through proxy...14:41
kivilahtio_usr13: now that I changed the default gateway to eth4, ssh is not working. So I know this is not a firewall issues14:41
devilmoldovai have centos14:41
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kivilahtio_usr13: also on the host (  I can see packets from to port 2214:42
devilmoldovaanyone ?14:43
bekksdevilmoldova: Ask the centos support.14:44
Guest1234567How do i unmark text in VIM?14:44
devilmoldovai cant join centos channel14:45
Guest1234567devilmoldova: register an account on freenode14:45
Guest1234567and login to14:45
BillMcCormick sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a did not fix my problem14:45
bekksdevilmoldova: Which doesnt make your issue an ubuntu issue ;)14:45
Pici!register > devilmoldova14:45
ubottudevilmoldova, please see my private message14:45
Guest1234567How do i unmark text in VIM, some things are highlighted in yellow14:46
SeveasGuest1234567: :set nohls14:46
Guest1234567thanks Seveas14:46
geonwill nexus 4 be ubuntu touch development phone for quit a long time?????14:48
usr13kivilahtio_: You could try something like:  iptables -A INPUT -i eth4 -p tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT14:48
geonwill nexus 4 be ubuntu touch development phone for quit a long time?????14:48
Guest1234567geon: why dont you ask 20 times more, maybe you recieve your answer faster14:48
kivilahtio_usr13: no harm in trying :)14:49
Jahwhy u think only nexus is good for ubuntu touch14:49
DJonesgeon: If you join #ubuntu-touch the people there will probably be able to give the best answer14:49
Jahit sucks14:49
geonthanks DJones14:49
Guest1234567I want to backup the maildir from dovecot on my ubuntu machine, from my centos machine, would NFS or SSFS be better?14:51
kivilahtio_usr13: Thank you for the suggestion, but my iptables are on default ACCEPT and this iptable rule didnt resolve the issue14:51
bekksGuest1234567: Doesnt matter, basically.14:51
kivilahtio_usr13: I am running Ubuntu12.04 on HP G08 rack server, maybe there is a hardware issue?14:51
Guest1234567bekks: NFS can lock a file/dir right?14:52
kivilahtio_usr13: I mean this what we are trying to achieve should be a no-brainer?14:52
iptablekivilahtio_, "iptables rule", not "iptable rule" :P14:52
bekksGuest1234567: Sure. Same as SSHFS.14:52
iptablekivilahtio_, what's the iptables problem?14:52
kivilahtio_usr13: listenint on ssh connections from non-gatewayed interface14:52
kivilahtio_iptable: wow, a big problem, and not just about iptables, also routeing tables and rules :)14:53
iptablemmm, my favourite.14:53
kivilahtio_iptable: currently I am trying to connect from to to establish an ssh connection14:53
iptablekivilahtio_, and that's ETH1, while ETH4 is default GW14:54
iptablekivilahtio_, just scrolled back14:54
kivilahtio_iptable: yes14:54
iptablekivilahtio_, so when you connect from 193... to 192... do you get tcpdump on 192. machine showing a connection attempt?14:54
kivilahtio_iptable: yes14:54
iptablekivilahtio_, what is 193? are you currently in THAT network?14:55
kivilahtio_iptable: yes. That is my static IP14:55
iptablekivilahtio_, ok, so you trying to connect from one machine on your LAN to another machine on your LAN using the WAN IP, is that correct?14:55
iptabledamn, I just realised I have cut myself while doing DIY. There's blood between the keys...14:56
kivilahtio_iptable: quite frankly I don't know the exact intranet architecture here14:56
kivilahtio_iptable: wow, don't bleed on me :)14:56
kivilahtio_iptable: I mean die on me ...14:57
iptablekivilahtio_, well, 193... is your WAN interface right? you are currently on the local network to which 193 routes, yes?14:57
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, rww, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici,  jpds,  gnomefreak, bazhang,  Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, bkerensa, nhandler, Jordan_U, DJones or k1l!14:57
iptablekivilahtio_, and from that network you are trying to ssh to the machine on the same LAN, but using a WAN IP for it?14:57
ubottuHey christel, Corey, Dave2, Gary, Myrtti, Pricey, VorTechS, jayne, marienz, niko, nhandler, tomaw, ldunn, I could use a bit of your time :)14:57
kivilahtio_iptable: my workstation IP is 193, 192 is on a different LAN14:57
iptableso your workstation has an external IP mapped to it?14:57
kivilahtio_iptable: they are separated by a firewall14:58
kivilahtio_iptable: nope14:58
iptablekivilahtio_, 193. is an external IP range14:58
kivilahtio_iptable: when I am connecting to 192 in the tcpdump there is 193 -> 192:2214:58
kivilahtio_iptable: so there is no NAT:ing the ssh connection14:58
iptablekivilahtio_, ok, is there a response to 193 at all?14:59
iptablekivilahtio_, no, there is some weird natting by the looks of it. 192 is a private network IP, while 193 is public network IP. Your workstation has got an external IP, while your server has got internal IP14:59
iptablekivilahtio_, I would need to see the exact architecture to work this out, but my guess is that your router along the way has got issues with routing back and forth15:00
kivilahtio_iptable: like I wrote earlier, this worked just fine when eth1 had the default gateway, now it doesn't work when I switched default gateway to eth415:00
iptablekivilahtio_, my guess would be that reverse NAT is not setup (or NAT loopback to be exact)15:00
iptablekivilahtio_, what is the IP of eth1?15:00
kivilahtio_iptable: hmm. you might be right. I have been trying for two weeks to get virtual ridges to separate NIC's :)15:01
kivilahtio_and not even this simple task works out15:01
kivilahtio_iptable: eth1  (ssh host)15:01
kivilahtio_iptable: eth0 (ssh client)15:01
iptablekivilahtio_, wait you changed the default gateway?15:02
iptablekivilahtio_, way?15:02
iptablekivilahtio_, default gateway is only for connections without a route, i.e. for exaxmple new outbound connections.15:02
iptablekivilahtio_, eth4 is 10. IP?15:02
kivilahtio_iptable: yes, and I suspect the gateway should have no effect here15:02
kivilahtio_iptable: eth4 is
kivilahtio_iptable but somehow the gateway makes all the difference here15:03
iptablekivilahtio_, basically you are trying to connect from outside the NAT. So NAT takes place. Looks like the router in place can route package to 10. and to 192. It also looks like it doesn't route packets back from 192. to the internet while it routes packets back from 10.15:03
iptablekivilahtio_, but if GW is eth4 GW, can you ssh to eth1 IP (192.)?15:04
kivilahtio_iptable: yes I can ssh to eth1 IP15:04
kivilahtio_iptable: firewalls block (the current default gateway)15:04
iptablekivilahtio_, so it looks as if the router in place expects all packets to come back from eth1 or 10. address. That would be router configuration15:05
iptablekivilahtio_, kivilahtio_, so can't you set iptables rules on that machine to only accept SSH on 192. IP?15:05
Terminal^guys; do we have screenfetch.deb?15:05
kivilahtio_iptable: I mean I could ssh to eth1 when it was the default gateway15:05
kivilahtio_iptable: now I cannot as it no more is the default gateway15:05
kivilahtio_iptable: but I still get the tcp connection attempt visible in 192.15:05
iptablekivilahtio_, oh. so you want to ssh to 192 but the default GW to be 10. right, and when you had default route to be the 192. it worked.15:06
iptablekivilahtio_, give me output of ip route ls15:06
kivilahtio_iptable: yes :)15:06
iptablekivilahtio_, and GW IPs for eth1 and eth415:06
iptablekivilahtio_, for ip route ls, use pastebin please15:06
kivilahtio_iptable: I need to switch the gateway to get ssh access to the server. I cannot copypaste from the virtualized iLO connection under winxp :)15:07
kivilahtio_iptable: I'll get you the logs asap15:07
iptablekivilahtio_, cool. I'll be out in 10 minutes for about 10 minutes, but then I'm back. I suspect you are just missing defined per-network routes15:08
kivilahtio_iptable: Great! Ill get the pastebin ready for you!15:08
=== Lebby1 is now known as Lebby
iptableTerminal^, appears not15:09
adam007any tutorial setup proxy server in ubuntu server ? so i can put my proxy in my mozilla15:10
iptableTerminal^, screengetch is just a script, you can wget it. no need for deb package.15:10
Vivekanandais there a way to get the ccsm negative effect for a particular window without installing compiz/ccsm in unity. I had to format and reinstall 12.04 2-3 times the last time I fiddled with compiz and I dont wish to suffer again15:18
Meerkatare there any known common issues with SSD drives and Ubuntu that I should know before getting one?15:18
ikoniaMeerkat: nope15:18
Guest1234567Meerkat: it might explode15:18
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Meerkatany brands that explode less often?15:19
gordonjcpMeerkat: they're all about the same really15:19
bekksMeerkat: The smaller ones contain less explosives.15:19
gordonjcpMeerkat: I've had perfectly adequate results from a cheapy Sandisk 128G15:20
gordonjcpMeerkat: it was bought from the local asian computer shop / drug money laundry15:20
gordonjcpMeerkat: so if it fails in a big way they know they'll get it flung through their window15:20
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asad2005sb clear15:24
asad2005I am getting 'net usershare' returned error 255 trying to share a folder is this a bug?15:24
daftykinsgonna need a lot more info than that15:25
castronais anyone familar running docker?15:26
=== rsd is now known as thegoat
bekksasad2005: when doing what exactly? "net" is a Windows command.15:27
=== lysobit is now known as lysodoge
theadmin!find /usr/bin/net | bekks15:29
ubottubekks: File /usr/bin/net found in epigrass, ftp, gnome-network-admin, ifupdown-extra, libcap-ng-utils, libnet-server-perl, libocamlnet-ocaml-bin, libsnmp-base, minidisc-utils, netbeans (and 29 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=/usr/bin/net&mode=&suite=saucy&arch=any15:29
theadminIt's some samba thing15:30
lebafarHello folks! I've set IPv4 to x.x.x.150 as a Manual Method in Wired/Network/System Settings and I restart the machine twice already but the address I got defined is like x.x.x.101. I already checked and there are no other machine with IP x.x.x.150. Why is that happening? Could someone help me please?15:30
asad2005bekks: by right clicking the folder and selecting local network share15:30
bekksasad2005: So did you try to mount your share manually?15:31
hello123what server channel?15:31
theadminhello123: #ubuntu-server15:31
adam007does there is seting guide for tinyproxy ?15:31
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Precise (Precise Pangolin 12.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server15:31
asad2005bekks: I can not make the folder sharable how would i mount it15:32
adam007i want setup my server centos, so i can connect it rhough my web browser15:32
iptablekivilahtio_, back.seen my messages and link15:32
iptablekivilahtio_, ?15:32
netameta__Is there a way to stop putty from sessioning off ?15:32
cfhowlettadam007, !centos ?  not supported here -15:32
gordonjcpnetameta__: keepalives15:32
netameta__ah crap from channel sorry15:33
netameta__Thanks goldonjcp15:33
adam007i cant join they banned me, i already register here..15:33
bekksasad2005: you dont "make a folder shareable", you have to configure your samba server. And "mount" is used for mounting filesystems and shares.15:33
gordonjcpnetameta__: in "Connections" you'll see it lets you set an interval15:33
BillMcCormickMy package manager is broken with dpkg: error processing puppetmaster-passenger (--remove):15:34
netameta__set it to 80000 :-)15:34
lebafarHello folks! I've set IPv4 to x.x.x.150 as a Manual Method in Wired/Network/System Settings and I restart the machine twice already but the address I got defined is like x.x.x.101. I already checked and there are no other machine with IP x.x.x.150. Why is that happening? Could someone help me please?15:37
theadminBillMcCormick: Do: sudo dpkg --purge --force-all puppetmaster-passenger15:38
BillMcCormickdid NOT work .... http://paste.ubuntu.com/7005616/15:40
BillMcCormickIt's like it looking for an apache config for a puppetmaster site15:41
theadminBah, this package is a mess. BillMcCormick, edit /var/lib/dpkg/info/puppetmaster-passenger.postrm and just replace the stuff there with something like "exit 0"15:42
theadminBillMcCormick: Then try again15:42
BillMcCormickok .. that did it ... thanks15:46
BabaAishaWhat is a good program for viewing AutoCad documents for GNU/Linux? I need to look at house plans15:48
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tlpdoes anyone know how/where terminal colors are defined for the framebuffer console on Ubuntu with KMS? they've been very different for quite a few releases now.15:51
