
arosalesanyone know of a quick way to show all the recomended charm store charms @ jujucharms.com?00:32
rick_h_arosales: search for 'charms' and open up the top list00:33
rick_h_it'll take a while to load00:33
rick_h_but the top section should be all recommended and the bottom is the rest00:33
arosalesrick_h_: ack thanks00:33
arosalesrick_h_: is that new with the "bundle" search capability?00:33
rick_h_arosales: yep00:33
arosalesvery cool00:34
rick_h_two keywords charm, charms, or bundle, bundles00:34
rick_h_but it's so slow we're not screaming from the root tops00:34
rick_h_more for you guys to show/demo/look at vs a real user feature :/00:34
arosalesunderstood, I get a lot of requests from folks to where can I look at the current list of recommeded charms.00:35
arosalesI want to send them to the gui over manage00:35
rick_h_arosales: yep, understand00:35
arosalesrick_h_: thanks00:35
arosaleskeep rocking it gui team00:35
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rick_h_frankban: looks to be going better this time. Thanks for the lik to upgrade npm11:19
rick_h_and morning11:19
frankbanrick_h_: morning, cool11:20
frankbanrick_h_: npm management is a bit disappointing11:21
rick_h_yea, not a huge fan myself11:21
rick_h_better than none I guess. 11:21
frankbanrick_h_: I suspect this breaks our charm as well (e.g. juju-gui-source=develop)11:21
frankbanrick_h_: so, an idea could be to "npm set ca "" in the make file11:22
rick_h_hmm, where do we get nodjs from in the charm? 11:22
rick_h_I've just updated the nodejs from the ppa11:22
rick_h_if it's using the ppa it should be fine on next update/deploy11:22
frankbanrick_h_: trying11:23
* rick_h_ goes to get ready for the day and the boy off to day care now that landing is unblocked11:25
frankbanrick_h_: thanks for updating CI11:27
rick_h_frankban: the charm test go ok?12:21
frankbanrick_h_: no, we take deps from ppa:juju-gui-charmers/stable, we need to update the ppa. created a critical card12:24
frankbanrick_h_: the charm installs both nodejs and npm: the latter seems to be included in the former now, so a charm update might also be required12:25
frankbanrick_h_: https://launchpad.net/~chris-lea/+archive/node.js/+packages effectively only includes the nodejs package12:26
frankbanrick_h_: if we need to remove npm from the charms deps, then we might want to release a new charm ASAP12:26
frankbanrick_h_: if the above makes sense to you, I'll dig into that ASAP12:26
rick_h_gotcha, sounds like a plan12:27
rick_h_yea, npm is both packages now. surprised that hasn't caused us issues before now as apt-get install fails due to that these day12:28
frankbanrick_h_: perhaps the charm installs npm from precise?12:28
rick_h_frankban: maybe. The hacking docs have been the ppa for a long long time. It'll be good to get it in sync I guess. 12:29
frankbanrick_h_: no, we currently have npm in our ppa12:29
rick_h_so we've hit this in dev but the charm has been fine using the old stuff12:29
frankbanof course they considered Friday as a good day for a backward incompatible change12:30
rick_h_hah! can't have a quiet friday12:30
BradCrittendenfrankban: just reading backwards.  so you're seeing the charm ftests failing?12:33
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
frankbanbac: no, the charm "build from source" fails12:34
bacfrankban: in the charm trunk, i'm seeing the tests fail on lxc and ec2.12:34
frankbanbac: logs?12:37
frankbanbac: it could be related12:37
bacfrankban: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7010106/12:38
bacfrankban: the second error is a problem in tearDown that is masking the real error in that test12:38
bacif the deploy doesn't work then tearDown fails because self.serviceName is unset.  i'll fix that and re-run to see what the real problem is12:39
bacfrankban: is it true that you cannot run the charm ftests on lxc if your host is not precise?  i was getting errors yesterday that seemed to indicate that when run on my trusty VM.12:42
