
hazmatdavecheney, false00:05
hazmattags are project specific00:05
hazmatalbeit guess work00:05
davecheneyhazmat: hmm, i found a way I can search across projects via tag00:06
davecheneygo to the main page of lp00:07
davecheneysearch for your tag there00:07
davecheneysort of works00:07
wallyworld_projects can have official tags defined to remove the guesswork. you get auto completion and stuff like that then00:07
davecheneyi'm trying to build a report for PM who need to know how much work is left on a project00:10
davecheneywhenever I see them maintaing their own list in a google doc00:10
davecheneyI cry inside00:10
wallyworld_wonder why they do that00:14
davecheneylaunchpad is hard, let's go shopping00:16
wallyworld_davecheney: launchpad is not that hard when a) you know how to use it b) you use it for which it was intended00:18
davecheneysorry, i missed the <sarcasm /> tag00:18
wallyworld_ah :-)00:18
wallyworld_there's also a Canonical developed project tracking tool they could have used00:19
wallyworld_can't recall the url right now00:19
wallyworld_thumper: do you know why it's proposed to change managerConfig from a struct to a map?00:20
thumperI'll review that one00:20
thumperit is part of the policy stuff00:20
thumpera pre-req refactoring to make it easier00:21
thumperwill also be using it for the fast-lxc clone mechanism00:21
wallyworld_thumper: also, here's a fix for local provider upgrader bounce https://codereview.appspot.com/6969004300:21
thumperalso, side note00:21
thumperI have a physio appt at 2pm00:21
thumpermay not be back for the standup00:21
wallyworld_ok, we can delay it00:21
thumpereither that or do it without me :-)00:22
* thumper doesn't feel that special00:22
thumperwe can see though00:22
wallyworld_could do, we did it last week00:22
wallyworld_just didn't want you to miss out :-)00:22
thumperthe description on that branch doesn't indiate that it fixes the local provider upgrade stuff00:23
wallyworld_thumper: cause it describes the root cause issue00:25
wallyworld_which is DesiredTools() failed00:25
wallyworld_may have had more impact that just local provider00:25
wallyworld_i tested local provider by hand and it fixed the issue00:26
wallyworld_i want to run a 1.16 to 1.18 upgrade test also to check the lock dir and system key stuff gets sorted out properly00:27
wallyworld_thumper: do you think we can finally re-purpose --verbose for 1.18? or wait till 1.20? it's been deprecated for ages now. needs to happen before 2.0 though.00:32
thumpera problem we have is that we don't get verbose feedback from the api...00:33
thumpergeneral output would be "calling api foo"00:33
thumpersome result00:33
thumpernot sure how good verbose will be there...00:33
thumperhowever, I think we should change it RSN00:33
wallyworld_we can use to log request response and stuff like that perhaps00:33
wallyworld_we can think of something to use it for00:34
wallyworld_but yeah, the change needs to happen00:34
wallyworld_we can always improve the verbose output00:34
wallyworld_over time00:34
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
=== _mup__ is now known as _mup_
wallyworld_sigh, bot hung again. stabby, stabby00:55
wallyworld_wow, bot is soooo slooooow today00:58
axwwallyworld_: is there any reason not to include *state.State in the upgrade Context for state servers?01:03
axw(it would be nil for non-state servers)01:03
wallyworld_guess not01:03
wallyworld_i was thinking it best to go via api01:03
axwthe reason I ask is if there's not one, I have to add an API that will only ever be used for upgrades01:04
axw(updating syslog port)01:04
wallyworld_i see01:04
wallyworld_there's pros and cons both ways i guess01:05
wallyworld_i think it could work out ok to do it01:06
axwI will propose adding it for now, we can reassess later if it's a bad idea01:06
axwwallyworld_: technically you can get it already through the agent.Config... but it'd probably be better to not open again01:07
wallyworld_yeah, prefer not to open a 2nd one01:08
wallyworld_axw: tim will be late for standup - physio. he said we could do it without him but i don't mind waiting till he gets back01:25