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cfhowlettBabaAisha, search the software center for cad and/or autocad for options15:56
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Diegonathi guys... ages ago I saw a shell script that diveded the screen into two sections where on the top there was a kind of folder tree gui and at the bottom a normal bash shell. Do you have any idea what I am talking about?!15:58
DiegonatTerminal^, are you answering me?15:58
Terminal^_Diegonat: No m8 that was a mistake15:59
SlartDiegonat: sure it was a bash script and not just another terminal gui?16:01
DiegonatSlart, no tbh I cannot really remember16:02
geirhaDiegonat: something like midnight commander (mc) ?16:02
Diegonat i remember to be cool16:02
Diegonatgeirha, yes it was it16:03
Diegonatgeirha, thank you so much16:04
webfox_what is the difference between network and gateway?16:04
webfox_which one would be my router?16:05
bodhi_zazenwebfox_: they are usually related as your router helps manage both16:05
bodhi_zazenFirst typically your router manages your network via DHCP, assigning IP within a range,
bodhi_zazenThen, when you connect to the web it serves as your gateway (and typically firewall ans NAT as well)16:06
webfox_bodhi_zazen: yes, I have my router ip, do I use it at network or gateway?16:06
yaccwebfox_: the network "parameter" in ifconfig is a bitmask, which defines for your local PC which peers are contacted directly (if inside the LAN) and when the gateway parameter is used.16:06
bodhi_zazenwhat are you trying to do ?16:06
dorianodoctor who16:07
webfox_bodhi_zazen: set a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces16:07
theadmin!list | doriano16:08
ubottudoriano: theadmin: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».16:08
bodhi_zazenUsually you set your router as the gateway16:08
theadmin...err, that didn't work as intended xD16:08
bodhi_zazenthen either dhcp or ip with netmask16:08
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leetdoodhi, can someone help me with my crontab? it cuts off at + for some reason16:08
leetdoodits supposed to be 25 * * * * cp -u /home/moo/moo/`ls /home/moo/moo -1tr | grep db | tail -1` /home/moo/moo/backup-`date +%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M`16:08
bodhi_zazennetw2ork would be + netmask16:09
bodhi_zazensee http://danielgibbs.co.uk/2012/06/fedora-17-set-static-ip-address/16:09
leetdoodbut for some reason crontab ends it at +16:09
theadminleetdood: Complex commands may be best to be placed in a shellscript, and have cron run that script instead.16:09
leetdooddo i just put it in a .sh file and run the .sh file16:09
theadminleetdood: More or less, just make sure the first line of the file is #!/bin/bash16:09
webfox_bodhi_zazen: I am following a tutorial and I am not sure which info I have to use : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/925315916:10
theadminleetdood: And make it executable16:10
leetdoodthank you, theadmin. that helps a lot16:10
Slartleetdood: I would put all that stuff in a file, yes.. makes it a lot easier to debug any errors16:10
leetdoodthank you too Slart16:10
bodhi_zazenwebfox_: http://faqintosh.com/risorse/en/guides/net/tcp/basic/16:10
webfox_bodhi_zazen: if I follow the Network setting from Ubuntu Gateway would have my Router IP but then what IP I would use for network?16:12
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bodhi_zazenwebfox_: I do not think you are understanding what you are setting when you set "network" and "netmask" vs an ip address, see the link I gave you.16:14
webfox_bodhi_zazen: the gateways is my the "base" IP for my router and the network is the "range" of IP it can assume?16:15
dorianocome faccio a scaricare film16:16
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bodhi_zazenwhy are you using "base" in quotes ? your gateway is your router which is a part of you network and identified by it's ip address16:16
bodhi_zazenYou network is identified by network + netmask as in the link I gave16:17
bodhi_zazenYour router servers multiple functions and you need to understand those parts. One is a firewall (NAT), one is dhcp, and one is routing traffic16:19
webfox_bodhi_zazen: if my router ip is and netmask is what can I use as network IP? ?16:19
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thecodethinkerHow do I install 32bit libraries?16:21
thecodethinkerfrom apt16:21
webfox_bodhi_zazen: I am not using dhcp, just a static ip.16:21
ikoniathecodethinker: before you do that, I think you need to look at what you are doing and what you spefically need16:21
thecodethinkeris it apt-get install <lib name>:i386?16:21
llutzthecodethinker: apt-get install libxxx:i386            if you already configured multiarch16:21
ikoniathecodethinker: setting up multilib can have real problems, and impact to your machine16:21
ActionParsnipwebfox_: the network is and the first node is
thecodethinkerikonia: I think I did that already. I have the 32bit mesa drivers installed16:22
llutzActionParsnip: wrong16:22
ikoniathecodethinker: this isn't for steam is it by any chance.....16:22
ActionParsnipllutz: d'oh habit16:22
ActionParsnipwebfox_: the network is and the first node is
thecodethinkerikona: nope. I want to see if I can get libgluezilla working on wine by installing the 32bit libmono-webbrowser2.0-cli package16:22
leetdoodthanks again Slart and theadmin! it works now16:23
ikoniathecodethinker: your box, so it's up to you, but this will burn you in the long run16:23
thecodethinkerikonia: I16:23
thecodethinkerikonia: I can always just reinstall linux ;)16:23
ikoniacool, ok, you're prepared for the possible worst16:24
marlo_i've been looking at my auth.log and have been finding hacking attempts on sshd... now suddenly my auth.log file is completely gone, what gives?16:24
webfox_ActionParsnip: so I am right, I can use as network IP.16:24
thecodethinkerikonia: When I type in apt-get install libmono-webbrowser2.0-cli:i386 but it said no package was found :(16:24
leetdoodhacker deleted it would be my guess, marlo_, but i have no idea16:24
leetdooddont listen to me16:24
thecodethinkerIs there anywhere I could check if there is a 32bit version in the repo?16:24
ikoniathecodethinker: right, because they are not in the 64bit repos16:24
webfox_But somehow it is not working :P16:24
ikoniathecodethinker: I don't like the way ubuntu manages multi-lib which is adding an arch16:25
thecodethinkerikonia: oh.... I thought I had the 32bit ones...16:25
marlo_i'm not even sure how to tell if someone is in at this point, or through what hole they have access16:25
thecodethinkerikonia: I miss ia32-libs :'(16:25
ikoniathecodethinker: show me "uname -a" please16:25
=== rsd is now known as Guest70500
thecodethinkerLinux Snarks 3.11.0-15-generic #23-Ubuntu SMP Mon Dec 9 18:17:04 UTC 2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux16:25
ikoniathecodethinker: yeah, so thats 64bit,16:25
ikoniathecodethinker: so the repos will be 64bit hence no/limited 32bit packages in there16:25
thecodethinkerikonia: I know...16:25
thecodethinkerikonia: oh... how do I get the 32bit ones to show up? I did it with the mesa ones a while ago... I guess I forgot...16:26
munzmaniahi! how can i install ubuntu on my mac air 2013 .... have any one tried that ? if so , did u face any troubles?16:26
ikoniathecodethinker: you have to add the arch16:26
thecodethinkerikonia: how?16:26
ikoniadpkg --add-arch or something like that, check the syntax, I don't have dpkg box to hand16:27
thecodethinkerI did that already...16:27
ikoniadoesn't look like it16:27
ikoniaeither that or the 32bit lib you want doesn't exist16:27
thecodethinkeri have access to nethaxk-x11:i38616:28
llutz!info libmono-webbrowser2.0-cil | thecodethinker16:28
ubottuthecodethinker: libmono-webbrowser2.0-cil (source: mono): Mono Web Browser library (for CLI 2.0). In component main, is optional. Version (saucy), package size 67 kB, installed size 245 kB16:28
llutzthecodethinker: -cil not -cli16:29
thecodethinkerllutz: I did use cil.... typo in irc :316:29
theadminSame on my system, no :i386 version of the package16:30
thecodethinkerI guess it's only 64bit then16:30
theadminSay, isn't Mono like Java? Like, not arch-dependent?16:30
NeedeeUzrNot sure of rules of engagement here. I am noob. Have added nignx ppa with current binaries an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx.16:31
claude_Hey everyone! I'm new here on this channel... new on Linux too, but I have some basic knowledge. I'd have a question for you...16:33
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zzxcclaude_: Shoot16:34
thecodethinkerWell has anyone here had problems with libgluezilla?16:34
claude_It seems like this is a hard one as I did a lot of searches on forum about this :S16:34
claude_I'm using Lubuntu 12.04... so based on Ubuntu 12.04 if I understand... In the grub config file, I uncommented silent boot so I can see what is happening16:35
Beldarthecodethinker, Anyone does not work here state the issues in detail.16:35
claude_My computer hangs always at the same place from time to time16:35
claude_right after the creation of the swap file16:35
UberprinnySomegone here good enough with apache2 ?!16:36
claude_so the last line looks like this:16:36
MeerkatUberprinny, depends. What do you need help with?16:36
NeedeeUzrNot sure of rules of engagement here. I am noob. Have added nignx ppa with current binaries an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx. I run apt-cache show nignx and I get old versions.16:37
llutzNeedeeUzr: did you run "apt-get update" before?16:37
UberprinnyI'm trying to run my website in php with apache216:37
claude_Adding 8388604K swap on /dev/sda1. Priority:-1 extents:1 accross:8388604K and the system hangs there16:37
BeldarUberprinny, You can find out by stating the issues. ;)16:37
NeedeeUzrI did run apt-get update.16:37
claude_Weirdly... everytime I choose recovery mode, the system boots successfully all the time and never hangs16:38
UberprinnyBut all i get is blank page with no source code, but simple php functions like echo or phpinfo works16:38
NilsBHi, all, is there any webchat for #ubuntu ?16:38
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theadminNilsB: webchat.freenode.net exists16:38
Beldar!ot | NilsB16:39
ubottuNilsB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:39
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NilsBok, I try ...16:39
NeedeeUzrI added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there.16:39
BeldarNilsB, This is support though if needed.16:39
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NeedeeUzrThe client isn't seeing the new ones, only the ones from the archive.ubuntu.com repos16:40
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NeedeeUzrllutz, I added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there.16:41
MeerkatUberprinny, do you have a index.html or index.php file in your webroot?16:41
NilsBok, I have now 2 connexion, one here as NilsB with a big screen an on on the sick computer with small screen as NilsFR13 on web chat, sorry I need both, the one on sick computer is to copy and past, here is to write16:42
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NilsBthe problem I have is I cannot update the computer, the systme says I need to dpkg --configure -a, but this stop before ending16:42
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NilsBthe last step where dpkg stop is :16:43
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NilsFR13run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/zz-update-grub 3.11.0-17-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.11.0-17-generic16:44
BeldarNilsB, Can you give us the up this command needed short history, IE a update interrupted....etc.16:44
capella_Hi, anyone use lenovo thinkpad T61?!16:44
Beldarup to*16:44
claude_Anybody has an idea about what I could do?16:44
BeldarNilsFR13, What release is this?16:45
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NilsBBeldar, I do not anderstand your question16:45
NilsBrelease is 12.04 LTS16:45
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BeldarNilsB, What ubuntu release is this?16:45
NilsBrelease is 12.04 LTS16:45
BeldarNilsB, That kernel would be part of a stack upgrade, were you just trying to install it?16:46
zzxc_afkHey claude_, sorry about that I got sucked into a conversation here at work.16:46
NilsBthe system hang on update of  3.11.0-17-generic16:46
claude_no problem... just waiting in the background to see if anyone could help :)16:46
zzxc_afkclaude_: I don't really know much about configuing grub you may want to ask the poeple in #grub16:46
claude_I've worked hard to try to figure out by myself...16:47
