
xubuntu935Hello, I am in need of some assistance with getting my dell latitude D430 connected to the internet, I was able to before i updated, but not afterwards, Ill get back to you in a second with the actual error message00:52
xubuntu935"secure connection failed - an error occured during a connection to *********** - ssl peer reports incorrect message authentication code. - error code: ssl_error_bad_mac_alert"00:56
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holsteinxubuntu935: usually, if an upgrade breaks something, i'll try booting the older kernel and test01:03
holsteini would try pinging the gateway, and see exactly what isnt connected01:03
xubuntu935I apologize, I am not very experienced, how does one go aout doing that?01:04
holsteinxubuntu935: just ask for what you need.. are you trying to ask "how do i ping my gateway?"?01:05
holsteini can tell you how i do that... i run ifconfig in a terminal, and get my machine's IP.. which is a troubleshooting step in its self.. *if* im getting an IP, i determine my gateway address and ping it01:06
holstein192.168.1.1 where i am01:06
holsteini use, in a terminal, the command.. "ping" for example01:07
holsteinthis tells me, i *am* getting an IP, and i can ping the gateway... so, it could be something to do with DNS01:07
xubuntu935ok ill give this a shot01:10
xubuntu935I need to install the "appropriate LSB packages" and I need 3.0 or higher, which one is the right one? There are a lot of options http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/lsb/download01:21
holsteinxubuntu935: why? do "fix" the issue?01:22
holsteinxubuntu935: i read the tools there are all for linux, so they should just work.. you should elaboarate as to what you want, and what you are doing.. the tools may already be in the repo01:24
xubuntu935I am trying a different aproach at the moment, to get on to my schools wifi and they want me to run this "dissolvable agent.bin" and i cant without LSB 3.0 or higher01:26
xubuntu935befoe this i was attempting to connect via an unprotected network01:27
holsteinxubuntu935: so, this is unrelated to your upgrade? then?01:36
xubuntu849does anyone know how to install bitcoin client on ubuntu?01:37
Poisoned_DragonI believe it's in the repo01:37
Poisoned_Dragonlemme look01:37
xubuntu849yes the one and only01:38
Poisoned_DragonAh, there is a bitcoin client, but it's not the one from the website.01:38
Poisoned_DragonCould always download a deb from them.01:38
xubuntu849a what?01:38
holsteini would try the one in the repos, then, follow the directions at whatever site you are looking at if you prefer it01:39
xubuntu849whats a deb?01:39
holsteinxubuntu849: a .deb would be the installer file, if they provide you with one01:39
xubuntu849oh ok01:39
xubuntu849yeah i'm new to ubuntu so i'll play around a bit then come back with more questions01:39
Poisoned_Dragonbitcoin.org hosts bitcoin-qt01:40
holsteinxubuntu849: if you dont know what a .deb is, just open the software manager of your choice, search "bitcoin" and try the one Poisoned_Dragon is referencing01:40
xubuntu849thanks guys01:40
Poisoned_Dragonotherwise...electrum is in the repos01:40
xubuntu935well atm i am using ethernet, I think the upgrade was still relevant, i am not able to connect to anything except to the schools page tellin me to run the dissolveable agent.  before the upgrade, I was able to connect to the unseccured network01:40
Poisoned_Dragonboth are recommended by bitcoin01:40
holsteinxubuntu935: you were able to connect before the upgrade.. nothing about the upgrade would make your school require you to do something new01:42
Poisoned_Dragonfor future reference, electrum has the advantage of not needing to download the blockchain. that is stored on a remote server.01:43
xubuntu935no no not at all, i never tried to connect to the school network before today, before the upgrade i was using a diferent network. Now i cant get on that network, which is not a big deal if I can get onto the school network01:43
holsteinxubuntu935: the upgrade shouldnt break your connecting.. if you think it did, try booting an older kernel01:44
Poisoned_DragonDo we even know what was upgraded, recently?01:45
holsteinxubuntu935: if you have had an upgrade "break" your wifi device support, then, you could be troubleshooting something with the school network now that is not going to work01:45
