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pietro10ok new NFS share problem: I go to mkdir in the share, which is marked rw, but I get permission denied00:06
pietro10/var/log/syslog doesn't say anything - is there anywhere else I can find out what happened00:06
pietro10uid mismatch, apparently00:08
pietro10I'm 1000 on the host, 501 as the guest (Mac OS X) - is there an easy or safe way to fix it?00:08
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zooreyKubuntu power off automatically00:50
zooreywhile using the computer00:51
zooreyWhat can I do to solve this?00:51
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valoriebut why do people ask questions then leave before getting an answer!02:29
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rcw2dragon player can play dvds but not vlc.  any suggestions?04:06
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valoriercw2: you need libdvd ... something04:48
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:48
valorieoh, kubuntu-restricted-extras might contain that04:49
rwwthe libdvdcss package itself isn't in the repositories. it includes libdvdread4, though04:50
valorieI remember a debate about hosting that file04:51
valorieI think it is hosted by the vlc folks04:51
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Kingdroidayo, anyone around to help a noob who kinda fucked up trying to install kubuntu?07:08
valorieKingdroid: so kubuntu-desktop didn't work?07:09
valorieoh, and language....07:09
Kingdroidit jsut told me kubuntu was up to dat07:11
Kingdroidi triedsudo mv /etc/x11/xorg.conf /etc/x11/xorg.conf.old07:12
Kingdroidcuz a friiend suggested it07:12
Kingdroidbut that just flat out didnt work07:12
Kingdroidi tried to boot in recovery mode07:12
Kingdroidand then go tom failsafex07:12
valorieso did you try burning a kub. ISO and check out the live session?07:12
Kingdroidbut, after i chose it my screen went blank07:12
Kingdroidno, that was my next option, tbh07:12
Kingdroidbut i wnated to have one last go07:13
ubottuThe X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf07:13
Kingdroidbefore just redoing the whole deal07:13
ubottuThe /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is deprecated, but sometimes may still be needed to pass values to specific drivers. Generic xorg.conf generation: http://ubottu.com/y/xorgconf - ATI/AMD ( fglrx driver ) specific: http://ubottu.com/y/atiamd - NVidia ( nvidia driver )specific: http://ubottu.com/y/nvidia man xorg.conf for file structure and syntax.07:13
valoriethere are some links to start with, at least07:13
Kingdroidty ill look into them07:14
Kingdroiddo you think its because i have dual monitors maybe?07:15
valoriekscreen usually handles that no problemo07:16
valorieKingdroid: I don't recall -- are you doing 13.10?07:17
valorieor trying to do LTS07:17
Kingdroidi installed 12.04 from usb originally07:18
Kingdroidso ye lts07:18
Kingdroidis that bad? :(07:18
valoriein general, that's great for businesses, and non-tech people who never want to update07:18
valoriefor everyone else, up-to-date is the best07:18
Kingdroidim just gonna redo the whole thing07:18
valorieI mean, we're in beta for the next LTS right now07:19
valorieif you want kubuntu, just burn the iso for kubuntu07:19
valorieand don't mess with ubuntu + KDE07:19
Kingdroidtbh, im getting kubuntu because my friend who knows this stuff pretty well suggested it07:19
Kingdroidso, if i do the kubuntu onto a USB it will overwrite my current install07:20
Kingdroidor do i need to uninstall07:20
valorieyes, you can only put one ISO per thumb drive07:22
valoriewell, you can only *burn* one07:23
valoriethe install is on your hard drive, and you can over-write, or install in the free space07:23
valoriewhatever you desire07:23
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.07:23
Kingdroidjust wanted to make sure i didnt have to uninstall the current ubuntu on my hdd07:24
Kingdroidor if i could jsut overwrite with kubuntu07:24
valorieoh, you don't want to mount it07:24
valoriewrong factoid07:24
Kingdroidits fine, im on widnows 7 atm07:24
Kingdroidso im just using a tool for it07:24
Kingdroidsame tool i used for the ubuntu install07:24
valorieok, but I've never known windows to do a good burn07:24
valorieplease do the md5 verification07:25
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows07:25
valoriesecond link07:25