claude_but the real problem is I don't understand why the system hangs after the addition of the swap file but it dosen't when I boot in recovery mode :O16:47
BeldarNilsB, try this command, sudo apt-get -f install16:47
NilsBI cannot do any apt-get, as apt-get tells me to run dpkg --configure -a and as dpkg cannot go till the end16:48
NilsB(sorry Beldar I have to rewrite the pseudo)16:48
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BeldarNilsB, That command is for interrupted installs.16:49
Beldaror updates16:49
NilsBBeldar, well it looks like its the cas16:49
zzxc_afkclaude_: I'm not sure. How fair does it get when it hangs?16:50
BeldarNilsB, You mention a dpkg, but say this is a update, kinda confusing.16:50
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NilsBBeldar, I had to interrupt an upgrade as the system did not do anything for a long time, top show the proc was "idle"16:50
claude_I think I would have to shoot a video...16:51
zzxc_afkclaude_: Yeah that might be a pain.16:51
BeldarNilsB, That is important info that should be part of your posts to the channel to start with.16:51
claude_it is exactly after we see ''Adding 8388604K swap on /dev/sda1. Priority:-1 extents:1 accross:8388604K''16:51
NilsBBefdar, first I did an upgrade, which stopped without ending, then I stopped it by ^c, and problems comes16:51
claude_during the boot process16:52
dosequishey all - i have a setup where I have a remote web server that is behind a nat. Is there a way to proxy requests to this server through a second, central server? How would I go about this? Thanks!16:52
zzxc_afkI take sda1 is the root?16:52
BeldarNilsB, Have you tried that command?16:52
claude_nop its the swap partition16:52
zzxc_afkOh that might be you're problem16:53
claude_sda2 is the root one16:53
NilsBBeldar, this is a new install, all works well till an upgrade that did not end16:53
zzxc_afkis it mounting before sda2?16:53
NilsBBeldar, which command ?16:53
claude_I thought that by placing sd1 as swap first that this would be faster... since that the outter edge of a hard disk is faster16:53
BeldarNilsB, sudo apt-get -f install16:53
NilsBBeldar, the upgrade freeze on grub update16:53
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claude_yes for example, if you go in gparted, you will see that the swap partition is totally at the left hand side16:54
NilsBBeldar, I try, but I think apt-get will send me back to dpkg --configure -a16:54
claude_I thought that the location of the swap partition didn't matter... it matters?16:54
zzxc_afkclaude_: Physically its going to be negliable, its just placing it on the outside of the disk.16:54
BeldarNilsB, Anyway I have to go, try that command, others can help you, best of luck. ;)16:54
zzxc_afkclaude_: swap doesn't matter that much if you have enough ram.16:55
NeedeeUzrNeed help. Have added nignx ppa with current binaries to an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx. I added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there as seen at /home/ubuntu/mirror/ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx/nginx_1.4.5.16:55
NeedeeUzrUnfortunately, the client machines are still only seeing the old nginx version whe running apt-cache show nginx.16:55
zzxc_afkclaude_: its basically code storage for ram16:55
claude_yeah I have only 1.75 GB (250 MB for the on-board Nvidia graphic card), so I have a 8GB sda1 swap partition16:55
Diegonatguys.. do you know how to concatenate two tarballs where the second one you put it in a specific folder of the first one?16:55
NilsBBeldar, yes => apt-get asks me to dpkg --configure -a , which does not want to run till the end16:55
zzxc_afkclaude_: mmmm alright fair enough.16:56
claude_but the weird thing is16:56
claude_if I boot in recovery mode16:56
lepfaawhat are you talking about, bheya16:56
claude_then I hit simply "resume"... the boot process will NOT hang16:56
claude_I'm totally speechless16:56
NilsBBeldar, as we say in french, this is the snake that eats its tail16:56
claude_and if I boot normally, the computer hangs after the swap is added 4 out of 5 times16:56
claude_but somtimes it goes through16:56
NilsBBeldar, I cannot run any apt-get16:57
zzxc_afkSo here is what I think the issue is:16:57
zzxc_afkHmmm no that doesn't make sense actually.16:57
bkfitzAnyone know what "Oversee Turing v1.0.0" is?  Did a curl -I on a website and that was listed as the webserver16:58
claude_I know this is really weird16:58
zzxc_afkclaude_: you should check to see if swapon is enabled when you're in recovery.16:58
zzxc_afkHow is you're partition map set up?16:58
claude_May I go in private mode with you?16:59
zzxc_afksure, I'm heading out for lunch in a little as a heads up though.16:59
capella_is there an internet navigator on consoles?16:59
claude_ok me too :)16:59
NeedeeUzrNeed help. Have added nignx ppa with current binaries to an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx. I added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there as seen at /home/ubuntu/mirror/ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx/nginx_1.4.5.17:00
NeedeeUzrUnfortunately, the client machines are still only seeing the old nginx version whe running apt-cache show nginx.17:00
NeedeeUzrAny help is appreciated!17:00
leetdoodthanks ya'll17:01
NilsBThen, no idea for this dpkg --configure -a that do not ending ?17:02
tr3yAnyone know how to fix the launcher if it has empty slots? I have 2 empty slots on it where I can't add anything and I don't know how to remove them.17:02
NeedeeUzrSeriously, am I doing something wrong that no one answers?17:02
lepfaaи надолго мы тут?17:02
=== larry is now known as Guest32758
Guest32758can someone help me? im trying to install ubuntu but it keeps telling me that swap failed to format17:03
StrangeloveMDHave you tried runing the formatting utillity again, and only reformatting the swap drive?17:04
NilsBGuest32758, swap cannot be formated, don't try17:05
StrangeloveMDNilsB:  Does he not mean the initial partitioning of a drive to include a swap partition?17:05
BorisTheAnimalhrm, my sudo says this: [sudo] password for myusername: sudo: myusername: command not found..17:06
Guest32758thats what it says when i try to install17:06
lepfaahtf the cracker's crack17:06
NilsBStangeloveMD, maybe ...17:06
ikoniaBorisTheAnimal: what is the exact command you are using, and I mean "exact" command17:06
aossiis it possible to create an ubuntu 12.04 usb boot disk after going through nomodeset?17:06
NeedeeUzrNeed help. Have added nignx ppa with current binaries to an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx. I added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there as seen at /home/ubuntu/mirror/ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx/nginx_1.4.5.17:07
NeedeeUzrUnfortunately, the client machines are still only seeing the old nginx version whe running apt-cache show nginx.17:07
NeedeeUzrIs this question too complex?17:07
lepfaayes or no17:07
BorisTheAnimalsudo command, trying to login in to my admin account on my ubuntu17:07
NilsBcoming back to my issue, any idea about dpkg --configure -a does not ending17:07
ikoniabut the bios normally honours what it says it's going to do, or has an option like press F12 to select boot device17:07
ikoniaBorisTheAnimal: what is the exact command you are using, and I mean "exact" command17:08
NilsBBorisTheAnimal, are you sure your account is sudoers enable ?17:08
mahmoudubuntu server vs. ubuntu desktop. what's the difference?17:08
theadminmahmoud: Server doesn't have a GUI17:08
mahmoudONLY that? how about software versions?17:08
ikoniamahmoud: intended use, default packages, some kenrel tweakss etc17:08
mahmoudwill ubuntu server not allow me to install some sort of packages due to additional security restrictions that may forbid me from using cutting-edge software?17:09
NilsBmahmoud, not sure, but I think ubuntu server has root enable and no X17:09
aossii tried upgrading to ubuntu 12.10 it did its thing and now when i boot i get the splash screen then pitch black. i did the nomodeset trick and am now at a terminal style login screen. from here how do i get wifi and create a boot image of 12.04 i have a usb drive to use.17:09
theadminmahmoud: Eh, Ubuntu doesn't really do "cutting edge"17:09
mahmoudtheadmin: i mean "even-less-cutting-edge"17:10
theadminmahmoud: But if you're worried about that, just use the LTS release. Actually, on production servers, always use LTS, helps to avoid updating like crazy17:10
ikoniamahmoud: the repos are the same as the desktop17:10
NilsBmahmoud, if its an remote server, prefer Debian, if its a local server ubuntu server (without X) or desktop (with X)is fine17:10
aossican some one help me figure this out?17:11
NilsBmahmoud, and maybe you will not have office tools on the server, maybe, I don't know, I user Debian for servers17:11
theadminNilsB: Pretty much none of the Ubuntu desktop stuff (like LibreOffice, Firefox, and the actual GUI of course) is present in the server edition17:12
theadminNilsB: So yeah, no "office tools" in the default install17:12
theadmin...Unless you count, say, Nano as an office tool17:12
StrangeloveMDaossi:  Can you not startx into the gui?17:13
aossiidk how to startx17:13
mahmoudokay guys, you are nice. i opt for ubuntu server for my batch jobs17:13
aossiive googled the heck out of it. and still nothing to get me to startx17:13
StrangeloveMDaossi:  When you launch into terminal, type "startx" and hit enter17:13
aossinope it wont let me17:14
NeedeeUzrCan someone help me with a local ubuntu mirror?17:14
StrangeloveMDWhat does it do?17:14
robertzaccourNeedeeUzr: *bump17:15
NilsBtheadmin, ok, thanks for the information17:15
aossiit said unable to connect to x server17:15
StrangeloveMDNeedeeUzr:  Whats the issue?17:15
aossido i need internet to startx??17:16
theadminaossi: Uh, no. But you need to have X installed, of course17:16
StrangeloveMDaossi:  Are you sure you installed Ubuntu Desktp, not Server?17:16
StrangeloveMDaossi:  theadmin is correct17:16
Screwbasounds like a server install to me17:16
aossiyea. i got the 12.10 upgrade from my update manager on 12.0417:16
theadminOh, errh. Yeah X broke during the Quantal upgrade for me, but I assumed that was due to the power failure -_-17:17
StrangeloveMDaossi: sudo apt-get install xorg openbox17:17
StrangeloveMDOh, is this a known issue?17:18
StrangeloveMD(wtf' that's for xorg)17:18
aossididnt work. unable to correct problems. you have held broken package17:18
NeedeeUzrrobertzaccour, am I doing something wrong here17:18
NilsBso, not idea for dpkg --configure that do not ending, then, total reinstall I think17:19
robertzaccouri dunno17:19
NeedeeUzrStrangeloveMD,  Have added nignx ppa with current binaries to an apt-mirror. clients pointed at this mirror cannot see the newest version of Nginx. I added deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu precise main to the mirror.list and the mirror is grabbing the updated binaries from there as seen at /home/ubuntu/mirrorrobertzaccour/ppa.launchpad.net/nginx/stable/ubuntu/pool/main/n/nginx17:20
NeedeeUzr/nginx_1.4.5. Unfortunately, the client machines are still only seeing the old nginx version whe running apt-cache show nginx17:20
StrangeloveMDaossi: See if this is helpful: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-gui-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-server.html17:20
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aossik brb will try that17:21
StrangeloveMDNeedeeUzr:  That is beyond my knowledge to fix, other than making sure they have cleared cache, etc.17:21
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NeedeeUzrStrangeloveMD, How would you clear the cache?17:22
monkeyhatwhat cache17:22
StrangeloveMDNeedeeUzr: I have no idea how the end user is acessing the mirror, it might not be relevent17:23
theadminNeedeeUzr: You need to run "apt-get update" usually to refresh the package info and stuff17:23
theadminNeedeeUzr: On the "client" machines, i.e. those which would be pulling packages in from your mirror17:23
NeedeeUzrThanks, I've done all of that.17:23
theadminAs for cache, you can clear it with "apt-get clean" but that isn't going to fix anything17:24
PurscheHey, I am a bit confused and I was hoping that someone in here could sort something up for me. I am an "happy" owner of an Acer Iconia W5, it is an x86 tablet/laptop hybrid that runs Windows 8. I was wondering what the touch support in Ubuntu is like.17:24
NeedeeUzrtheadmin, I have done that. Thanks.17:24
aossisteangelovemd did that but sudo apt-get ubuntu-desktop and it didnt work i think 12.10 broke bad...17:24
NeedeeUzrI think it may have to do with 2 different repos on the local mirror having that package. Don't know how to fix though.17:25