xubuntu935and to do so, I need to run this "dissolvable agent" that will scan my comp and approve it to connect to the internet01:45
holsteinxubuntu935: also, if you hardare has malfuncitioned01:45
xubuntu935the school network*01:45
holsteinxubuntu935: does "dissovlable agent" support linux?01:45
xubuntu935yes, specificaly for linux01:45
Poisoned_DragonI've never heard of such a concept.01:46
Poisoned_DragonNever joined a wifi access that required a software download.01:46
xubuntu935just needs LSB 3.0 or higher to run01:46
holsteinxubuntu935: you have downloaded a *.bin file, correct?01:46
xubuntu935i swear it is ligitimate, and yes, a .bin01:46
holsteinxubuntu935: http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-execute-a-run-or-bin-file-in-ubuntu01:47
holsteinxubuntu935: just try running the .bin they require, and see if you get any errors01:47
xubuntu935"LSB 3.0 or higher not found.  Please instal the appropriate LSB packages"01:49
holsteinxubuntu935: ask them what they require01:49
xubuntu935(also thank you for your help, I know it sucks dealing with noobs)01:49
holstein!info lsb-core01:50
ubottulsb-core (source: lsb): Linux Standard Base 4.1 core support package. In component main, is extra. Version 4.1+Debian11ubuntu4 (saucy), package size 26 kB, installed size 149 kB01:50
holsteinwont hurt to try and install a few packages you find in the repos01:50
holsteinlsb related01:50
xubuntu935what s "!info lsb-core" ? did not do anythn interminal. what is reposetory?01:54
xubuntu935where is* repo?01:54
holsteinxubuntu935: repo = repository...01:54
holsteinxubuntu935: lsb-core is there... so, you can search the software package manager of your choice for lsb and install it01:54
holsteinsudo apt-get install lsb-core in the terminal01:55
holsteinmay satisfy the requirement the error message is giving you01:55
xubuntu935i think we are getting somewhere!! woo!01:56
xubuntu935instal without verificaton?01:56
xubuntu935(i did yes)01:57
xubuntu935damn, after install, same error, will try again after reboot01:59
holsteinxubuntu935: you'll need to ask them what you need02:00
holsteinxubuntu935: they provide the package, and will let you know what you need02:00
xubuntu935sounds good, thanks for your help, have a good one02:01
cubed_rooti downloaded something from the Unbuntu Software Center (USC), i want to get the latest version.  should there be an update in USC?03:10
cubed_root(it's the x11vnc server)03:10
Unit193It'll come with the updates to the system.03:10
cubed_rooti just applied an update today, so i'm guessing the update i'm looking for just hasn't made it into xubuntu's updates03:11
cubed_root...or maybe i'll try rebooting03:11
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TravisHow do I get my computer to login as the usual Xubuntu desktop, rather than command line?03:51
Unit193Travis: How do you mean?  Is it not pulling up lightdm by default?03:52
TravisI plugged in a different keyboard and mouse.  Now it's going to command line03:53
Unit1931. Is lightdm still installed?  2. What's  cat /proc/cmdline say?03:53
Travis2.  BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinux-3.2.0-59-generic root=UUID..........03:55
TravisAm going to the actual XFCE interface.  It's easier for me to do GUI.03:56
TravisI am not well versed in command line.03:56
Unit193Travis: I was actually looking if it had  text  in that.04:06
cubed_rootso i'm trying to get x11vnc to run at startup, i have the scripts in ~/.config/autostart and ran chmod +x on the file04:26
cubed_rootbut it won't run on start up, even though it runs when i run the command manually04:26
Unit193I use an upstart job.  You need to use a desktop file in .config/autostart/04:26
cubed_rootis there anywhere i can just drop this script for it to run at startup?04:27
xubuntu553lots of folks in the room but no one talking05:25
xubuntu553hello room05:25
Unit193Howdy.  Likely because it's late or nobody needs support right this second.05:27
_maddyhi all08:05
fixdtilbr0khey _maddy08:05
_maddywhen I open a new terminal in xubuntu, it starts in / directory, even though I would like to start in my home dir, (no idea what changed it), any tips?08:06
fixdtilbr0kup drinken coffee Unit193/_maddy just installed xubuntu first time, liken it08:06
fixdtilbr0knice and light08:06
_maddygood :)08:06
Unit193_maddy: That's not default, check your .bashrc08:06
_maddywhat would I look for in .bashrc?08:07
Unit193For example, a  cd  line.08:07