rick_h_bac: you'll have to deploy the charm with make deploy and look at the unit log to see why it's in error state12:42
rick_h_it could be related12:42
rick_h_bac: but have to double check the unit log to see why it's failing12:43
bacrick_h_: ok12:43
frankbanbac: since the error is in test_branch_source I strongly suspect you are encountering the same error12:44
frankbanbac: IIRC you cannot run ftests on a local env for two reasons: 1) the tests co-locate the GUI on the bootstrap node (for speed reasons) and this is not possible in local envs, where machine 0 is localhost, and 2) bootstrapping a local env requires sudo12:48
rick_h_thanks for sending the email frankban 12:50
bacfrankban: yes, i was encountering 1).  couldn't colocate since they were of different series12:50
rick_h_bac: well lxc can't colocate regardless of series12:51
frankbanbac: as I said, I suspect you would not be able to colocate even if you were on precise. That's because machine 0 in local envs is not a container12:52
bacfrankban: ah, right.  i'll update the HACKING doc to remind folks (future me) of that12:52
frankbanbac: great thank you12:52
bacmarcoceppi: when you have time could you complete the charmworldlib review at  https://codereview.appspot.com/69430043 ?13:24
marcoceppibac: thanks, off today so will likely get to it monday -ish13:25
* bac relocates to coworking spot13:39
hatchfrankban I saw your email, does the charm build with the new version of node?13:53
hatchI've been running the latest node locally without issue....13:54
frankbanhatch: I am trying13:54
hatchI thought you may have already so I was just curious :)13:54
frankbanhatch: could you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/14913:54
hatchon it13:54
frankbanhatch: nodejs update solves the SELF_SIGNED_CERT_IN_CHAIN issue, but there is another error. make log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010492/   npm log: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7010496/14:00
hatchfrankban do you have g++ installed?14:02
rick_h_node-gyp requires that the user's home directory is specified in either of the environmental variables HOME or USERPROFILE14:02
rick_h_didn't we have to add g++ months ago to get things working?14:02
rick_h_or this is another case where we added the dep for dev but not for prod/charm?14:02
rick_h_and now we're hitting all kinds of upgrade fun?14:02
hatchrick_h_ I THINK we only added it locally14:03
frankbanhatch, rick_h_ yeah g++ is in the charm14:03
hatchthat's what typically causes the contextify issue14:03
rick_h_frankban: can we try to add a HOME= to the make target and see if it'll build then?14:03
frankbanrick_h_: that's what I was trying to do14:03
hatchError: node-gyp requires that the user's home directory is specified in either of the environmental variables HOME or USERPROFILE14:04
frankbanrick_h_: so the HOME will be root's home in the charm context14:04
rick_h_frankban: yea, :/ and kind of stupid it can't work in tmp or something. 14:05
hatchENOENT typically means that the directory doesn't exist or it can't access it14:06
rick_h_hatch: right, there's no HOME dir and so it can't build in it, or whatever it wants to do there14:06
rick_h_so yea, we need to give it a place to extract to. We might be able to fake it out if we had to, but building in /root will have to do as a start14:10
rick_h_btw, this is why I love OSS. "WTF..." *go load source*14:12
hatchOSS also has "RTFS MAN"14:13
hatchoh man this diff is hard to read, git split it up in a very funky way14:15
rick_h_hatch: try the whitespace trick?14:15
hatchit picked stuff from within another closure and considered it part of another fn14:16
hatchwhich is 'technically' correct14:16
hatchit's just hard to read14:16
rick_h_yea, the side by side is a little easier14:17
rick_h_but not much14:17