theadminNeedeeUzr: Eh, APT is designed to always pull in the latest version17:25
NeedeeUzryeah, and it has worked to custom repos I have enter before, but not for the nginx or percona repos. Don't know what's different.17:26
PurscheDavido_, isnt Ubuntu Touch aimed towards Android?17:26
PurscheI was in their IRC a couple of minutes ago and they told me they do not support x86 and that I should go here.17:27
theadminPursche: Yeah, ignore that link. I am not sure what the "touch" support is on the Desktop version17:27
theadminPursche: But in general, touch emulates mouse, so it should work fine. The Ubuntu UI seems quite touch-friendly17:27
PurscheOkay that's great, thank you. :)17:27
aossiubuntu desktop wont install :(17:28
aossii think imma have to make a hoot image?17:28
theadmina what17:28
nixnewbieMorning folks. New here. I just installed 13.10 Desktop. It was working fine last night and I installed VMWare Workstation 10 on it, messed around a bit and went home. I cam back this morning and I can't click on most things on the desktop.17:28
nixnewbieIt changes too17:28
aossiboot image*17:28
* cfhowlett wondered what a "hoot image" would do ...17:28
aossiit was a typo17:29
n000bWhere is ia32libs in ubuntu 13.10???17:29
nixnewbieFor a bit I could click on the launcher icons. Now I can't clik on that, or anything else. It is just unresponsive to mouse clicks. I changed from my wireless Logitech to wired USB mouse/keyboard and changed USB ports. No difference.17:29
aossisooo how do i get wifi through this terminal bullshit thing so i can make a boot image17:29
n000bi need 32bit compatibility on a x64 13.10 ubuntu !!!17:29
aossinooob the ubutu website has that17:30
theadminn000b: ia32-libs no longer exists, you can just install 32-bit versions of packages you want17:30
theadminn000b: sudo apt-get install whatever:i38617:30
n000btheadmin well i need to install 32bit compatibility for a user (which will later intall additional 32 bit packages), so i need ia32-libs ... where can i get it from?17:31
theadminn000b: You don't17:31
theadminn000b: You just install the 32-bit package, APT handles the rest17:31
n000bso ubuntu no longer supports 32 bit compatibility then?17:31
theadminn000b: It does, it's just implemented differently17:32
theadminn000b: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MultiArch17:32
mnemonn000b: apt will automatically fetch the required 32bit libs17:32
n000btheadmin i just run "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386"... is that all i can do for 32bit compatibility preparation?17:32
theadminn000b: You don't need to run that, it's enabled by default17:33
theadminn000b: So you're pretty much set17:33
n000btheadmin, mnemon ok thanks guys17:33
aossifudge it imma just boot image 12.0417:35
claude_theadmin, you seem to have some good knowledge I'd be tempted to enter in a private chat with you for my issue but I'll see what you'll say first :) I have an issue that is soooo hard to understand... I've got an awesome guy here that tried to help but that issue is still a mystery17:35
aossithabk you guys for your help17:35
cfhowlettaossi, note: new LTS ubuntu is 14.04 coming out in April17:35
theadminclaude_: Okay, well, I don't really know too much. Private chat is fine with me though17:36
claude_oh amazing... ok let's try it out17:36
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malgorathI have 13.10 x64 been running fine for a while. was in the middle of an update and the update client crashed and the system froze. I did a reboot and now it will not allow me to type, move the mouse and it even says it can not connect to network on the graphical login window.  Any idea what to do to fix this?17:36
claude_I can repost my issue here for others to see...17:37
claude_In a nutshell...17:37
claude_1- I boot in recovery mode then hit ."resume" and the system boots completely normally17:37
claude_2- I boot normally.... then 4 times out of 5, the system hangs right after the swap partition is mounted17:38
xa0s_why am I unable to connect to sshserver of my box at home? the ping is working.17:38
xa0s_so where am i going wrong?17:38
xa0s_im not familiar with sshserver as i am with sshclient (to an extent)17:38
malgorathxa0s_: did you install openssh server?17:38
thug-inchi cant some one helpme17:39
thug-inccan *17:39
tyler_d!help | thug-inc17:39
ubottuthug-inc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:39
xa0s_and it is up and running, malgorath17:39
thug-incdose any one run spotify  ?17:40
malgorathxa0s_: do you have iptables running and setup correctly to allow access?17:40
tyler_dxa0s_: `netstat -antp | grep :22`17:40
xa0s_no, I don't malgorath17:40
malgorathxa0s_: I'd run what tyler_d said17:40
tyler_dxa0s_: sudo  tcpdump -nes0 -i <<ether device>> port 2217:40
StrangeloveMDthug-inc yes17:40
thug-inci keep geting   invalid manifes17:40
StrangeloveMDthug-inc:  Havent had any issues.  What version are you on?17:41
xa0s_and, tyler_d: one of my 22 is established (to here, via irc) and the other two is in listen mode.17:41
xa0s_tyler_d, ether device as in my router?17:42
tyler_dxa0s_: ether device as in your network card... ie. eth017:42
xa0s_and how do i find th eip address of th eth0 ?17:42
tyler_dxa0s_: is it listening on all interfaces... ie. from the netstat command?17:42
tyler_dxa0s_: is it using eth0?17:43
xa0s_yes.. is in listen mode17:43
tyler_dxa0s_: is that how you have it connected to the network? via eth0?17:43
xa0s_hardwired, yes.17:43
tyler_dxa0s_: then it should be `tcpdump -nes0 -i eth0 port 22`17:43
tyler_dxa0s_: then try to ssh to the box..17:44
BorisTheAnimalmy sudo is bonky17:44
tyler_dmine is wonky17:44
tyler_dsometimes konky17:44
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tyler_das in: alias wonky=sudo17:44
xa0s_uhm... im on trisquel tho it's a derivative of ubuntu17:45
xa0s_it says tcpdump not found?17:45
xa0s_which i find odd.17:45
xa0s_command not found, i mean.17:45
cfhowlettxa0s_, ask trisquel channel for support.17:45
xa0s_i did.17:45
bekksxa0s_: Please ask the trisquel support then, since it is an unsupported derivate.17:45
BorisTheAnimalwell it asked for a password for my username but when I entered it said "sudo: myun: command not found"17:45
tyler_dxa0s_: so tcpdump is not installed... and ... what cfhowlett said17:45
xa0s_unsupported ?17:46
cfhowlettxa0s_, sorry.  as it's not ubuntu, no support here17:46
xa0s_so what derivatives do you support ?17:46
tyler_dxa0s_: should have stuck with source mate17:46
xa0s_i'm considering ditching trisquel17:46
cfhowlettxa0s_, xubuntu/lubuntu/gnomeubuntu/ubuntu/ubuntustudio/edubuntu17:46
malgorathI have 13.10 x64 been running fine for a while. was in the middle of an update and the update client crashed and the system froze. I did a reboot and now it will not allow me to type, move the mouse and it even says it can not connect to network on the graphical login window.  Any idea what to do to fix this? My keyboard and mouse are completly frozen, but I have got it to boot fine into live DVD17:46
xa0s_tho it's nice to go "free"17:46
tyler_dxa0s_: what's the advantage of going with something otehr than "ubuntu"17:46
* cfhowlett thinks "did I miss any?"17:46
xa0s_but... it's a real pain in the ass when it's not mainstream since im deaf and i use relay services for th edeaf... and adobe flash is not "free" is what killing the buzz.17:47
xa0s_thanks, cfhowlett17:47
tyler_dcfhowlett: more complete than any list I would have come up with17:47
bekksxa0s_: Adobe inst free, even for trisquel.17:47
cfhowlettxa0s_, can't relay services run on ubuntu?17:47
xa0s_adobe flash, that is.17:47
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:47
* tyler_d pulls out my shovel17:47
xa0s_well... i need that for the camera to work17:48
xa0s_and i dont have time to fiddle around17:48
tmmunqusing google chrome is easiest17:48
xa0s_that i said "the hell with it" and install google chrome17:48
xa0s_cuz when i gotta make a phone call, i GOTTA make a phone call... it's not that practical to be deaf to just pick up the phone to make the call.17:48
xa0s_needed video for interpreter to see me and vice versa17:48
bekksxa0s_: Those reasons all apply to Ubuntu too.17:48
xa0s_so trisquel's stand is killing it for me, man.17:48
tyler_dxa0s_: !linphone17:49
xa0s_gnash - i couldn't get it to work17:49
cfhowlettxa0s_, do you have the restricted extras installed?  flash is included in that package17:49
tyler_d!linphone | xa0s_17:49
xa0s_it's already working fine on my other ubuntu box.17:49
xa0s_im just debating on whether if it's worth it to stand with the FSF and RMS's stand17:49
xa0s_and to be frank, it doesn't at the moment17:49
xa0s_nevertheless.. thanks for helping out, man.17:49
cfhowlettxa0s_, tough choices ...17:50
xa0s_Thanks everybody.17:50
cfhowlettxa0s_, best of luck17:50
tyler_dnp, best of luck sir17:50
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xa0s_cfhowlett... it's really no brainer because I gotta make a phone call when I gotta... so screw that b.s. the FSF/RMS has been espouting...17:50
xa0s_have good day, everybody17:50
bekksHe'd better make his own choice, instead letting RMS decide for him.17:51
tyler_dbekks: it's hard when you feel strapped for time though... don't envy his position17:51
bekkstyler_d: I dont envy his position. I just commented on his position, of a free choice, that his choice isnt free, actually, since it isnt his choice, but the choice of RMS.17:52
bekksHowever, it gets offtopic.17:52
BorisTheAnimalhow do I use the root account through terminal? I have tried typing sudo my user name and then entering my pass but it does not work17:53
tyler_dBorisTheAnimal: su -17:53
tyler_dthe - is so you log the .profile for root17:53
malgorathI thought sudo -i was more 'secure'17:53
BorisTheAnimalsu: Authentication failure17:53
tyler_dBorisTheAnimal: not the same thing as sudo though.17:53
tyler_dBorisTheAnimal: because sudo and su are not the same....17:53
malgorathBorisTheAnimal: use sudo -i and type your password17:53
tyler_dmalgorath: that's not root though.... (or at least I dont think it is)17:54
bekks!root | BorisTheAnimal17:54
ubottuBorisTheAnimal: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:54
BorisTheAnimaloh no pass needed for that command17:54
malgorathalso if you REALLY want to use su - you have to do sudo passwd root17:55
Turn_Leftis it common to stick with 12.04 due to it being LTS even though it's outdated?17:55
malgorathTurn_Left: depends on what your doing, server dev stuff, probably.17:55
bekksTurn_Left: 12.04 isnt outdated. It receives updates and security fixes until 2017.17:55
cfhowlettTurn_Left, it's common and it's not outdated.17:55
Turn_Leftoh i see17:55
BorisTheAnimalwell I have a program that requires authentication..17:56
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Turn_Lefti read a site about updates and they hinted it being outdated... thanks17:56
bekksTurn_Left: Then dont read that again, since it is wrong, obviously.17:56
malgorathTurn_Left: its not 'outdated' but it does lag behind non-lts releases for stabilty sake17:56
Turn_Leftok bekks.. i'll always come here 1st17:57
Turn_Leftoh i see malgorath17:57
tyler_das your user, in a terminal type `sudo whoami` <--- say's I'm root.... how peculiar.17:57
proteneeri have nvidia drivers installed right now17:58
malgorathtyler_d: thats why sudo -i (sudo interactive mode) works for doing everything as if you were root, sudo -i then type whoami it will say root17:58
proteneerwhats the proper way to update them17:58
proteneercurrently 319.xx17:58
tyler_dmalgorath: how is that different than sudo o-s17:58
tyler_dsudo -s I mean17:59
ecdheIf I run a bash script, I see the output of the commands.  Is there any way I can also get the commands themselves to be printed?17:59
malgorathtyler_d: idk, never used -s but I used -i when I'm doing things like server installs to allow me to not have to sudo apt-get install a few million times17:59
tyler_dmalgorath: exactry, I use -s for the same thing :p17:59
malgorathsaving 5 keystrokes per line over 30 or 40 lines18:00
ecdheFor instance, a script with the command " echo hello " should print:18:01
ecdheecho hello18:01
tyler_dmalgorath: sudo -i <-- interactive, spawns with root variables18:01
theadminecdhe: bash -v script18:01
tyler_dmalgorath: sudo -s <-- spawns a new shell instance as root18:01
ecdheThanks theadmin!18:01
theadminecdhe: (replace "script" with the filename of the script)18:02
tyler_dtheadmin: is it bash or sh?18:02
theadmintyler_d: Depends on what kind of script it is, eh18:02
tyler_dindeed ;)18:02
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
john____hey guys, i installed minimal ubuntu, with awesome window manager. which display manager should i prefer ?18:07