_maddydon't see one, strangest thing is that I didn't change anything either, other than install updates08:08
_maddyany tips guys? :)08:26
fixdtilbr0ki just ran updates, first night on xubuntu/seconion08:31
fixdtilbr0ksetting up the ips etc.08:31
_maddywell it is easy system to work with08:32
fixdtilbr0ksee if i can figure the / directory thing out08:32
fixdtilbr0kfor ya, whoops08:32
_maddyyeah, it's not a huge problem for me so don't worry08:34
fixdtilbr0kseems like what was mentioned earlier was it, just add the line to your bashrc file, add the line say cd home08:35
fixdtilbr0kor any directory ya want, not sure why an update would change that, if that doesn't work and can't find anything on google maybe try another terminal app uninstall the default one then reinstall08:36
Unit193(bashrc shouldn't use 'cd' at all, though.)08:36
Unit193_maddy: Perhaps it's how you launch it?08:37
fixdtilbr0kthat's the google fu messdupinfo i found, never had to do that so not sure08:37
Sohail-AhmedCan any body have a clue of the makefile error: *** missing separator.  Stop.08:37
Unit193Sohail-Ahmed: Going to have to be more specific there.08:38
Sohail-Ahmedthanks for responding, I have made a make file and when I run it using $ make, I got the above mentioned error.08:39
Unit193Can you pastebin it?08:39
fixdtilbr0kno idea if this helps but found this: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/programming-9/makefile-4-***-missing-separator-stop-607369/08:40
Sohail-AhmedI am unable to pastebin it, I am trying to sent you my make fil08:46
_maddyfixdtilbr0k: thanks, will check that out08:47
Unit193Mmmm, that dcc send won't work.  Try http://paste.progval.net/ perhaps?08:47
fixdtilbr0kyeah but i'm not solid on that, Unit193 is most likely on the money08:47
fixdtilbr0khey man don't send me shit08:48
fixdtilbr0kno offense, i don't know ya08:48
fixdtilbr0kand ask first08:48
Sohail-AhmedI already asked it08:48
fixdtilbr0kpaste the thing if ya can't do that then dunno08:48
Sohail-AhmedOK fine08:49
fixdtilbr0kyeah i don't mean to be rude so no disrespect meant on ya,  i'm new here08:49
fixdtilbr0kplus, i ain't a coder, i'd goof yer stuff up :)08:50
Unit193(Also, it wouldn't work as that's a LAN IP. :P )08:51
Sohail-AhmedIts not that big and just a fortran calling script08:51
Sohail-AhmedI have used pastebin earlier, and its not working now, its stuck at pastebin.ca/index.php08:52
Unit193http://pastebin.ca/2647537 That it?08:53
Unit193Line 12/13 should be the problem.08:54
Unit193Sohail-Ahmed: http://pastebin.ca/raw/2647540 that help?08:57
fixdtilbr0kyeah that make the vpn fart08:58
fixdtilbr0kholy low on coffee, "that'd"08:58
Unit193sohail-ahmed1: Did you see my reply?09:03
binaliHello. How can help me?)10:40
binaliWho can help me?)))10:40
binaliI'm sorry)10:40
slickymasterWork!ask ! binali10:43
ubottuslickymasterWork: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:43
slickymasterWork!ask | binali10:44
ubottubinali: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:44
binaliOkay) Sorry for my english! =)10:44
slickymasterWorkwhat's your problem binali?10:45
binaliHow can I add element in system category in the xfce menu.?10:45
slickymasterWorkbinali, assuming that you're not using xubuntu 14.04, please refer to this: https://wiki.xfce.org/howto/customize-menu10:47
binaliThank you man, i'm using Xubuntu 13.10.=)10:55
slickymasterWorkbinali: no problem11:02
Sohail-AhmedI am having a little problem with my makefile.11:13
binaliWhat is problem?11:24
Meerkathow do I change the default email client in Xubuntu? When I click 'Mail reader' at the top of the main menu Thunderbird starts. I want Sylpheed instead.16:30
Meerkat(xubuntu 13.10)16:30
GridCubeuninstall thunderbird?16:32
GridCubego to >setting manager >preffered applications > Mail > change the mail reader16:34
Meerkatthanks. Can't believe I have missed that entry in settings so many times. :) Solved!16:35
* GridCube still thinks that having just one program to do a task its a better solution16:36
Meerkatproblem with uninstalling default packages is dependency issues. I'd have to remove the language packs for thunderbird, and those packs wants to remove the kernel and that kind of bullshit. I'm not in the mood to create metapackages. Easier to just change the default. =)16:38
GridCubeit did?16:54
GridCubeplease send a bug report Meerkat16:54
GridCubeit should never go that far16:54