axwwallyworld_: no worries, let's wait01:25
=== jcsackett_ is now known as jcsackett
waigani__thumper_, axw, wallyworld_ standup?01:34
axwwaigani_: waiting for thumper to return01:34
waigani_ah sorry just saw above01:34
* _thumper_ is back01:38
=== _thumper_ is now known as thumper
axwwallyworld_, waigani_ let's do it01:40
thumperdavecheney: I managed to run gocheck tests with gccgo... what is the problem you are seeing?02:22
* thumper wanders into the kitchen to make that coffee now that the machine is hot02:22
davecheneythumper: last time I tried they don't pass on any arch02:53
* davecheney goes to find the bug report02:53
_mup_Bug #1250253: many tests fail with gccgo <gccgo> <ppc64el> <Gocheck:New> <juju-core:Triaged by dave-cheney> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1250253>02:53
davecheneythumper: gocheck tests don't appear to pass with golang-go either02:54
* thumper sadface02:54
davecheneyit fails really badly under gccgo02:55
davecheneybecause gccgo has a different format for stack traces02:55
* thumper is looking at bug 127690902:56
_mup_Bug #1276909: error detecting hardware characteristics: unrecognised architecture: aarch64 <arm64> <hs-arm64> <patch> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1276909>02:56
thumperdavecheney: yeah I noticed that too02:56
thumperwallyworld_: any idea why hpcloud metadata simplestream search is just "amd64" and "arm" while ec2 is "amd64", "i386" and "arm" ?02:57
wallyworld_thumper: i'd guess that hp cloud doesn't have i386 images?02:57
thumperany idea if it has arm64 images?02:57
wallyworld_no idea02:57
thumperwallyworld_: if we searched for them and they aren02:57
* thumper sighs02:58
thumperand they aren't there, should be fine though right?02:58
wallyworld_yeah, will be fine02:58
davecheneywallyworld_: can you do something like nova list-images [sic] against HP cloud ?02:58
wallyworld_i think so yes02:58
wallyworld_let me check02:58
wallyworld_i only see 64 bit02:59
thumperwallyworld_: I'm just applying patches from the bug mentioned above03:07
thumperand I hit my repetition threshold03:07
thumperwas wondering if we could refactor and combine known architectures03:07
wallyworld_sure, whatever works :-)03:07
wallyworld_not all providers support all arches03:08
thumperbut we can ask for what we know about though right?03:08
wallyworld_i would think so03:08
davecheneyok      launchpad.net/juju-core/cmd/jujud       578.049s03:12
davecheneymmm, speedy03:12
davecheney12 more seconds and test watchdog would have nixed it03:13
wallyworld_axw__: i think i might need a state reference in the upgrade context also - well, it will make it easier anyway03:20
axw__wallyworld_: I started doing it, but it's a pain in the arse to to get the state.State object where the upgrader is created...03:21
axw__I can go back to it if you need it though03:21
=== axw__ is now known as axw
wallyworld_what i need to do is delete some obsolete config entries03:21
wallyworld_and EnvironmentSet() is only on clients03:22
axwwallyworld_: ok, I will just do it03:22
wallyworld_but only when on a state server, right?03:22
axwI figured I'd leave it till it was needed by someone else, so there we go :)03:22
wallyworld_i wonder if it really is the right thing to do03:23
thumperwallyworld_: bot still fubared?03:23
wallyworld_or if we should just do it via an api endpoint03:23
wallyworld_yep :-(03:23
* thumper sighs03:23
wallyworld_it just keeps restarting my mp03:23
axwwallyworld_: seems to me that the state server shouldn't need to go through the API.03:23
wallyworld_cause it can't get enough cpu cycles to run the tests in time03:24
davecheneythumper: did errgo move to juju/errgo ?03:24
wallyworld_axw: yeah, i can see that argument, although there are worker on the state server that do go via the api03:24
davecheneyor am i smoking cheap crack ?03:24
thumperdavecheney: no, juju/errgo is rog's one03:25
thumperdavecheney: errgo/errgo will die03:25
wallyworld_i think all workers should, but for one off upgrade tasks...03:25
davecheneythumper: i noticed that some packages in juju-core still pull the latter03:25
thumperaye, they should change03:25