bekksjohn____: The one you want. It is your decision, basically, not ours.18:07
john____okay, thanks for the fast reply. lightdm want to install ~600 packets. why so much ?18:08
john____or: should i install 600 packets for it ?18:08
Guest32758the creation of swap space in partition  #5 of scsi2 failed. any suggestions on how to fix this?18:09
bekksjohn____: Wh are you concerned about the number of packages being installed?18:09
bekksjohn____: Why does the number matter?18:09
trismjohn____: it will probably install less if you specify a greeter, like lightdm-gtk-greeter, it's probably trying to install unity-greeter18:09
trismjohn____: so: sudo apt-get install lightdm lightdm-gtk-greeter;18:10
Guest32758the creation of swap space in partition  #5 of scsi2 failed. any suggestions on how to fix this?18:11
elspuddyhello :)18:11
bekksGuest32758: that happens when doing what?18:11
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Guest32758bekks: trying to install ubuntu 12.0418:12
phil42_guest:  how much memory do you have?18:15
phil42_guest:  if you have lots of memory you can run without swap18:15
bekksphil42_: whis is not true if he is going to use suspend.18:16
phil42_guest:  are  you installing on a laptop? or might you want to put your computer in sleep mode for another reason?  if not, and you have lots of memory you can run without swap18:18
NilsBI unetbootin Ubuntu 12.04 and when boot the system tells me there is no kernel image ? any idea ?18:19
phil42_which is what i do18:19
phil42_i have 8G memory which is much more than sufficient18:19
NilsBdo i need to unetbootin an ISO with a Linux which have the same kernel of the iso ?18:20
vexati0nso is there a way to install the real Nvidia drivers WITHOUT it ALWAYS going to "low graphics mode" afterward?18:20
vexati0nafter 10 years, has Ubuntu still not figured this out?18:20
phil42_i use nvidia factory driver and it doesn't happen to me18:20
Actionparsnipvexati0n: never had an issue18:21
vexati0ni have tried with xorg-edgers ppa, the nvidia-current package, the pointy clicky GUI method from Software/Updates...18:21
vexati0nregardless of how I do it, it _always_ goes "durr, ubuntu cannot configured itself on account of herpderp"18:21
Actionparsnipvexati0n: install nvida-current.  Instate stored xorg.conf file. killall -u $USER18:21
phil42_but i have other problems with nvidia factory drivers18:21
Actionparsnipvexati0n: tried: sudo nvida-xconfig18:22
AossiStrangeloveMD: hey so i installed 12.04 and i got wonky graphics right now im using try ubuntu. but the problem im having is my graphics drivers. im using a nvidia card and well it wont let me install the drivers keeps saying something about handling a broken package18:22
vexati0nyeah tried that.18:22
vexati0nbefore and after reboot. it generates the xorg.conf file, and it's still broken.18:22
Actionparsnipvexati0n: tried playing with the xorg.conf file?18:22
vexati0nYes, because this is 1994 and I should have to do that.18:23
Actionparsnipvexati0n: it isn't automatically generated unless you run the nvida-xconfig command18:23
Guest32758the creation of swap space in partition  #5 of scsi2 failed. i get this error while trying to install ubuntu 12.0418:23
vexati0nActionparsnip: I DID run nvidia-xconfig. It created the file, the file doesn't work.18:23
john____gdm or lightdm? is that significant ?18:23
Actionparsnipvexati0n: your screen isn't reporting edid or its doing it badly18:23
vexati0none more time in 21st century end-user language please18:24
Actionparsnipvexati0n: so to accommodate your screen by making the file18:24
karstensrageim running 11.04 and am going to upgrade soon but i cant right now, im getting errors trying to uninstall apache218:25
john____bekks: gdm or lightdm? does it matter for the system ?18:25
Actionparsnipkarstensrage: the community doesn't support eol releases18:25
karstensrageits forcing me to install php5-cgi,  and its failing to authenicate then failing to get it18:25
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=== aossi is now known as Aossi
vexati0nActionparsnip: that means nothing to me. What do I do? nvidia-xconfig created the file, and the file doesn't work. How do I make it work?18:26
AossiStrangeloveMD: you there bro?18:26
Actionparsnipkarstensrage: do a clean install of Precise and restore your web data from backup18:26
karstensragei cant do that on this machine yet18:26
Aossican some one help me? i get a graphical situation where the graphics are set to a monitor bigger than the one i have when i get to the log in screen. is there a way i can fix this with the terminal?18:27
Actionparsnipvexati0n: you open the file using: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf ,then find out options that may make it work and play18:27
Aossican some one help me? i get a graphical situation where the graphics are set to a monitor bigger than the one i have when i get to the log in screen. is there a way i can fix this with the terminal?18:28
Actionparsnipvexati0n: does the system use a switching GPU?18:28
phil42_Guest32758:  your problem is complex.   do you actually need swap?   (i don't)18:29
ActionparsnipAossi: you can use an xrandr command to set the res of the login screen18:29
Aossihow do i do that?18:29
Aossiim in grub right now.18:29
AossiActionparsnip: ^18:29
ActionparsnipAossi: you need to make a bash script18:30
ActionparsnipAossi: http://askubuntu.com/questions/73804/wrong-login-screen-resolution18:30
AossiActionparsnip: ty bro ill let you know if i need further help18:31
ActionparsnipAossi : you can do it in tty1 if you like (and can use terminal based text editors)18:31
ActionparsnipAossi: I had to do the same.  Hence quickness18:32
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AossiActionparsnip: can i do it in grub? or nomodeset?18:32
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AossiActionparsnip: im at login screen.....18:33
ActionparsnipAossi: put the script in /usr/bin for neatness and add it to your backups in case you need to reinstall18:33
ActionparsnipAossi : you can press CTRL + ALT + F1 and log in there and do it18:33
theadminEh, I say. Use /usr/local/bin for custom stuff. /usr/bin is for things from packages.18:33
AossiActionparsnip: hold on im not even at terminal yet im at the log in screen. if i log in shit gets worse hold on18:33
Guest32758phil42_: it required swap before. i tried to add swap space an extra gb in the advanced settings and i messed up something i think and now even if i restart it i get the same error. after it puts up the error it goes back to the install screen18:34
ActionparsnipTheadmin: either is fine, it's all in $PATH18:34
AossiActionparsnip: i keep doing xrandr -q and it says cant open display18:34
theadminActionparsnip: True, but from an ethical point of view, this is the kinda thing /usr/local is for18:34
ActionparsnipAossi: export DISPLAY=0.018:35
ActionparsnipTheadmin: if you wish.18:35
AossiActionparsnip: nothing from that command18:36
phil42_Guest32758:  how much memory do you have?18:36
ActionparsnipAossi: it doesn't output anything18:36
ActionparsnipAossi try the command again18:37
phil42_Guest32758:  if you can get it running without swap you can add a swapfile after installation18:37
Aossidid and still nothing that screen also wasnt scrolling with the commands.... i had to reboot18:37
ActionparsnipAossi : just use a resolution which is low enough to know to work18:38
Aossi-.- if i could i would18:39
Aossidoes any one know the keyboard shortcut to bring up terminal at the log in screen?18:40
phil42_control-alt-F1 ?18:40
phil42_that switches  you to a console, to get back type control-alt-F718:41
Aossihold on imma link to my livestream so you can SEE what im dealing with....18:41
phil42_i am thinking that that is not what you are wanting18:41
Aossicause describing it aint gunna work lol18:42
phil42_Action was suggesting that  you get it running then adjust it later,  that sounds like a good idea to me18:43
Aossii know i was trying to and it wasnt working18:43
Aossiphil42_: http://new.livestream.com/accounts/7358346 thats my live stream18:47
phil42_can you log in?18:47
Aossigo to my stream and watch18:48
moiHI , i am trying to configure dhcp in ubuntu 13.10 is this post old  ??  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/dhcp3-server18:48
phil42_Aossi, no, that is a security risk18:48
albiviandoes anyone here know how to install nvidia drivers for a msi ge40 dragon eyes?18:49
albiviani've tried a few things and feel like giving up18:49
bekksmoi: That post is of 2013-09-29.18:49
terriyuhi everyone, any recommendations on whether I should install Ubuntu 12.04 LTS or 13.10?  I do open source software development and use VirtualBox.18:49
bekksterriyu: If you have to ask, use 12.04.18:49
moi <bekks> so ?? can i follow it ??18:50
albivianbekks: 13.10 has a few glitches18:50
bekksmoi: Your ? key is defective. And that guide is current, so you can follow it.18:50
bekksalbivian: Never had any issues with it until now.18:50
theadminterriyu: In general: use LTS if you want stability and long support, use latest versions if you can't wait for new features.18:50
theadminterriyu: (or want very up-to-date software)18:51
albivianhas anyone here isntalled nvidia drivers successfully?18:51
albivian13.10 on a msi ge40 dragon eyes is having trouble18:51
terriyubekks theadmin : thanks.  12.04 has been working for me, just wondered if 13.10 might be more fun18:51
phil42_bekks:  if decide to do that the latest cd is 12.04.418:51
bekksterriyu: Nope, it wont be.18:51
theadminterriyu: Eh, 14.04 is coming out very soon18:51
albivianterriyu: nope18:51
moi ater typing this command "nano -w /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf" i dont know how to save and quit ???18:51
albivianterriyu: no fun at all18:51
theadminterriyu: So best to just wait for that18:51
bekksphil42_: I know.18:52
=== phil42_ is now known as Phil42
Phil42i am now known as Phil4218:52
bekksmoi: Then look at the bottom of your screen. You can see the shortcuts there.18:52
columbHow to change partition mount point  to something pretty without making soft (i.e. torrent) think that I no longer have my old partition?18:52
albiviancan anyone here help me with getting nvidia drivers workign on my msi ge40 dragon eyes18:53
albivianrunning 13.1018:53
Phil42i disagree about the waiting,  when you need to install you need to install18:53
moi<bekks>  sorry ??18:53
albiviani'm getting black screen18:53
bekks!details | albivian18:53
ubottualbivian: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:53
AossiPhil42: idk if you saw but i fixed it18:54
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terriyubekks theadmin albivian : ah, good to know.  I talked to an Ubuntu employee and he told me to use 12.04 as well, but I thought he was covering his corporate behind.18:54
bekksmoi: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Nano#Screen_Layout18:54
bekksterriyu: However that would cover his corporate.18:55
albivianI have a problem with installing nvidia drivers. I'm running 13.10 on a msi ge40 dragon eyes. Once installed, and rebooted, I get a black screen after login, and but I expected it to work.18:55
bekksalbivian: HOW did you install the drivers...18:55
albivianmouse works18:55
bekksalbivian: We are still waiting for the important information.18:55
albiviansudo apt-get install nvidia-current18:55
Phil42terriyu:   i use 12.04,  i will switch to 14.04 when it goes gold18:55
aberranthi all18:55
bekksalbivian: And you did not name any version of which drivers exactly.18:55
aberrantare there really good step-by-step guides for building a dpkg?18:55
bekksalbivian: So please provide those missing items.18:55
albivianon several repos18:55
albivianand nvidia can be nvidia-*version*18:55
bekksalbivian: And we need to know WHICH version you installed.18:56
bekksalbivian: We cant guest it.18:56
Pici!packaging | albivian if you mean creating a new .deb package...18:56
ubottualbivian if you mean creating a new .deb package...: The packaging guide is at http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/  - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports and !sponsoring18:56
albivianbekks: 33118:57
bekksalbivian: And did you check that 331 supports your specific make and model?18:57
albivianubottu: I dont really need a deb. just a working instance of nvidia running on my 13.10 box18:57
ubottualbivian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
aberrantubottu: I want to create my own package that will install some custom software.18:57
ubottuaberrant: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:57
=== mike_ is now known as Guest53178
albivianright. the pun18:58
