
valoriesame section: "Retaining largely the same user interface, it features great improvements in robustness."00:01
valoriemaybe: While mostly retaining the familiar user interface, improvements make Muon now more robust.00:03
valorie"The new Plasma Network Manager features a redisgned user interface, giving you more control while retaining its simplistic design."00:08
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ScottKvalorie: It's a wiki.  Just fix it.02:15
valorieoh, oops02:20
valoriewill do02:20
manchickenapachelogger: I'm going to plug away at the issues I have been having with saving before I start touching those bugs.03:08
manchickenGreat... my dbus calls are failing... *sigh*03:20
manchickenAnybody good at troubleshooting dbus stuff?03:21
manchickenI think that this may be related to this error I'm seeing: WARNING: Installation prefix does not match PolicyKit install prefixes. You probably will need to move files installed in POLICY_FILES_INSTALL_DIR and by dbus_add_activation_system_service to the /usr prefix03:28
manchickenSigh... this is much of what I had before.03:33
valoriemanchicken: did you run the kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental command to update the kde config?03:35
manchickenvalorie: The issue is that I'm trying to run this in parallel... which could be causing all of the bugs I'm seeing.03:44
manchickenI don't have a chroot set up.03:44
valorieah, that is far above my experience03:45
valoriereally the only thing I've built is amarok03:45
valorieand sometimes phonon and the backends03:45
valoriethe only other thing I can think of is doing the exports03:45
valorielike in amarok, you do: 03:45
valorieecho 'export KDEDIR=$HOME/kde' >> $HOME/.kde/env/myenv.sh03:45
valorieecho 'export KDEDIRS=$KDEDIR' >> $HOME/.kde/env/myenv.sh03:45
valorieecho 'export XDG_DATA_DIRS=$HOME/kde/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS' >> $HOME/.kde/env/myenv.sh03:45
valorieor rather, *for* amarok03:46
manchickenI think almost all of this is polkit stuff.03:49
manchickenIs chroot what all the cool kids are using in the packaging arena these days?03:52
valorieI've heard them talk about it03:52
valoriebut if you want to know about packaging you are asking the wrooooong person03:52
valorieI read the instructions Riddell gives to the new packagers, but after a bit I can no longer understand03:55
manchickenHappy day: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Ninjas/BuildEnvironment03:56
ahoneybunapachelogger, do you know anything about a deadline on the docs trello board about the screenshots?05:06
ahoneybunhey valorie 05:06
valoriejust the person I want to talk to05:07
valorieare our docs totally done except for translations?05:08
valorieincluding up to date slides and screenshots?05:08
ahoneybunvalorie, if your talking about the installlation part then yes05:09
ahoneybunI believe the other screenshots are good I'll look though them again05:09
valoriei'll go write an email about it to the translators then05:10
ahoneybunother then the installation page we only really have 1 screenshot and that is the one covering steam05:11
ahoneybunvalorie, you know the command to upgrade to a testing version?05:12
ahoneybunbeta 1 looks awesome05:12
valoriedo-release-upgrade -d I think05:12
ahoneybunthat does sound right05:13
valorieyes, man says so05:13
* ahoneybun has Kubuntu 13.10 on his macbook and wants to try out the goodies of the new beta05:13
ahoneybunvalorie, did you put that deadline on the screenshot?05:15
ahoneybunon trello05:15
valorieI've barely had time to breathe it seems like05:16
valoriebut at least I caught up on the kub-devel email05:17
ahoneybunwith the house?05:17
valoriehouse and everything else05:17
valorieit's fine05:17
ahoneybunlife pretty much05:18
* ahoneybun needs to start brainstorming for the next docs release05:18
valorieI've been going through all the old wiki pages while watching the daily show etc, and have marked a few as docs05:19
valorieIMO we should look at all the old doc stuff, and either move it to community (like how to build docs from launchpad)05:20
valorieor delete, unless it is a complete set correctly marked by release05:20
ahoneybunso what are we going to move to kde community?05:20
valorieno point in getting rid of historical docs05:21
valoriehelps for new docs people, or links we need access to ourselves05:21
valoriedunno if any pages are good enough to *move*05:22
ahoneybunso we are moving tips/hints, guides, some important info pages?05:22
valoriebut some might be useful to copy parts of05:22
valorieright, not stuff for users, but stuff for the doc team itself05:23
valorieI've seen some old stuff from darkwing05:23
valoriebut I have no clue if his procedures still work05:23
ahoneybunI see05:23
valorieright now, just marking pages as rubbish, look again, useful, or docs05:24
ahoneybunif the pages are mostly for us then why does not techbase work better?05:24