* GridCube has uninstalled thunderbird on all his installs always and nothing happens16:55
nickoHello! i am new at xubuntu and i want to ask you something17:03
nickoon the terminal when i am using who -ublH17:04
nickoi am getting multiple virtual terminals at the same time17:04
nickofor example17:05
nickoLOGIN    tty4         2014-02-27 14:41               869 id=417:05
nickoLOGIN    tty5         2014-02-27 14:41               875 id=517:05
nickoLOGIN    tty2         2014-02-27 14:41               881 id=217:05
nickoLOGIN    tty3         2014-02-27 14:41               882 id=317:06
nickoand 1-2 more17:06
knomenicko, please17:06
nickohow its possible?!17:06
knome!pastebin | nicko17:06
ubottunicko: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:06
nickooh ok sorry my bad let me check it17:06
knomenicko, they are the TTY's in ctrl+alt+F1...17:06
nickoso thats mean that i have pressedin 5-6 times the ctrl alt f1?17:06
knomethe TTY's are always open17:07
nickoand why to have always so many TTYS Open?17:07
knomebut naturally, you will have to log in via them to be able to do anything17:07
knomethere's nothing wrong with having them open.17:07
nickooke thank so much :)17:08
knome(that's the default for all xubuntu installations)17:08
nickook from curiousity is a difference at other rpm family?17:09
nickolike a fedora distro?17:09
nickohave only one tty?17:09
jimzzoalguna persona que hable español que me pueda ayudar17:09
knomenicko, "other rpm family"? xubuntu isn't using rpm... and i don't know about fedora really. i would guess they have more TTY's as well.17:09
knome!es | jimzzo17:10
ubottujimzzo: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y presione intro.17:10
nickoaha ok thank you :) yes my bad! xubuntu is debian family17:10
xubuntu741hi all! New xubuntu user here ;)17:39
xubuntu741i have a question about xubuntu/xfce though17:40
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:40
xubuntu741if a app has a icon in user/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/17:41
xubuntu741where do i place a icon of my own, so that it will be persistant?17:41
xubuntu741i tried .local/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/ but with no luck17:42
nickowhat you mean?!17:50
nickoif you know the path of the app's icon17:50
nickoyou just pick one yours and you just copy paste it17:50
xubuntu741that will only work until the app recieves an update. the new deb will replace the icon in whatever the place/path was17:54
GridCubexubuntu741,  do you want to make a custom launcher?17:55
GridCubeor you want to change an internal icon?17:55
nickoi guess he wants to just change a internal icon but without the fear that it will replaced when the application will make a update17:55
xubuntu741i only want to change the icon of a specific app. synapse to be precise,17:56
GridCubexubuntu741, again, if its the launcher for the app, or internally on itself17:56
GridCubeif its the launcher you can just point the icon to whatever icon you want to use, regardles on where it is17:57
MiltosHi ;-)19:05
MiltosI started Xubnuntu from command line with >startxfce4 and now the system crashed!19:05
bekksWhy dont you use a lightdm or gdm insteadD?19:07
Miltosbekks: I like xfce4...19:09
bekksYou can still use lightdm or gdm for starting X.19:09
Miltosbekks: how to download?19:10
krysztalSoo... Now I cannot install xubuntu if i dont have pae? Thanks...19:11
nicko"/dev/null are something like recycle bin?19:11
bekksMiltos: sudo apt-get install ...?19:11
bekksnicko: No. /dev/null is the null target.19:12
nickowhats means this exactly in linux world? :(19:12
krysztalIs there any way to get xubuntu 13.10 without pae?19:12
Miltosbekks: ok thanks I will give it a try19:12
krysztalSeriously, I need new system for my notebook, and I cannot install it :(19:22
krysztalSo is there any way to get xubuntu 13.10 without pae enabled in kernel?19:22
krysztalHey! Please, help...19:25
maci_hi, I'm using xubuntu 12.10.3 on my old Dell Latitude D-505 and I'd like to share my display with my Samsung HDTV via s-video-scart cable. Is there anyone who can help me how to do it?19:27
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nickokinda off topic but i always was curious too20:05
nickocpe-184-56-75-165.neo.res.rr.com this part after @ when you doing whois at the people around irc20:06
nickowhat is?20:06
nickothe host of the dslam?!20:06