Piciaberrant: oops, that was for you.18:58
Aossiit happens dude18:58
aberrantPici: got it, I figured :) thanks.18:58
tmmunqi sometimes worry computers wont need sentience to kill us all...18:58
Picialbivian: it doesn't help that I directed the factoid to the wrong person... sorry for the confusion.18:58
* Phil42 is glad Aossi got it working :)18:58
Aossilol Phil42 did you see the stuff i was dealing with18:59
Aossilol ermehgerd18:59
aberrantis it possible to get a debian package to overwrite /etc/passwd?18:59
Phil42i am very security conscious,  i don't do livestream18:59
Aossii feel you18:59
Aossiits just i knew no one was gunna be able to see what i was typing soo i wasnt too worried19:00
Aossibut i do understand exactly what your talking about19:00
Aossii was live streaming from mah phone too so lol19:00
theadminaberrant: Yes, it's possible to get a Debian package to do anything. They install as root, they can very well format your hard drive with a postinst script or something19:00
jschoolcraftis there an easy way to debug the imfile input for rsyslog?  Trying to get it to watch the nginx log and ship it to graylog but I'm not seeing it (I am seeing other syslog messages)19:00
albivianbekks: i do sudo apt-get install nvidia-331 > reboot19:00
albivianand the black screen begins19:00
theadminaberrant: That's why the click packages are being worked on to resolve this security problem for third-party software19:00
Aossii love how quasi easy ubuntu is to work around lol unlike winblows where you gotta practically spam alt ctrl del19:01
aberranttheadmin: I actually NEED to do this, so I hope I'll be able to do it for a while.19:01
Phil42albivian:   i suggest trying an older version.   i have to run 295.7119:01
theadminaberrant: Eh, Debian packages aren't leaving Ubuntu, it's just that the preferred packaging mechanism for third-party software will change over time19:02
* Aossi loves his ubuntu 12.0419:02
aberranttheadmin: ok, cool19:02
aberrantdpkg it is then19:02
brandom_Has anyone seen issues opening files in a SFTP mount in its default program? I want a file to open in sublime, which works fine for local files, but fails for SFTP mounts. I couldn't find anything via google.19:02
Phil42Aossi:  will  you switch when 14.04 finalizes?19:03
beandogbrandom_: maybe try gigolo to mount it, then access it locally19:03
theadminbrandom_: Yeah, that happens with GVFS sometimes. If you do the mount "properly", i.e. using the mount command, it should work19:03
brandom_beandog, theadmin: Thanks. What is strange is this was working fine before, now everything opens in gedit. If I try to force it to open in sublime, if sublime is closed it will open, but the file is not opened.19:04
renato_algm brazuca?19:05
AossiPhil42: depends on how much flak it gives me when i go to upgrade. all this what you saw and stuff stemmed from me upgrading to 12.1019:05
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aberrantbrandom_: have you tried wbond's sftp package for sublime?19:05
theadminbrandom_: That is odd, I haven't encountered this behaviour19:05
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Phil42Aossi:   i don't upgrade.  i do a new install on another partition19:07
AossiPhil42: really now? hrmmm looks like i have googling to do19:07
Phil42Aossi:  that way i can go back anytime i want19:07
AossiPhil42: fair enough19:08
Phil42Aossi:  i have several versions on different drives and partitions now19:08
brandom_aberrant: Yes, that turned up in google, however it looks like it uses a local temp file, which kind of messes up my workflow b/c I will often have the same file open on multiple remotes, or locally as well and I can't tell them apart at a glance.19:09
Phil42which reminds me to be sure the dormant drives are not spinning19:09
Phil42they are not19:09
Phil42first the flood,   then the drought19:12
issphpHi everyone, i locked myself out of my ubuntu ec2 instance because i changed something in the sshd_config .. allowing other users to authenticate with passwords while i use a private key.. so i followed this guide: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/5213606968661598 and now im able to edit the ubuntu files.. is there a way to change the password of the ubuntu users by editing the files?19:12
Aossialright guys im out of here got some restoring to do on this pc19:13
AossiPhil42: ty for the help bro19:13
Phil42Aossi:   i am glad you got it working19:13
moiI pressed  Ctrl-X and saved with y but am still  not quitying nano  ??? help please19:13
issphpHi everyone, i locked myself out of my ubuntu ec2 instance because i changed something in the sshd_config .. allowing other users to authenticate with passwords while i use a private key.. so i followed this guide: http://aws.amazon.com/articles/5213606968661598 and now im able to edit the ubuntu files.. is there a way to change the password of the ubuntu users by editing the files? (the question is, how to change a password by editin19:14
issphpsorry i edited my question19:14
Phil42issphp:   beats me   :(19:14
moiI pressed  Ctrl-X and saved with y but am still  not quitying nano  ???19:15
issphpPhil42: ?19:15
Phil42moi:  try control x again19:15
ubuntu13Is it possible to use any fan control software on ubuntu if there's only 3-pin headers (no pwm)? I tried this (http://askubuntu.com/questions/22108/how-to-control-fan-speed) - didn't work.19:15
Phil42issphp: i might have answered that one a long time ago, but not now19:16
Phil42ubuntu13:  i saw something about that. i have it in bookmarks, hold on19:16
issphpPhil42: how do you actually edit the passwd file.. ubuntu must have supported it19:16
ubuntu13Phil42, I just want to run 1 chassis fan @ full speed.19:17
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moi<Phil42> what  do you mean pressed  Ctrl-X and its not quitting ??!!19:17
issphpPhil42: i found on the internet that you should use 'vipw' for editing shadow and passwd.. is it true ?19:17
groutso i see that 14.04 now has mac versions of its images online, what do these images contain thats different?19:20
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Phil42ubuntu13: here it is   http://chomaloma.blogspot.com/2009/09/setting-cpu-fan-speed-linux.html19:21
Phil42moi:  i ran nano and exited by pressing control x.   you saved,  maybe it will quit for you if you press control x19:22
moi<Phil42> no it's just not quiting i have saved with y though ???19:23
Phil42issphp:   the answer to your question is  i don't know. do you need answers to any other questions?19:23
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Phil42moi:  i ran nano and it quit when i saved.  are you sure you saved?19:24
ehernandezhello guys19:25
Phil42hi e19:25
ehernandezi have ubuntu 13.10 64 bit19:25
ubuntu13Phil42, like I said, there's no pwm sensors in the intel 946 board I'm using. So that won't work. I guess I"ll have to check out the bios settings...19:25
ehernandezI want to install php 5.3.2819:26
ehernandezwhat should I do?19:26
juan_somebody knows how to clean the system19:27
juan_i need help19:27
moi<Phil42> when i press y i just get back to the nano file !19:27
juan_i need a good app to clean the system19:28
theadminjuan_: Bleachbit is pretty decent19:29
tmmunqwhats the name of the package to install the latest version of the kernel headers on 13.10? isnt linux-headers-generic?19:29
Phil42moi:  your keys might have gotten remapped.    i would make sure that another copy of my file is saved and close the window or something19:32
moi<Phil42>  can i open the file with gedit or leafpad ?? or it has to be with nano cause i am trying to  configure dhcp19:33
Phil42moi: i use other editors19:34
Phil42moi: i seldom use nano19:34
Phil42moi:  are you sure you have write privilege on that file?   are you root?19:35
moi<Phil42>  yes i am root19:36
tozenmoi: what the matter? just connected19:37
Phil42moi:  i am not sure what the problem is.  i can only tell you what i would do19:37
moi<Phil42>  when i hit cotrol X nano is not quitting !!19:38
Jordan_Umoi: Ctrl+X is not supposed to quit nano.19:38
tozenmoi: becouse u've save with Ctrl+O first19:38
Jordan_Umoi: Sorry, I swapped ctrl+X and ctrl+O, ignore my last comment :)19:39
=== georgia is now known as georgialy
__infinityHello, i am writing script to manage eduroam eap-tls 802.1x connection. I can use wpa_supplicant.conf, but i dont want to erase/update/create it. So i can download certificates, create login and generate password. From terminal i can open network manager gui with command nm-connection-editor. Is there any way how to open eduroam ssid configuration with preffiled things? Or any idea how to do it automatically? Thanks for reply19:40
moi<Jordan_U> is it fine if i used laefpad or gedit ??19:40
Jordan_Umoi: Yes. You can use whatever text editor you like.19:40
_zap_hi. i am having trouble booting ubuntu precise on a yoga 2 pro. i am using kernel 3.2.0-58-generic 64 bit booted on efi via grub. the kernel immediately hangs without producing any output. i also booted it from the grub console (without grub.cfg) and this yields the same result.19:40
_zap_could you give me a pointer on how to explore such early kernel issues?19:40
roasted_hello friends.19:43
Phil42_zap_:  can you boot a live cd?19:43
Phil42hi roasted     :)19:44
morsnowskitree /media19:45
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_zap_Phil42: yes i can19:46
_zap_Phil42: i installed ubuntu also booting via efi19:47
Phil42just checking19:47
tchhi all19:47
uruhackSomebody have the md5 checksum for Ubuntu 12.04 64bits :D19:47
uruhackHello Phil19:47
Beldar!md5sum | uruhack19:48
ubottuuruhack: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows19:48
Phil42uruhack: you can get that from cdimage.ubuntu.com (or something like that)19:48
Beldaruruhack, Links in the bots info.19:48
uruhackThanks, i am in Ubuntu now19:49
uruhacknot winbugs :p19:49
Beldaruruhack, lok closer at the links themselves19:49
tchI have problem with backup configuration via ftp. I've got only some short error, where can I find more information about why my backup failed?19:49
uruhackyeah, i am seeing :D19:49
bekkstch: Well, which error?19:49
tchbekks: "Nieobsługiwane działanie" in polish, I don't know how to translate this19:50
bekkstch: http://translate.google.com/#auto/en/Nieobs%C5%82ugiwane%20dzia%C5%82anie19:51
Beldartch, Nieobsługiwane działanie=unsupported action19:51
tchBeldar: bekks: still, I don't see anything about this error in Google :(19:53
bekkstch: Well, we dont know what you are doing. "ftp backup" is too generic.19:53
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_zap_Phil42: is there a way to debug such early kernel boot problems more or less easily or is it merely a matter of trying different kernel versions19:54
Beldartch, I have no clue, and can only google what you post.19:54
tchBeldar: ok, thx19:54
tchbekks: ok, thx19:54
Phil42_zap_:   it would be much easier if you were booting that kernel from a local disk.   it sounds like you are never getting the kernel at all19:55
SolarisBoylooks like it could be 'unsupported action'19:56
Phil42_zap_:  i don't know how to get more information while efi booting via grub19:58
Phil42_zap_:   i apologize.   you are not remote booting.  i thought you were19:59
_zap_Phil42: no the kernel is found20:00
_zap_Phil42: i mean grub finds the kernel and hands over control20:00
_zap_Phil42: just after that the system hangs20:00
Phil42_zap_: and when you boot from live cd everthing goes ok?20:01
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_zap_Phil42: i tried to boot knoppix in bios mode and an ubuntu installer in efi mode20:01
_zap_Phil42: so it seems to be a kernel issue20:02
_zap_Phil42: probably i should try different versions20:02
Phil42_zap_:  good idea20:02
_zap_Phil42: ok i will try that20:02
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Phil42_zap_:  good luck20:03
_zap_Phil42: thanks a lot for your time20:03
Phil42_zap_:  i am sorry that i wasn't more helpful20:03
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Jordan_U_zap_: What version of Ubuntu did you install?20:05
Phil42he was using kernel 3.2.0-58-generic 64 bit booted on efi via grub20:06
Phil42so, probably 12.0420:07
morsnowskihow useable is trusty by now or should I stay with 12.04?20:16
Beldarmorsnowski, trusty is in development, #ubuntu+1 is its support channel.20:17
morsnowskii know that but i want to know whether it makes sense to stick with 12.04 for now and that is supported here20:18
SolarisBoyi try to stick to LTS regardless how yummy the dev branches look20:19
SolarisBoymaybe in a VM20:19
Beldarmorsnowski, Both questions are outside support, bset you will get are biased answers.20:19