frankbanI'll call this "Friday's hot fixes vs charm development" hell :-/14:19
hatchso hot http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/hrlzerlexsbdxj8u0r5h.jpg14:19
hatchfrankban lol14:20
hatchwhy do you think we haven't updated node in 6 months :D14:20
frankbanwe did not update node, it's node that updated us14:20
frankbanwe were happy with our old good node, they decided to betray our trust, and to make us haters14:23
hatchthere is too much drama in the node world right now14:24
rick_h_heh, no kidding. You see the npmjs stuff? :P14:24
hatchugh what a shitshow14:24
rick_h_community building at its best14:24
hatchI feel like I'm back in highschool student body elections 14:24
hatchall I can say is that I'm super glad I didn't "donate" to npm 14:28
rick_h_yea, i almost did and very glad. I'm be fuming14:28
hatchI'm still trying to figure out how a product a guy made while working at another company was able to break off into another company14:29
hatchunless he did it in his own time...14:29
hatchbut I was sure it was done during the normal work14:29
rick_h_heh, guess who's investing and getting a bit of the company :)14:29
* rick_h_ says in a cynical voice14:29
hatchI'm wondering what their revenue plans are14:30
hatchthey are pretty unstable as-is using couchdb14:30
hatchso not sure if people would want to pay them for local instances14:30
hatchI'm just blaming couchdb because that always seems to be their reasoning when something goes down14:31
bacjujugui: i need a prelimary review of this charmworldlib branch that we're going to include several places as a forked version until it can be landed upstream.  any takers?  https://codereview.appspot.com/6943004314:33
frankbanbac: I'll try to take a look later if nobody else already did, now in the middle of a critical task14:35
bacfrankban: no rush14:35
rick_h_bac: looking14:36
hatchjcastro will the app developer week videos be recorded?14:40
jcastroI am assuming so14:44
jcastrothey're on G+14:44
hatchjcastro ok cool, I really want to watch but I don't think I can convince rick_h_  to give me that much TO :D14:54
hatchrick_h_ I've NEVER used middle click in the course of my daily activities :) 15:05
hatchalways ctrl+c/ctrl+shift+c15:05
hatchthe latter being VERY irritating when coming from iterm215:05
rick_h_hatch: ugh, neanderthal :P15:05
hatchhaha, I just wish someone would make a good linux terminal like iterm215:06
rick_h_oh you've got to be kidding me15:06
rick_h_urxvt is 10x the terminal iterm215:06
hatchdo I have to use ctrl+shift+c/p to interact with the terminal?15:06
rick_h_no, you use middle click and all is well15:06
hatchthere is no middle click on a touch pad :)15:07
rick_h_which is why I'm so irritated15:07
frankbanhatch: I use ^C ^V and remapped ^C to ^K15:07
rick_h_no idea what you use keyboard wise to copy/paste in a linux terminal15:07
hatchinteracting with the terminal in Ubuntu always feels like the terminal is a second class citizen 15:08
rick_h_heh, I feel that way in osc15:08
rick_h_it doesn't remember the size it was, home/etc is stupiud "fn arrow" crap15:08
rick_h_urls aren't highlighted and ready to go15:08
hatchyeah that's osx for ya15:09
hatchare you using iterm2?15:09
hatchit's highly customizable and you don't need to do any cryptic commands to change font colours :)15:09
hatchreally though....it should remember all your settings15:10
hatchmine does15:10
rick_h_yes, I'm using iterm215:10
rick_h_and any terminal that isn't config file configurable sucks...15:10
rick_h_no, you've got to go into the UI and set x, and y, and then z. Then go over to tab 5 and enter blah blah15:10
rick_h_instead of git clone github:config_files.git && make install15:11
jcastrofrankban, hey I just noticed, is there no way to make a manual provider with quickstart?15:11
frankbanjcastro: no, maas and manual are not yet supported15:11
frankbanjcastro: of course quickstart does not refuse to start unknown envs if they already exist15:12