PhoenixSTFhey guys I get a blurry thing on a Xubuntu vm guest on KVM, any body knows about this issue?20:06
bekksPhoenixSTF: Describe "blurry thing".20:09
PhoenixSTFthe Panels are blurry, like in white and with verticals bars20:10
PhoenixSTFthunar and the rest is ok, just the Panels that are blurry.20:10
TheSheepblurry or just transparent?20:12
PhoenixSTFlike this http://ubuntuforums.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=221700&d=134309678420:13
TheSheepThe administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page.20:13
PhoenixSTFubuntu SSO20:13
PhoenixSTFon top20:13
PhoenixSTFlet me try to upload somewhere else20:14
TheSheepwhat were they thinking, seriously20:14
PhoenixSTFwhere can I upload image?20:14
PhoenixSTFTheSheep, http://picpaste.com/xubuntu-xfce-panel-blurred-HE3Zep1o.png20:16
TheSheepaww, that looks like rendering artifacts20:18
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: you can try disabling compositing20:18
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: and disabling panel transparency20:18
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: see if that helps20:18
PhoenixSTFTheSheep, how do I do that?20:26
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: panel transparency -- right-click on the panel, select 'panel preferences', change transparency in the second tab20:26
sleeziohello, i have the latest stable google earth deb from google installed, but the panoramia images don't load, i just get a blank white ballon, i've googled this problem and seen lots of people have this prob on other distros with fixes, but none work for xubuntu, has anyone found a fix for xubuntu? can someone with google earth installed(ver 7.1) verify that their panaromia images don't load as well?20:26
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: compositing -- in settings select 'window manager tweaks', disable it in the last tab20:26
TheSheepsleezio: as far as I know, google earth is closed source and the only people in the world who can debug or fix it are the google employees, so you should contact them for support20:27
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PhoenixSTFTheSheep, NOp20:28
PhoenixSTFTheSheep, it did not help, still fuzzy and broken20:30
TheSheepPhoenixSTF: sorry, I have no other ideas20:31
PhoenixSTFTheSheep, its ok :) thanks anyway!20:32
joe_blackwow im installing alpha 2 right now and checked the daily build and beta 1 was just released /facepalm20:56
zsw__can someone tell me if i can go through bios to boot the 32bit Kali i downloaded21:03
hylianhello all21:06
zsw__can you help me21:06
hylianzsw__: i can try, what's up?21:07
zsw__ can go through bios to boot the 32bit Kali i downloaded21:07
hylianzsw__: i am assuming you used something like unetbootin to put it on a usb key?21:08
zsw__nope downloaded from kali.org and tried v-box and it didn’t work at all21:09
hylianzsw__: ok, so what exactly is the problem? are you asking me how to get bios to boot it, are you asking me if it is possible for the bios to boot it..??21:09
hylianso did you put it on a usb key or cd/dvd yet?21:10
sleeziopossibly boot order...boot priority > HDD first...then go into HDDs, set your USB drive as first HDD21:10
hylianhello cub21:10
zsw__i don’t have a very keen scene of my pc at all21:10
hylianzsw__: do you need to know how to put it on a usb key or dvd?21:11
hyliansleezio: i was going to suggest that too, but I am not all that certain zsw__ has gotten that far...21:12
zsw__i know how to make a bootable usb my only prob is i dont have eneugh memory on usb. only 4GB and kalis 3.2 gigs21:12
cubhello hylian21:12
hylianzsw__: unless you have other things on the usb key, that should be enough space. so are you saying that it doesn't want to boot?21:13
zsw__no i cleared usb i just need like 2GB left on stick to boot21:14
zsw__and btw i might be yonger than like everyone here.21:14
hylianzsw__: the only reason why that would be the case though is if you have a very small amount of ram in that machine. i've put a 2gb distro on a 2gb usb key and booted just fine with a computer with 1gb or more ram21:15
hylianzsw__: actually, I am usually the oldest guy here, and I am only 42.21:16
zsw__well i have a dual core intell prosessor. so21:16
zsw__im 1221:16
zsw__idk ram21:16
hylianzsw__: so exactly what does it do when you try to boot it?21:16
zsw__it says not eneugh room on usb to make bootable21:17
zsw__one sec21:17