Phil42morsnowski:  i am sticking with 12.04 and i am following development by updating my 14.04 live cd iso file frequently with zsync20:22
Phil42morsnowski:  i run the livecd file with kvm20:23
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Matthew97Hi guys!20:25
_zap_Phil42: sorry for letting you wait. i am installing precise lts20:27
Phil42_zap_: that was our guess    :)20:27
BeldarMatthew97, This is support not chat.20:27
Phil42chat is #ubuntu-offtopic20:28
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_zap_Phil42: so i guess i have to take it apart now ;)20:30
brandom_theadmin: okay, a restart fixed it. mentioning gvfs made my google search a little more specific and i believe it is caused by sleep, but none of the suggestions fixed the issue.20:30
Phil42_zap_:  no!20:30
codygman-For some reason when I first open my rxvt-unicode terminal it is pink instead of the colors I specify in .XResources... HOwever if I open a few (or wait a minute) it works fine20:30
theadminbrandom_: Huh, odd20:30
_zap_Phil42: i just meant i will install another kernel20:31
brandom_i suppose most would restart first, but i guess i like to know *why* which, of course, can really waste some time20:31
_zap_Phil42: chrooting and all that20:31
Phil42_zap_:  i thought you were going to take your laptop apart    :)20:31
_zap_Phil42: i was imprecise :)20:31
Phil42_zap_:  it bothers me that you can boot the cd the old way but not the efi way20:32
John_John_what is the correct way to install LAMP on 13.10 desktop ? apt-get install lamp-server^ ? or manually one by one ?20:32
_zap_Phil42: actually i can boot the cd the efi way20:32
Phil42_zap_: that tells me that efi boot isn't working  (duh)20:33
_zap_Phil42: i put it on usb and booted it via grub in efi mode which works fine20:33
_zap_Phil42: this way i installed precise on my yoga 2 pro20:33
_zap_Phil42: just the installed kernel won't boot via efi20:33
Phil42_zap_: it still bothers me20:34
_zap_Phil42: so i would now boot via knoppix or something, mount the disk, chroot and install another kernel20:34
_zap_Phil42: it bothers me too20:34
_zap_Phil42: there are reports that ubuntu 13.10 works but not 12.0420:34
littlebe1rJohn_John_: the easiest would install windows in virtualbox and use something like wamp20:34
=== brandom_ is now known as brandom
_zap_Phil42: but i didn't find an explanation ... just "it doesn't work"20:34
littlebe1rJohn_John_: however, if wish to do that in ubuntu, i recommend sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql5-server20:35
Jordan_U_zap_: Fun thing to try would be to modify the root= kernel parameter from the LiveCD boot menu to point to the installed system's root.20:35
Phil42_zap_: i doubt i will be much help.  i have never done that20:35
John_John_littlebe1r: lol how old are you ? where you born when monitors were green ?20:36
_zap_Phil42, Jordan_U: the problem is that the initrd doesn't match20:36
John_John_littlebe1r: and that doesnt include php does it ?20:36
_zap_Jordan_U, Phil42: on the other hand, it may be worth a try20:37
littlebe1rJohn_John_: Apache2 has a php module20:37
_zap_Jordan_U, Phil42: i can simply copy the kernel and matching initrd over and booth those20:38
littlebe1rJohn_John_: what do you mean monitors were green?20:38
John_John_littlebe1r: nothing...forget about it seriously20:38
Phil42he has one of those nice amber monitors20:39
John_John_Phil42: still ? i wish i had one now i guess....od memories....20:40
Jordan_UJohn_John_: There are multiple "correct" ways. Using tasksel is one way, and installing the services that you need manually with apt-get is another.20:41
John_John_Jordan_U: tasksel is what i described before ?20:42
John_John_sudo apt-get install lamp-server^20:43
John_John_or you run tasksel from command prompt some other way ?20:43
Jordan_UJohn_John_: They're related, it's somewhat of a question of semantics. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel should clarify things.20:43
John_John_i see..i am new to linux anyways20:44
John_John_i m gonna go with tasksel i guess and install anything extra manually from there20:44
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grex25could anyone tell me, why MINITUBE is free at Linux distros, but not on any other platform?20:48
tyler_dgrex25: what is that?\20:49
Beldargrex25, This is ubuntu support, not a support issue, and how would we know any better than you, ask the developers.20:49
grex25tyler_d: http://flavio.tordini.org/minitube20:50
theadmingrex25: Just use SMPlayer. It's crossplatform, and can play Youtube just fine. Well, there are many other alternative solutions, that's just one I like20:50
grex25theadmin: I just found it, that doesnt mean I use it ;)20:50
theadmingrex25: Ah, well. That question should go to the developer of the app. Maybe (s)he thinks only free users deserve free software :D20:54
grex25theadmin: Sources are open, but win/osx are closed source20:55
theadmingrex25: ...It's a Qt app, it will build anywhere20:55
theadmingrex25: That means the "Linux source" is more or less universal20:56
theadminWeh, anyway, this is offtopic20:56
_zap_Phil42: now that's funny. i tried to boot the linux kernel from the ubuntu installation disk (that i modified to boot via grub efi) and it also doesn't work20:57
_zap_Phil42: so it looks like a grub issue now20:57
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Phil42_zap_:   i hope you get it working.  i would not even try,  i would just boot the old way21:00
_zap_Phil42: old way = bios?21:00
_zap_Phil42: i want to make efi work since it did before21:00
_zap_Phil42: so i will simply replace the grub.efi binary21:00
Phil42_zap_:  i understand,   but i would not put in the effort21:01
Phil42_zap_:  please let us know if it works21:01
_zap_Phil42: you have a point. it does not matter much but efi is the future (or rather the present) and this is why i want to try21:01
Phil42_zap_:  i would just hope that it would get worked out before i actually needed it21:02
_zap_Phil42: i will but i have to wait until tomorrow because i don't have the usb stick here and i don't want to create another grub efi binary from which i don't know if it works21:02
_zap_Phil42: this whole efi thing appears to be quite neat when it works someday ;)21:03
=== Shadeslayer_ is now known as Guest76905
jackbrownis there anyone that can help me with ARECORD command that doesn't capture my microphone ?21:11
jackbrownpls ?21:11
Phil42jackbrown:   it is probably listening to the wrong input21:13
jackbrownPhil42: can you help me to fix it ?21:14
Phil42run arecord -l  to get a list of your devices21:14
jackbrownPhil42: I found this that could help http://linuxconfig.org/how-to-test-microphone-with-audio-linux-sound-architecture-alsa21:14
jackbrownPhil42: ok21:14
jackbrownPhil42: https://www.privatepaste.com/c9a47b4d7321:15
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jackbrownPhil42: any idea?21:18
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
jackbrownrec and arecord commands don't capture any sound on my machine could anyone help me to check how to set the proper device to capture sound ?21:21
Phil42try this,   run    aplay /dev/urandom21:22
Phil42that should make your speakers hiss21:22
jackbrownPhil42: worked :)21:23
backnforthCan someone tell me why I'm having the wrong graphics card read21:23
backnforthI believe I have catalyst up to date21:24
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=== Collin is now known as Collin-ITN
jackbrownPhil42: I can give you a screenshot of the Alsamixer window do you want it ?21:25
Phil42jackbrown:   do you have a directory called /dev/snd     ?21:25
jackbrownPhil42: checking21:25
jackbrownPhil42: yes I have21:26
Phil42try to aplay each of the pcmXXXXX  files to see if you hear anything when you tap the microphone21:27
jackbrownPhil42: under the /dev/snd directory I have  pcmC0D0c  pcmC0D0p21:28
Phil42those are the pcmXXXXX files21:28
_zap_Phil42: do you know how the efi boot process works in ubuntu? there is a single apparently grub efi binary in the ESP partition and another grub efi binary in the boot partition which contains the kernel. I appears that the ESP grub loads the boot partition grub but there is no config file for the ESP grub21:28
_zap_Phil42: so i am wondering how that works21:28
_zap_Phil42: or rather how the efi grub was built21:29
Phil42_zap_:   i know you need a leader and i am behind you all the way21:29
_zap_Phil42: oh i don't think so but it's ok. i'll find it somewhere21:30
Phil42_zap_:   just checking one more time,   it works when you boot the bios way,  it doesn't work the efi way.  no other difference.  ?21:36
_zap_Phil42: it works the efi way with my self made version of the ubuntu iso that i start from a usb disk21:39
_zap_Phil42: there i use a combination of refind and grub21:39
EleanorEllisHi. I'm just upgrading to Ubuntu 13.10 and I got an error message that kismet would not be installed. This seems to be a wireless packet sniffer. Why would I need this? I am not a hacker or a wifi system admin.21:39
_zap_Phil42: the efi grub installed by ubuntu however does not appear to be able to load the kernel properly21:39
hitsujiTMOEleanorEllis: its not installed by default. most likely a dependency of something else you have installed21:40
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: Well I guess I will find something else doesn't work. Hopefully it's not something I need.21:41
hitsujiTMOEleanorEllis: have you performed the upgrade yet?21:41
Phil42_zap_: i asked because there are other things that make a computer go dead at boot than the boot loader21:41
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: The upgrade is still in progress21:42
Phil42jackbrown:   are  you still here?21:43
breadcrumbdoes anyone know how to get programs on startup to appear in a specific workspace? (13.10)21:43
_zap_Phil42: that is true. but i am inside the grub shell and i issue "linux <linux file> <ret> initrd <initrd file> <ret> boot"21:43
_zap_Phil42: so there it is either the linux kernel or grub21:44
breadcrumbi tried installing/running devilspie but it seems to be broken for 13.1021:44
hitsujiTMOEleanorEllis: looking at the reverse dependencies of kismet there are no packages that require kismet, may be installed as part of a PPA or else you would have to have manually installed it (or someone else who has had access to your computer)21:44
_zap_Phil42: and my test indicates that it appears to be grub21:45
hitsujiTMOUltimateNate fix your client/connection!21:45
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: Oh now I remember we were having problems with wifi so I wanted to debug it but I never managed to get anything working on my computer. But then I found a wifi analyser for Android. Maybe I should look at uninstalling whatever else I installed at the time.21:46
hitsujiTMOEleanorEllis: its not going to be harmful to leave them there at least, but no harm in removing them either21:47
Phil42wrong channel for UltimateNate21:47
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: Thanks21:47
CoincourseHello all, I was wondering, is it possible to resize Ubuntu's encrypted LVM partition?  I'd like to shrink it so I can dual boot Windows.21:48
hitsujiTMOCoincourse: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4530641 not a simple task and can quite easily go wrong21:49
=== RickyB98 is now known as rickyb98
Phil42i was wrong, UltimateNate is on this channel21:52
CoincourseAha. Thanks hitsujiTMO  That's exactly what I was looking for. What if I backed up all of / to an external, wiped and repartitioned the hard drive with the Ubuntu installer, set up LVM again but didn't install the OS, then booted and copied it back?  Would that wreak hell of all the permissions?21:53
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: Now it seems my distro upgrade has stalled. The terminal output looks like this http://pastebin.com/cczeppG821:55
hitsujiTMOCoincourse: you'd have issues with references to different filesystem (uuid stuff mainly).21:55
hitsujiTMOEleanorEllis: ouch. looks like it aint gonna complete. might need to do a reinstall21:56
CoincoursehitsujiTMO: Ah, ok.  Sounds like I'll need a full reinstall then. Thanks for saving me some headaches21:56
_zap_Phil42: thanks for your support. have to leave now21:56
_zap_Phil42: from that point on i don't expect much trouble ... famous last words21:57
EleanorEllishitsujiTMO: By reinstall, do you mean reformat the partition and install from a cd or start the upgrade again?21:58
hitsujiTMOformat + install from cd21:58
=== scottalan|afk is now known as scottalan
metulburrhow do you idle in a registered only channel?21:59
CoincourseElinorEllis: I'll back up my home then reformat and reinstall LVM with enough space left over this time.21:59