hatchrick_h_ I am pretty sure you can import/export iterm2 profiles15:12
jcastroah ok15:12
rick_h_hatch: yea, I got some colors doing that. 15:13
rick_h_hatch: not sure how much config it'll support 15:13
hatchmy biggest issue with things like vim/terminal etc is the discoverability of features is 015:14
hatchoh you want to show 256 colours? sorry we only show you 1615:14
rick_h_hatch: it's why I love my git with my config15:15
rick_h_solve it once and never worry about it again15:15
hatchuntil new features come down and you realize you didn't know about them until a year later :P15:16
* hatch longs for a code-coverage tool for our tests15:31
* hatch sits up late at night sobbing for it's coming15:31
rick_h_hatch: good sprint idea to hack together 15:32
hatchtbh the real reason I want it is so that I don't have to keep going through the tests and my refactored code to make sure i hit every branch :)15:33
hatchit's very time consuming15:33
hatchI think I need a second job15:34
rick_h_not a fan of that front end15:35
hatchyeah it's a love it or hate it design15:35
hatchI'm in the former category15:35
rick_h_"hey, you guys forgot to finish the bumper"15:35
rick_h_it's like what would happen if under armor sponsored a car design15:36
rick_h_"new breathable mesh"15:36
hatchtypically that much air intake on the front of a car is an aerodynamic nightmare 15:36
hatchI'm curious as to how they solved that15:37
hatchif they did...15:37
frankbanrick_h_: could you take a quick look at https://codereview.appspot.com/67990044 ?15:37
rick_h_frankban: loading15:37
frankbancool thanks15:37
rick_h_frankban: need a qa? it looks good here. 15:37
frankbanrick_h_: good point. I think a QA might help. make deploy && juju set juju-gui juju-gui-source=develop && check veerything is ok15:38
frankbaneverything even15:39
rick_h_frankban: rgr, will do a ec2 test just to make sure we hit as close to live as possible.15:39
frankbanrick_h_: sounds good thanks15:39
rick_h_frankban: seen https://pastebin.canonical.com/105721/ ?15:41
frankbanrick_h_: it's a core error. are you using trunk?15:42
rick_h_frankban: testing something out. Looks like I might have had an old env laying around :/15:42
frankbanrick_h_: if not, do you have a stale jenv file?15:42
rick_h_yea, think I had some jenv around. My bad. Running juju on too many machines and don't realize I leave things in a bad state15:43
hatchgood to see that someone finally fixed that imagemagic issue that we had when upgrading before :)15:44
rick_h_jujugui call in 1015:50
hatchjujugui call in 215:57
jcastrorick_h_, I have questions for you after your call16:05
jcastroor if you guys want me in there at the end to make fun of me collectively I can do that16:05
rick_h_jcastro: after call is cool, be a bit 16:05
jcastrono worries!16:06
rick_h_http://mitechie.planningpoker.com/participants/new?token=hm67co 16:08
baceveryone votes 5 on leaving16:44
rick_h_jcastro: got time when you want to chat16:45
hatchbac haha16:45
hatchI was going to work a bit on my ghost charm this weekend 16:47
hatchand create a bundle which deploys everything to machine 016:47
rick_h_hatch: woot16:47
hatchbut there is a bug which will block that :(16:47
hatchthe gui binds to port 8016:47
hatchwhere ghost needs to be16:47
hatchhazmat filed it a while ago actually https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-gui/+bug/125642616:48
_mup_Bug #1256426: charm, allow binding to just 443 so can colocate with webapp on port 80 <juju-gui:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1256426>16:48
hatchit would be awesome if we could squish the fix into the schedule somewhere16:48
rick_h_yea, it'd be good to get that in as a config param16:48
rick_h_hatch: put a card in the backlog maint pool16:49
rick_h_and we'll try to get it up for looking at as part of a 2wk cycle16:49