davecheneyjust fiddling with my spreadsheet03:26
thumperdavecheney: yes it does give me hives03:39
davecheneywell, i'm going to double down and s/arm64/ppc64/03:41
thumperdavecheney: thought you might, but shouldn't it be ppc64le?03:45
axwel? (to match dpkg arch?)03:45
davecheneythumper: it's ppc64 for the same reason that it's arm64, not aarch6403:47
davecheneyi really hope there is no requirement to handle the aliasing03:47
davecheneythumper: oh man, I think this is going to be harder03:50
davecheneyactually no03:50
davecheneyoh, who was saying that they couldn't bootstrap 386 images on hp cloud03:54
davecheney^ there is your answer03:54
axw_wallyworld_: sorry, took me a little while to figure out a cleanish way to do it, CL incoming now04:22
wallyworld_axw_: awesome, thanks. i've got my branch ready to go as soon as your lands04:22
thumperis anything landing?04:27
wallyworld_thumper: i've upped the timeout to 45 minutes to see if that is enough04:29
wallyworld_axw_: you you have the shiteveld link?04:29
axw_wallyworld_: still uploading, will let you know04:30
axw_wallyworld_: https://codereview.appspot.com/69890043/04:34
davecheneysurely this one is fixed https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/124026004:38
_mup_Bug #1240260: juju bootstrap does not honor https_proxy in environment when fetching tools <amd64> <apport-bug> <cts-cloud-review> <saucy> <juju-core:Triaged> <juju-core (Ubuntu):Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1240260>04:38
wallyworld_davecheney: i'm pretty sure that's now fixed with tim's recent proxy changes04:44
wallyworld_axw_: reviewed, but there are missing tests04:45
axw_okey dokey04:46
wallyworld_i'm doing the same get config, set config dance in my branch also04:46
davecheneywallyworld_: wanna close it and we'll pretend it never happened04:46
axw_(to ian)04:47
wallyworld_davecheney: i think it can be closed yeah04:47
axw_wallyworld_: I need to have lunch, so won't have it done for a little while yet04:48
wallyworld_no proble, i can still merge your branch04:48
axw_wallyworld_: what do you mean "machine agent upgrade in cmd/jujud/upgrade_test.go" ?04:49
axw_you mean something that tests whether state.State is available?04:49
wallyworld_axw_: in cmd.jujud, there's tests which set up an env, start machine agent, and check that the upgrades are done04:50
wallyworld_you just need to add somes lines to (wallyworld checks method name)04:50
axw_ah I see04:51
wallyworld_np. also a unit test for the rsyslog upgrade method itself04:51
wallyworld_in rsyslogupgrade_test.go04:51
axw_yep got it04:51
axw_wallyworld_: I didn't actually record a.st, so ... bear that in mind when you merge :)05:00
axw_I just live tested and it blew up05:00
wallyworld_i'm just running the test now :-)05:00
axw_so, these upgrade tests are going to install rsyslog-gnutls on the test machine aren't they... I'd better fix that05:02
wallyworld_um yeah :-)05:03
wallyworld_i think we have stubs for apt for testing05:03
wallyworld_somehwere in utils05:03
* axw_ crosses fingers and restarts06:08
axwoh joy, compiz is crashing06:17
rogpeppemornin' all08:31
fwereaderogpeppe, heyhey08:42
rogpeppefwereade: hiya08:42
fwereaderogpeppe, guess what I forgot to do in the zip package?08:42
rogpeppefwereade: what was that then?08:43
fwereaderogpeppe, close the files I write to :/08:43
rogpeppefwereade: doh!08:43
* rogpeppe feels stupid for missing that08:43
fwereaderogpeppe, I was totally baffled by ETXTBSY for a disturbingly long time08:43
rogpeppefwereade: good thing you got that really08:43
rogpeppefwereade: otherwise we'd just have had a leak08:44
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah, absolutely08:44
dimiternfwereade, rogpeppe, wallyworld_ , standup?10:45
ev_hi guys. Anyone know who's responsible for uploading the partner os images to HP Cloud's glance?11:27
ev_they're still using Ubuntu 12.04.2 on region-a.geo-111:28
fwereadeev_, I think you'll want to talk to utlemming about that11:32
dimiternfwereade, i've added a few bits, but all in all the document lgtm11:58
fwereadedimitern, great, tyvm12:04