hylianzsw__: ok so you are having difficulties before you ever even get to the boot stage. the other option ofcoarse would be to use a smaller iso size linux distro, like Xubuntu 12.04 64 bit, for instance. or if you can get a dual layer dvd or blueray disk, burning it would work too.21:18
hylianzsw__: what are you using to create that usb key? i suggest finding a version of unetbootin that will work for your os and using that. I've never had any issues with it.21:19
zsw__I cant find usb all i have now is a stupid 2GB stick21:21
hylianzsw__: ahh i see. well there are a lot of distro's that fall under the 2gb iso size...21:22
cubisn't there a mini xubuntu now?21:22
hylianzsw__: for instance, Xubuntu 12.04 64 bit is 712.0 MB (746,586,112 Bytes)21:23
cubah no, the mini might be for trusty.21:23
zsw__can i dual-boot kali and xubuntu/ubuntu so more like tri-boot21:23
hyliancub: could be. mini in hardware usage or iso size though would be the question.21:24
cubhylian, not sure, I just saw an email on the dev-list about it21:24
hylianzsw__: yes, it's do-able. i have never done it myself, but I have seen walkthoughs on doing it.21:24
zsw__if i download 64bit kali can i boot from 2GB usb?21:24
koegsdepends of the size of the iso-file...21:25
cubzsw__, yes, I run windows and three different linux on this pc21:25
zsw__so how do i dual bot21:25
cubbut not if you're hoping to set it up on an usb?21:25
hylianzsw__: not if the iso ksize is larger than 2gb... that's why i was pointing away from kali. i think your options are a) get a smaller iso sized distro or b) buy bigger medium, like a 16gb usb stick.21:25
zsw__im 1221:26
hyliana 2gb stick is only going to hold at best a 2gb distro. kali is huge21:26
zsw__and my parents are broke21:26
zsw__not 64bit21:26
cubzsw__, where are you located?21:27
hylianzsw__: well there are a lot of options. i've been touting the Xubuntu flag here, but if you give us an idea of what you are looking for, we probably could find a solution you could use.21:27
hylianXubuntu comes in 32 bit as well. (I'm just a 64 bit user)21:27
zsw__i just want kali not v-box virtion ether21:28
zsw__and whats mini iso21:28
zsw__iso is android21:28
hylianzsw__: exactly that, a version of the operating system with as much "fat" trimmed off as possible to bring the size of the iso down.21:29
zsw__oh pk can i boot on pc?21:29
hylianzsw__: so why do you want kali exactly? maybe the kali people make a slimmer version with the options you need21:29
zsw__i like hacking even though im not very good. i dont like mlitious hacking i just enjoy computers and lerning21:30
hylianzsw__: ohh yeah, mini iso's boot just fine, but they have less of the "out of the box" applications pre-installed. if you don't need these extra apps, it's no big deal. if you do and you have slow internet, it could be an issue.21:30
cubzsw__, Kali mini iso should work on 2 GB usb: "A USB Key (at least 2GB capacity for mini, 4GB for regular)."21:31
cubthough this is a bit off topic21:31
hylianzsw__: be sure to see if the kali mini version has the item(s) you require. The reason(s) you chose kali in the first place. :)21:31
zsw__ok i think so21:32
hyliancub: thanks for the heads up, didn't know kali mini existed.21:32
cubzsw__, but if you want to learn, install a ordinary xubuntu and add the applications you want afterwards.21:32
hylianyeah, good way to get to know the system.21:33
cubhylian, seems so now, but in another place in the documentation it said it required 8 GB usb..so which part of the documentation that's not updated, who knows21:33
hylianI know I sound like (and am) a Xubuntu fanboy, but this distro is my fae by far.21:33
zsw__i dont want to be called a script kiddy anymore so... im grageuateing to kali. i really want backtrack. but no more backtrack... so kali is cool to.21:34
cubwell backtrack tranferred into Kali so it is backtrack per se21:34
hylianzsw__: ahh, i see... testing the defenses of a system aye? -_-;21:34
zsw__ok it done downloading kali21:35
hylianreally.. didn't know about backtrack becoming kali. I haven't had a need to use backtrack in some time.21:35
hylianI have an old backtrack cd hanging around here somewhere... it's gotta be 5 years old by now.21:36
cubzsw__, I still recommend using an "ordinary" distro like xubuntu. you want to do other stuff than "hacking". If I were you, I would put my time into learning how to code instead..21:37