hatchok cool can do, could the card be 'supply new http and https ports for the gui' ?16:49
jcastrorick_h_, https://plus.google.com/hangouts/_/72cpi1ph534ssfjd37rq6d5png?hl=en16:49
hatchso that the gui could be on any ports (in case the webapp needs https as well)16:49
frankbanhatch: currently the default is 443 and 80 redirects to 443. with secure=false you only have 8016:50
frankbanhatch: so I guess those are two separate tasks 1) an option to only bind to the real port without redirecting 80 (defaulting to false) and 2) and option to set the real port (defaulting to 443)16:51
hatchok great thanks I'll update the bug and make appropriate cards 16:52
hatchit would be super awesome to have a Ghost bundle all on a single machine16:52
frankbanhatch: the only missing bit is what happens when you set secure=false16:52
hatchjuju quickstart ghost-simple16:52
frankbanrick_h_: is charm deployment going well?16:54
rick_h_frankban: yes16:54
hatchfrankban right - I'd be happy to say certain config options are invalid when others are set16:54
rick_h_frankban: looking and testing it out but otp16:55
hatchif secure=false then you MUST have provided a insecure port16:55
hatchfor example16:55
frankbansounds reasonable16:55
frankbanrick_h_: cool thanks16:55
rick_h_frankban: looks good here thanks!16:59
frankbanrick_h_: great17:00
frankbanjujugui: starting the process for a charm release17:01
* hatch wishes his irc client did emoticons17:01
MakyoJust make it do a train whistle on :+1:17:02
rick_h_jujugui I'm not getting canonical admin emails right now so if you need approvaly for anything please ping me17:03
Makyorick_h_, ping :)17:03
rick_h_Makyo: lol17:03
hatchanyone else having issues sending emails?17:07
rick_h_jcastro: I lied, that is me17:10
jcastrorick_h_, ok, let Joey know17:11
rick_h_jcastro: yep, replied17:11
hatchUGH 17:22
rick_h_hatch: loves life...17:23
hatchI am irrationally agitated about the RL-1 not being available in English 17:23
* Makyo ducks out to laundromat, will be on once there under diff. nick.18:06
rick_h_yay! new yubikeys arrived. Time to yubikey all the machines!18:11
rick_h_can stop swapping them across machines now18:14
frankbanjujugui: cs:precise/juju-gui-85 released and ingested. EOD, have a great weekend!18:33
rick_h_frankban: thanks so much for that!18:33
rick_h_have a good weekend18:33
rick_h_jujugui if you've got any holiday time in the next two weeks please make sure to submit it so I can setup the number of cards correctly please19:18
hatchoh so DRAB19:29
hatchDrabMakyo I got a funny story for you19:29
hatchok it's not funny at all19:29
rick_h_ruh roh19:31
rick_h_I must prefer funny stories...especially when they're funny19:31
DrabMakyoHah!  Oh yeah?19:33
rick_h_this one time, at band camp, hatch wrote CS19:33
hatchthere is this reality tv show where they follow customs agents and all the dumb/funny things that happen19:33
DrabMakyoSHH Don't get him started.19:33
hatchlike people trying to get into the country with warrants and stuff like that19:34
hatchthis one guy got pulled aside for whatever reason and they pulled out a fox suit and was like 'wtf?'19:34
hatchand he said "I'm a furry..."19:34
hatchI smiled19:34
hatchbecause I knew what we was talking about lol19:34
rick_h_umm, ok19:34
rick_h_hah, come to penguicon, you'll get a lesson or three19:35
DrabMakyoIt's super important, okay? Haha19:35
hatchI had never heard of it until, what, 3 weeks ago? and now I've seen it on TV19:36
hatchcrazy times19:36
DrabMakyoIt's weird enough to be a media darling, yeah.19:36
rick_h_lol, you've never heard of it?19:36
hatchnope never19:36
rick_h_I'd think in that cold up there you'd all have nice warm furry costumes19:36
DrabMakyohatch is sheltered.19:37
hatchhey! I'm sure you guys have never heard of a snowmobile poker rally! 19:37
DrabMakyoYou got me there :)19:37
hatchjujugui lf a review on https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/15019:41