Kingdroidwhat will this do?07:27
valoriewhat will what do?07:27
valoriechecking the md5sum?07:28
valorieit verifies that what you downloaded is a complete, accurate file07:28
valorieit is annoying to take the time to burn an ISO and then have it not work07:29
Kingdroidoh ok07:35
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Kingdroidhow do i change where the prompt location is07:36
Kingdroidfor example it needs to be in docs and setting07:36
Kingdroidbut  mine is in users\user07:37
valoriegosh, I have no clue07:37
valorieI haven't used windows for a decade07:37
lordievaderKingdroid: cd works in Powershell and, I think, in cmd.07:46
Kingdroidim in the command prompt but it said it cant find the specified path07:47
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BluesKaj'Morning folks11:44
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ronnocwonder what could be done with this team: https://launchpad.net/~kubuntu-users12:20
ronnocit's owned by the kubuntu council - but I wonder why it was even made?12:20
cornel_hey! how does one get the channel list in irc?12:21
lordievadercornel_: Try alis.12:22
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*12:23
lordievaderronnoc: I suppose this is better asked in #kubuntu-devel12:23
ronnochi lordievader. probably no one there knows, either lol12:23
lordievaderronnoc: Hmm, odd.12:24
ronnocI can't think of any good reason for it to exist actually. except maybe for advocacy.12:25
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TecnicaI installed Kubunto 13.10 did a restart now it's stuck at a dos like screen asking me to login which I did and now I am at a $ prompt whats going on?14:29
TecnicaHow come it doesn't go directly into kde?14:29
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catopettI love kubuntu15:29
catopettCan someone tell me something?15:29
catopettWhy does KUBUNTU have more support for hardware then gnome has?15:30
BluesKajcatopett, which HW?15:35
pfoocatopett: more ?!15:42
catopettI tryed all KUBUNTU, both with either GNOME and KDE, with KDE i get wi-fi working, not with GNOME15:42
catopettWith GNOME i cannot find wi-fi hardware15:43
catopettNeither soundcard15:43
catopettWith KDE all work good15:43
pfoohardware support is kernel related, you should not have any more *hardware* issue with kde or gnome under (k)ubuntu15:49
catopettStill it happens this way, i do not know why15:50
pfoohow did you setup gnome ?15:51
catopettI did not set up GNOME i just installed UBUNTU with GNOME right on , the same with KDE15:56
daniel__I have problem with KDE when desctop effect are turn on all windows are black inside15:58
daniel__can anyone help?15:59
daniel___so I did upgrade mesa from ppa and now is working fine16:13
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krisecan anybody sugsest me app so i can control my computer touchpad with my android phone18:04
jairoveleztengo Kubuntu 13.10 y deseo instalar el escritorio movistar para conectarme a Internet por medio de un modem Huawei, cómo hago? he  intentado configurando en preferencias de Network Manager, pero el resultado es que no reconoce ni siquiera el dispositivo como un modem sino como una unidad  de cd18:37
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rohanKDE crashes tell me to contact kubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com with the backtrace, but i can't post to that list19:21
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valorieronnoc: perhaps at one time we thought of using a launchpad list instead of a ubuntu list22:35
valorieit could be used for surveys and the like....22:36
valorierohan: why can't you post to that list?22:37
rohanvalorie: i got an automated email saying that the list does not allow public potts22:38
rohanapachelogger: You are not allowed to post to this mailing list, and your message has22:39
rohanbeen automatically rejected.  If you think that your messages are22:39
rohanbeing rejected in error, contact the mailing list owner at22:39
rohanthat's all the email said22:39
valoriethen you could subscribe.... if you are going to test and so forth, that's a good thing22:40
valorienot a high-volume list22:40
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rohanvalorie: good idea, thanks23:54
rohanvalorie: hm, it does have quite a few emails23:57

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