hyliancub: what app would you suggest for backing up all the installed apps and updates... (copying the /var/cache/apt/archives folder just does not do it)21:37
zsw__thanks for your opinion21:38
cubzsw__, and why not contribute to the project? =)21:38
cubhylian, oh not a good suggestions there. I need one myself.21:38
holsteinclonezilla allows nice cloning backups21:39
cubMy collegues are fond of Deja Dup21:40
hyliancub: yeah. i like to mess with other distro's for a month or two, but i end up always comeing back to xubuntu. the archive folder helpes a little, but i have horrible broadband and don't want to run install scripts for 5 hours everytime. I want to just back those all up so i have virtually no downloading to do21:40
backnforthCan someone please help me? I have a graphics card that's being read wrong.21:40
holsteinbacknforth: you mean, its not supporting linux?21:40
hylianbacknforth: what exactly do you mean by "being read wrong"? i've never had that issue..??21:41
backnforthI have a 7870hd being read as a 7660d21:42
holsteinbacknforth: so? whats the issue?21:42
holsteinbacknforth: is it not functioning?21:42
backnforthstill functioning, just not as good as it should be21:42
hylianbacknforth: hmm, never heard of that one, going to have to do some digging. are you using Xubuntu 12.04, 13.10?? 32 bit, 64 bit?21:42
holsteinbacknforth: not as good as you think it should? or as good as it should be in *linux*? or what?21:43
hylianholstein: no the card is not reporting as the correct version of that card, so the improper drivers are being installed.21:43
holsteini doubt it21:43
backnforthI have the latest version of AMD Catalyst installed, too21:44
holsteinits probably fine, and just not supporting linux as well as windows.. which is plausible21:44
hylianholstein: that's the impression i got any ways..21:44
holsteinbacknforth: you have the latest drivers from the repos?21:44
backnforthim not sure21:44
=== zsw is now known as Guest89313
Guest89313sorry had to reboot pc21:45
backnforthIs there a way I can change/update the GPU driver?21:45
Guest89313its me zsw21:47
hylianGuest89313: hello zsw21:47
holsteinbacknforth: yes21:47
Guest89313i had to reboot my pc21:47
holsteinbacknforth: but, its not necessarily going to support it "better"21:47
holsteinbacknforth: are you using the driver from the repos?21:48
backnforthWhat repos?21:48
holsteinbacknforth: what driver are you using? and how did you obtain it? why do you think its not "as good as its supposed to be" ?21:48
holsteinbacknforth: the default ubuntu repositories..21:48
backnforthI'm not sure, considering I downloaded AMD's drivers21:48
holsteinbacknforth: from where? amd's site?21:49
backnforthholstein, yes21:49
holsteinbacknforth: you can also try the repo versions.. and PPA versions.. the open one21:49
holsteinbacknforth: you can also not assume that you can actualy make the suport any better21:49
holsteinbacknforth: the labeling is not an issue for me.. i have seen that where the label is close.. i dont think its the case where you have installed a driver for another piece of hardware21:50
holsteini think its the case that the driver that you have is doing the best it has been designed to do.. and you are expecting more21:50
backnforth7880hd -> 7660d seems like a big jump21:50
holsteinbacknforth: its not "jumping" anything21:50
backnforth7870hd -> 7660d seems like a big jump21:51
holsteinbacknforth: its just a label21:51
holsteinbacknforth: if you think its the wrong drive, try different ones..21:51
hylianbacknforth: actually holstein is right. it's funny, but Linux is one of the ways you learn more about your system. That card is probably a 7660 with extra ram, better shaders and and updated rom. those things are added usually by the company you bought it from, not from ati/amd.21:52
hylianThat's one of the reasons why I am a fan of viotek for my gaming cards, they ad some nice features to those cards, he he. :)21:54
hylianholstein: i have a strange feeling we may live in the same time zone... I'm from Wisconsin where it's hard to toss a rock without hitting a holstein...21:55
holsteinhylian: its actually my last name :)21:56
hylianholstein: oops... he he.. :)21:58
* hylian waves goodbye22:00
nickoViotek?! first time i am hearing about this :D22:21
nickoi think the most famous and best they are MSI, ASUS and maybe GAINWARD?!22:21
=== GridCube_ is now known as GridCube

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