Seveasmetulburr: by not saying anything...22:00
metulburri keep getting booted from #CHANNEL_NAME to #CHANNEL_NAME-unregistered after awhile22:00
Seveasmetulburr: so, register22:00
xanguametulburr: /join #freenode22:00
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metulburri am registered22:00
metulburri want to just idle in a channel though22:01
dreadiscoolIs there a wget-friendly link for ubuntu 12.04 32b server edition?22:01
EleanorEllisCoincourse: Was that message meant for me? What is LVM?22:01
nvrpunkI am getting:22:03
nvrpunkunable to find 'distinguished_name' in config22:03
nvrpunkproblems making Certificate Request22:03
CoincourseOh sorry ElinorEllis, hitsuji was just helping me with another issue that involved reinstalling/reformating. I thought you were asking about it22:03
nvrpunkwhen I try generating a cert22:03
CoincourseThink signals got crossed22:04
nvrpunkI have made changes to my openssl.cnf to no avail22:04
=== jack is now known as Guest11504
CoincourseLVM is a way to do whole partition encryption22:04
bekksLVM has nothing to do with encryption.22:05
bekksYou can use it inside an encrypted entity, or put encrypted volumes into LVM. But LVM itself has nothing to do with encryption.22:06
=== alb is now known as Guest32440
=== Thor|Away is now known as Thorium220
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thirddaysupport auto-completion of contacts in geary not work22:19
cubudI have a windows 7 machine running Ubuntu desktop in VMPlayer.  If I install Ubuntu on a dedicated machine can I get a desktop connection from my windows box?22:22
cubudNot just terminal :)22:22
jamesdcubud: ssh -X  server  command... can be xterm or gnome-terminal and then start anything you like22:24
test4Hey i have theoretical question http://bpaste.net/show/183420/ can you help me with it? im thinking just set up new server and transfer data then make sure it works and then change nameserver info and its done.. what would step by step be.. am i correct?22:24
jamesdtest4: is data static or dynamic, and does it change much?22:25
cubudjamesd: So Gnome and XTerm are apps that will run on Windows?22:26
test4jamesd: lets say it does not but since its 60G of data id say some databases are there.. should just notify users server migration in progress?22:26
jamesdcubud: you install Xming on the windows machine... then you can use putty with X tunneling enabled.22:26
test4jamesd: or change mysql in old to point to new server when new server is set up?22:27
jamesdtest4: install apache or LAMP stack on the new box... copy data over.. test and validate, update dns record to point at new box. when all DNS for everyone updates tehy will be on the new box.. do a final sync up, and all data will be the same22:28
yacccubud: X11 (traditionally, not all extensions nowadays) is a video output/keyboard/pointer device input system that is network transparent.22:28
yacccubud: The X11 server (funny naming) is basically the IO device driver with some management on top of it.22:29
cubudjamesd: Do you happen to know a URL to a tutorial or something?  I am a complete Linux newbie22:29
yacccubud: Xming is a X11 server that runs on Windows.22:29
cubudyacc, server?  Shouldn't I have a client on Windows?22:29
jamesdcubud: no... you need a server to handle the gui instructions, the application is the client, but the server draws on the screen22:30
yacccubud: funny naming as I said. nowadays it would be called the client.22:30
yacccubud: https://www.google.com/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=Xming+putty+tunnel&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-822:30
BillMcCormickafter updating to subversion 1.8.8 i have this problem :22:30
BillMcCormicksvnlook: symbol lookup error: svnlook: undefined symbol: svn_pool_create_allocator22:30
yacccubud: X11 clients are actually applications (e.g. firefox, chrome, xterm, ...) that connect to the X11 server that provides that IO display service, kind of :)22:31
cubudBookmarked, thanks22:31
cubudOh I see22:31
cubudX11 is a service to apps, therefore a server22:31
Phil42tomorrow is splurge on lunch day,  where should i go?22:31
test4jamesd: okay so final mysql and such sync up, but the mysql version is new so theres no problem?22:32
yacccubud: normally the DISPLAY is defined via the DISPLAY environment variable, nowadays, >99.9% it's :0.022:32
yaccempty string before : => localhost22:33
yacc0 => display 022:33
jamesdtest4: usually not, that is part of testing and validation, but if you aren't using the functionality of the latest version your data should transfer painlessly.22:33
yacc.0 => screen 0 (not to confuse with modern XRandR based multiple display support if you have more than one display)22:33
cubudI am thinking of replacing my virtual machine with this with a solid state drive in it http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/intel-nuc-dn2820fykh-celeron-dual-core-24-ghz-a75nf22:34
test4jamesd: okay thanks22:34
cubudThanks for your time guys, I appreciate it!22:36
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BillMcCormickanybody ? svnlook: symbol lookup error: svnlook: undefined symbol: svn_pool_create_allocator22:38
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test4jamesd: hey one more question..what if it does change? can i some how sync it when new data is entered or whatnot in old server it syncs the same to new? wouldnt work cause i need to dump mysql data and enter it in new server?22:39
jamesdtest4: rsync... can transerfer/update only what has changed.. mysql makes things more complicated... if you don't do mysqldump22:40
filmlaptopnederlanders hier?22:41
filmlaptopik ben nieuw22:41
jamesdtest4: for best results in the future move database to a different machine, then you don't have to move it and just point your Apps at the same database if your app is coded correctly22:41
Jordan_U!nl | filmlaptop22:43
ubottufilmlaptop: Nederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl22:43
test4jamesd: so set up new server then copy data see if everything works and then set up old server to use new servers mysql server and last change dns and rsync the last maybe changed php or other stuff?22:46
=== Bish_ is now known as Bish
jamesdtest4: yes22:48
test4jamesd: sry to bother you more but servers have bind, where does this come into things.. easier to change dns or what?22:53
jamesdtest4: is a database server...  you need to change the nameservers that serve dns for your domain to make it happen.22:55
webgenhey guys I got this idea. is it possible to load my dual boot linux partition directly from virtual machine on windows? is there way to avoid virtual partition?22:57
Kdworak84Hello everyone22:58
Kdworak84I got a big problem with my ubuntu22:59
Jordan_Uwebgen: Yes you can boot your physical Ubuntu partition from a VM. What do you mean by virtual partitions?22:59
webgenvirtual partition basically the one that virtualbox creates on every new VM :)22:59
rannongano thats the disk for the virtual machine22:59
Kdworak84yesterday I was getting two VM servers to connect to internet thru bridged adapters, and today my host machine cant find a network config file on boot up22:59
webgenJordan_U thanks anyway I will research, i just wondered if it was possible. that solves many of my problems :)22:59
ansamjoin #bookz23:00
webgenKdworak84, what do you mean network config file?23:00
webgenKdworak84 just cant see the bridge adapters ?23:00
Kdworak84well when the gui thing on boot up starts lighting up those dots, well mine takes a long time and says something like:23:01
Kdworak84waiting for up to 60 more seconds for network configuration23:01
Kdworak84hold on ill reboot and give u exact output23:01
Jordan_Uwebgen: The way that I would approach it would be to pass the partition as a "drive" to Virtualbox, and pass a small image containing just grub on it for the VM to actually boot from (since Ubuntu's partition won't contain a bootloader). For that grub image you could use Super GRUB2 Disk or create your own with grub-mkrescue.23:01
kanekohi everyone23:02
kanekoits my first time on xubuntu23:02
kanekoso i try to chat23:02
Kdworak84I think it has something to do with the /etc/udev/rules.d/ folder cause i deleted a file i needed to delete on my VM servers on my host machine23:02
webgenJordan_U thanks very much, i ll have to tinker alot I see, making fake grub things sound ultra new to me xD23:03
Kdworak84Waiting for Network Configuration....23:03
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Kdworak84Waiting up to 60 more seconds for Network Configuration23:03
Kdworak84then it boots fine23:03
Kdworak84but doesnt see my wifi23:03
Jordan_Uwebgen: If you use Super GRUB2 Disk you shouldn't have to tinker at all. I expect Ubuntu to boot without any modification with a VirtualBox VM configured as I described.23:04
webgenKdworak84 um, what if u reinstall the virtual box itself? I dont understand what could be missing,  I have met situations when the device doesnt show up in Bridged adapter drop down menu but nothing like what you've said :S23:04
webgenJodran_U so how that would be in details? I create a VDI file or something (virtual partition) how do i write grub on it? or you mean GRUB2 thing can be passed on to virtualbox without converting it to anything?23:05
Kdworak84webgen: the problem is not with the VBox, its now with the whole host system network.23:05
Kdworak84like I said I deleted a file in /etc/udev/rules.d/23:06
Yengasanyone managed to start elder scrolls online beta on ubuntu?23:06
webgenKdworak84 also write in #debian channel, hopefully someone will know how to troubleshoot that, because I am new to linux myself :)23:06
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webgenJordan_U so I downloaded the super_grub_disk iso file, sounds interesting, i think its easier than i thought, i just mount it in VBox and thats it ? :D23:10
Jordan_Uwebgen: What is the exact name of the file you downloaded?23:10
webgenJordan_U super_grub_disk_hybrid-1.98s1.iso23:11
Jordan_Uwebgen: I would use http://forja.cenatic.es/frs/download.php/file/1564/super_grub2_disk_hybrid_2.00s1-beta5.iso instead. And yes, just attach that iso as a CDROM drive to the VM, configure that VM to boot from CD, and at boot select the "Detect any GRUB2 Configuration file" option.23:13
webgenJordan_U I am on ubuntu side right now ill have to reboot in order to test but i ll be back23:14
webgenJordan_U you sure beta version would be better ? :D23:14
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akimwhat do it mean "convention over configuration" ?23:19
FreemoXhi. Could anyone help me with a bluetooth adapter? :/23:20
Jordan_Uwebgen: Unfortunately yes. Right now it's a choice between bugs in grub that have been fixed since 1.98 or bugs in Super GRUB2 Disk's scripts that have been added since 1.98s1. I think the latter is the better choice (and it's my fault that you have to choose at all, so sorry about that).23:20
FreemoXCould anyone help me with a bluetooth adapter?23:24
webgenJordan_U np i will choose version 2, thanks man! will post results.23:24
=== alb is now known as Guest19280
Jordan_Uwebgen: You're welcome.23:25
xangua!ask | FreemoX23:26
ubottuFreemoX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:26
Phil42i would help you FreemoX, if i had ever used bluetooth before ever in my life even once23:26
Ubuntu1dont know what this is, shows in terminal during update---http://pastebin.com/esCf1TD623:28
Ubuntu1need to know how to make it go awahy23:28
Jordan_UUbuntu1: Please pastebin the contents of /etc/apt/sources.lst .23:32
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Ubuntu1Jordan: hang on,  thanks for responding23:32
Bashing-omUbuntu1: "/Ubuntu 10.10 _Maverick Meerkat_" has been End Of Life for some time, that repository no longer exist. Upgrade to a current release.23:33
roastedAnybody by any strange chance use Mimio on Ubuntu before? (it's educationally oriented software). I installed it without error but I can't launch the darn thing. No errors. It just flat out doesn't open, however system monitor does report a process once I try to open it - just nothing else happens.23:43
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=== Rurd2di_ is now known as Rurd2di
Jordan_UBashing-om: I expect that they've upgraded since installing 10.10, and just have an entry for the 10.10 install CD laying around in their sources.lst.23:46
=== rob is now known as Guest38939
ki7rwwhen using a smarthost, do i directly connect to the smarthost with an e-mail client or do i use my postfix server?23:53
Bashing-om Jordan_U, Yes, That is the more likely, awaiting the OP to respond.23:56

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