cjohnstonrogpeppe: any updates on the api watcher issue at all?12:14
rogpeppecjohnston: i'm sorry, i've been trying to make progress on HA, so haven't been spending much time on bugs recently.12:15
cjohnstonis that node 0 HA?12:16
rogpeppecjohnston: yes12:16
cjohnstonvery cool12:17
rogpeppecjohnston: hopefully :-)12:17
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
mattywis anyone available to help me work out what's going wrong with one of my cmd/juju tests?14:20
rogpeppemattyw: will have a look later if you haven't solved the issue14:23
mattywrogpeppe, if you could spare 10 minutes I'd appreciate it - I'm sure I'm being an idiot somewhere - but I'd love to know where :)14:24
mattywrogpeppe, I have a meeting in 30 mins so there's no hurry - enjoy your lunch14:24
sinzuimgz, rogpeppe Do either of you have a few minutes to review https://codereview.appspot.com/7010004315:10
adeuringTheMue: could you please have a look here: https://codereview.appspot.com/68000045 ?15:11
TheMueadeuring: yep *click*15:11
mgzsinzui: sure thing15:11
mgzsinzui: lgtm15:12
sinzuioh bugger. mgz, I see this MP that makes me think I should wait an hour for CI to bless. Is lander stuck? https://code.launchpad.net/~wallyworld/juju-core/unitupgrader-desired-tools/+merge/20871015:12
mgzsinzui: yeah, the bot is kinda screwed15:12
mgzI can, if needed, manually land things15:13
mgzit's had load of >3 all day, for no obvious reason15:13
sinzuimgz, I don't want to rush things. I am assuming that CI will bless the revision if it merges.15:14
mgzpretty sure nothing will land unless I bash something hard15:18
mgzthe current one has been going... very slowly... since 9:30 this morning15:19
sinzuimgz, this is canonistack?15:19
sinzuiIt is dying.15:20
jcastroDo we have docs for writing your own provider?15:20
sinzuiWe just moved juju-ci off of it15:20
mgzI've not seen any "this is totally screwed" annoncement yet, but it does seem that way15:20
sinzuimgz ^ I recommend setting up the lander in another cloud.15:21
mgzjcastro: we have a branch from fwereade with docs and a template provider15:21
mgzit's somewhat out of date with trunk, but is a good start for a capable coder15:21
fwereadejcastro, mgz: sorry, I never actually landed that, roger had some good comments that I never addressed15:21
sinzuimgz We saw performance degradation and nova lost two machines, and was shuting other down15:21
fwereadejcastro, mgz: it's what the joyent provider started out as15:21
jcastrook so for the docs I'll just say "contact us" for now15:22
mgzsinzui: that's more than an end-of-fraiday task, and jam wants to move us to a jenkins thing anyway15:22
mgzjcastro: I can forward you a mail I sent with the details15:22
jcastroI am renaming the null->manual in the docs, and I wanted to say something like "obviouslly adding machines by hand is not ideal, if you're a provider and want to natively support juju go here."15:22
mgz...actually, you were probably cced on it15:22
sinzuimgz, understood. We have stood up enough CIs that it is a could of hours for us to move15:22
jcastrook, I just wanted something for 1.18, this is Good Enough15:23
jcastrowe should at some point have a proper page though15:23
mgzjcastro: yeah, see the "Juju on Digital Ocean" mail from 2014-02-0415:23
* jcastro nods15:23
mgzlinks william's branch15:24
TheMueadeuring: done15:36
adeuringTheMue: Thanks15:37
* rogpeppe is back after a rather extended lunchtime think'n'stomp.16:21
natefinchDamn, I bought an external battery for my laptop for the flight, and none of the adapters fits my plug :/16:29
rogpeppenatefinch: something that would have been worth verifying in advance, i guess :-)16:36
rogpeppemattyw: what's the problem, then?16:36
natefinchrogpeppe: heh yeah.  I guess I'll have to run to radioshack and see if they have an adapter from the "big" dell plug to the mini one my laptop has16:37
mattywrogpeppe, quick hangout?16:37
rogpeppemattyw: sure16:37
natefinchman, I wish there was a way to expose functionality in *other* packages during test.   Can't tell you how much easier that would make so many tests, and how many "this is only public for testing, please don't change" we could remove.16:51