valorieapachelogger marked a bunch of them already05:24
valoriethat's a good question -- if you look at techbase, it is all about how to build and develop KDE software though05:25
ahoneybunthe doc team seems to be a bit quiet05:25
valorieI don't see our stuff fitting there, unless maybe "how to package" information maybe05:25
ahoneybunrelating to how to build a docs package?05:26
valorieI think harald's idea was to use community so it wouldn't bother anybody05:26
valorieperhaps you and he should talk about that05:26
* valorie is only marking pages05:26
ahoneybunI would think techbase would need lots of talking05:26
ahoneybuntbh I'm not fully understanding why we are copying content over05:27
ahoneybunbecause we see how moinmoin is horrible05:27
valoriemoinmoin IS horrible05:28
valoriesometimes I have to wait a full minute for stuff to save05:28
valorieadding one category05:28
ahoneybunI guess I need to understand how we determine the category05:29
valorielike I said, most of the pages are just historical05:30
valorieI didn't even open them05:30
ahoneybunI see05:30
ahoneybunI g2g to sleep05:31
valoriesweet dreams, ahoneybun05:34
soeegood morning07:09
jussimorning soee07:09
jussidid apachelogger get his screenshot eventually ?07:09
valorieI lost track07:10
jussivalorie: soee was going to make it...07:10
soeeyes i asked him what should be on this screens yetserday after return from meeting and he said he has oen already07:11
soeeok can someone confirm that Forefox 28 beta landed in trusty updates or i have some extra repo ?07:13
valorie!info firefox trusty07:15
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 28.0~b2+build1-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 24503 kB, installed size 59482 kB07:15
soeeok nice, finally :)07:15
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apacheloggerronnoc_: I think you are googleplussing the wrong way if you search for a type of thing, rather than the thing08:20
apacheloggermanchicken: having not read the entire backlog, I'd say you should set your CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr (or you could just always install through package, also a possibility I guess)08:21
apacheloggervalorie: thanks for beta1 page fixes08:21
apacheloggerahoneybun: I don't know anything about any deadline, if you link me a card or something I might08:21
apacheloggervalorie, ahoneybun: the documentation we might be moving to community.kde is not general purpose packaging, it's very specific high-automation workflow documentation specific to us08:22
valorieI've enjoyed my journey through the wiki08:23
valorieso much history there08:23
valorienot nearly as much crap as i expected08:23
valorienot all that much useful stuff either though08:24
valorieyou've found almost all of it already08:24
soeesomeone please post some info ong+ about beta1 :)08:35
Mamarokdear apachelogger: why does Trusty use the gstreamer backend as default? Shouldn't it use the vlc one? at least according to your own recommendations vlc is the preferred backend.09:43
Mamarokkde bug 331586, I closed it with comments09:44
ubottuKDE bug 331586 in general "Unable to play mp3 files" [Crash,Resolved: upstream] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=33158609:44
apacheloggerMamarok: distro decision09:45
Mamarokin other words: we will be flooded with crash reports09:46
MamarokRiddell: ^ that was not a good idea09:47
valorieany chance of a gst upgrade in time?09:47
Mamarokvalorie: that is not the problem, the problem is the current backend09:48
Mamarokand AFAIK the implementaiton with gstreamer 1.x is not nearly finished09:48
MamarokPhonon developer recommendation: do not use the current gstreamer backend anymore, use the vlc one09:48
valorieah, wishful thinking on my part09:48
Mamarokapachelogger: is there really somebody working on the newer one or did that chap from Fedora already abandon the task?09:49
apacheloggerhe was thinking about pushign a alpha/beta the other day to get some testing on what is there09:49
Mamarokwould be a good idea09:50
apacheloggeralso the phonon developer recommendation is: use the vlc backend if at all possible09:50
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soeemuon by default is not avaialble in 14.04 ?10:53
apacheloggerlordievader: did you see bug 1262779 when testing the OEM install?11:01
ubottubug 1262779 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Trusty) "KDE oem-config requires extra Continue click to prevent crash" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/126277911:01
apacheloggerbecause I did not on amd6411:01
ronnocapachelogger: maybe, but many people use hashtags on G+ :p11:02
apacheloggerit's not like I can make people use hashtags11:02
ronnocfor instance, if I want to see what ppl are saying about kubuntu (besides kubuntu itself) I would #kubuntu!11:03
ronnocpoint taken tho11:03
lordievaderapachelogger: The oem-installer didn't crash on me.11:04
apacheloggermight be fixed then11:04