* hatch is stick of looking at that darn branch19:41
rick_h_hatch: looking19:41
rick_h_jujugui I've gotten the cards pulled out for the 2 week cycle. Lots of maint hopefully we can burn that down. 19:42
rick_h_let me know if anything looks off, but basically there's the plan for the next 2 weeks19:42
hatchrick_h_ heh, it looks like a lot of work for two weeks19:43
hatchI know it's "accurate" it just looks like a lot :)19:43
rick_h_5 devs * 10 days * 2 points per day = 100 points19:43
rick_h_that's about 79 points on the board19:44
hatchrick_h_ did you make changes to the CI?19:44
rick_h_hatch: my bad, I forgot that jujugui was our bot19:44
rick_h_and removed him from the juju team...oops19:44
rick_h_added back, sorry19:45
hatchnp, I just noticed a 'Merged build started' and 'Merged build triggered' and got concerned :)19:45
rick_h_same here19:46
hatchcan he be renamed to jujuguibot?19:46
rick_h_hatch: I suppose19:46
hatchwhichever :)19:47
rick_h_11 files?!19:47
hatchyeah see why code coverage would have been nice? lol19:48
hatchresponding while the comments come in is pretty cool19:56
hatchrick_h_ I responded while you were making comments so you will want to go through them again :)20:07
rick_h_lol, now to go read all the replies that are build up20:07
DrabMakyoHaha, ouch: http://twitter.com/appcode/status/437896886649757696/photo/120:09
hatchwell played 20:09
hatchwell played20:09
hatchvery retweet worthy 20:10
hatchjcastro do you have someone fixing that weird busted sticky header thing on discourse.ubuntu.com? Would you like someone to look into fixing it?20:12
rick_h_hatch: replies to your replies done20:12
hatchrick_h_ thanks, I'll get to making the changes20:13
rick_h_I'll get a QA setup going here20:13
DrabMakyorick_h_: now that I see what you mean by the JSON we get from cs, I think it might actually be easiest to just build the URLs from the GUI side.  At that point, we know we're getting charms from teh store because we requested the bundle from the store.20:23
rick_h_DrabMakyo: right but the json on a bundle details includes the bundle info so we don't have to make 100 calls out to the api20:24
rick_h_DrabMakyo: so I'm not sure how we can move that logic gui side 20:24
DrabMakyoIt looks like it contains most of the info there... https://gist.github.com/makyo/9279138  Maybe I misunderstand, though.  Let me poke around a bit more.20:27
DrabMakyoJust need to change these lines: https://gist.github.com/makyo/9279138#file-bundle-json-L1214 etc.20:27
hatchugh I gota run to the bank real quick20:28
hatchI'll be on the cell20:28
DrabMakyoI'll keep prowling, though.  Definitely want to be sure.  If nothing else, at least we have most of that info already in guiland20:29
rick_h_DrabMakyo: hangout?20:29
rick_h_maybe I'm just confused20:29
DrabMakyorick_h_: Uh, sure, can step outside.20:29
rick_h_DrabMakyo: ah, nvm20:30
rick_h_we can catch up monday20:30
rick_h_my thoguht is that charmworld can update the charm section for each service when it writes out that json20:30
rick_h_and then everything should 'just work' and it knows the url since it's building that charm_metadata20:31
DrabMakyorick_h_: oh, yeah, that'd work perfectly.20:31
rick_h_having gui aware that there's some magic there seems the wrong place for the magic20:31
DrabMakyoAh, yeah, that makes sense.20:31
DrabMakyorick_h_: would that be on outputting the json or on ingest/migration?20:31
DrabMakyoI had mentioned ingest in the doc, but could do either.20:32
rick_h_well my thought was to do it on ingestion so the data in the db is clean20:32
rick_h_vs havnig to remember to clean it any time we output it20:32
DrabMakyoYEp, sounds good.20:32
DrabMakyoLaundry's done.  Going to run back home.20:33
DrabMakyoBack in a few.20:33
rick_h_jujugui I'm out. Have a good weekend. Thanks for the branch hatch 20:52
hatchugh Friday bank and road traffic21:13

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