natefinchrogpeppe: is there a trick we're missing to do this?  Sort of a way for a package to say "hey, here's some stuff you might want to mock out during tests" that other packages could then twiddle with, but only during testing?16:53
rogpeppenatefinch: nope16:56
rogpeppefwereade: ping16:56
natefinchrogpeppe: dang.  I thought that was the case, but was hoping I was wrong16:58
fwereaderogpeppe, pong17:08
rogpeppefwereade: i was just in a call with mattyw, and thought i should run an idea past you17:14
rogpeppefwereade: matty's problem was that in his Cmd implementation, he was doing a store.ReadInfo(c.EnvName)17:14
rogpeppefwereade: but c.EnvName can be blank17:14
rogpeppefwereade: because it can be specified as a default in environments.yaml, which isn't read by then17:15
rogpeppefwereade: so my suggestion was that we can make EnvCommandBase read environments.yaml in that case, so c.EnvName will always be non-empty when possible17:15
rogpeppefwereade: which means we could lose the "" special case in a fair few places17:16
rogpeppefwereade: and it means it's easier for people to write plugins too (and easier to move away from environments.yaml when the time comes)17:17
fwereaderogpeppe, don't we have a standard set of fallbacks? ie the JUJU_ENV, wherever juju switch stores, etc17:18
fwereaderogpeppe, but yeah, it certainly seems like a good idea to do all that logic OAOO and expose it nicely for these situations17:19
rogpeppefwereade: yeah, most of them are already dealt with by EnvCommandBase17:19
fwereaderogpeppe, and start requiring actual env names at all lower levels17:19
rogpeppefwereade: except the default-from-environments.yaml case17:19
fwereaderogpeppe, cool, if it's just a matter of extracting a method from there then all the better17:19
fwereaderogpeppe, bah17:19
fwereaderogpeppe, probably still worth the ickiness of reading envs.yaml twice to put that logic in one place and drop the ""->default stuff inside environs17:20
rogpeppefwereade: that was my thought too17:20
fwereaderogpeppe, done and done, then :)17:20
rogpeppefwereade: i think the best thing is just to put the logic inside getDefaultEnvironment, and possibly make it ignore any error if it fails to read the environments.yaml file.17:21
rogpeppefwereade: although the latter is more arguable17:22
rogpeppefwereade: but AFAICS the worst that can happen is that we get an empty default17:23
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah, "no environment specified" doesn't seem unreasonable17:26
fwereaderogpeppe, I guess we ultimately want to fall back to "the only jenv that exists" if *nothing* else is specified (and there is only one)17:27
rogpeppefwereade: i'm not sure about that17:27
rogpeppefwereade: i think juju switch works pretty well in general17:28
rogpeppefwereade: (much as i wasn't keen on the idea to start with :-])17:28
fwereaderogpeppe, eh, it's arguable I guess17:28
fwereaderogpeppe, putting the existing logic in one place is enough of a win for me :)17:28
rogpeppefwereade: if i've just deleted an environment, i don't really want it to suddenly switch to another environment just because it's the only one left17:29
rogpeppefwereade: yeah17:29
fwereaderogpeppe, yeah, fair point -- you'd probably have  that earlier env switched in, but I agree you might not, and the impact of a surprising change could be significant17:30
rogpeppefwereade: actually, a possibly better idea is to change EnvName to be a method that returns (string, error)17:30
fwereaderogpeppe, +117:30
rogpeppefwereade: it's more invasive, unfortunatly17:30
rogpeppefwereade: but probably worth it17:30
rogpeppemattyw: could you do that, please?17:31
rogpeppefwereade: actually, another, possibly slightly less invasive option is to add an Init method to EnvCommandBase17:33
rogpeppefwereade: and leave the EnvName field as it is17:33
rogpeppefwereade: that actually feels more in keeping with the other command stuff17:33
rogpeppemattyw: pending fwereade's reply, i think that's a nicer option17:35
rogpeppefwereade: one other thing: there's an import cycle if EnvCommandBase calls environs, because environs indirectly uses juju-core/cmd17:38