apacheloggershadeslayer: bug 128609011:17
ubottubug 1286090 in kubuntu-driver-manager (Ubuntu) "reboot required" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128609011:17
BluesKaj'Morning folks11:44
apacheloggerdebian bug 63177711:53
ubottuDebian bug 631777 in im-config "im-config: please downgrade zenity to Recommends" [Wishlist,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/63177711:53
apacheloggerBluesKaj: ahoy11:53
* apachelogger wonders why im-config depends zenity|kdialog|dialog and in addition recommends dialog11:54
apacheloggermuch weird11:54
BluesKajHi apachelogger 11:56
BluesKajbeta1 today, or so says the email :)11:56
apacheloggerhaving both libreoffice and calligra on the ISO is a really shitty thing -.-12:10
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apacheloggerRiddell: https://trello.com/c/loyRLGfI13:26
apachelogger./debian/patches/plasma_netbook_fix_autostart.diff:+        options.add("noautostart", ki18n("Explicit --desktop enables autostart handling which may be disabled with this option"));13:38
apacheloggerthe debian is adding the strings to the upstream software13:38
apacheloggermsgid "Debian policy compatibility, not used"13:38
apacheloggersome are even completely pointless13:38
apacheloggermuch magic13:38
apachelogger#: src/akregator_part.cpp:19413:39
apacheloggermsgid "Kubuntu Wire"13:39
apacheloggerand apparently we patch the akregator13:39
apacheloggeralso very fancy13:39
apacheloggerRiddell: btw, I hope you remember when I note that maybe kf5 branches should be in another project than kubuntu-packaging13:40
apacheloggerthey are now actively screwing with the kubuntu-patched-l10n automation13:41
* apachelogger calls it a week and heads out for a drink13:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: drinks at 3 ? :O13:46
d_edcould someone here do me a favour. Can you do an "ls -l ~/.cache/upstart/dbus.log"15:36
d_edand tell me if it's insanely huge15:36
d_edanything greater than a few Mb15:36
shadeslayerd_ed: 13M here15:42
shadeslayerthough I have 7 other files gzip'd on disk15:42
shadeslayerd_ed: entire folder is 3.6 G15:43
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sgclarkhello, can someone please review and push bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/plasma-framework Riddell is out until Monday15:58
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shadeslayersgclark: push to where?16:16
manchicken1apachelogger: I think that some of the issues I'm having are the dbus adaptor from my development version conflicting with the live one.16:17
manchicken1That may even be the source of some of the weird behavior I'm seeing.16:17
* shadeslayer is so angry at kconf_update right now16:17
manchicken1I'm thinking I need to move this into a chroot before continuing.16:17
manchicken1Which sucks.16:17
shadeslayerthe stupid thing is reading the wrong group from the kickoffrc of kubuntu-settings-desktop16:18
sgclarkshadeslayer: experimental ppa? not entirely sure, Riddell has been helping me16:22
shadeslayersgclark: is it blocking?16:50
sgclarkshadeslayer: blocking? it is the final to finish up this round of kf516:59
shadeslayerhm ok17:03
shadeslayersgclark: will have a look17:03
shadeslayerin another hour17:03
sgclarkshadeslayer: ty17:04
shadeslayerRiddell: apachelogger: so the upd script is busted18:11
shadeslayerfor kickoffrc18:11
shadeslayerand I don't know how to fix it18:11
shadeslayeraccording to the documentation it should work18:11
shadeslayercode looks wonky though18:11
shadeslayersgclark: patch doesn't apply?18:18
shadeslayersgclark: http://paste.kde.org/pebbnzgko18:22
shadeslayersgclark: poke poke18:35
sgclarkshadeslayer: sorry was away19:11
shadeslayerso kwallet was renamed to kwalletmanager19:57
shadeslayerthoughts on preserving history?19:57
shadeslayersgclark: fixed?20:21
sgclarkshadeslayer: fixed what?20:21
shadeslayersgclark: see http://paste.kde.org/pebbnzgko20:22
sgclarkshadeslayer why is it downloading kprintutils?20:24
shadeslayersgclark: because someone forgot to update the watch file :)20:25
sgclarkoh i see20:25
sgclarkshadeslayer ok fixed20:27
shadeslayersgclark: thx, uploaded20:30
shadeslayer[PPA kubuntu-ppa-experimental] [ubuntu/trusty] plasma-framework 4.96.0-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 (Accepted)20:32
ahoneybunshadeslayer, where would I file a bug on Telepathy KDE?20:54
Mamarokahoneybun: try this: https://bugs.kde.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=telepathy&format=guided20:55
ahoneybunMamarok, thanks21:01
Mamarokyou are welcome21:02
ubottuKDE bug 331632 in auth-handler "When Google Talk has 2 step login you can't login to Telepathy KDE" [Wishlist,Unconfirmed]21:13
Riddellhow was the beta?22:18
shadeslayerRiddell: went off smoothly23:17
* ahoneybun is running 14.04 beta 1 on his macbook pretty good so far23:37
shadeslayerRiddell: I'm uploading 4.12.3 btw23:45

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