rogpeppefwereade: cmd has always seemed to me to be a somewhat dubious place to have EnvCommandBase, tbh17:38
rogpeppefwereade: i think maybe it could live in its own package, along with other environment-related cmd stuff17:40
fwereaderogpeppe, +1 to that as well, thanks17:40
rogpeppefwereade: like... wtf is IsMachineOrNewContainer doing in cmd ?17:40
fwereaderogpeppe, sounds like "loitering with intent" to me17:41
rogpeppefwereade: i gave it a sharp word17:41
fwereaderogpeppe, IIRC is is subtly misnamed as well17:41
fwereaderogpeppe, ah no maybe it's accurately named but insane17:41
fwereaderogpeppe, we ought to be either detecting an explicit machine name or dispatching a placement directive to a (pseudo-)provider17:42
sinzuiI suspect that the bug fix that wallyworld_ has for machine agents is broader that local-provider. my 1.17.4 release from trusty cannot bootstrap precise17:42
rogpeppefwereade: anyway, it's only used in two places, and should probably be in cmd/juju until more widespread17:43
rogpeppefwereade: how about juju-core/cmd/juju/envcmd as a package name for EnvCommandBase?17:44
rogpeppefwereade: cmd/envcmd is also a possibility, i guess17:44
dimiterni'd appreciate if someone takes a look at my agent conf 1.18 CL https://codereview.appspot.com/7001004517:44
dimiternit was truly painful to merge all trunk changes17:45
rogpeppefwereade: except that would pollute the cmd/* name space17:45
rogpeppedimitern: you've still got some .THIS files in there17:45
dimiternrogpeppe, man! seriously.. :/ I'll repropose17:46
dimiternit's good they're only 2 and both are now gone17:47
dimiternrogpeppe, updated17:52
rogpeppedimitern: thanks17:52
natefinchrogpeppe, mgz, fwereade: anyone know why gocheck would suddenly not be able to create temporary directories?  Panic: Couldn't create temporary directory /tmp/gocheck-5577006791947779410/1: mkdir /tmp/gocheck-5577006791947779410/1: no such file or directory (PC=0x413FC6)18:20
rogpeppenatefinch: how many directories have you got in /tmp?18:21
natefinchrogpeppe: one18:21
rogpeppenatefinch: does this happen every time?18:21
natefinchrogpeppe: currently, yes.  Let me try removing this mkdir and see if another one elsewhere succeeds, maybe I'm hitting some weird race condition somehow18:23
natefinchrogpeppe: it seems to not fail in other packages I test18:24
natefinchrogpeppe: nevermind, I see what I did... misunderstanding of what os.TempDir returns....  looks like I was actually deleting /tmp in one of my tests18:27
rogpeppenatefinch: oops :-18:27
rogpeppenatefinch: good thing it wasn't $HOME, eh?18:27
natefinchrogpeppe: ahh yeah.  I've done that before too, though not in code, just by being in the wrong place when I did rm -rf *18:28
natefinch....and this is why man invented offsite backups.18:29
sinzuinatefinch, when I see this18:33
sinzuiStarting MongoDB server (juju-db)18:33
sinzuiis this mongodb-server and juju-mongodb?18:34
natefinchsinzui: that's the mongod upstart service that juju creates when it installs itself.18:35
sinzuinatefinch, and since mongodb-server is the only thing juju knows how to install, we know it is mongodb-server18:37
sinzuinatefinch, fwereade, jam1, This bug aborted the 1.17.4 release. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128627918:53
_mup_Bug #1286279: juju 1.17.4 trusty client cannot bootstrap 1.17.x precise <precise> <trusty> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1286279>18:53
* sinzui needs to think about how to not let 1.17.4 get into the hands of ubuntu trusty users18:53
* rogpeppe is done for the week18:54
rogpeppeg'night all18:55
mgznight rog18:56
mgzsee you next week!18:56
rogpeppemgz: yeah!19:01
natefinchrogpeppe: see you next week :)19:03
sinzuinatefinch, Do you have any insights into this bug. https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/128627921:37
_mup_Bug #1286279: juju-mongodb breaks 1.17.4 trusty client bootstrap in CPC <bootstrap> <mongodb> <precise> <regression> <trusty> <juju-core:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1286279>21:37

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